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Blaze Artillery

Deploys an artillery unit to blast plasma charges at enemies it faces. Each enemy hit increases the power of subsequent plasma attacks.

Introduced in Update 28.0 (2020-06-11)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:100 / 150 / 200 / 500 (DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage per shot)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:3 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:30 m (targeting range)

Misc: 3/s (shots per second)
130° (firing arc)
3 (limit of active turrets)
100% (DmgFireSmall64 Heat status chance)
2 m (area of effect)
+100% (damage bonus per hit)


  • Protea expends EnergyOrb50 energy to launch the plasma turret attached to her utility belt, facing toward the aiming reticle. Once deployed, Blaze Artillery hovers in place for AbilityDurationBuff3 seconds, constantly acquiring enemy targets within Line of Sight, AbilityRangeBuff30 meters and a 130 degree frontal cone to fire plasma charges upon with a fire rate of 3 shots per second;. Protea may deploy up to 3 plasma turrets on the battlefield at once.
    • Deploying animation speed is affected by Casting Speed, from mods such as Mod TT 20px Natural Talent and Mod TT 20px Speed Drift.
    • Recasting the ability at the maximum turret limit will remove the oldest turret.
    • Turret duration is shown on the ability icon, as well as displayed on the rear of the turret as a holographic circle.
  • When a target is acquired, the turret fires a stream of scorching plasma with infinite body Punch Through to inflict AbilityStrengthBuff100 / 150 / 200 / 500 DmgFireSmall64 Heat damage with a 100% status chance within a 2 meter radius around its target. Blaze Artillery's overall damage increases by 100% for each successful hit against all enemies caught in a plasma stream, stacking for subsequent attacks.
    • The current amount of the damage multiplier from enemies hit is shown on the rear of the turret.
    • Plasma turret will attempt to fire at different targets in range throughout the artillery's lifetime.
    • Enemies within coverage of a Nullifier Crewman's bubble will not be targeted by the turret.
  • Ability Synergy:
    • Blaze Artilleries contribute damage to TemporalAnchor130xWhite Temporal Anchor's recorded damage pool for the implosion on rewind.
  • Can be recast while active to deploy multiple turrets.
  • Casting Blaze Artillery is an upper-body animation that allows movement.
  • Blaze Artillery is an invulnerable object that hovers in front and above Protea as she deploys it.
    • Once deployed, the compact state of the plasma turret disappears from Protea's utility belt.
  • Blaze Artillery turret uses a custom model that resembles a floating flak turret with dual cannons. Cannons visually recoil when firing plasma charges, as particle effects pour out from the firing cannon followed by the plasma stream surging through the air at high speed.
    • On expiration, the turret collapses in on itself in a warping effect; if the expiring turret is the last active instance, it will instantly reappear on Protea's utility belt in the compact state.


Main article: Temporal Artillery

Temporal Artillery is a Warframe Augment Mod for ProteaIcon272 Protea's BlazeArtillery130xWhite Blaze Artillery that causes a single artillery to follow Protea with its duration paused while TemporalAnchor130xWhite Temporal Anchor is active, but receives a cap to its maximum combo count.

Temporal Artillery

Tips & Tricks

  • Face toward a crowd of enemies then place a turret. To maximize the plasma charges fired, engage the turret against a number of enemies or heavy units that require several attacks to kill.
  • Preemptively place turrets toward directions where enemy forces are likely to come into view.
  • When heading to extraction, deploy turrets facing ahead to guard you and your teammates from enemies in front and coming up from behind.
  • Damage multiplier is based on the number of enemies hit by a single plasma stream. Blaze Artillery quickly raises its damage multiplier when used in crowded hallways and tight corridors, where plasma streams can pierce through multiple enemies aligned with the shot.
  • Plasma turrets prefer to target the closest enemies and switch between targets in range. Use this behavior to your advantage to spread the damage around and apply DmgFireSmall64 Heat status effects to stun enemies with a lingering damage over time.
  • Due to the punch-through of plasma streams, it is ideal to deploy Blaze Artilleries near the ground to align the shots with crowds of enemies.
    • However, deploying turrets higher up gives a greater field of vision when there are obstacles.
  • Arrange lines of Shrapnel Vortexes with GrenadeFan130xWhite Grenade Fan parallel to each other, creating a funnel to push enemies into the center lane. Deploy turrets to strike the enemies in single file, helping raise each plasma turret's damage multiplier.
  • Activate TemporalAnchor130xWhite Temporal Anchor and place multiple turrets. Direct damage from plasma turrets, including the damage over time from DmgFireSmall64 Heat status effect are recorded to fuel the temporal implosion.
    • Energy spent on the turrets are returned once Protea rewinds.
    • Alternatively, use the temporal implosion to pull enemies to the center, then deploy turrets to increase their damage multipliers quickly.


See Also[]
