
Twice the ammo and twice the stopping power of a single Magnus.

The Akmagnus is the dual version of the Magnus Magnus, which features enhanced firepower at the expense of accuracy and reload speed.

It can be sold for ‍Credits64 5,000.


  • This weapon deals primarily DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage.

Advantages over other Secondary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
    • Above average crit chance (22.00%)
    • Above average total damage (98)
    • Above average ammo max (210)
    • Above average disposition (●●●●● (1.35x))

Disadvantages over other Secondary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1)
    • Very low reload speed (3.20 s)

See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.


  • Akmagnus Akmagnus (Normal Attack), compared to Magnus Magnus (Normal Attack):



The Akmagnus's blueprint can be purchased from the Market.

Manufacturing Requirements
📝 Edit blueprint requirements
Magnus Magnus
Magnus Magnus
OrokinCell Orokin Cell
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 25
MarketIcon Market Price: PlatinumLarge 220 Blueprint2 Blueprints Price:Credits50,000


  • To shorten the reload time of 2.4 seconds, equipping Mod TT 20px Quickdraw/Mod TT 20px Primed Quickdraw may be preferred, or Mod TT 20px Stunning Speed to benefit both the reload time and status chance.
  • The Akmagnus can achieve a high rate of fire by binding the fire command to the mousewheel. As the Akmagnus retains a manageable level of recoil even during rapid fire, this can be used to enhance the Akmagnus's firepower even up to medium range engagements.
  • With its good status chance, critical chance, and damage, the Akmagnus can easily be built for crit focused, status focused or hybrid builds.



Akmagnus Skins


Patch History[]

Update 32.2 (2022-11-30)


While reviewing the stats of some weapons with a semi-automatic mode, we noticed that certain weapons had an unsustainably high fire rate for most players. We adjusted the stats of the following semi-automatic weapons whose maximum potential was only being reached with the use of macros (to learn more about third-party use in Warframe visit our support article). Since not everyone is an avid macro user (within the boundaries allowed), we lowered fire rates to a more humanly achievable level and improved their damage or reload stats to compensate.


  • Reduced fire rate from 6.17 to 5.
  • Increased damage from 76 to 98.
  • Increased reload time from 2.4 to 3.2.

Update 22.12 (2018-02-09)

  • Mastery Rank increased 0 to 12.
  • Damage increased from 45 to 76.
  • Reload speed increased from 3 secs to 2.4 secs.
  • Status chance decreased from 25% to 22%.
  • Critical chance decreased from 25% to 22%.
  • Fire rate decreased.

Hotfix 16.1.1 (2015-03-25)

  • Slightly increased the damage of the AKMagnus in PvP.

Hotfix 11.9.2 (2014-01-30)

  • Proc chance increased to 25%
  • Crit chance increased to 25%
  • Crit multiplier increased to 2.
  • Corrected Akmagnus fire/equip/reload animations and sounds.

Hotfix 11.9.1 (2014-01-29)

  • Dialed down Base Damage on Akmagnus by half (was 88, now 44).

Update 11.9 (2014-01-29)

  • Introduced.

Last updated: Hotfix 24.1.5 (2018-12-13)

See also[]
