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Mods 1.0 trước Update 7.0

Module (Mods) là hệ thống nâng cấp trong WARFRAME được thể hiện dưới dạng thẻ bài và có thể lắp vào Warframe, Vũ khí, Kubrows, Sentinels, Archwing để tăng damage, sức mạnh, tốc độ, khả năng sinh tồn. Mods có thể thay đổi giữa các trang bị. Hiện tại có khoảng 1005 loại mod khác nhau trong game, không bao gồm Riven Mods và các biến thể Mod Hỏng (Flawed Mods). Con số trên bao gồm:

  • 118 Thường (Common)
  • 254 Tốt (Uncommon)
  • 562 Hiếm (Rare)
  • 45 Huyền Thoại (Legendary)
  • 9 Amalgam
  • 2 Peculiar
  • 8 Requiem
  • 4 stance mod đặc biệt dành riêng cho một số Exalted Weapons.
  • Các Fusion Core và Ancient Fusion Cores không còn kiếm được nữa.

Cách sở hữu[]

  • Gần như tất cả kẻ địch đều có khả năng rớt Mod khi chết. Tỉ lệ thường là khoảng 3%, nhưng sẽ khác nhau tùy theo loại quái.
    • 75.9% các mod rớt ra sẽ thuộc loại common (thường).
    • 22.12% các mod rớt ra sẽ thuộc loại uncommon (tốt).
    • 2.01% là loại rare (hiếm).
    • Mọi kẻ địch có thể rớt mod đều có một danh sách rớt riêng, chi tiết có thể xem tại trang thông tin chuyên biệt của chúng.
  • Sở hữu các vật nuôi/bạn đồng hành sẽ được hỗ trợ thêm bộ Mod riêng của chúng.
  • Auras, Nightmare và Corrupted mod chỉ có thể kiếm được tại Alert, Nightmare ModeOrokin Derelict theo thứ tự đó.
  • Mod Transmutation là hệ thống hy sinh 4 Mod khác nhau để nhận một Mod mới.
  • SurvivalSpy có thể cho mod, Blueprints hoặc Credits như phần thưởng cho việc hoàn thành nhiệm vụ
  • Không nên mua Mod Pack trong market (lời từ editor)

Chỉ số[]

Mods có 9 chỉ số thể hiện trên nó:

  1. Mod Name: Tên của Mod.
  2. Capacity Drain & Polarity: Số lượng Capacity cần thiết để dùng Mod và Polarity của nó.
  3. Mod Rank: Level của Mod
  4. Mod Combatibility: Cái gì có thể sử dụng mod này.
  5. Conclave Rating: Điểm conclave sử dụng trong PvP và chế tạo Specter.
  6. Stack/Duplicate Count: số lượng mod bạn đang sở hữu thuộc loại này
  7. Aura/Stance Indicator: Chỉ xuất hiện trong mod dùng làm Aura hoặc Stance.
  8. Number of Duplicates Selected: Số lượng mod cùng loại mà bạn đã chọn để sử dụng Fusion.
  9. Rarity: Viền ngoài của Mod sẽ thể hiện độ hiếm của nó (Màu đồng cho common, bạc cho uncommon, vàng cho rare và trắng cho legendary).

Loại Mod[]

Mod chỉ có thể lắp cho loại đồ dùng mà nó nêu ra trên thẻ, thường thì nó sẽ định vị những món như Warframe hoặc vũ khí. Ngoài ra một số loại khác chỉ dùng được cho đúng vật phẩm ví dụ như Vampire Leech của Trinity.

Độ Hiếm[]

Như đã nói thì viền ngoài của Mod sẽ thể hiện độ hiếm của nó.

Tập tin:FastHandsModU145.png Tập tin:FastDeflectionModU145.png Tập tin:ConstitutionModU145.png PrimedContinuity
Common Uncommon Rare Legendary

Mod Capacity[]

Mod capacity là số điểm cần thiết để dùng Mod. Warframe, vũ khí và đồng hành bị giới hạn bởi số lượng capacity là 30 nhưng có thể tăng gấp 2 điểm lên 60 bằng việc sử dụng Orokin ReactorOrokin Catalyst. Hệ thống này làm giới hạn số lượng Mod có thể dùng trên một vật phẩm dựa vào mức hao tốn capacity của nó.

Đồng hành sẽ có 10 ô Mods trong khi Warframe, vũ khí và Archwings chỉ có 8.

Aura Mods của Warframe không giảm số lượng capacity mà ngược lại nó tăng thêm, tùy vào loại Aura có thể tăng từ 1 đến 18 điểm capacity. Stance Mods cho vũ khí cận chiến cũng hoạt động như thế.


Bài viết chính: Polarity

Một số ô đã "polazized" thường có ký hiệu đặt biệt, sử dụng mod có ký hiệu giống với ô sẽ giảm số lượng capacity cần thiết để dùng mod. Ngược lại, nếu dùng mod không cùng ký hiệu với ô thì sẽ làm tăng số lượng capacity cần thiết để xài mod.

Mod Rank[]

Mod Rank có thể hiểu là số lần có thể nâng cấp mod và thường dao động từ 0 đến 10 (có cả 3 và 5). Khi Mods đợc nâng cấp lên một level thì sẽ có thêm một chấm xanh ở đáy của Mod.

Sau mỗi lần nâng cấp thì lần nâng cấp lên level kế sẽ tốn gấp đôi lượng Fusion core cần thiết, ví dụ từ 0 lên 1 tốn 4 Fusion core thì từ 1 lên 2 sẽ tốn 8 Fusion core.
Xem Fusion.

Xem danh sách Mod Rank 10

Các loại Mod đặc biệt[]

Aura Mods[]

Bài viết chính: Aura

Các Mod Aura được sử dụng cho Warframe và tăng chỉ số capacity, các mod này hỗ trợ bị động cho Warframe bạn đang sử dụng và chỉ có thể sử dụng đúng ngay ô Aura trên cùng bên trái trong bảng upgrade của Warframe.

Stance Mods[]

Bài viết chính: Stance

Stance Mods là mods đặc biệt dùng cho vũ khí cận chiến, các mod này cũng tăng capacity cho vũ khí cận chiến giống như Aura Mods và mở khóa cho việc sử dụng các combo riêng của từng Mod. Chỉ có thể sử dụng ở ô Stance trên cùng của vũ khí cận chiến.

Exilus Mods[]

Bài viết chính: Category:Exilus Mods

Exilus Mods dùng để hỗ trợ bị động cho việc sử dụng Parkour, nhảy nhót trong chiến đấu. Mod này chỉ có thể dùng ở ô Exilus ở trên cùng bên phải của bảng upgrade. Tuy nhiên để có thể sử dụng ô này thì bạn phải mở khóa nó bằng Exilus Adapter.

Nighmare Mods[]

Bài viết chính: Category:Nightmare Mode Mods

Nighmare mod thường cộng hai chỉ số khác nhau và chỉ có thể nhậnợc khi hoàn thành nhiệm vụ ở chế độ Nightmare Mode.

Corrupted Mods[]

Bài viết chính: Category:Corrupted Mods

Corrupted mod chỉ có thể nhận được từ việc mở hòm Vault ở trong Orokin Derelict bằng cách sử dụng Dragon Key. Những mod này thường cộng một chỉ số và trừ đi một chỉ số khác.

Augment Mods[]

Bài viết chính: Category:Augmented Mods

Augment mod nói cách khác là mod hỗ trợ cho kỹ năng của Warframe chỉ có thể đổi và nhận thông qua hệ thống Syndicates và chỉ có thể sử dụng đúng với Warframe mà nó ghi.

Conclave Mods[]

Bài viết chính: Category:PvP Mods

Conclave mod chỉ có thể kiếm được thông qua Conclave Syndicates bằng việc đổi và nhận với Tenshin. Tuy nhiên mod này chỉ sử dụng đợc trong chế độ Pvp.

Damaged Mods[]

Bài viết chính: Damaged Mods

Damaged mod là phiên bản hỏng của những mod gốc, các loại mod này được tặng cho tân thủ thông qua quá trình làm Vor's Prize quest.

Primed Mods[]

Bài viết chính: Category:Primed Mods

Primed mod là phiên bản mạnh hơn của các mod thường và có thể mua đợc từ Baro Ki'Teer hoặc giao dịch với người chơi khác.

Danh sách Mods[]

Name Description Polarity Rarity
Armored Agility Increases Armor and Sprint Speed Vazarin Pol Nightmare
Antitoxin Adds Toxin b Toxin damage resistance Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Aviator Reduces damage taken while airborne Vazarin Pol Common
Blind Rage Increases power strength
Reduces power efficiency
Madurai Pol Corrupted
Constitution Increases knockdown recovery speed
Increases power duration
Naramon Pol Nightmare
Continuity Increases power duration Madurai Pol Rare
Diamond Skin Adds Radiation b Radiation damage resistance Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Enemy Sense Pinpoints enemy locations on minimap Naramon Pol Rare
Equilibrium Provides energy when picking up health orbs
Provides health when picking up energy orbs
Naramon Pol Uncommon
Fast Deflection Increases shield recharge rate Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Flame Repellent Adds Heat b Fire damage resistance Vazarin Pol Common
Fleeting Expertise Increases power efficiency
Reduces power duration
Naramon Pol Corrupted
Flow Increases maximum energy Naramon Pol Rare
Fortitude Adds chance to resist knockdown
Increases shield recharge rate
Naramon Pol Nightmare
Handspring Increases knockdown recovery speed Naramon Pol Rare
Heavy Impact Heavy landings create damaging and stunning shockwaves Naramon Pol Uncommon
Insulation Adds Cold b Cold damage resistance Vazarin Pol Common
Intensify Increases power strength Madurai Pol Rare
Intruder Increases hacking time Naramon Pol Common
Lightning Rod Adds Electricity b Electricity damage resistance Vazarin Pol Common
Maglev Increases slide speed Naramon Pol Uncommon
Master Thief Adds chance to unlock locked lockers Naramon Pol Rare
Narrow Minded Increases power duration
Reduces power range
Vazarin Pol Corrupted
Natural Talent Increases cast speed Naramon Pol Rare
Overextended Increases power range
Reduces power strength
Vazarin Pol Corrupted
Primed Continuity Increases power duration Madurai Pol Legendary
Primed Flow Increases maximum energy Naramon Pol Legendary
Primed Vigor Increases maximum health
Increases maximum shield capacity
Vazarin Pol Legendary
Provoked Increases damage dealt during bleedout Madurai Pol Uncommon
Quick Thinking Warframe energy is automatically used to absorb and prevent lethal damage Vazarin Pol Rare
Rage Damage to health restores Warframe energy Madurai Pol Rare
Rapid Resilience Reduces status duration on self Vazarin Pol Rare
Redirection Increases maximum shield capacity Vazarin Pol Common
Reflection Damage is reflected back at melee attackers while blocking Vazarin Pol Common
Reflex Guard Warframe can automatically parry incoming attacks, and will always parry certain special attacks Vazarin Pol Rare
Retribution Adds chance to do Electricity b Electricity damage to melee attackers that damage your shields Vazarin Pol Rare
Rush Increases sprint speed Naramon Pol Uncommon
Shock Absorbers Increases damage resistance when knocked down Vazarin Pol Rare
Steel Fiber Increases armor Vazarin Pol Common
Streamline Increases power efficiency Naramon Pol Rare
Stretch Increases power range Naramon Pol Uncommon
Sure Footed Adds chance to resist knockdown Vazarin Pol Rare
Thief's Wit Displays location of containers and resources on minimap
Makes modifications visible through walls.
Naramon Pol Common
Transient Fortitude Increases power strength
Reduces power duration
Madurai Pol Corrupted
Undying Will Reduces bleedout rate Vazarin Pol Rare
Vigor Increases maximum health
Increases maximum shield capacity
Vazarin Pol Nightmare
Vitality Increases maximum health Vazarin Pol Common
Warm Coat Reduces amount of shields lost to ice/cryo level hazard Vazarin Pol Common

Name Description Polarity Rarity
Agile Aim Increases movement speed while aiming Madurai Pol Uncommon
Ammo Drum Increases maximum ammunition capacity Naramon Pol Common
Argon Scope Increases critical chance while aiming for a brief time upon a headshot. Madurai Pol Acolyte
Apex Predator Adds temporary Target-Tracking to the map on hit
Exclusive to PvP
Naramon Pol Uncommon
Bane of Corpus Increases damage dealt to all IconCorpusBCorpus units Madurai Pol Uncommon
Bane of Grineer Increases damage dealt to all IconGrineerBGrineer units Madurai Pol Uncommon
Bane of Infested Increases damage dealt to all IconInfestedBInfested units Madurai Pol Uncommon
Bladed Rounds Increases critical damage while aiming for a brief time upon kill. Madurai Pol Acolyte
Catalyzer Link Increases status chance while aiming for a brief time upon casting an ability. Madurai Pol Acolyte
Combustion Beam Enemies killed with rifle beam weapons explode Madurai Pol Rare
Comet Rounds Converts a percentage of the weapon's damage into Impact b.svg Impact damage
Exclusive to PvP
Madurai Pol Uncommon
Continuous Misery Increases status duration Madurai Pol Common
Crash Course Increases base Impact b.svg Impact damage Naramon Pol Rare
Critical Delay Increases Critical Hit chance
Reduces rate of fire
Naramon Pol Corrupted
Cryo Rounds Adds Cold b Cold damage to the weapon Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Eagle Eye Increases zoom level Naramon Pol Uncommon
Fanged Fusillade Increases base Slash b.svg Slash damage Naramon Pol Rare
Fast Hands Increases reload speed Naramon Pol Common
Firestorm Increases the blast radius of explosive weapons (e.g. Ogris, Opticor, Penta)
Increases the radius of Torid's gas clouds
Madurai Pol Rare
Hammer Shot Increases Critical Hit damage
Increases chance of causing status effects
Vazarin Pol Nightmare
Heavy Caliber Increases base damage
Reduces accuracy
Madurai Pol Corrupted
Hellfire Adds Heat b Fire damage damage to the weapon Naramon Pol Uncommon
High Voltage Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds Electricity b Electricity damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Rare
Hush Reduces noise generated by firing Naramon Pol Common
Infected Clip Adds Toxin b Toxin damage to the weapon Naramon Pol Uncommon
Lucky Shot Increases projectile flight speed
Reduces accuracy
Exclusive to PvP
Madurai Pol Uncommon
Magazine Warp Increases magazine capacity Naramon Pol Common
Malignant Force Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds Toxin b Toxin damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Rare
Metal Auger Adds object/enemy penetration to projectiles Naramon Pol Rare
Piercing Caliber Increases base Puncture b Puncture damage Naramon Pol Rare
Piercing Hit Increases base Puncture b Puncture damage Naramon Pol Common
Point Strike Increases critical hit chance Madurai Pol Common
Primed Bane of Corpus Increases damage dealt to all IconCorpusBCorpus units Madurai Pol Primed
Primed Bane of Grineer Increases damage dealt to all IconGrineerBGrineer units Madurai Pol Primed
Primed Bane of Infested Increases damage dealt to all IconInfestedBInfested units Madurai Pol Primed
Primed Fast Hands Increases reload speed Naramon Pol Primed
Recover Adds Chance to Restore Health on Kill
Exclusive to PvP
Vazarin Pol Rare
Rifle Aptitude Increases chance of causing status effects Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Rime Rounds Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds Cold b Cold damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Rare
Ripper Rounds Converts a percentage of the weapon's damage into Puncture b Puncture damage
Exclusive to PvP
Madurai Pol Uncommon
Rupture Increases base Impact b.svg Impact damage Naramon Pol Common
Sawtooth Clip Increases base Slash b.svg Slash damage Naramon Pol Common
Serrated Rounds Converts a percentage of the weapon's damage into Slash b.svg Slash damage
Exclusive to PvP
Madurai Pol Uncommon
Serration Increases base damage Madurai Pol Uncommon
Shred Adds object/enemy penetration to projectiles
Increases rate of fire
Madurai Pol Nightmare
Sinister Reach Increases the range of rifle beam weapons Naramon Pol Uncommon
Speed Trigger Increases rate of fire Madurai Pol Uncommon
Split Chamber Adds chance of shooting multiple projectiles Madurai Pol Rare
Stabilizer Reduces recoil generated when firing Naramon Pol Rare
Stormbringer Adds Electricity b Electricity damage to the weapon Naramon Pol Uncommon
Terminal Velocity Increases Rifle's Projectiles Flight Speed Madurai Pol Uncommon
Thermite Rounds Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds Heat b Heat damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Rare
Twitch Increases the holster rate Naramon Pol Uncommon
Vanquished Prey Adds Chance to Restore Shield on Kill
Exclusive to PvP
Vazarin Pol Rare
Vile Acceleration Increases rate of fire
Reduces damage
Naramon Pol Corrupted
Vile Precision Reduces recoil generated when firing
Reduces rate of fire
Naramon Pol Corrupted
Vital Sense Increases Critical Hit damage Madurai Pol Rare
Wildfire Increases magazine capacity
Adds Heat b Fire damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Nightmare

Name Description Polarity Rarity
Accelerated Blast Increases rate of fire
Increases base Puncture b Puncture damage
Madurai Pol Nightmare
Ammo Stock Increases magazine capacity Naramon Pol Uncommon
Blaze Increases base damage
Adds Heat b Fire damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Nightmare
Blunderbuss Increases Critical Hit chance Madurai Pol Common
Bounty Hunter Adds temporary Target-Tracking to the map on hit
Exclusive to PvP
Naramon Pol Uncommon
Breach Loader Increases base Puncture b Puncture damage Naramon Pol Rare
Broad Eye Reduces zoom while Aim Gliding Naramon Pol Uncommon
Burdened Magazine Increases magazine capacity
Decreases reload speed
Naramon Pol Corrupted
Charged Shell Adds Electricity b Electricity damage to the weapon Naramon Pol Uncommon
Chilling Grasp Adds Cold b Cold damage to the weapon Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Cleanse Corpus Increases damage dealt to all IconCorpusBCorpus units Madurai Pol Uncommon
Cleanse Grineer Increases damage dealt to all IconGrineerBGrineer units Madurai Pol Uncommon
Cleanse Infested Increases damage dealt to all IconInfestedBInfested units Madurai Pol Uncommon
Contagious Spread Adds Toxin b Toxin damage to the weapon Naramon Pol Uncommon
Crash Shot Converts a percentage of the weapon's damage into Impact b.svg Impact damage
Exclusive to PvP
Madurai Pol Uncommon
Critical Deceleration Increases Critical Hit chance
Decreases Fire Rate
Madurai Pol Corrupted
Disruptor Increases base Impact b.svg Impact damage Naramon Pol Common
Double-Barrel Drift Reduces recoil and spread while sliding Madurai Pol Rare
Fatal Acceleration Increases flight speed of shotgun rounds Madurai Pol Uncommon
Flak Shot Converts a percentage of the weapon's damage into Slash b.svg Slash damage
Exclusive to PvP
Madurai Pol Uncommon
Flechette Increases base Puncture b Puncture damage Naramon Pol Common
Frail Momentum Increases rate of fire
Decreases damage
Madurai Pol Corrupted
Frigid Blast Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds Cold b Cold damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Rare
Full Contact Increases base Impact b.svg Impact damage. Naramon Pol Rare
Hell's Chamber Increases number of projectiles Madurai Pol Rare
Hydraulic Chamber Reduces recoil generated while firing
Decreases magazine capacity
Exclusive to PvP
Naramon Pol Rare
Incendiary Coat Adds Heat b Fire damage to the weapon Naramon Pol Uncommon
Kill Switch Reduces reload time for 3 seconds on Kill
Exclusive to PvP
Madurai Pol Rare
Laser Sight Increases Critical Hit chance while aiming for a brief time upon a headshot. Madurai Pol Acolyte
Lingering Torment Increases status duration Madurai Pol Common
Loaded Capacity Increases magazine capacity
Increases reload time
Exclusive to PvP
Naramon Pol Common
Lock and Load Adds passive reload over time while holstered Naramon Pol Rare
Loose Chamber Reduces reload time
Increases recoil generated while firing
Exclusive to PvP
Naramon Pol Common
Momentary Pause Adds Chance to Restore Health on Kill
Exclusive to PvP
Vazarin Pol Rare
Nano-Applicator Increases chance of causing status effects while aiming for a brief time after casting an ability. Madurai Pol Acolyte
Narrow Barrel Increases accuracy while aiming for a brief time upon hitting an enemy. Madurai Pol Acolyte
Point Blank Increases base damage Madurai Pol Uncommon
Primed Point Blank Increases base damage Madurai Pol Legendary
Primed Ravage Increases Critical Hit damage Madurai Pol Legendary
Primed Shotgun Ammo Mutation Converts any unused ammo types collected into Shotgun Ammo Naramon Pol Legendary
Prize Kill Adds Chance to Restore Shield on Kill
Exclusive to PvP
Vazarin Pol Rare
Ravage Increases Critical Hit damage Madurai Pol Rare
Repeater Clip Increases rate of fire while aiming for a brief time upon reloading. Madurai Pol Acolyte
Scattering Inferno Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds Heat b Fire damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Rare
Seeking Force Adds object/enemy penetration to projectiles Naramon Pol Rare
Seeking Fury Adds object/enemy penetration to projectiles
Reduces reload time
Madurai Pol Nightmare
Shell Compression Increases maximum ammunition capacity Naramon Pol Uncommon
Shell Shock Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds Electricity b Electricity damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Rare
Shotgun Ammo Mutation Converts any unused ammo types collected into Shotgun Ammo Naramon Pol Rare
Shotgun Savvy Increases chance of causing status effects Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Shotgun Spazz Increases rate of fire Madurai Pol Uncommon
Shrapnel Shot Increases Critical Hit damage while aiming for a brief time upon a kill. Madurai Pol Acolyte
Shredder Increases base Slash b.svg Slash damage Naramon Pol Common
Shred Shot Converts a percentage of the weapon's damage into Puncture b Puncture damage
Exclusive to PvP
Madurai Pol Uncommon
Silent Battery Reduces noise generated by firing Naramon Pol Uncommon
Snap Shot Increases movement speed while aiming Madurai Pol Uncommon
Soft Hands Increases the holster rate Naramon Pol Rare
Sweeping Serration Increases base Slash b.svg Slash damage Naramon Pol Rare
Tactical Pump Reduces reload time Naramon Pol Uncommon
Tainted Shell Reduces spread of shotgun fire
Reduces rate of fire
Vazarin Pol Corrupted
Toxic Barrage Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds Toxin b Toxin damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Rare
Vicious Spread Increases base damage
Increases spread of shotgun fire
Madurai Pol Corrupted

Name Description Polarity Rarity
Air Recon Reduces zoom while Aim Gliding Naramon Pol Uncommon
Anemic Agility Increases rate of fire
Reduces base damage
Naramon Pol Corrupted
Barrel Diffusion Adds chance of shooting multiple projectiles or increases projectile count for shotgun pistols. Madurai Pol Rare
Blind Shot Increases projectile flight speed
Reduces accuracy
Exclusive to PvP
Madurai Pol Rare
Bore Increases base Puncture b Puncture damage Naramon Pol Rare
Calculated Victory Adds Chance to Restore Shield on Kill
Exclusive to PvP
Vazarin Pol Rare
Concussion Rounds Increases base Impact b.svg Impact damage Naramon Pol Uncommon
Convulsion Adds Electricity b Electricity damage to the weapon Naramon Pol Uncommon
Creeping Bullseye Increases critical hit chance
Reduces rate of fire
Naramon Pol Corrupted
Deep Freeze Adds Cold b Cold damage to the weapon Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Eject Magazine Adds passive reload over time while holstered Naramon Pol Rare
Embedded Catalyzer Increases chance of causing status effects while aiming for a brief time after casting an ability. Madurai Pol Acolyte
Expel Corpus Increases damage dealt to all IconCorpusBCorpus units Madurai Pol Uncommon
Expel Grineer Increases damage dealt to all IconGrineerBGrineer units Madurai Pol Uncommon
Expel Infested Increases damage dealt to all IconInfestedBInfested units Madurai Pol Uncommon
Frostbite Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds Cold b Cold damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Rare
Full Capacity Increases magazine capacity
Increases reload time
Exclusive to PvP
Naramon Pol Common
Gunslinger Increases rate of fire Madurai Pol Uncommon
Hawk Eye Increases zoom level Naramon Pol Uncommon
Heated Charge Adds Heat b Fire damage to the weapon Naramon Pol Uncommon
Heavy Warhead Increases Explosion Radius
Decreases Pistol's Projectile Flight Speed
Exclusive to PvP
Madurai Pol Rare
Hollow Point Increases critical hit damage
Reduces base damage
Naramon Pol Corrupted
Hornet Strike Increases base damage Madurai Pol Uncommon
Hydraulic Barrel Reduces recoil generated while firing
Decreases magazine capacity
Exclusive to PvP
Naramon Pol Rare
Hydraulic Crosshairs Increases critical hit chance while aiming for a brief time upon a headshot. Madurai Pol Acolyte
Ice Storm Adds Cold b Cold damage to the weapon
Increases magazine capacity
Madurai Pol Nightmare
Impaler Munitions Converts a percentage of the weapon's damage into Puncture b Puncture damage
Exclusive to PvP
Madurai Pol Uncommon
Jolt Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds Electricity b Electricity damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Rare
Lethal Momentum Increases Pistol's Projectiles Flight Speed Madurai Pol Uncommon
Lethal Torrent Adds chance of shooting multiple projectiles/Increases projectile count for shotgun pistols
Increases rate of fire
Madurai Pol Nightmare
Loose Magazine Reduces reload time
Increases recoil generated while firing
Exclusive to PvP
Naramon Pol Common
Magnum Force Increases base damage
Reduces accuracy
Madurai Pol Corrupted
Maim Increases base Slash b.svg Slash damage Naramon Pol Rare
Meteor Munitions Converts a percentage of the weapon's damage into Impact b.svg Impact damage
Exclusive to PvP
Madurai Pol Uncommon
Night Stalker Adds temporary Target-Tracking to the map on hit
Exclusive to PvP
Naramon Pol Uncommon
No Return Increases base Puncture b Puncture damage Naramon Pol Uncommon
Pathogen Rounds Adds Toxin b Toxin damage to the weapon Naramon Pol Uncommon
Perpetual Agony Increases status duration Madurai Pol Common
Pistol Ammo Mutation Converts any unused ammo types collected into Pistol Ammo Naramon Pol Rare
Pistol Gambit Increases critical hit chance Madurai Pol Common
Pistol Pestilence Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds Toxin b Toxin damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Rare
Pressurized Magazine Increases rate of fire while aiming for a brief time upon reloading. Madurai Pol Acolyte
Primed Heated Charge Adds Heat b Fire damage to the weapon Naramon Pol Legendary
Primed Pistol Gambit Increases critical hit chance Madurai Pol Legendary
Primed Pistol Mutation Converts any unused ammo types collected into Pistol Ammo Naramon Pol Legendary
Primed Slip Magazine Increases magazine capacity Naramon Pol Legendary
Primed Target Cracker Increases critical hit damage Madurai Pol Legendary
Pummel Increases base Impact b.svg Impact damage Naramon Pol Rare
Quickdraw Reduces reload time Naramon Pol Common
Razor Shot Increases base Slash b.svg Slash damage Naramon Pol Uncommon
Razor Munitions Converts a percentage of the weapon's damage into Slash b.svg Slash damage
Exclusive to PvP
Madurai Pol Uncommon
Recuperate Adds Chance to Restore Health on Kill
Exclusive to PvP
Vazarin Pol Rare
Reflex Draw Increases the holster rate Naramon Pol Rare
Ruinous Extension Increases the range of pistol beam weapons Naramon Pol Uncommon
Scorch Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds Heat b Fire damage to the weapon
Madurai Pol Rare
Secondary Wind Adds Health Regen for 8 seconds on Kill
Exclusive to PvP
Vazarin Pol Rare
Seeker Adds object/enemy penetration to projectiles Naramon Pol Rare
Sharpened Bullets Increases critical hit damage while aiming for a brief time upon kill. Madurai Pol Acolyte
Slip Magazine Increases magazine capacity Naramon Pol Common
Spry Sights Increases movement speed while aiming Madurai Pol Uncommon
Steady Hands Reduces recoil generated while firing Naramon Pol Rare
Strafing Slide Reduces recoil and spread while sliding Madurai Pol Rare
Stunning Speed Increases chance of causing status effects
Reduces reload time
Naramon Pol Nightmare
Suppress Reduces noise generated by firing Naramon Pol Common
Sure Shot Increases chance of causing status effects Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Tainted Clip Increases magazine capacity
Increases reload time
Naramon Pol Corrupted
Target Cracker Increases critical hit damage Madurai Pol Uncommon
Targeting Subsystem Increases accuracy while aiming for a brief time after hitting an enemy. Madurai Pol Acolyte
Trick Mag Increases maximum ammunition capacity Naramon Pol Common

Name Description Polarity Rarity
Auger Strike Increases Puncture b Puncture damage Naramon Pol Rare
Berserker Temporarily increases attack speed after scoring a critical hit Madurai Pol Rare
Blood Rush Increases critical hit chance as the Melee Combo Counter increases Madurai Pol Acolyte
Body Count Increases Melee Combo Counter duration Madurai Pol Acolyte
Buzz Kill Increases base Slash b.svg Slash damage Naramon Pol Rare
Collision Force Increases base Impact b.svg Impact damage Naramon Pol Rare
Corrupt Charge Increases channeling damage
Reduces channeling efficiency
Madurai Pol Corrupted
Enduring Strike Increases Status Chance
Reduces channeling efficiency
Zenurik Pol Common
Energy Channel Adds bonus melee damage based on Warframe ability energy usage Madurai Pol Rare
Fever Strike Adds Toxin b Toxin damage to attacks Naramon Pol Uncommon
Finishing Touch Increases finishing attack damage Madurai Pol Uncommon
Focus Energy Increases channeling efficiency
Adds Electricity b Electricity damage to attacks
Madurai Pol Nightmare
Focused Defense Increases Armor while channeling

Reduces channeling efficiency

Vazarin Pol Acolyte
Fury Increases attack speed Madurai Pol Uncommon
Heavy Trauma Increases base Impact b.svg Impact damage Naramon Pol Rare
Jagged Edge Increases base Slash b.svg Slash damage Naramon Pol Rare
Killing Blow Increases channeling damage Madurai Pol Uncommon
Lasting Sting Increases the duration of status effects Madurai Pol Common
Life Strike Melee hits whilst channeling restore health
Reduces channeling efficiency
Vazarin Pol Rare
Maiming Strike Increases critical hit chance on slide attacks Madurai Pol Acolyte
Melee Prowess Increases chance of causing status effects Vazarin Pol Common
Molten Impact Adds Heat b Fire damage to attacks Naramon Pol Uncommon
North Wind Adds Cold b Cold damage to attacks Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Organ Shatter Increases critical hit damage Madurai Pol Common
Parry Grants a chance to knock down a melee attacker while Blocking Vazarin Pol Common
Power Throw Adds object/enemy penetration to thrown weapons such as Glaive, Glaive Prime, Halikar, and Kestrel. Cannot be used on other weapons Madurai Pol Rare
Pressure Point Increases base damage Madurai Pol Common
Primed Heavy Trauma Increases base Impact b.svg Impact damage Naramon Pol Legendary
Primed Reach Increases range/reach of melee attacks Madurai Pol Legendary
Quick Return Reduces the number of bounces for Glaive, Glaive Prime, Halikar and Kestrel Naramon Pol Common
Quickening Increases attack speed
Reduces channeling efficiency
Madurai Pol Rare
Reach Increases range/reach of melee attacks Madurai Pol Common
Rebound Increases number of bounces for Glaive, Glaive Prime, and Kestrel Naramon Pol Common
Reflex Coil Increases channeling efficiency Naramon Pol Uncommon
Rending Strike Increases base Puncture b Puncture and Slash b.svg Slash damage Naramon Pol Nightmare
Second Wind Melee kills restore stamina
Reduces channeling efficiency
Madurai Pol Common
Shocking Touch Adds Electricity b Electricity damage to attacks Naramon Pol Uncommon
Smite Corpus Increases damage dealt to all IconCorpusBCorpus units Madurai Pol Uncommon
Smite Grineer Increases damage dealt to all IconGrineerBGrineer units Madurai Pol Uncommon
Smite Infested Increases damage dealt to all IconInfestedBInfested units Madurai Pol Uncommon
Spoiled Strike Increases base damage
Reduces attack speed
Madurai Pol Corrupted
Sundering Strike Increases base Puncture b Puncture damage Naramon Pol Rare
True Punishment Increases critical hit chance
Reduces channeling efficiency
Zenurik Pol Common
True Steel Increases critical hits chance Madurai Pol Common
Vicious Frost Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds Cold b Cold damage to attacks
Madurai Pol Rare
Virulent Scourge Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds Toxin b Toxin damage to attacks
Madurai Pol Rare
Volcanic Edge Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds Heat b Heat damage to attacks
Madurai Pol Rare
Voltaic Strike Increases chance of causing status effects
Adds Electricity b Electricity damage to attacks
Madurai Pol Rare
Weeping Wounds Increases chance of causing status effects as the Melee Combo Counter increases Madurai Pol Acolyte
Whirlwind Increases flight speed of Glaive, Glaive Prime, Halikar, and Kestrel Madurai Pol Rare

Name Description Sentinel Polarity Rarity
Accelerated Deflection Increases shield recharge rate of the Sentinel Any Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Animal Instinct The Sentinel detects the location of nearby enemies and loot for the player. Any Naramon Pol Rare
Arc Coil Sentinel will zap multiple enemies within range. Diriga Penjaga Pol Common
Calculated Redirection Increases maximum shield of the Sentinel Any Vazarin Pol Common
Calculated Shot Sentinel charges a powerful shot and fires at first enemy in sight. Diriga Penjaga Pol Common
Coolant Leak Sentinel generates a small freeze aura which slows incoming enemies Any Penjaga Pol Rare
Crowd Dispersion The Sentinel unleashes a radial stun and knockdown when targets get close Wyrm Penjaga Pol Common
Detect Vulnerability The Sentinel marks damage multiplying weakspots on enemies with completed codex entries Helios Penjaga Pol Rare
Electro Pulse Sentinel continually zaps a nearby enemy, trapping them in a stunned state. Diriga Penjaga Pol Common
Enhanced Vitality Increases maximum health of the Sentinel Any Vazarin Pol Common
Fatal Attraction The Sentinel pulls enemies towards the user Djinn Penjaga Pol Common
Fired Up Increases weapon damage of Sentinel in recurrent attacks Any Madurai Pol Rare
Ghost The Sentinel cloaks its owner when enemies are close Shade Penjaga Pol Common
Guardian The Sentinel automatically restores some of its owner's shields when they are reduced to zero Any Penjaga Pol Common
Investigator The Sentinel will automatically scan enemies and objects to add to the Codex Helios Penjaga Pol Common
Looter The Sentinel will break nearby containers by shooting them Carrier Penjaga Pol Rare
Medi-Ray The Sentinel can periodically restore a percentage of its owner's health over 4 seconds (15-second cooldown) Any Penjaga Pol Uncommon
Metal Fiber Increases armor of the Sentinel Any Vazarin Pol Common
Regen The Sentinel will regenerate once if it is killed Any Penjaga Pol Common
Revenge The Sentinel will attack the enemy which attacked its owner Shade Penjaga Pol Common
Sacrifice The Sentinel will revive its owner at the cost of its own life Any Penjaga Pol Rare
Sanctuary Provides a shield when its owner is reviving an ally Any Vazarin Pol Rare
Self Destruct The Sentinel explodes upon death, dealing Blast b Blast damage to nearby enemies Any Madurai Pol Rare
Spare Parts The Sentinel has a chance to drop a rare material upon death Any Naramon Pol Uncommon
Striker The Sentinel will attack the first visible enemy in range Carrier Penjaga Pol Common
Swift Deth The Sentinel will attack the first visible enemy in range Dethcube Penjaga Pol Common
Targeting Receptor The Sentinel will attack the first visible enemy in range Helios Penjaga Pol Common
Thumper The Sentinel will attack the first visible enemy in range Djinn Penjaga Pol Common
Vacuum The Sentinel pulls items to his owner within a certain range Carrier Penjaga Pol Common
Vaporize The Sentinel will fire a powerful beam at close enemies, dealing high damage and stunning those that survive Dethcube Penjaga Pol Common
Warrior The Sentinel will attack the first visible enemy in range Wyrm Penjaga Pol Common

Name Description Kubrow Polarity Rarity
Animal Instinct The Kubrow detects the location of nearby enemies and loot for the player Any Naramon Pol Rare
Bite Increases Critical Chance and Critical Damage Any Madurai Pol Rare
Dig The Kubrow digs up ammunition and health orbs Sahasa Penjaga Pol Rare
Fast Deflection Increases shield recharge rate of the Kubrow Any Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Ferocity Enables finisher attacks and increases finisher damage of the Kubrow Sahasa Penjaga Pol Rare
Howl The Kubrow strikes fear into enemies Raksa Penjaga Pol Rare
Hunt The Kubrow tackles opponents Huras Penjaga Pol Rare
Link Armor Shares maximum armor of the player's Warframe with the Kubrow Any Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Link Health Shares maximum health of the player's Warframe with the Kubrow Any Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Link Shields Shares maximum shields of the player's Warframe with the Kubrow Any Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Loyal Companion Shares maximum bleedout rate of the player's Warframe with the Kubrow Any Vazarin Pol Common
Maul Increases melee damage Any Madurai Pol Uncommon
Neutralize Bites the hand of an enemy causing them to drop their weapon Chesa Penjaga Pol Rare
Pack Leader Heals Kubrow as player deals damage with melee weapons. Any Madurai Pol Common
Protect The Kubrow automatically restores some of its owner's shields when they are not at full capacity Raksa Penjaga Pol Rare
Retrieve The Kubrow sniffs out loot hidden in crates and dropped by enemies retrieving these items for its master Chesa Penjaga Pol Common
Savagery Enables finisher attacks and increases finisher damage of the Kubrow Sunika Penjaga Pol Rare
Shelter Creates a Shield around its owner while they heal fallen Allies Any Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Scavenge Increases chance to open lockers Any Penjaga Pol Common
Stalk The Kubrow cloaks its owner when enemies are close Huras Penjaga Pol Rare
Unleashed The Kubrow grapples VIP targets Sunika Penjaga Pol Rare

Name Description Polarity Rarity
Brief Respite Grants shields equal to a % of energy spent Zenurik Pol Uncommon
Corrosive Projection Reduces enemy armor Naramon Pol Uncommon
Dead Eye Increases sniper rifle damage Madurai Pol Uncommon
EMP Aura Reduces IconCorpusBCorpus enemies' accuracy Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Enemy Radar Pinpoints enemy locations on mini-map Naramon Pol Uncommon
Energy Siphon Provides constant energy regeneration Naramon Pol Uncommon
Infested Impedance Reduces speed of nearby IconInfestedBInfested units Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Loot Detector Displays location of containers and resources on minimap and makes modifications visible through walls Naramon Pol Uncommon
Physique Increases maximum health Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Pistol Scavenger Increases ammo recovery for pistols Naramon Pol Uncommon
Rejuvenation Provides constant health regeneration Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Rifle Amp Increases assault rifle damage Madurai Pol Uncommon
Rifle Scavenger Increases ammo recovery for assault rifles Naramon Pol Uncommon
Shield Disruption Reduces enemy shields Naramon Pol Uncommon
Shotgun Scavenger Increases ammo recovery for shotguns Naramon Pol Uncommon
Sniper Scavenger Increases ammo recovery for sniper rifles Naramon Pol Uncommon
Speed Holster Increases weapon switch speed Naramon Pol Uncommon
Sprint Boost Increases sprinting speed Naramon Pol Uncommon
Stand United Increases armor Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Steel Charge Increases melee weapon damage Madurai Pol Uncommon

Name Description Weapon Type Polarity Rarity
Astral Twilight Orbiting slashes and lashing strikes Glaives Naramon Pol Rare
Atlantis Vulcan Rapid strikes, Deceptive movements. Nunchaku Vazarin Pol Rare
Bleeding Willow A blend of strong and rapid strikes with leaping combos. Polearms Naramon Pol Rare
Blind Justice Reverse grip style emphasizing slashing and impaling strikes Nikanas Madurai Pol Uncommon
Brutal Tide Round-house attacks and leaping fists Sparring Naramon Pol Rare
Burning Wasp Chaining combos. Whips Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Clashing Forest Arcing strikes and focused combos. Staves Madurai Pol Uncommon
Cleaving Whirlwind Arcing cuts with spinning finish. Heavy Swords/Axes Vazarin Pol Rare
Coiling Viper Powerful arcing strikes with energetic flips. Whips Zenurik Pol Rare
Crimson Dervish Strong whirlwind attacks Swords Madurai Pol Rare
Crossing Snakes Multi-angle strikes and deadly thrust attacks. Dual Swords Naramon Pol Rare
Crushing Ruin Arial attacks with crowd control combos. Hammers Madurai Pol Rare
Decisive Judgement Fierce, double-handed strikes Nikanas Madurai Pol Rare
Defiled Snapdragon Sudden lashes, lethal slashes. Blade and Whip Madurai Pol Rare
Eleventh Storm Rapid attacks Sword and Shield Madurai Pol Uncommon
Final Harbinger Powerful slashes and shield attacks. Sword And Shield Madurai Pol Uncommon
Flailing Branch Lifting Strikes and whirlwind combos. Staves Unairu Pol Rare
Four Riders Fast strikes, powerful slams. Claws Madurai Pol Rare
Fracturing Wind Fast attacks and high finishing attack damage. Fists Unairu Pol Uncommon
Gaia's Tragedy Methodical blows thrown with great force. Fists Vazarin Pol Rare
Gemini Cross A style exhibiting sweeping slash attacks and swift jabs. Tonfas Madurai Pol Uncommon
Gleaming Talon Fast arcing strikes. Glaives Naramon Pol Rare
Gnashing Payara Lunging punctures with impaling spirals. Dual Daggers Unairu Pol Rare
Grim Fury Lightning fast hit chains and hard hitting combos. Sparring Unairu Pol Uncommon
High Noon Bullets spray between wicked slash attacks. Gunblade Madurai Pol Rare
Homing Fang Fast strikes, many hits. Daggers Naramon Pol Uncommon
Iron Phoenix Fast cutting attacks with punctures finish. Swords Unairu Pol Rare
Malicious Raptor Puncturing strikes and quick slashes. Claws Madurai Pol Rare
Pointed Wind Spiral strikes, lifting combos. Daggers Madurai Pol Rare
Reaping Spiral Far flung attacks and multi-hit combos Scythes Naramon Pol Uncommon
Rending Crane Downward cuts with an impact combo. Heavy Swords/Axes Madurai Pol Uncommon
Seismic Palm Methodical strikes with reaching combos. Fists Vazarin Pol Rare
Shattering Storm Methodical strikes and high impact combos. Hammers Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Sinking Talon Strong, focused attacks with multi-hit spins. Dual Daggers Zenurik Pol Uncommon
Stalking Fan Lunging spirals and shattering combos. Scythes Zenurik Pol Rare
Shimmering Blight Fast spinning attacks and staggering strikes. Polearms Zenurik Pol Uncommon
Sundering Weave Steady chopping strikes with focused damage. Machetes Zenurik Pol Uncommon
Swirling Tiger Fanning, multi-hit strikes. Dual Swords Zenurik Pol Uncommon
Tempo Royale Sweeping strikes and twisting slashes Heavy Swords/Axes Vazarin Pol Rare
Tranquil Cleave Powerful arcs with frenzied combo. Nikanas Madurai Pol Rare
Vengeful Revenant Hate... Dread... Despair... Swords Madurai Pol Rare
Vermilion Storm Kicks woven between spinning slashes. Claws Madurai Pol Rare

Archwing Mod List[]

Name Description Polarity Rarity
Argon Plating Increases Armor Vazarin Pol Common
Auxiliary Power Increases Maximum Energy Madurai Pol Uncommon
Efficient Transferral Increases Power Duration Vazarin Pol Rare
Energy Amplifier Increases Power Range Naramon Pol Uncommon
Energy Inversion Increases Shield Capacity Vazarin Pol Common
Enhanced Durability Increases Health Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Hyperion Thrusters Increases Sprint Naramon Pol Rare
(Primed) Morphic Transformer Increases Power Strength Madurai Pol (Legendary) Rare
Superior Defenses Increases Shield Recharge Rate Vazarin Pol Uncommon
System Reroute Increases Power Efficiency Naramon Pol Rare

Name Description Polarity Rarity
Automatic Trigger Increases Fire Rate Madurai Pol Rare
Combustion Rounds Adds Heat b Heat Damage Madurai Pol Uncommon
Dual Rounds Adds Multishot Chance Madurai Pol Rare
Electrified Barrel Adds Electricity b Electric Damage Naramon Pol Uncommon
Hollowed Bullets Increases Critical Damage Madurai Pol Rare
Magazine Extension Increases Magazine Capacity Naramon Pol Common
Magma Chamber Increases Heat b Heat Damage and Status Chance Madurai Pol Rare
Modified Munitions Increases Status Chance Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Parallax Scope Increases Critical Chance Naramon Pol Common
Polar Magazine Adds Cold b Cold Damage Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Rubedo-Lined Barrel Adds Base Damage Madurai Pol Uncommon
Shell Rush Increases Charge Rate Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Venomous Clip Adds Toxin b Toxin Damage Vazarin Pol Uncommon

Name Description Polarity Rarity
Blazing Steel Adds Heat b Heat Damage Naramon Pol Uncommon
Bleeding Edge Increases Critical Damage Madurai Pol Common
Cutting Edge Increases Melee Damage Madurai Pol Common
Extend Increases Range Madurai Pol Common
Furor Increases Attack Speed Madurai Pol Uncommon
Galvanized Blade Adds Electricity b Electric Damage Naramon Pol Uncommon
Glacial Edge Adds Cold b Cold Damage Vazarin Pol Uncommon
Poisonous Sting Adds Toxin b Toxin Damage Naramon Pol Uncommon
Searing Steel Increases Heat b Heat Damage and Status Chance Madurai Pol Rare
Sudden Impact Increases Status Chance Vazarin Pol Common
Tempered Blade Increases Critical Chance Madurai Pol Common

Syndicate Offering Mod List[]

SyndicateStandingWarframe Augments

Conclave Mod List[]

Conclave Sigil Black ConclavePvPTeshin
