
Arcane Grace is an Arcane Enhancement that provides a 9% chance whenever the player receives health damage to regenerate a percentage of health per second for 9 seconds.

Can be sold for Credits64 3,000.


Rank Health Regen Per Second
0 1%
1 2%
2 3%
3 4%
4 5%
5 6%


Item Source Chance Expected Nearly Guaranteed
ArcaneGrace Veil Proxima Orphix / C 1.41% ~ 70 C Rotations 486 ± 162 C Rotations
ArcaneGrace Eidolon Hydrolyst Capture 5% ~ 20 Kills 134 ± 44 Kills

All drop rates data is obtained from DE's official drop tables. See Mission Rewards#Standard Missions for definitions on reward table rotations.
For more detailed definitions and information, visit here.



  • Trading Arcane Grace requires the trader to be Mastery Rank 11 or higher.
  • The amount of health restored refers to health per second, not the total of the duration.
  • Works best on Warframes with high base Health and Armor, such as NidusIcon272 Nidus, GrendelIcon272 Grendel and InarosIcon272 Inaros.

Patch History[]

Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)

  • Trading Legendary Arcanes now requires you to be Mastery Rank 11.
    • It’s important to note that only the player trading requires MR 11 and not the receiver.
      • We needed to address an issue with exploitative Legendary Arcanes farming and ban-evasion account creation used to trade Legendary Arcanes. Other options we experimented with had the risk of innocent players getting caught in the crossfire of the ban-evasion subjects. When we took a look at Trading stats we found that a very small number of players below Mastery Rank 10 trade Legendary Arcanes, and therefore decided to go this route. This is purely a means of deterring the bad actors and ensuring legitimate trading for players.

Update 35.1 (2024-02-20)

  • Fixed certain Arcanes (including but not limited to: Arcane Grace) having “0” in their Buff icons instead of the actual stat.

Update 31.6 (2022-06-09)


We’ve adjusted the values of older Arcanes with the goal of making lower rank Arcanes more viable, and more desirable while collecting as a result. In short, there are three stats that each Arcane tends to have (speaking generally) -- for example, a percentage chance, a stat buff, and the duration of the buff.

Certain Arcanes increase all of these stats per rank (making them scale exponentially), but we are changing it so that only one stat is affected by rank (making it scale linearly). The other stats will now be at the max-rank value regardless of the Arcane Rank, thereby buffing lower-rank Arcanes as a result.

Arcane Grace

On Health Damaged: 9% (was 2%) chance for +1%/6% Health Regeneration/s for 9s (was 2s).

Update 30.5 (2021-07-06)

  • Fixed buff notification for Arcane Grace showing up as a cooldown instead of an upgrade duration. It now appears as a debuff.

Update 16.0 (2015-03-19)

  • Introduced.