
Power Duration linearly affects the duration of many Warframe abilities. Power Duration usually extends the length of time that a power is active, but there are some unorthodox or otherwise unintuitive interactions the stat gives: for example, the maximum amount of charges for Tesla Link increases as a factor of Power Duration. There are some instances where negative Power Duration is desirable, usually because it speeds up damage-over-time effects like Energy Vampire.

Ability Duration = Base Ability Duration × (1 + Power Duration)


Continuity, Primed Continuity, Constitution, and Narrow Minded can all be equipped to increase Power Duration. Note that as a primed mod, Primed Continuity cannot be equipped simultaneously with Continuity on the same Warframe.

Fleeting Expertise and Transient Fortitude both reduce duration of powers.

Arcane Helmets

Arcane helmets can also reduce (or increase) durations. The following helmets affect Power Duration:

Cooldowns & Remaining Duration

Most powers do not have a "cooldown" period, which is a mechanic in many similar games that disallow a player from recasting the same ability or power too frequently. However, powers in WARFRAME can often instead prevent you from recasting while the first instance is still active. Hence, if you have an ability that lasts 5 seconds long, you can only cast it once every five seconds. If you extend its duration to 8 seconds, you will not be able to cast it more frequently than once every eight seconds. This increase in uptime can be undesirable for certain abilities, such as Silence, which can be used as an on-demand stun.

The remaining duration of an ability is displayed as a numerical value with two significant figures. Hence, if the remaining duration of an ability >10, it displays to the nearest second. If the duration is <10, it displays down to the tenth of a second.

See Also
