Amaryn is the leader of New Loka Syndicate. She believes that restoring humanity's past on Earth will be the Origin System's salvation.
The Silver Grove[]
In hopes of restoring Earth's forests to their natural glory, Amaryn asks the Tenno to help her fend off the Grineer who are ravaging the planet and collect ingredients for Apothics that will awaken the defenses of Earth's oldest forest, the Silver Grove.
As the Tenno offers more powerful Apothics to the shrine at the heart of the Silver Grove, Amaryn discovers that Earth's forests were not of natural origin, but were rather a result of the Orokin technology. Feeling guilty for being associated with the corrupt Orokin Empire, Amaryn learns that Silvana, the Orokin Archemedian who performed Transference onto the oldest living tree, held good intentions in defending Earth's natural resources. Coming to terms with her 'impurity', she accepts that her syndicate is worshipping a natural world grown from the seeds of a tainted Empire.