
Arcane Crepuscular is an Arcane Enhancement for Warframes that increases Ability Strength and Final Critical Multiplier when Invisible.


  • Note: The ingame description rounds the final cd values. The true values are as follows
Rank Strength Increase Final Critical Multiplier Increase
0 5% +0.5x
1 10% +1x
2 15% +1.5x
3 20% +2x
4 25% +2.5x
5 30% +3x


Item Source Chance Expected Nearly Guaranteed
ArcaneCrepuscular 1999 Exterminate Cache 12.50% ~ 8 A Rotations 51 ± 17 A Rotations

All drop rates data is obtained from DE's official drop tables stored on Module:DropTables/data. See Mission Rewards#Standard Missions for definitions on reward table rotations.
For more detailed definitions and information, visit here.


  • Critical damage bonus applies to all equipped weapons, and abilities that can crit, with the exception of GyreIcon272 Gyre.
  • Critical damage multiplier is a flat final and follows the usual formula 1 + (tier * (crit multi - 1)) where the first tier is yellow (eg. skana multi is 1.5x which is brought to 4.5x (4.5x on yellow, 8x on orange, 11.5x on red and so on) the impact lessens depending on modded critical multiplier)
  • Will function with WispIcon272 Wisp's passive invisibility while in the air, granting the arcane's effects while she is airborne. Her 2nd ability, however, will grant the arcane's effects while the decoy is active.
    • Non-melee weapons will only get this bonus for a single shot however, as Wisp briefly becomes visible after firing any other weapon.

Patch History[]

Update 38.0 (2024-12-13)

  • Introduced.