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“You're not supposed to be in here! You're going to ruin the surprise!”
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A Man of Few Words is a Quest given by Darvo in any Relay. It tasks the player with rescuing a Grineer contractor of Darvo ,who is disobedient to the Queens.


Rescue the contractor: Miranda, Uranus

The first Mission is a mid level Rescue mission on Uranus.

Upon Arriving at the Complex the target is held in, a 2:30 Timer will start. There are no Wardens but large amounts of Grineer reinforcements spawn. Make sure to clear the area before attempting the to hack the Console that drains the Water surrounding the Prison Pods. In the first Main room a member of the Grustrag Three will also be present, so take some care. Afterwards escort the Prisoner, named Clem, to safety.

Retrieve Clem's Grakatas: Bianca, Uranus

The second mission is labeled as a Salvage mission on Uranus.

Back on the Liset, Darvo informs you that Clem will need his custom-made Twin Grakatas to be fully combat ready.

On this mission, Clem will assist you and is armed with a weapon that functions similar to a Latron. Upon finding the Grakatas, Clem will switch to them as his weapon of choice. Darvo will then tell the Tenno that Clem wants you to take out the person who stole the Grakatas, who will be another member of the Grustrag Three.

Help Darvo get the relic: Puck, Uranus

The third mission is a Survival mission on Uranus.

Clem again assists you, still armed with his Twin Grakatas, as you distract the Grineer while another of Darvo's agents finds the artifact, presumably the same artifact Clem was looking for when he was captured. This mission will play on as a standard survival mission, until around 3 and a half minutes away from completion, when the Tenno will be attacked by the last remaining member of the Grustrag Three. Upon finding the relic, Darvo calls it "The Potent Orokin Technical Augmentation and Tactical Offensive device," which he acronyms as POTATO. A blueprint for a Clem clone will be rewarded upon completion and extraction.

When the player finishes the mission, Darvo will ask them to come to a relay so they can thank the player in person. The player will recieve an Exilus Adapter when Darvo finishes talking.



A picture of the Rescue Target with a Tenno owned version of his signature Weapon

  • This quest features the first official appearence of the popular player created character, Clem. Clem was created by Datareaper, who also designed the winning melee contest design Kronen. Datareaper's comics featuring Clem also seem to have inspired the Twin Grakatas, which is Clem's weapon of choice.
  • Clem Wields a Latron in the second portion of the quest to retrieve his weapons, a reference to the original comic where he is insisted to use a Latron.
  • During the Survival portion of the Quest, Darvo obtains the artifact, which he calls "The Potent Orokin Technical Augmentation and Tactical Offensive device", which he shortens to "POTATO", a reference to what players call Orokin Reactors and Orokin Catalysts.
  1. Prelude to War is compilation of miniquests and cutscenes leading up to The New War.
  2. While not part of the main story quest, The Duviri Paradox has very interlinked story context to several critical characters in The New War. It is recommended to play The Duviri Paradox after The New War.