Bird 3 is a member of the Cavia Syndicate, animals who gained intelligence due to "Papa" Albrecht Entrati's Void experiments. Bird 3 sells various wares for Cavia Standing.
Unlike his contemporaries, Bird 3 seems to have a less developed intelligence and has a simplistic, naive point of view that is still largely animalistic, unable to process Tagfer's grief or Fibonacci's intellectualism and speaking in childlike grammar. However, he is more simple than outright dumb - his more primal viewpoint also allows him to recognize when his peers are wasting time on issues that they cannot help in the near future.
Lore & History[]
Bird 3 sells Qorvex, Grimoire, Ekhein, Melee Arcane Adapter, as well as a variety of Melee Arcane, Sigils, Captura scenes, and Necramech mods for Standing.
Shiny Treasures[]
Bird 3 offers Entrati Laboratory decors in exchange for resources from Albrecht's Laboratories, cycles offers every 24 hours. Also sells an Archon Shard for Standing that rotates weekly.
- Rotating offerings every week
On Rank 5 - Illuminate, only one reward is available per week and it can only be bought once that week. Every week, the 3 offerings will rotate from left to right, which takes 3 weeks for a full loop.
Note: Click here and purge the page's cache if the above weekly item is wrong. You have to do this every week when the weekly reward changes, which is every Sunday midnight UTC time or when the countdown timer above reaches zero.