
Blood Forge is a Warframe Augment Mod for GarudaIcon272 Garuda's Bloodletting130xWhite Bloodletting to reload her equipped weapon up to a percentage.


Rank Reloaded Up To Cost
0 25% 6
1 50% 7
2 75% 8
3 100% 9


  • This mod can be acquired by attaining the rank of Exalted under Red Veil, or the rank of General under Steel Meridian, and spending ReputationLarge 25,000 to purchase.


  • This mod works effectively for both primary and secondary weapons, as well as Archguns with Gravimags, as long as Garuda is actively using them.
  • Reloaded ammo is taken from the equipped weapon's ammo reserves. This mod does not generate ammo.
  • Works well with weapons with slow reload speed (e.g. Nagantaka Nagantaka, ArcaPlasmor Arca Plasmor (TenetArcaPlasmor Tenet), Gorgon Gorgon and its variants).
  • Affects weapons that reload one round at a time (e.g. Strun Strun, Corinth Corinth, Zarr Zarr (KuvaZarr Kuva), Felarx Felarx), resulting in a very quick full reload.

Patch History[]

Hotfix 32.2.5 (2022-12-14)

  • Fixed Garuda’s Blood Forge Augment Mod not refilling the ammo of Battery Weapons.
    • Battery Weapons will now have their ammo charged to full instantly when Bloodletting is cast.

Update 27.1 (2020-02-04)

  • Introduced.