
The Artemis Bow is IvaraIcon272 Ivara's and Ivara PrimeIcon272 Ivara Prime's signature Exalted Weapon, summoned by activating the ability of the same name. It fires seven arrows at once in a vertical spread, which can be reoriented into a horizontal spread by holding down the fire button.

Refer to the weapon's ability page for a list of mods that affect the weapon.


  • This weapon deals primarily DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage.
  • Innate 1 meter punch through.
  • Mod TT 20px Concentrated Arrow augment replaces the 7 arrows for a single arrow that, on headshots, has increased critical chance and releases a DmgBlastSmall64 Blast explosion with a guaranteed DmgImpactSmall64 Impact proc.
    • The single arrow deals the same amount of damage as an individual arrow without the augment.
    • Charge has no effect on damage; only the projectile speed.
    • Explosion has 0% status chance.
    • Punch Through is removed, and can not be increased with mods.
  • Innate two Madurai Pol and one Naramon Pol polarities.
  • Can use the bow-exclusive Mod TT 20px Thunderbolt mod.
  • Unlike other Exalted Weapons, it does not have continuous energy drain and Ivara can gain energy from passive energy regeneration while it is active, such as from Mod TT 20px Energy Siphon.


  • Second-highest base damage of all weapons in the game, after Arquebex.
  • Very high critical chance.
  • High status chance.
  • Innate multishot of 7 arrows, which can be oriented vertically, horizontally, or diagonally based on charge time.
    • Arrow damage and status chance are not divided among the arrows.
    • Damage is unaffected by charge amount.
  • Pinpoint accuracy.
  • Silent.
  • On kill, bodies will follow the arrow that killed them, damaging anyone in their path and pinning the corpse to walls.
  • Does not use ammunition.



Ivara hit the ground and sprang into a surrounding tunnel, the Myrmidon's shot lancing a gouge in the porous chamber wall.

Ivara pressed her back to a shadowed outcrop at the tunnel's end while the Myrmidon's weapon blazed and cut and chewed through her only cover. As good a time as any to discuss the weapon before you: the Artemis Bow. The huntress' signature weapon and the tool with which she has wrought so much good. Said by some to be spirit-bonded to her, others say the product of forgotten Orokin technology. What Porvis tells us next displays to good effect what warrior and weapon were capable of.

Pinned behind eroding cover, seconds from death, Ivara summoned her Artemis Bow, and it came to her. She and weapon as one. Without rising she pulled back, aimed high, she and arrow as one, and loosed. Under Ivara's guidance the arrow turned its path and shot down the corridor, toward the Myrmidon, and lengthwise through his weapon.

Around Ivara the walls flashed green for a micro-second, as the Myrmidon's weapon erupted, and then... silence.


  • The Artemis Bow weapon appears in the Arsenal after unlocking Ivara's ArtemisBow130xWhite Artemis Bow ability.
  • The displayed damage number of 240 in the Arsenal is Artemis Bow's base damage of 160 multiplied by Artemis Bow's innate 1.5x damage multiplier.
  • Firing arrows with a half charge allows players to shoot arrows in a diagonal orientation.
  • Charging shots does not increase arrow flight speed, unless Mod TT 20px Concentrated Arrow is equipped.
  • Mod TT 20px Hunter Munitions can be utilized to greatly bypass enemy defenses such as Armor.
  • As an Exalted Weapon, this weapon comes with an OrokinCatalyst Orokin Catalyst pre-installed.


  • Artemis is a deity from Ancient Greek mythology, most famous for being the goddess of the hunt.
    • One of Artemis' symbols is the bow and arrow.
  • Before the introduction of moddable Exalted Weapons, the stats of the Artemis Bow depended on the mods equipped on the player's Primary weapon.
  • On Ivara PrimeIcon272 Ivara Prime, the bow is named Artemis Bow Prime. Its stats are, however, identical to Artemis Bow.
  • Artemis Bow is the first and only Exalted primary in the game.
  • When the mod Mod TT 20px Thunderbolt is equipped on the Artemis Bow, the explosion will deal Self-Damage instead of the intended Self-stagger. This does not occur with Mod TT 20px Concentrated Arrow.

Patch History[]

Update 33.0 (2023-04-26)

  • Fixed many mods that previously worked on Exalted Weapons not correctly applying, for example (but not exclusively) Internal Bleeding and Hunter Munitions when installed on Ivara’s Artemis Bow.

Update 30.2 (2021-05-12)

  • Fixed inability to deactivate Ivara’s Artemis Bow or swap weapon after throwing a speargun weapon.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

  • Fixed animation issues with Ivara/Ivara Prime’s Artemis Bow.
  • Fixed de-equipping a Scanner not returning you to your active Exalted weapon if one was equipped prior.

Hotfix 29.1.1 (2020-09-18)

  • Fixes towards Exalted weapons not being equipped when viewed via Look Link or Mod Link.

Update 28.3 (2020-08-12)

  • Ivara's Artemis Bow now has 20% Status Chance per projectile. Also slightly tweaked how Status Chance and Multishot are displayed in Arsenal stats.

Update 23.0 (2018-06-15)

  • Introduced as a moddable weapon.

Last updated: Update 28.3 (2020-08-12)

See Also[]
