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Excalibur là người đầu tiên. |Orokin 'Warframe' Archives}}
Excalibur là người đầu tiên. |Orokin 'Warframe' Archives}}
Lũ '''Tenno''' là phe do người chơi điều khiển. Mỗi một người chơi là một Tenno với một bộ giáp chiến đầu được gọi là [[Warframe]] hay '''Frame'''. Những kỹ năng chiến đấu được cung cấp bởi Warframe đều vượt trội hơn nhiều so với công nghệ của Corpus hay số lượng đông đảo Grineer; hầu hết những Tenno ít kinh nghiệm chiến đấu cũng có thể dễ dàng một mình quẩy tung giữa một đàm đông kẻ địch, hay một nhóm các Tenno có kinh nghiệm luôn là án tử với kẻ địch.
Thức giấc sau thời gian ngủ gà gật trong thế giới hỗn loạn, Tenno biết rất ít về bản thân mình.
Mỗi một Tenno sẽ được trang bị một súng chính, một súng phụ và một vũ khí cận chiến. Trong kho thì sẽ có thêm nhiều loại khác như súng máy, súng hạng nặng, phóng lựu, súng hoa cải, lục, kiếm, vũ khí công nghệ cao như laze, beam, plasma cho tới rìu, gậy, găng tay bla bla bla... Mỗi một Warframe sẽ có những kỹ năng đặc thù riêng từ Volt shock điện cho tới phân thân Mirage, hay trà xanh 0 độ Frost. Cùng với đó là những module tự nhiên ( slot cắm mod) để nâng cấp và cho khả năng tùy biến cao.
Mỗi một tenno đều tạo ra một lượng lớn súng ống và phụ kiện –
đa số chúng là nguyên mẫu [[Orokin]]. Vũ khí của Tenno hay dùng thường sắc nhọn, có thiết kế các dạng biểu tượng, sắc nhọn nên nhìn khá bắt mắt.
Từ khi mới thức tỉnh, Tenno đã bị dắt vào đời bởi một người tên Lotus. Luôn đưa ra những chỉ dẫn, lời khuyên trong lúc không ngờ nhất, Lotus giúp Tenno đi những bước đầu tiên trong cõi đời máu lửa, trải qua nhiều kiểu nhiệm vụ như sabotage, defense, extermination, interception và rescue. Cách thức liên lạc là Lotus điều lệnh thông qua Radio từ một nơi không xác định. Giống như phần lớn Tenno, Mẹ Lotus là một điều bí ẩn, trải qua quest [[Natah]] chúng ta mới hiểu thêm một chút về thân thế và mục đích của Lotus.
Một số vũ khí mang theo hình Lotus để phân biệt chúng là những vũ khí chuyên biệt hoặc dành riêng cho Tenno.
Hầu hiết những nhân vật trong nhiệm vụ [[Rescue]] đều là con người bằng xương thịt và mặc những bộ bó sát mang biểu tưởng Lotus, suy ra số lượng nhân vật không phải là Tenno tham gia và làm việc cho Lotus khá nhiều. Họ giúp các mảng như tham gia hỗ trợ tìm kiếm thông tin, đạn dược, tham gia hỗ trợ những chiến dịch lớn. Đa số họ đều là thành viên đoàn trong những trạm {{clr}}
'''Orbiters''' là tàu không gian dùng để đưa Tenno du hành khắp hệ mặt trời và đổ bộ tới những nhiệm vụ cần đến. Chúng giống như những trạm căn cứ di động; mang đạn dược, trang bị đầy đủ phục vụ các chiến dịch. Tất cả đều được điều hành tự động bởi AI [[Ordis]]- một siêu máy tính.
At the height of their Empire's reign, the [[Orokin]] became embroiled in a war with the [[Sentients]]: a creation of theirs long ago sent to the Tau System to prepare for colonization, whose advanced technologies allowed them to quickly adapt to every attempt by the Orokin to defeat them. Each attempt by the Orokin to defeat the Sentients failed, so they turned in desperation to their last hope: the Tenno.
The Tenno were created in an incident long before the war, during the so-called "''Void Era''", when a ship called the '''Zariman Ten Zero''' became involved in a void-jump accident that sent it lost in the chaotic sub-dimensional space known as the '''Void'''. When the ship reemerged from the Void and was recovered years later, the only survivors found were children, whose exposure to the Void's energies had twisted and changed them, giving them inexplicable powers and abilities. Feared and reviled, the survivors of the Zariman nonetheless were of great interest to the Orokin.
Initial experiments on how to harness the children's powers though led to several fatal accidents, which showed the danger their uncontrolled powers could wreak both on themselves and on others. It was the work of an Orokin researcher named '''Margulis''' that led to a breakthrough; through dreams, the children could focus and control their powers. However, this research would then be taken from her after she was executed for trying to protect the children, and used to create a process known as '''Transference'''; the children's consciousness's and powers could be remotely channeled through a surrogate body called a [[Warframe]]: a specially-made techno-organic humanoid battle frame designed to enhance and focus the children's powers, using a device known as a '''Somatic Link'''. Not only did the process grant greater control over their powers, but with no fear of self-destruction the powers could be used to their fullest potential. The survivors would be placed in Somatic Link pods in a facility known as the '''Reservoir''' located on the [[Orokin Moon|Moon]], to control their surrogate bodies in a secure location away from their enemies.
These ''[[operator]]s'', newly christened as the ''"Tenno"'', were taught the ways of war. With the combination of advanced technologies and esoteric powers, the Tenno began to turn the tide against the Sentients, allowing them to vanquish the Orokin's enemies across many battles.
The end of the Sentient threat should have been the end of the Orokin's struggles, but it was not to be. For unknown reasons, as the Orokin were celebrating their victory by bestowing the Tenno with honors, the Warframes struck, destroying the Orokin's leadership and throwing the empire into chaos, an event that would herald the end of the Orokin Empire.
In the backdrop of the Orokin's collapse, the machinations of the Sentients continued; a plan had long been hatched to infiltrate the Orokin and destroy the Tenno. The agent given the task, named '''Natah''', grew close to the Tenno she was supposed to destroy. Betraying her own kind, Natah used her considerable powers to hide the Moon within the Void, keeping the Reservoir and the Tenno they hold hidden from the Sentients, and the Warframes scattered throughout the Origin System were made to sleep in cryostasis. Natah, taking on the mantle of the Tenno's caretaker and guide, remade herself as the [[Lotus]], keeping watch over the sleeping Tenno until the time they would wake once again.
*The plural of Tenno is Tenno.
*Each Tenno behind the Warframes have official concepts and ideas to what they look like <ref>[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFlqIzxLcxQ&t=37m55s Tenno have faces?]</ref> as stated by Art Director Mynki in Devstream #4 which may or may not be revealed in the future. These concepts may also be subject to change throughout development.
**With [[The Limbo Theorem]] and DE sources indicating the Tenno have the ability able to wear multiple Warframes this concept may have been scrapped.
***And further with [[The Second Dream]] showing that the Warframes are not worn at all, but instead commanded remotely by the true Tenno via a Somatic Link, at first in the Reservoir, and later in the [[Orbiter]]. However, Warframes do still have organic components, leaving open that human bodies may or may not inhabit them.
****The [[Grineer Queens]] in [[The War Within]] refer to warframes as "infested puppets" and the [[Jordas Golem]] briefly confuses Warframes for fellow infested. This would indicate that [[Infested|infestation]] plays a large part in the organic elements of a warframe and would also be the main reason why warframes are immune to infestation (being already infested, the virus can do very little else to it).
*The enemy faction in-game have a wide variety of insults with which they have addressed the Tenno.
**The [[Corpus]] to refer to the Tenno as "The Betrayers":
*** The moniker "Betrayers" seems to be partially explained by the Stalker's Codex entry, in which he claims that the Tenno slaughtered their masters at the Mercury Terminus in the aftermath of the Great War.
*** This is further explained by the [[Anti Moa]] [[Synthesis]], which reveals the Corpus originated from within Orokin society and descended over time to become little more than scavengers after its downfall, explaining why they &ndash; and not just Stalker &ndash; see the Tenno as betrayers.
**The [[Infestation]] has referred to the Tenno as "hollow shells".
**The [[Grineer]] currently have the largest number insults directed for the Tenno.
***[[Councilor Vay Hek]] and [[Sprag]] refers to the Tenno as "insects" and "shiny bugs" respectively.
***[[Tyl Regor]] consistently calls the Tenno "lizards" (along with "leech", "worthless ugly freaks", and "bloody worm").
*Possible note of worth, the Stalker refers to himself, and the others gathered around him as 'low guardians', making the distinction between the low guardians and the Tenno. It is possible that the Tenno were regarded as 'high', or the highest, guardians of the Orokin. From the in-game description of the Misa Syandana Prime, we also know that there were Temple Guards as well.
*''Tennō'' (天皇) means in Japanese "Divine Emperor". Additionally, in the Buddhist faith, the Four Heavenly Kings (四天王, ''Shitennō'') are four guardian deities who watch over each cardinal direction.
*In the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QzMaXVxpLQ Profit] trailer, Alad V insulted the Tenno as "mute peasants" for humor, referring to the fact that Tenno have never been heard speaking verbally.
**This comment once led to speculation that the Tenno as a race may be mute, but with dialogue options with Simaris and Darvo now in the game, this theory seems to have been debunked.
*[[Nova]]'s [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxJMDv4dYIU Profile] describes her existence as the result of "Tenno High Council" research, indicating that there is or was some sort of Tenno governing structure.
**The "Tenno High Council" may also just be a reference to the Design Council, a select group of players that can vote and provide opinions on concepts and designs made by Digital Extremes before they are released to the public. Nova was the first Warframe created from the Design Council's input.
* In the prologue added in Update 14, [[Captain Vor|Vor]] states that the [[Ascaris]] is nearly attached to the Tenno's spine. This implies that Tennos are biological and possess at least some biological structures that are analogous to those present in humans.
** [[The Second Dream]] quest reveals that Warframes may contain a surrogate body inside, that is capable of withstanding Tenno powers. This would explain the "attached to the spine" quote.
* Previously, there was much debate about whether the "player character" was a single Tenno switching frames or multiple Tenno, each with their own personal frame (ala an MMO character select screen, all individual but all technically existing at the same time). Since the release of [[The Limbo Theorem]] and Ordis asking the Operator (the player character) to exercise caution when they "occupy this frame" is can firmly be said that the player is a single Tenno and that they are indeed switching Warframes.
** Shortly after this reveal there was some debate about whether or not [[Ordis]] was breaking the fourth wall, but in a Reddit AMA Steve confirmed it was not.<sup><ref>[http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/2ksp3t/we_are_members_of_digital_extremes_and_we_develop/ DE Developers Talk on Reddit]</ref></sup>
** [[The Second Dream]] quest reveals that [[Warframes]] are remote controlled battle stations, definitely containing techno-organic elements inside (as was mentioned by [[Lotus]] "the surrogate, capable of withstanding Tenno powers"; meanwhile the [[Operator]]s have the ability to take control of one Warframe at a time via Somatic Link or direct connection (touch).
** Also, early in-game all or most of the [[Defense]] missions used "WARFRAME CRYOPOD" which was presented as life-support pod, contained humanoid beings in jumpsuits, similar to one, that Relay Personnel and [[Syndicates|Syndicate's]] Agents wear. This fact may or may not suggest, that cryopods held the surrogates, who were made for use in "Tenno-Warframe"-link.
* The name "Tenno" dates back to the Hayden Tenno character from [[Digital Extremes]]'s previous game Dark Sector. Warframe often uses concepts, art styles, names, and other materials from Dark Sector, due to it being a spiritual successor to the game itself.
*The Tenno seem to sit in 'seiza' position, a form of Japanese sitting style.
*In Update 18, the full name of the Voidship which housed the children who would become the Tenno was finally revealed though there were no prior indications that the full name had not already been disclosed in the codex entry for Ember Prime.
*Upon closer examination, there is a bit of a play-on-words with regards to the full name of the ship, and the origins of the Tenno themselves. The ship had been directly referenced by partial name once before, in the codex entry of Ember Prime, as the ''Zariman'', leaving out the '''Ten-Zero''' portion of the name. The hidden reference is most easily apparent in English, because of a linguistic shorthand used to refer to the number 'zero', with the shorter identity of just "oh". This can be seen in pop culture, such as in the title of the TV show "Hawaii Five-Oh".
*Upon shortening '''Ten-Zero''' into 'Ten-Oh' &ndash; and to make it easier to pronounce, combining the syllables into one word &ndash; 'Tenno' &ndash; it becomes even more plainly visible that the Orokin (as a society) were truly unnerved by the children who had been found on the ship. They wished to maintain such a clinical attitude towards the children that they simply named them &ndash; as a group &ndash; after the very ship they were found on.
<references />
[[Category:Dark Sector Reference]]

Phiên bản lúc 17:44, ngày 25 tháng 11 năm 2016


Tenno là hậu duệ của một nền văn hóa cổ xưa có những chiến binh và công nghệ vượt bậc trên Trái Đất có tên là Orokin. Họ ngủ say trong những khung đông lạnh hàng thế kỷ, hiện nay Tenno đã thức dậy và thấy mình đang đứng giữa một trận chiến mới, chiến đấu và chống lại các thế lực thù địch bằng công nghệ của Orokin là Warframes. Khi thức dậy, Tenno đã quên lãng hầu hết về quá khứ của mình nhưng kỹ thuật sử dụng vũ khí và bộ giáp Warframe thì không hề phai nhạt.

Tàn tích về lịch sử của họ cho thấy sự anh dũng và tính quả cảm là những giá trị cốt lõi của Tenno: điều đó có còn đúng hay không? Tenno đang phải đối mặt với một thế giới vô cùng lạ lẫm. Có những người thán phục những chiến binh quả cảm ấy. Lại có những kẻ muốn đạt được sức mạnh và lợi ích kinh tế thu được từ Warframes. Dù cho số phận cùa họ như thế nào, Tenno luôn đứng vững vàng trước kẻ thù, nguyện trung thành với đồng đội.

—Warframe Official Website


Sentients đã chiến thắng. Chúng dùng chính những vũ khí và công nghệ của chúng ta để chống lại chúng ta. Càng tân tiến bao nhiêu, càng thiệt hại bấy nhiêu. Kết quả của trận chiến này đã an bài trừ khi chúng ta tìm phương pháp khác. Trong nỗi tuyệt vọng đó chúng ta lại hướng về Void. Nơi nằm ở góc tối của vũ trụ này, nơi mà những công nghệ và lý lẽ của chúng ta không thể sử dụng.

Chúng tôi đã đón nhận những kẻ bị ruồng bỏ tới từ nơi đó. Chúng tôi lắp đặt một khung xương nhân tạo xung quanh họ, sự đau đớn sẽ tạo ra một sự khác biệt. Trao cho họ những vũ khí cổ xưa, súng và kiếm. Một chiến binh mới, một lý tưởng mới ra đời. Những kẻ bị chối bỏ ấy, những kẻ mang tên Tenno giờ đây lại trở thành vị cứu tinh chúng ta. Những chiến binh thần thánh được tạo nên từ thép và sự cuồng nộ đã đẩy lùi kẻ thù mà chúng ta không thể làm được.

Excalibur là người đầu tiên.

—Orokin 'Warframe' Archives

Tenno là phe do người chơi điều khiển. Mỗi một người chơi là một Tenno với một bộ giáp chiến đầu được gọi là Warframe hay Frame. Những kỹ năng chiến đấu được cung cấp bởi Warframe đều vượt trội hơn nhiều so với công nghệ của Corpus hay số lượng đông đảo Grineer; hầu hết những Tenno ít kinh nghiệm chiến đấu cũng có thể dễ dàng một mình quẩy tung giữa một đàm đông kẻ địch, hay một nhóm các Tenno có kinh nghiệm luôn là án tử với kẻ địch.

Thức giấc sau thời gian ngủ gà gật trong thế giới hỗn loạn, Tenno biết rất ít về bản thân mình. Mỗi một Tenno sẽ được trang bị một súng chính, một súng phụ và một vũ khí cận chiến. Trong kho thì sẽ có thêm nhiều loại khác như súng máy, súng hạng nặng, phóng lựu, súng hoa cải, lục, kiếm, vũ khí công nghệ cao như laze, beam, plasma cho tới rìu, gậy, găng tay bla bla bla... Mỗi một Warframe sẽ có những kỹ năng đặc thù riêng từ Volt shock điện cho tới phân thân Mirage, hay trà xanh 0 độ Frost. Cùng với đó là những module tự nhiên ( slot cắm mod) để nâng cấp và cho khả năng tùy biến cao.


Bài viết chính: Category:Tenno

Mỗi một tenno đều tạo ra một lượng lớn súng ống và phụ kiện – đa số chúng là nguyên mẫu Orokin. Vũ khí của Tenno hay dùng thường sắc nhọn, có thiết kế các dạng biểu tượng, sắc nhọn nên nhìn khá bắt mắt.


Bài viết chính: Lotus

Từ khi mới thức tỉnh, Tenno đã bị dắt vào đời bởi một người tên Lotus. Luôn đưa ra những chỉ dẫn, lời khuyên trong lúc không ngờ nhất, Lotus giúp Tenno đi những bước đầu tiên trong cõi đời máu lửa, trải qua nhiều kiểu nhiệm vụ như sabotage, defense, extermination, interception và rescue. Cách thức liên lạc là Lotus điều lệnh thông qua Radio từ một nơi không xác định. Giống như phần lớn Tenno, Mẹ Lotus là một điều bí ẩn, trải qua quest Natah chúng ta mới hiểu thêm một chút về thân thế và mục đích của Lotus.

Một số vũ khí mang theo hình Lotus để phân biệt chúng là những vũ khí chuyên biệt hoặc dành riêng cho Tenno.

Hầu hiết những nhân vật trong nhiệm vụ Rescue đều là con người bằng xương thịt và mặc những bộ bó sát mang biểu tưởng Lotus, suy ra số lượng nhân vật không phải là Tenno tham gia và làm việc cho Lotus khá nhiều. Họ giúp các mảng như tham gia hỗ trợ tìm kiếm thông tin, đạn dược, tham gia hỗ trợ những chiến dịch lớn. Đa số họ đều là thành viên đoàn trong những trạm


Tenno carrier
Bài viết chính: Orbiter

Orbiters là tàu không gian dùng để đưa Tenno du hành khắp hệ mặt trời và đổ bộ tới những nhiệm vụ cần đến. Chúng giống như những trạm căn cứ di động; mang đạn dược, trang bị đầy đủ phục vụ các chiến dịch. Tất cả đều được điều hành tự động bởi AI Ordis- một siêu máy tính.


Bản mẫu:Speculation

At the height of their Empire's reign, the Orokin became embroiled in a war with the Sentients: a creation of theirs long ago sent to the Tau System to prepare for colonization, whose advanced technologies allowed them to quickly adapt to every attempt by the Orokin to defeat them. Each attempt by the Orokin to defeat the Sentients failed, so they turned in desperation to their last hope: the Tenno.

The Tenno were created in an incident long before the war, during the so-called "Void Era", when a ship called the Zariman Ten Zero became involved in a void-jump accident that sent it lost in the chaotic sub-dimensional space known as the Void. When the ship reemerged from the Void and was recovered years later, the only survivors found were children, whose exposure to the Void's energies had twisted and changed them, giving them inexplicable powers and abilities. Feared and reviled, the survivors of the Zariman nonetheless were of great interest to the Orokin.

Initial experiments on how to harness the children's powers though led to several fatal accidents, which showed the danger their uncontrolled powers could wreak both on themselves and on others. It was the work of an Orokin researcher named Margulis that led to a breakthrough; through dreams, the children could focus and control their powers. However, this research would then be taken from her after she was executed for trying to protect the children, and used to create a process known as Transference; the children's consciousness's and powers could be remotely channeled through a surrogate body called a Warframe: a specially-made techno-organic humanoid battle frame designed to enhance and focus the children's powers, using a device known as a Somatic Link. Not only did the process grant greater control over their powers, but with no fear of self-destruction the powers could be used to their fullest potential. The survivors would be placed in Somatic Link pods in a facility known as the Reservoir located on the Moon, to control their surrogate bodies in a secure location away from their enemies.

These operators, newly christened as the "Tenno", were taught the ways of war. With the combination of advanced technologies and esoteric powers, the Tenno began to turn the tide against the Sentients, allowing them to vanquish the Orokin's enemies across many battles.

The end of the Sentient threat should have been the end of the Orokin's struggles, but it was not to be. For unknown reasons, as the Orokin were celebrating their victory by bestowing the Tenno with honors, the Warframes struck, destroying the Orokin's leadership and throwing the empire into chaos, an event that would herald the end of the Orokin Empire.

In the backdrop of the Orokin's collapse, the machinations of the Sentients continued; a plan had long been hatched to infiltrate the Orokin and destroy the Tenno. The agent given the task, named Natah, grew close to the Tenno she was supposed to destroy. Betraying her own kind, Natah used her considerable powers to hide the Moon within the Void, keeping the Reservoir and the Tenno they hold hidden from the Sentients, and the Warframes scattered throughout the Origin System were made to sleep in cryostasis. Natah, taking on the mantle of the Tenno's caretaker and guide, remade herself as the Lotus, keeping watch over the sleeping Tenno until the time they would wake once again.


  • The plural of Tenno is Tenno.
  • Each Tenno behind the Warframes have official concepts and ideas to what they look like [1] as stated by Art Director Mynki in Devstream #4 which may or may not be revealed in the future. These concepts may also be subject to change throughout development.
    • With The Limbo Theorem and DE sources indicating the Tenno have the ability able to wear multiple Warframes this concept may have been scrapped.
      • And further with The Second Dream showing that the Warframes are not worn at all, but instead commanded remotely by the true Tenno via a Somatic Link, at first in the Reservoir, and later in the Orbiter. However, Warframes do still have organic components, leaving open that human bodies may or may not inhabit them.
        • The Grineer Queens in The War Within refer to warframes as "infested puppets" and the Jordas Golem briefly confuses Warframes for fellow infested. This would indicate that infestation plays a large part in the organic elements of a warframe and would also be the main reason why warframes are immune to infestation (being already infested, the virus can do very little else to it).
  • The enemy faction in-game have a wide variety of insults with which they have addressed the Tenno.
    • The Corpus to refer to the Tenno as "The Betrayers":
      • The moniker "Betrayers" seems to be partially explained by the Stalker's Codex entry, in which he claims that the Tenno slaughtered their masters at the Mercury Terminus in the aftermath of the Great War.
      • This is further explained by the Anti Moa Synthesis, which reveals the Corpus originated from within Orokin society and descended over time to become little more than scavengers after its downfall, explaining why they – and not just Stalker – see the Tenno as betrayers.
    • The Infestation has referred to the Tenno as "hollow shells".
    • The Grineer currently have the largest number insults directed for the Tenno.
      • Councilor Vay Hek and Sprag refers to the Tenno as "insects" and "shiny bugs" respectively.
      • Tyl Regor consistently calls the Tenno "lizards" (along with "leech", "worthless ugly freaks", and "bloody worm").
  • Possible note of worth, the Stalker refers to himself, and the others gathered around him as 'low guardians', making the distinction between the low guardians and the Tenno. It is possible that the Tenno were regarded as 'high', or the highest, guardians of the Orokin. From the in-game description of the Misa Syandana Prime, we also know that there were Temple Guards as well.
  • Tennō (天皇) means in Japanese "Divine Emperor". Additionally, in the Buddhist faith, the Four Heavenly Kings (四天王, Shitennō) are four guardian deities who watch over each cardinal direction.
  • In the Profit trailer, Alad V insulted the Tenno as "mute peasants" for humor, referring to the fact that Tenno have never been heard speaking verbally.
    • This comment once led to speculation that the Tenno as a race may be mute, but with dialogue options with Simaris and Darvo now in the game, this theory seems to have been debunked.
  • Nova's Profile describes her existence as the result of "Tenno High Council" research, indicating that there is or was some sort of Tenno governing structure.
    • The "Tenno High Council" may also just be a reference to the Design Council, a select group of players that can vote and provide opinions on concepts and designs made by Digital Extremes before they are released to the public. Nova was the first Warframe created from the Design Council's input.
  • In the prologue added in Update 14, Vor states that the Ascaris is nearly attached to the Tenno's spine. This implies that Tennos are biological and possess at least some biological structures that are analogous to those present in humans.
    • The Second Dream quest reveals that Warframes may contain a surrogate body inside, that is capable of withstanding Tenno powers. This would explain the "attached to the spine" quote.
  • Previously, there was much debate about whether the "player character" was a single Tenno switching frames or multiple Tenno, each with their own personal frame (ala an MMO character select screen, all individual but all technically existing at the same time). Since the release of The Limbo Theorem and Ordis asking the Operator (the player character) to exercise caution when they "occupy this frame" is can firmly be said that the player is a single Tenno and that they are indeed switching Warframes.
    • Shortly after this reveal there was some debate about whether or not Ordis was breaking the fourth wall, but in a Reddit AMA Steve confirmed it was not.[2]
    • The Second Dream quest reveals that Warframes are remote controlled battle stations, definitely containing techno-organic elements inside (as was mentioned by Lotus "the surrogate, capable of withstanding Tenno powers"; meanwhile the Operators have the ability to take control of one Warframe at a time via Somatic Link or direct connection (touch).
    • Also, early in-game all or most of the Defense missions used "WARFRAME CRYOPOD" which was presented as life-support pod, contained humanoid beings in jumpsuits, similar to one, that Relay Personnel and Syndicate's Agents wear. This fact may or may not suggest, that cryopods held the surrogates, who were made for use in "Tenno-Warframe"-link.
  • The name "Tenno" dates back to the Hayden Tenno character from Digital Extremes's previous game Dark Sector. Warframe often uses concepts, art styles, names, and other materials from Dark Sector, due to it being a spiritual successor to the game itself.
  • The Tenno seem to sit in 'seiza' position, a form of Japanese sitting style.
  • In Update 18, the full name of the Voidship which housed the children who would become the Tenno was finally revealed though there were no prior indications that the full name had not already been disclosed in the codex entry for Ember Prime.
  • Upon closer examination, there is a bit of a play-on-words with regards to the full name of the ship, and the origins of the Tenno themselves. The ship had been directly referenced by partial name once before, in the codex entry of Ember Prime, as the Zariman, leaving out the Ten-Zero portion of the name. The hidden reference is most easily apparent in English, because of a linguistic shorthand used to refer to the number 'zero', with the shorter identity of just "oh". This can be seen in pop culture, such as in the title of the TV show "Hawaii Five-Oh".
  • Upon shortening Ten-Zero into 'Ten-Oh' – and to make it easier to pronounce, combining the syllables into one word – 'Tenno' – it becomes even more plainly visible that the Orokin (as a society) were truly unnerved by the children who had been found on the ship. They wished to maintain such a clinical attitude towards the children that they simply named them – as a group – after the very ship they were found on.
