The Amalgam Alkonost is a Corpus Amalgam. Fully converted into a Sentient, this unit can latch onto their organic allies and inject enhancers directly into their brain, boosting their offense and defense prowess.
Alkonosts can enhance nearly any humanoid Corpus unit, including those that it would never encounter within the Corpus Gas City. Enhanced units will fully regain all their health and shields after the injection, and gain the following buffs:
- +900% Health
- +70% Shield
- -70% to all damage type modifiers.
- Drastically improved movement speed.
Enhanced units have a blue aura, and if their helmets are shot off, it will reveal that their face has taken on the aesthetics of a Sentient; their facial skin now takes on a deep red with tan accents, and their facial structure is altered, resulting in highly defined cheekbones and a recessed nose.
Alkonosts are also immune to status effects and certain Warframe abilities.
Eligible targets are listed below. Anything italicized refers to targets Alkonosts cannot encounter in regular gameplay:
- Almost all Crewmen (Normal, Detron, Elite, Nullifier, Prod, Sniper, Tech, Overtaker, Plasmor, Trencher) and their tileset variants;
- Combas and Scrambuses;
- Orb Vallis Targets (Cestra Target, Sniper Target, Supra Target, Trencher Target);
- Heist Targets (Armaments Director, Sentient Research Director, Vivisect Director);
- Select Index brokers (Jad Teran, Pelna Cade, Ved Xol, Armis Ulta, Dru Pesfor, Rana Del); and
- Corrupted Nullifiers, which can spawn during Void Fissures, but not Corrupted Crewmen.
Damage Reduction[]
Amalgam Alkonosts possess Damage Reduction that scales depending on your weapon's DPS excluding critical hits. DPS is calculated by
Critical Hits are applied after the damage resistance is calculated. Additionally, the average DPS is calculated using all health/shield modifiers, other sources of damage reduction, and is quantized.
Proc Damage uses the same formulas where average DPS is defined as :
- An Alkonost affected by Mind Control will not attempt to upgrade anyone, and simply fire at its enemies.
- A enhanced Corpus can also be Mind Controlled. However they will often choose to take cover more than engage enemies.
- Alkonost is the name of a mythological creature of Slavic folklore, a woman-headed bird, similar to the Sirens of Greek mythology.
- While almost entirely converted into a Sentient form it still retains some of the original host used for conversion, shown by a single Crewman helmet (whether it includes a head or not is unknown) at the very top of the creature, and the host's gloves.
- Alkonosts can be seen in various pools in the Sentient Ship tileset.
Patch History[]
Update 30.9 (2021-11-11)
- Fixed Amalgam Alkonost not enhancing the grabbed enemy and instead just hugging before letting go.
Hotfix 25.0.8 (2019-05-31)
- Boosted Drop Chance of Hexenon from Amalgams to ~7.7%
Hotfix 25.0.4 (2019-05-28)
- Reduced Rare Resource drop chance from 50% to 7% from Amalgam as seen here.
- Removed the Amalgam Alkonosts Armor and gave it a slight Health boost.
- Fixed Rivens that are capable of hitting negative Damage via Critical Multiplier resulting in insta-killing enemies that have innate Damage resistance (Amalgam Alkonost). They will now properly take 0 Damage from a negative Critical Multiplier weapon, the same way regular enemies do.
Hotfix 25.0.3 (2019-05-24)
- Removed Amalgams spawning on Jupiter > Themisto due to narrative/lore confusion.
Update 25.0 (2019-05-22)
- Introduced.