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Amalgam Phase MOAs are enhanced Amalgam MOAs equipped with explosive projectiles that create staggering shockwaves. They can only be found in Secret Corpus Laboratories.
Like its normal counterpart, Phase MOAs can slam the barrel of its weapon into the ground to create a healing shockwave that regenerates the health of itself and nearby allies.
- Every 3 seconds, they shoot two arcing projectiles, one after the other, that upon hitting the ground, produce blue shockwaves that deal damage and knock the player up when in contact.
- When the player greater than 15m away from them, they will start moving towards the player. If the player is within 10m they will slowly back away.
- When nearby allies are injured, it will slam the barrel of its weapon into the ground four times, with each slam releasing a healing pulse to nearby allies. During this ability the MOA is vulnerable.
Patch History[]
Hotfix 25.0.8 (2019-05-31)
- Boosted Drop Chance of Hexenon from Amalgams to ~7.7%
Hotfix 25.0.4 (2019-05-28)
- Reduced Rare Resource drop rate for Lab Amalgams from 50% to 7% as seen here.
- Fixed Kavat's Grace, Gale Kick, Anti-Grav Array, and Odomedic not actually dropping from Amalgam enemies.
Hotfix 25.0.3 (2019-05-24)
- Removed Amalgams spawning on Jupiter > Themisto due to narrative/lore confusion.
Update 25.0 (2019-05-22)
- Introduced.