Avichaeas are Infested avian creatures that are native to the Cambion Drift on Deimos. They can be found in groups of three in the wild or tracked down as a Conservation activity. There are currently 3 subspecies of Avichaeas.
Avichaeas are primitive and skittish creatures that look like something out of a different geological era. They are more likely to flee when confronted. Despite their anxious nature, Avichaeas are curious creatures, and will investigate any nearby call.
They are known to cling to walls of Deimos' unique environment, and can be found easily by merely looking up.
A common Avichaea subspecies. Said to be skittish and easily frightened.
When captured via Conservation, they will reward the following:
Perfect | Good | Bad |
3x Common Avichaea Tag | 2x Common Avichaea Tag | 1x Common Avichaea Tag |
A rare Avichaea subspecies that only appears during Vome. These delicate creatures will release a swarm of spores when startled. Precise care must be taken when transporting Sporule Avichaeas, as to not release any stray spores.
When captured via Conservation, they will reward the following:
Perfect | Good | Bad |
3x Sporule Avichaea Tag | 2x Sporule Avichaea Tag | 1x Sporule Avichaea Tag |
A rare Avichaea subspecies that only appears during Fass. Rarely seen throughout the decades, Viscid Avichaeas are said to be extremely glutinous and sticky. Catching one is no small task, especially for beginners.
When captured via Conservation, they will reward the following:
Perfect | Good | Bad |
3x Viscid Avichaea Tag | 2x Viscid Avichaea Tag | 1x Viscid Avichaea Tag |
- Avichaeas have a similar appearance to Mergoo, and may have been Mergoo that have been altered by the Infestation.
Patch History[]
Hotfix 35.5.2 (2024-03-28)
- Fixed the Tranq Rifle unintentionally killing Avichaea instead of tranquilizing them (RIP).
Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)
- Higher quality Conservation captures will now provide better rewards, as they do in our other Free Roam landscapes. Scoring a “Good” capture will now provide 2 animal capture Tags instead of 1, and “Perfect” captures will award 3 Tags!
- Increased number of Avichea spawned at Call Points from 1 to 2-4 and improved spawn position.
Update 29.0 (2020-08-25)
- Introduced.