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The unseemly marriage of a Corpus sentry turret and a Sentient drone, this unit alternates between repeating energy bolts and a devastating focused beam weapon.

The Amalgam Kucumatz is a Corpus Amalgam hybridized with Sentient technology. Designed from a sentry turret, this unit shoots rapid fire projectiles and can switch to a massive concentrated laser.


Damage Reduction[]

Amalgam Kucumatz possess Damage Reduction that scales depending on your weapon's DPS excluding critical hits. DPS is calculated by

Critical Hits are applied after the damage resistance is calculated. Additionally, the average DPS is calculated using all health/shield modifiers, other sources of damage reduction, and is quantized.

Proc Damage uses the same formulas where average DPS is defined as :


  • Kucumatz (or Ququmatz) is a name of a creator deity from Mayan mythology, meaning "Quetzal serpent" and roughly equivalent to Quetzalcoatl of the Aztec mythology.


Patch History[]

Hotfix 25.0.8 (2019-05-31)

  • Boosted Drop Chance of Hexenon from Amalgams to ~7.7%

Hotfix 25.0.4 (2019-05-28)

  • Reduced Rare Resource drop chance from 50% to 7% from Amalgam as seen here.

Hotfix 25.0.3 (2019-05-24)

  • Removed Amalgams spawning on Jupiter > Themisto due to narrative/lore confusion.

Update 25.0 (2019-05-22)

  • Introduced