The Back To School Special Alert Week is a week-long event that ran from September 8, 2014 to September 14, 2014, consisting of 24-hour Alert missions that gave special rewards upon completion including Mods and Resources not normally found in standard Alerts. Each day focused on a particular theme, determining the kind of rewards available.
Three 24-hour alerts per day will go up every 2PM EDT, offering a different set of rewards depending on the day. All of these alerts take place within the inner Planets, which are Mercury, Venus, and Earth, allowing even low-ranking players to participate.
Monday, September 8: Kubrow ate my homework!
- Alert 1: Kubrow Egg
- Alert 2: Link Vitality Mod
- Alert 3: Bite Mod
Tuesday, September 9: Engineers are a student's best friend!
Wednesday, September 10: Homework is a Nightmare!
- Alert 1: Hammer Shot
- Alert 2: Fortitude
- Alert 3: Blaze
Thursday, September 11: Don't let friends Corrupt you!
- Alert 1: Blind Rage
- Alert 2: Narrow Minded
- Alert 3: Fleeting Expertise
Friday, September 12: Schoolyard Stancefights!
- Alert 1: Crimson Dervish
- Alert 2: Tranquil Cleave
- Alert 3: Gleaming Talon
Saturday, September 13: Cite your Resources in MLA format!
- Alert 1: Neurode
- Alert 2: Orokin Cell
- Alert 3: Argon Crystal
Sunday, September 14: Weekend almost over!
- Alert 1: Forma BP
- Alert 2: Forma Crafted (Item)
- Alert 3: Orokin Catalyst