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Elemental e sagaz, Wisp faz o papel de guardiã e guia para os seus aliados.

Para o recurso de Planícies de Eidolon, veja Cetus Wisp.

Invisível no ar e rápida no chão, ela se move como o vento. Essa é Wisp. Invocadora do volátil.

Sua graça é apenas equilibrada por sua destruição. Não se perca em seu rastro, Tenno.

Data de Lançamento: 22 de Maio de 2019

Estranha. Indescritível. Enigmática. Assombrando as encruzilhadas espaciais entre as portas dimensionais, a volátil feiticeira "Wisp" invoca aparições estranhas além da brecha. Separe sua alma para escapar da morte, roube a visão dos olhos inimigos e vaporize tudo diante do brilho de nossa luz celestial. Wisp materializada em Update 25.0.

Requisitos de Construção
Tempo: 72 hrs
Apressar: Platinum64 50
Mercado: Platinum64 325 Diagrama: N/A
Tempo: 12 hrs
Apressar: Platinum64 25


Tempo: 12 hrs
Apressar: Platinum64 25
Tempo: 12 hrs
Apressar: Platinum64 25


Todos os diagramas de componentes, incluindo o diagrama principal, são adquiridos contra a Ropalolyst (O Ropalolyst, Júpiter).
Drop Chance Esperado Quase Garantido
Diagrama do Chassi 38.72% 6 – 7 27 ± 9
Diagrama do Neurovisor 38.72%
Diagrama do Sistemas 22.56%

Esperado refere-se ao número de tentativas que um jogador pode esperar para receber pelo menos uma de cada drop associada aos respectivos valores.

Quase Garantido refere-se ao número de tentativas que um jogador precisa para obter uma probabilidade de 99%, 99,9% e 99,99% de receber pelo menos uma de cada drop associado aos respectivos valores.

Para definições mais detalhadas e informações sobre como esses números foram obtidos, visite aqui.


  • Wisp foi mencionada na Devstream 115 junto com outros 2 Warframes sem nome.
  • Wisp foi mencionada novamente na Devstream 122 junto com HildrynIcon272 Hildryn.
  • Wisp é a primeira cujo design do Warframe não possui pés em seu modelo; ela flutua sobre o solo constantemente, inclinando-se para a direção do movimento ou ficando flutuando na posição vertical quando parado.
  • Wisp é a primeira Warframe a ter uma animação de caminhada e corrida completamente única, como mencionado por Geoff na Devstream 123.
  • As habilidades de Wisp e animações foram exibidas na Devstream 126.
  • O tema de Wisp pode ser baseado em torno Will-o'-Wisps, aparições sobrenaturais mencionadas no folclore variado. Eles são mais comumente descritos como uma luz de fogo que distrairia e atrairia viajantes desavisados para sua morte.

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Em fase

WispIcon272 Wisp tece entre dimensões, enquanto ela está no ar, tornando-se completamente invisível para os inimigos até que ela aterrissa ou dispara uma arma. O manto de Wisp será reativado brevemente após o jogador parar de disparar, desde que ainda esteja no ar.

  • O efeito não se desgasta imediatamente após o pouso, permitindo que o Wisp permaneça constantemente invisível.
  • Invisibilidade não é afetada por armas corpo-a-corpo, permitindo ao Wisp usá-las livremente sem torná-las visíveis.


Reservoirs ReservoirsIcon
Escolha e invoque um reservatório preenchido com brotos que se conectam com Wisp e seus aliados. Brotos de rapidez que aumentam a velocidade de movimento e de ataque. Brotos de vitalidade que aumentam a saúde máxima e fornecem regeneração. Brotos de choque que atordoam inimigos próximos.

Força:300 (saúde max)
30 (saúde por segundo)
Alcance:5 m (Alcance do reservatório)
Duração:19 / 22 / 26 / 30 s (Tempo de vida útil)
Misc:∞ (Tempo de vida do reservatório)

Força:20 % (velocidade de movimento)
30 % (velocidade de ataque)
Alcance:5 m (Alcance do reservatório)
Duração:19 / 22 / 26 / 30 s (Tempo de vida útil)
Misc:∞ (Tempo de vida do reservatório)

Força: 5 (Dano do choque)
Alcance:5 m (Alcance do reservatório)
15 m (Alcance do choque)
Duração: 19 / 22 / 26 / 30 s (Tempo de vida útil)
Misc:∞ (Tempo de vida do reservatório)
100 % (chance de status)
5 (número de alvos)

  • Birthed from Wisp's dimensional habitat, three species of Reservoir pods nursing friendly Motes can be selectively summoned by Wisp. Tap the ability key to freely cycle the selection wheel between the Vitality, Haste, and Shock reservoirs. Hold down the ability key to summon the selected reservoir from a portal above Wisp for 25 energy, placing the pod directly in front of her.
    • Reservoir pod range is affected by Ability Range.
    • Mote buff duration is affected by Ability Duration while reservoir pods are not as they are infinite.
      • Mote buff is infinite provided the player is in range of its respective pod.
    • Energy cost is affected by Ability Efficiency.
    • Reservoir selection wheel is displayed above the ability icons. The icon for the currently selected type is enlarged and shown on the left of the wheel.
    • A maximum of 6 reservoir pods can be out at one time.

  • Each reservoir pod spawns a single floating Mote above it, which can be plucked by Wisp and any ally Warframe coming into the reservoir's range.
    • Motes attach to the player who plucked them, floating in orbit and following the player wherever they go.
  • Motes grant the affected player a specialized buff based on the reservoir type.
  • Motes respawn from their reservoirs after a brief cooldown if taken by a player.
  • Motes last for a duration, with their timers able to be refreshed and paused indefinitely while the buffed players are standing in range of the respective reservoir type.
  • Each player is limited to 1 active Mote buff per reservoir type.

  • The Vitality Mote provides bonus maximum Health and health regeneration per second.
    • Maximum health and health regeneration are affected by Ability Strength.
  • Vitality Mote appears made of Infested flesh and sinew, shaped similar to a beetle shell with a red U-shaped crown.

  • The Haste Mote provides an attack and movement speed bonus.
    • Movement speed and attack speed buff are affected by Ability Strength.
  • Haste Mote appears made of Infested flesh and sinew, shaped similar to a beetle shell with a green oval-shaped crown.

  • The Shock Mote stores an electrical charge that zaps nearby enemies with chain lightning, dealing Electricity b Electric damage and proc to stun enemies.
    • Shock damage is affected by Ability Strength while status chance and number of targets are not.
    • Shock range is affected by Ability Range.
    • Stun duration and stun frequency are not affected by mods.
      • Stun duration and frequency cooldown are both 3 seconds long. The electric charge shows as electricity surging around the Shock Mote when ready to discharge.
  • Shock Mote appears made of Infested flesh and sinew, shaped similar to a beetle shell with a blue hammer-like crown.

  • Synergy: Reservoirs has synergy with other abilities.
    • Casting Breach Surge on an active reservoir pod will teleport Wisp to its location and double Breach Surge's range.
      • Targeting a reservoir pod with the reticle will encircle it with Wisp's chosen energy color to indicate Breach Surge's ability to be cast on it and can be used at any range, provided there is line of sight.
      • Reservoir pods can be targeted through solid surfaces provided there is vision of them (e.g. windows).
    • Currently obtained Motes provide additional properties to Sol Gate.
      • Vitality: Provides a damage buff.
      • Haste: Allows Sol Gate to deal Corrosive b Corrosive procs.
      • Shock: Provides a damage buff.

  • Predefinição:ShowMax

    WilOWisp WilOWispIcon
    Conjura uma imagem espectral de Wisp para confundir e distrair inimigos. Conjure a habilidade novamente para se teletransportar para sua posição. Segure o botão para fazer com que sua imagem se mova mais rapidamente, e solte o botão para se teletransportar.
    Duração:2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 s

    • Wisp fades between dimensions, cloaking herself from enemy eyes while spawning a spectral copy of herself that flies toward the last position of the reticle when activated. The spectral clone draws the attention and fire from nearby enemies. Wisp's cloak and clone both last for 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 seconds.
      • Duration is affected by Ability Duration.
      • Energy cost is affected by Ability Efficiency.
    • Casting the ability again while the clone is traveling will dissipate the cloak and clone, then instantly teleport Wisp to its location. Wisp gains invulnerability for 3 seconds after teleportation.
      • Invulnerability time is not affected by mods.
      • Tap the ability key (default 2 ) to summon a slow moving clone. Hold down the ability key to summon a fast moving clone, then instantly teleport to it upon releasing the button.
    • Synergy: Wil-O-Wisp synergize with Wisp's other abilities when used in tandem.
      • Casting Breach Surge while the spectral clone is traveling creates a second breach expansion around the clone.
      • Can be cast while Sol Gate is active to cloak, spawn a clone and teleport to it when desired.
    • Spectral clone is a flying object that attempts to continue its path when colliding with terrain.
    • Spectral clone is visually surrounded by flowing light particles and leaves an energy trail where it travels.
    • Spectral clone is affected by all Appearance customizations on Wisp.
    • Light particles, energy trail, and teleport portal colors are affected by Wisp's chosen energy color.


    BreachSurge BreachSurgeIcon
    Breach Surge
    Abre uma fenda dimensional que afeta inimigos próximos, fazendo com que eles soltem faíscas quando forem atacados. Wisp também pode mirar em um reservatório para se teleportar para ele, assim também como aumentar o seu alcance.
    Força:1 / 1.25 / 1.6 / 2 (multiplicador de dano)
    20 % (chance de status)
    Duração:7 / 9 / 12 / 16 s (duração de cegueira)
    Alcance:10 / 11 / 13 / 15 m

    • Wisp fractures the dimensional divide into six surge sparks that expand over an area around her, blinding nearby enemies with unstable energy for a duration. When struck by damage from weapons and abilities, blinded enemies may release a surge spark onto a nearby enemy; the surge spark inherits a portion of the damage received by the source enemy, inflicting it on the new target.
      • Damage multiplier and status chance are affected by Ability Strength.
      • Range is affected by Ability Range.
      • Blind duration is affected by Ability Duration.
      • Energy cost is affected by Ability Efficiency.
      • Requires line of sight from either Wisp, or her decoy. (may even require line-of-effect)
      • Blinded enemies are susceptible to stealth damage bonus, but not vulnerable to melee finishers.
      • Status chance refers to a surge spark triggering Radiation b Radiation, not the chance that a surge spark gets released.
      • Surge spark deals Radiation b Radiation damage relative to the damage causing it. These sparks will count as critical hits with a 1.5x critical damage multiplier, and can score critical head-shots due to their homing properties.
      • Killing shots cannot release surge sparks.
    • Synergy: Breach Surge has synergy with other abilities.
      • Casting on Reservoirs will teleport Wisp to their location and double Breach Surge's range.
        • Targeting a reservoir pod with the reticle will encircle it with Wisp's chosen energy color to indicate Breach Surge's ability to be cast on it and can be used at any range, provided there is line of sight.
        • Reservoir pods can be targeted through solid surfaces provided there is vision of them (e.g. windows).
      • Casting Breach Surge while Wil-O-Wisp's clone is traveling will create a second surge around the clone.


    SolGate SolGateIcon
    Sol Gate
    Abra um portal diramente para o Sol, e utilize sua energia para irradiar inimigos com um feixe desvastador de puro plasma solar.

    Drenagem de energia: 12 s-1

    Força:600 / 750 / 850 / 1.000
    Alcance:40 m (comprimento do feixe)

    • Wisp tears open and sustains a portal to the sun to harness its destructive power. While sustaining the portal, Wisp focuses the solar energy into a single beam with curving flares that deals continuous Heat b Heat and Radiation b Radiation damage per second with a high status chance to all enemies it touches; as long as the beam is in contact with a target, the damage per second is increased upon all targets in the beam's path. Press the ability key while active to deactivate this ability.
      • Damage is affected by Ability Strength.
      • Beam length is affected by Ability Range.
      • Activation energy cost is affected by Ability Efficiency.
      • Energy drain is affected by Ability Efficiency and Ability Duration. Minimum energy drain is 3 energy/second.
      • Wisp is able to move and cast Wil-O-Wisp while Sol Gate is active.
      • While Sol Gate is active, Reservoirs Motes orbiting Wisp will instead orbit around the portal. When Sol Gate is deactivated, Motes will return to Wisp again.
    • Synergy: Sol Gate has synergy with other abilities.
      • Currently obtained Motes from Reservoirs provide additional properties to Sol Gate.
        • Vitality: Provides a damage buff.
        • Haste: Allows Sol Gate to deal Corrosive b Corrosive procs.
        • Shock: Provides a damage buff.








    ReservoirsIcon ReservoirsIcon ReservoirsIcon
    BreachSurgeIcon BreachSurgeIcon BreachSurgeIcon
    SolGateIcon SolGateIcon SolGateIcon

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    WispIcon272 Wisp pode ser equipada com os seguintes itens:


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