
Archguns (alternate, deprecated spelling Arch-gun) are heavy weapons most frequently used in zero-gravity Archwing combat.



Archguns are primarily deployed whenever an Archwing is used in Archwing, Submersible, and Empyrean missions. However, Free Roam missions instead continue to use primary and secondary weapons.

Unlike most traditional Warframe weapons, zero-gravity Archguns have no separate ammo reserve or magazine, instead having a regenerating magazine whose contents replenish to full when the weapon is not firing. Because they have no ammo reserves in their normal usage, Archguns essentially have unlimited ammunition and thus do not require replenishment from ammo pickups.

Almost all zero-gravity Archguns have Damage Falloff and projectile travel time.


While normally only usable in zero-g, Archguns can be utilized in ground combat by installing the Gravimag upgrade, after an Orokin Catalyst is installed. This enables the Gravimag-enabled Archgun equipped as a Heavy Weapon in Vehicle mode (see Arsenal) to be called down via an Archgun Deployer, allowing a Tenno to use the weapon in ground combat.

When used in ground combat, Archguns only have a limited amount of ammo along with using magazines and standard reloading. Once all of an Archgun's ammunition is used up, the weapon is removed and can only be called down again after a 5-minute cooldown period, however should the Archgun be swapped out (by re-selecting the deployer in your gear wheel) before all of the ammo is used up, the cooldown will be reduced proportionately to the percentage of ammo remaining. Ground-based Archgun ammo can only be replenished by Heavy Ammo, which can drop from heavy-duty enemies like Bombards, Corpus Tech, and Ancients. Should enough ammo be picked up to completely refill the magazine and the reserves, the cooldown time will be 0, exactly the same as if someone had not used their Archgun at all. Mod TT 20px Ammo Case's ammo conversion does not work on grounded Archguns. ProteaIcon272 Protea's Dispensary130xWhite Dispensary and LavosIcon272 Lavos' TransmutationProbe130xWhite Transmutation Probe generate universal ammo which can restore the Archgun's ammo just like heavy ammo.

While wielding the Archgun in ground combat, the player is unable to switch to any other weapon. Base aim-glide time will also be reduced to 1 second. Going into bleedout will also automatically unequip the Archgun.

Unlike zero-gravity Archguns, their atmospheric counterparts lack damage falloff and most of them are hit-scan.

Atmospheric Archguns receive affinity while equipped according to normal rules, including the per-weapon split. As an example, having a Primary, Secondary, and Melee equipped with the Archgun out will result in 75% of shared affinity being split between 4 weapons instead of 3.


Archguns can be used by player-owned Necramechs as primary weapons. While they act mostly similar to Warframe ground combat Archguns, Necramech-wielded Archguns have a regenerating ammunition system.



Patch History[]

Update 37.0 (2024-10-02)

  • ixed Auto-Installing Mods on Archguns equipped in the Heavy Weapon slot in your Arsenal using outdated Auto-Install logic. Now the correct logic should be applied regardless if the Archgun is equipped as an Archwing weapon or a Heavy Weapon.

Hotfix 36.0.5 (2024-07-20)

  • Fixed projectile-based Archguns being unable to damage Murmur Sarcophages.

Update 35.0 (2023-12-13)


With the various buffs and adjustments we’ve made to Warframe weapons over the years, a common question we see in response is “but what about Archguns?”. These Heavy Weapons are meant to be heavy-hitters, but arguably have been overshadowed by the Primary and Secondary guns in your Arsenal. To address this feedback, we have made the following changes:

Upon using an Archgun Deployer, players will now gain 2000 Overguard.

  • Effect has a 60s cooldown.
  • The Overguard gain is capped at 2000, so re-deploying your Archgun after the cooldown resets will refresh your Overguard up to the 2000 cap.

Overall, most Heavy Weapons (a.k.a. Archguns when used via the Archgun Deployer) have had their damage doubled. Some of the Archguns have also received buffs to their Archwing version, which we will indicate below.

Archgun Damage Resistance

Before we get into the stats, we have added a 50% Archgun Damage Resistance to the Profit Taker. Since these weapons have had their damage buffed, this resistance keeps these fights to the same difficulty as before.

  • Exceptions: The Kuva Grattler, Grattler, Mausolon and Kuva Ayanga have unique Damage Resistance values when used against the Profit Taker. These are adjusted to keep their damage output the same against these foes -- as these weapons did not have their damage doubled, the amount of damage resistance is balanced to account for their buffs.
  • Corvas Prime’s damage stats were untouched so we did not implement Damage Resistance for this weapon.
  • The Orowyrm also received a 50% Damage Reduction against the Imperator to balance against its buffs.

Heavy Weapon Stat Changes
Note: these apply only to Archgun Deployer versions of these weapons unless otherwise specified.


  • Held: Increased from 90 to 180 Heat Damage
  • Damage / Projectile: Increased from 10 to 20 Impact Damage
  • Radial Attack: Total Damage increased from 3000 to 6000
    • Blast Damage increased from 1000 to 2000 (per projectile, of which there are 3)


  • Total Damage increased from 120 to 240
    • Impact Damage increased from 39.6 to 80
    • Puncture Damage increased from 39.6 to 80
    • Slash Damage increased from 39.6 to 80
    • Punch Through increased from 0.0m to 1.5m
  • Increased Projectile Size


These changes apply to both the Heavy Weapon and Archwing Variants, unless otherwise specified.

  • Total Damage increased from 110 to 190 (Heavy Weapon only)
    • Impact Damage increased from 49.5 to 85.5 (Heavy Weapon only)
    • Puncture Damage increased from 30.2 to 52.2 (Heavy Weapon only)
    • Slash Damage increased from 30.2 to 52.2 (Heavy Weapon only)
  • Punch Through increased from 0.0m to 1.2m
  • Fire Rate increased from 8.33 to 10.42
  • Magazine increased from 32 to 64
  • Ammo Maximum increased from 400 to 512 (Heavy Weapon only)
  • Increased Bullet Hit Radius (Heavy Weapon only)
  • Recoil reduced by about half


These changes apply to both the Heavy Weapon and Archwing Variants, unless otherwise specified.

  • Total Damage increased from 110 to 220 (Heavy Weapon only)
    • Impact Damage increased from 49.5 to 99 (Heavy Weapon only)
    • Puncture Damage increased from 30.2 to 60.5 (Heavy Weapon only)
    • Slash Damage increased from 30.2 to 60.5 (Heavy Weapon only)
  • Punch Through increased from 0.0m to 1.2m
  • Fire Rate increased from 10 to 12.5
  • Magazine increased from 32 to 64
  • Ammo Maximum increased from 400 to 512 (Heavy Weapon only)
  • Increased Bullet Hit Radius (Heavy Weapon only)
  • Recoil reduced by about half


  • Quick Shot: Total Damage increased from 440 to 880
    • Impact Damage increased from 32 to 64
    • Puncture Damage increased from 4 to 8
    • Slash Damage increased from 4 to 8
  • Charged Shot: Total Damage increased from 880 to 1760
    • Impact Damage increased from 64 to 128
    • Puncture Damage increased from 8 to 16
    • Slash Damage increased from 8 to 16
  • Punch Through increased from 0.0m to 2.4m


  • Punch Through increased from 0.0m to 1.4m


  • Total Damage increased from 250 to 500
    • Impact Damage increased from 50 to 100
    • Puncture Damage increased from 25 to 50
    • Slash Damage increased from 175 to 350


  • Primary: Total Damage increased from 150 to 225
    • Impact Damage increased from 15 to 22.5
    • Puncture Damage increased from 120 to 180
    • Slash Damage increased from 15 to 22.5
  • Radial Attack: Blast Damage increased from 205 to 310


  • Primary: Total Damage increased from 94 to 140
    • Impact Damage increased from 9.4 to 14
    • Puncture Damage increased from 75.2 to 112
    • Slash Damage increased from 9.4 to 14
  • Radial Attack: Blast Damage increased from 155 to 235


  • Total Damage increased from 50 to 100
    • Impact Damage increased from 20 to 40
    • Puncture Damage increased from 17.5 to 35
    • Slash Damage increased from 12.5 to 25
  • Punch Through increased from 0.0m to 1.2m
  • Increased Bullet Hit Radius


  • Total Damage increased from 50 to 100
    • Impact Damage increased from 20 to 40
    • Puncture Damage increased from 17.5 to 35
    • Slash Damage increased from 12.5 to 25
  • Punch Through increased from 0.0m to 1.2m
  • Increased Bullet Hit Radius


  • Primary: Impact Damage increased from 87 to 130
  • Radial Attack: Blast Damage increased from 187 to 280


  • Held: Total Damage increased from 90 to 180
    • Impact Damage increased from 10 to 20
    • Radiation Damage increased from 80 to 160
  • Charge: Total Damage increased from 420 to 840
    • Impact Damage increased from 140 to 280
    • Blast Damage increased from 180 to 360
    • Radiation Damage increased from 100 to 200
  • Charge - Radial Attack: Total Damage increased from 800 to 1600
    • Blast Damage increased from 400 to 800
    • Radiation Damage increased from 400 to 800


  • Held: Total Damage increased from 90 to 180
    • Impact Damage increased from 10 to 20
    • Radiation Damage increased from 80 to 160
  • Charge: Total Damage increased from 420 to 840
    • Impact Damage increased from 140 to 280
    • Blast Damage increased from 180 to 360
    • Radiation Damage increased from 100 to 200
  • Charge - Radial Attack: Total Damage increased from 800 to 1600
    • Blast Damage increased from 400 to 800
    • Radiation Damage increased from 400 to 800


  • Auto: Total Damage increased from 120 to 180
    • Impact Damage increased from 24 to 35
    • Puncture Damage increased from 48 to 70
    • Heat Damage increased from 46 to 75
  • Auto - Radial Attack: Heat Damage increased from 48 to 72
  • Charge: Total Damage increased from 1000 to 1500
    • Impact Damage increased from 100 to 150
    • Puncture Damage increased from 400 to 600
    • Heat Damage increased from 500 to 750
  • Charge - Radial Attack: Heat Damage increased from 3000 to 4500


  • Auto Burst:
    • Impact Damage increased from 32 to 64
  • Auto Burst - Radial Attack: Blast Damage increased from 164 to 328
    • Increased distance at which the explosion occurs to help prevent it from exploding in your face
  • Semi: Impact Damage increased from 100 to 200
  • Semi - Radial Attack: Total Damage increased from 3600 to 7200
    • Impact Damage increased from 600 to 1200
    • Puncture Damage increased from 800 to 1600
    • Slash Damage increased from 1000 to 2000
    • Blast Damage increased from 1200 to 2400


  • Total Damage increased from 56 to 116
    • Impact Damage increased from 14 to 29
    • Puncture Damage increased from 36.4 to 75.4
    • Slash Damage increased from 5.6 to 11.6
  • Punch Through increased from 0.0m to 1.2m
  • Increased Projectile Size


  • Quick Shot: Total Damage increased from 600 to 1200
    • Impact Damage increased from 150 to 300
    • Puncture Damage increased from 150 to 300
    • Slash Damage increased from 150 to 300
    • Magnetic Damage increased from 150 to 300
  • Charged Shot: Total Damage increased from 1600 to 3200
    • Impact Damage increased from 400 to 800
    • Puncture Damage increased from 400 to 800
    • Slash Damage increased from 400 to 800
    • Magnetic Damage increased from 400 to 800
    • Increased Projectile Size
  • Punch Through increased from 0.0m to 5m

Update 30.5 (2021-07-06)

  • Added missing charge/reload sound FX from Ground Archwing Guns to the Space versions.

Hotfix 29.6.4 (2021-01-06)

  • Fixed an issue where Affinity collected in a Necramech wouldn't propagate to your Arch Gun if you Transferenced in from the Operator.
  • Fixed having the same Archwing Weapon equipped in the Heavy Weapon slot and the Necramech Primary slot resulting in receiving double Affinity for the weapon.

Hotfix 29.6.2 (2020-12-22)

  • Fixed Archgun Affinity not saving if you had the same weapon equipped in Heavy and Archgun Slot.

Update 29.6 (2020-12-18)

  • Removed the Gravimag requirement on Archwing weapons for Necramechs.
  • Fixed Arch-Gun becoming invisible and being unable to reload it when summoned as Mag and casting her "Absorb" form of Magnetize.

Hotfix 29.5.6 (2020-12-01)

  • Fixed an issue when using the same Arc-gun in Heavy Weapon slot and Necramech gun slot, where Affinity earned before first summoning your Necramech wouldn't apply to the Necramech's version of the Arc-gun.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

  • Added ground dust FX to all Arc Gun fire.

Update 28.3 (2020-08-12)

  • Fixed an issue where sprinting with an Arch Gun after firing could have the player sprinting sideways or backwards.

Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

  • Fixed Arch-Gun not re-equipping after Parazon Finishers and instead equipping Melee weapon.

Update 27.0 (2019-12-13)
We have re-balanced Arch-guns in Archwing mode only, held Arch-guns in atmospheric (ground) combat is unaffected. Submersible Archwing now uses your weapons like open world Archwing does.

Arch-Guns in Archwing mode:

  • All hitscan Archwing weapons converted to projectile when in space
  • Increased fall off range from 200-400 to 300-600
  • Increased min fall off damage from 10% to 50%
  • Increased projectile speed of the Kuva Ayanga while in space.

Update 25.0 (2019-05-22)

  • Heavy Ammo now drops from Bombards, Heavy Gunners, Napalms, Corpus Tech, Fusion Moas, Oxium Ospreys, Ancients, Corrupted Ancients, and Corrupted Bombards.

Update 24.5 (2019-03-14)

  • Fixed being able to Quick Melee when you equip an Archgun with either a Primary or Secondary equipped before that.

Hotfix 24.2.6 (2018-12-20)

  • Shared Affinity gain now applies to Atmosphere Arch-Guns but only while equipped in the main hand.
  • Fixed not having a Arch-Gun equipped by default (if they own an Archwing primary weapon with the Gravimag installed) when changing Loadouts.
  • Fixed an issue where players with Arch-Guns in their loadout couldn't Wall Latch.
  • Fixed Chroma not playing Arch-Gun equip/charged fire animations.
  • Fixed the Imperator and Imperator Vandal reload sounds playing non-positional.

Hotfix 24.2.5 (2018-12-20)

  • Changed the Arch-Gun Deployer cooldown timer to scale based on remaining Atmosphere Arch-Guns Ammo pool upon unequipping.
  • Increased Grattler Ammo capacity from 180 to 210 in Atmosphere Arch-Gun.
  • Removed unintentional ability to summon Arch-Gun in Melee Only Sorties.

Hotfix 24.2.4 (2018-12-19)

  • Arch-Gun Ammo pool increased by 2x for all Arch-Guns in Atmosphere mode.
  • Arch-Gun Deployer cooldown has been reduced to 5 minutes instead of 10.
  • Fixed the Fluctus’ Atmosphere Arch-Gun FX appearing when in a Archwing mission, which was aggressively bright and overwhelming.
  • Fixed Clients not hearing the Atmosphere Arch-Gun equip sound.
  • Fixed missing Fluctus Atmosphere Arch-Gun summon sound.

Hotfix 24.2.1 (2018-12-18)

  • Removed the dissolve FX when equipping your Atmosphere Arch-Gun.

Update 24.2 (2018-12-18)
It’s time we equipped some serious floor firepower! All Arch-Guns can be used on the ground - or as we like to call it ‘Atmosphere’ - with the use of a ‘Gravimag’. Gravimag is obtained from Clan Research, or as a one-time reward from the Orb Heist Phase 3 Bounty, and can be installed on any Arch-Gun (with an Orokin Catalyst installed) via the Upgrade Arsenal - similar to installing a Catalyst.

Comparable to the Archwing and K-Drive Launchers, a respective Gear item known as the Archweapon Deployer is required to activate your Atmosphere Arch-Gun. The Archweapon Deployer can be obtained by completing the Orb Heist Phase 3 Bounty.

Atmosphere Arch-Gun General Changes:

  • Atmosphere Arch-Guns consume Ammo as opposed to unlimited Ammo/Battery in Archwing. Specifically new Heavy Ammo Drops which can be found from Corpus enemies in Orb Heist missions. Heavy Ammo Drops also reset the 10 minute cool-down when picked up, or replenish Ammo if needed.
  • Atmosphere Arch-Gun can be summoned in normal missions with the Archweapon Deployer, but once Ammo has been depleted there is a 10 minute cool-down until you can summon again. The intent here is to allow you moments of beefy damage output, and not become just another Primary/Secondary weapon.

Update 15.0 (2014-10-24)

  • Introduced.