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Boar Incarnon Genesis is an item that is used to add Incarnon upgrades to the Boar Boar or BoarPrime Boar Prime.


Incarnon Genesis[]


  • Installing the Boar Incarnon Genesis requires 20 PathosClamp Pathos Clamps, 60 RuneMarrow Rune Marrow, and 60 TasomaExtract Tasoma Extract.
  • When installed, the first Evolution tier is unlocked. The following Evolution tiers, their requirements for unlocking them, and their related perks, are shown below;

Evolution I[]

  • Weakpoint hits charge Incarnon Transmutation; Alt Fire transmutes. Switching back will expend any remaining charge.
  • Fires three short-range beams that chain link enemies.
    • Incarnon Form becomes a continuous beam weapon that can fire up to 3 beams that automatically target enemies within 10° of the reticle, with each beam chaining up to 2 nearby enemy within 9 meters of the initial target, with each chain doing 80% of the previous one's damage. Beams remain locked on enemies while they are within 55° of the reticle. While in Incarnon Form, it inflicts pure DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage with increased Critical Chance, Critical Multiplier, and Fire Rate. However, it has reduced damage and Zoom, and the main beam has a maximum range of 20 meters.
  • Mode switching is not instantaneous and has an animation equal to the weapon's reload speed.
  • Incarnon Form is activated by filling the Incarnon Transmutation gauge that appears under the reticle by achieving weakpoint hits and then pressing the Alternate Fire button. 50 weakpoints will completely fill the gauge. A full gauge is not required to activate Incarnon Form.
    • Charges do not generate on the backpacks of most MOA variants, or vulnerability spots generated by Sonar130xWhite Sonar or Mod TT 20px Detect Vulnerability in places other than actual weakpoints.
    • Weakpoints on corpses or Invulnerable targets do not build charges.
    • Individual Multishot bullets can build charges.
  • Instead of drawing ammunition from its reserves, the Boar's Incarnon Form uses a separate "magazine" with each charge producing 3 rounds to a maximum of 150. Once all ammunition is expended, the Boar reverts to its normal form.
    • Incarnon Form's magazine is not affected by mods.
    • Incarnon Form is not affected by Ammo Efficiency (such as EnergizedMunitions130xWhite Energized Munitions).
    • Charges and Incarnon Form persists through all activities, such as holstering, bleedout, or being disarmed. However, charges and Incarnon Form are removed upon death.
  • Swapping to and from Incarnon Form will fully reload the normal form's magazine.

Evolution II[]

  • Unlock Challenge: Complete a solo mission with this weapon equipped.
  • Perk 1: Reified Bane:
    • Increase Damage by +10.
    • On Reload From Empty: Increase Damage by +10.
      • The damage bonus is applied after finishing a reload while the magazine is empty, and lasts indefinitely until a manual reload is initiated while the magazine is not empty. Refilling the magazine through other means (such as with Mod TT 20px Blood For Ammo) will not remove the bonus.
  • Perk 2: Fortress Salvo:
    • Increase Damage by +16.
    • With Armor Over 450: +4 Punch Through

Evolution III[]

  • Unlock Challenge: Kill 100 enemies with this weapon's Incarnon Form.
  • Perk 1: Ready Retaliation:
    • On Reload From Empty: +100% Reload Speed.
      • As the reload speed bonus is only applied at the end of the first reload from empty, the bonus will not apply to the first reload, only subsequent ones.
  • Perk 2: Mercenary Chamber:
    • Increase ammo capacity to 195.
  • Perk 3: Practiced Grip:
    • Increase Accuracy by +50%.

Evolution IV[]

  • Unlock Challenge: Kill 30 enemies without reloading.
  • Perk 1: Elemental Balance:
    • Increase Base Status Chance by +12% per projectile.
    • Increase Base Status Chance by +96% for Incarnon Form.
  • Perk 2: Critical Parallel:
    • Increase Critical Chance by +20%.
    • Increase Critical Damage Multiplier by +0.5x.
  • Perk 3: Survivor's Edge:
    • Increase Base Critical Chance by +10%.
    • Increase Base Status Chance by +6% per projectile.
    • Increase Base Status Chance by +48% for Incarnon Form.


Known Bugs[]

Patch History[]

Hotfix 37.0.4 (2024-10-10)

  • Updated the following Incarnon Evolution descriptions to specify “Weakpoint Hits” instead of “Headshots”:
    • “X% Critical Chance on Weakpoint Hits”
    • “Weakpoint Hits charge Incarnon Transmutation; Alt Fire transmutes. Switching back will expend any remaining charge.”
    • “On Consecutive Weakpoint Hits.”

Hotfix 33.6.4 (2023-08-15)

  • Changed the way Elemental Balance’s Status Chance bonus (we will be doing the same for Survivor’s Edge in a follow up hotfix) applied to be consistent with the Strun Incarnon: Now it applies to each projectile instead of being divided by the Multishot count.
    • Prior to the above change, Elemental Balance’s 12% Status Chance bonus would grant 7.5% - 9% per projectile. Now it grants 7.5% - 19.5% per projectile.

Update 33.6 (2023-07-27)

  • Introduced.
