
A documentação para este módulo pode ser criada em Módulo:Weapons/data/doc

--Draft para construção do módulo de dados de armas 
--Módulo original disponível em http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Module:Weapons/data 
--Em construção por Dioniso7

--Hey! You! Here to update something that's out of date? Follow these easy steps:
-- 1. Use Ctrl+F to find the data for the weapon
-- 2. Find the number that's wrong
-- 3. Change the number and save the page
--That's it! After you've done that, the data will proliferate out to all the relevant pages
--If you're adding new data instead of just changing existing data, try to use an example of how things are entered if you're not quite sure what to do.
--(Oh, order doesn't matter, but spelling and capitalization do)
--      so for example it doesn't matter if Disposition is first or last)
--Thanks, you're awesome!

local WeaponData =
--Special list of things to be ignored when counting
--Currently just for Dark Split-Sword & Rampart, but may be needed again later
--Pretty much used to avoid screwing up the Mastery Rank list
["IgnoreInCount"] = {"Rampart", "Dark Split-Sword (Heavy Blade)", "Cadus", "Carmine Penta", "Prisma Machete", "Dargyn", "Artemis Bow (Weapon)", "Balefire Charger", "Dex Pixia", "Regulators (Weapon)", "Regulators Prime", "Diwata", "Exalted Blade (Weapon)", "Umbra Exalted Blade (Weapon)", "Iron Staff", "Valkyr Talons", "Garuda's Talons", "Desert Wind", "Corvas (Atmosphere)", "Cyngas (Atmosphere)", "Dual Decurion (Atmosphere)", "Fluctus (Atmosphere)", "Grattler (Atmosphere)", "Imperator (Atmosphere)", "Imperator Vandal (Atmosphere)", "Larkspur (Atmosphere)", "Phaedra (Atmosphere)", "Velocitus (Atmosphere)", "Unarmed (Weapon)"},
["Weapons"] = {
    ["Ack & Brunt"] = {
        Name = "Ack & Brunt",
		Cost = {
			Credits = 65000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Detonite Injector",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 7500,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 3300,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Sword and Shield",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.9,
		Image = "RegorAxeShield.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.0|Update 17.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 50,
		Mastery = 3,
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5,
				["Puncture"] = 5,
				["Slash"] = 40,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		SlideAttack = 107,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Tyl Regor]]", "[[Executioners/Gorth|Gorth]]"},
		WallAttack = 200,
	["Amphis"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Staff",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},},
		Disposition = 1.5,
		Image = "DEAmphis.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 6.5|Update 6.5]]",
		JumpAttack = 40,
		JumpElement = "Electricity",
		JumpRadius = 5,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Amphis",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 38.5,
				["Puncture"] = 8.3,
				["Slash"] = 8.2,},
			CritChance = 0.075,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1.25,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 75,
		Stagger = "Yes",
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Executioners/Dok Thul|Dok Thul]]", "[[Guardsman]]"},
		WallAttack = 92,
	["Anku"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},},
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Scythe",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.46,
		Image = "ParisScythe.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.7|Update 16.7]]",
		JumpAttack = 140,
		Mastery = 3,
		Name = "Anku",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 10.5,
				["Puncture"] = 56,
				["Slash"] = 3.5,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 140,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Valkyr Specter]]"},
		WallAttack = 140,
	["Ankyros"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Fist",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 125,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 450,},},
		Disposition = 1.45,
		Family = "Ankyros",
		Image = "Ankyros.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.8|Update 7.8]]",
		JumpAttack = 60,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Ankyros",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 21,
				["Puncture"] = 4.5,
				["Slash"] = 4.5,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1.17,
		SlideAttack = 90,
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 90,
	["Ankyros Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Manopla",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Fist",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.45,
		Family = "Ankyros",
		Image = "PrimeAnkyros.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.4|Update 12.4]]",
		JumpAttack = 76,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Ankyros Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 26.6,
				["Puncture"] = 5.7,
				["Slash"] = 5.7,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 1.25,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		SlideAttack = 114,
		StancePolarity = "R",
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 114,
	["Arca Titron"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Hammer",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 30000,
			MarketCost = 180,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 6,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 2150,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Arca",
		Image = "CrpHammer.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.7|Update 21.7]]",
		JumpAttack = 360,
		Mastery = 10,
		Name = "Arca Titron",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 117,
				["Slash"] = 63,},
			CritChance = 0.24,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.38,
			FireRate = 0.733,
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 360,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 360,
	["Atterax"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.5,
		Class = "Whip",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 1500,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 0.5,
		Image = "GrineerWhip.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.7|Update 14.7]]",
		JumpAttack = 90,
		Mastery = 2,
		Name = "Atterax",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2.25,
				["Puncture"] = 2.25,
				["Slash"] = 40.5,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		SlideAttack = 96,
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 180,
	["Bo"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Staff",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 65,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 150,},},
		Disposition = 1.29,
		Family = "Bo",
		Image = "BoStaff.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
		JumpAttack = 100,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Bo",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 45,
				["Puncture"] = 5,},
			CritChance = 0.125,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		SlideAttack = 107,
		Stagger = "Yes",
		StancePolarity = "R",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 83,
	["Bo Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Ornamento",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Staff",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.29,
		Family = "Bo",
		Image = "PrimeBo.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.7|Update 13.7]]",
		JumpAttack = 150,
		Mastery = 5,
		Name = "Bo Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 67.5,
				["Puncture"] = 7.5,},
			CritChance = 0.125,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		Polarities = {"D", "V"},
		SlideAttack = 161,
		Stagger = "Yes",
		StancePolarity = "R",
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 125,
	["Boltace"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Tonfa",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 200,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Boltor",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Kronen",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Boltace",
		Image = "Boltonfa.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.5|Update 16.5]]",
		JumpAttack = 170,
		Mastery = 2,
		Name = "Boltace",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 8.5,
				["Puncture"] = 68,
				["Slash"] = 8.5,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		SlideAttack = 510,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Loki Specter]]"},
		WallAttack = 340,
	["Broken Scepter"] = {
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Kuva",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 2500,},},
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Staff",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.19,
		Image = "GrnQueenSceptre.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.0|Update 19.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 120,
		Mastery = 5,
		Name = "Broken Scepter",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 42,
				["Puncture"] = 6,
				["Slash"] = 12,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 1.25,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 129,
		StancePolarity = "R",
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 100,
	["Broken War"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Nitain Extract",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Hilt",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Blade",Type = "Item",Count = 2,},},
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Sword",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.79,
		Image = "StalkerTwoSword.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.0|Update 18.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 180,
		Mastery = 10,
		Name = "Broken War",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 9,
				["Puncture"] = 9,
				["Slash"] = 72,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 193,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 360,
	["Cadus"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Staff",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 65,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 3000,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 1600,},
				{ Name = "Bo",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.29,
		Image = "CYSingleStaffSkin.png",
		JumpAttack = 100,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Cadus",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 50,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		SlideAttack = 107,
		Stagger = "Yes",
		StancePolarity = "R",
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 83,
	["Carmine Penta"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Launcher",
		Conclave = false,
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Family = "Penta",
		Image = "PentaLoginRewardSkin.png",

		Magazine = 10,
		Mastery = 6,
		MaxAmmo = 20,
		Name = "Carmine Penta",
		NoiseLevel = "Silent",
		NormalAttack = {
			AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 75,
				["Blast"] = 350,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 2.7,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 20,
		Reload = 2.5,
		SecondaryAttack = {
			AttackName = "Grenade Detonation",		
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 350,},
			Radius = 5,
			Trigger = "Detonate",
		Trigger = "Active",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Cassowar"] = {
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 180,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 5700,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 150,},},
	    BlockResist = 0.85,
	    Class = "Polearm",
	    Conclave = true,
	    Disposition = 1.0,
	    Image = "Cassowar.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.4|Update 22.4]]",
	    JumpAttack = 140,
	    Mastery = 5,
	    Name = "Cassowar",
	    NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 15.4,
				["Puncture"] = 23.8,
				["Slash"] = 30.8,},
			CritChance = 0.06,
			CritMultiplier = 1.4,
			StatusChance = 0.28,
			FireRate = 1.17,
		Polarities = {"V", "D"},
		SlideAttack = 156,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 117,
	["Caustacyst"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 50000,
			MarketCost = 230,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Mutagen Mass",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 15000,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 400,},
				{ Name = "Nitain Extract",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},},
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Scythe",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Image = "EmbolistScythe.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Index Preview|Update: The Index Preview]]",
		JumpAttack = 150,
		JumpElement = "Corrosive",
		Mastery = 7,
		Name = "Caustacyst",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Corrosive"] = 75,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 150,
		SlideElement = "Corrosive",
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 150,
		WallElement = "Corrosive",
	["Ceramic Dagger"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Dagger",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},},
		Disposition = 1.43,
		Image = "SwordCeramic_d.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		Mastery = 3,
		Name = "Ceramic Dagger",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 3.5,
				["Puncture"] = 31.5,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 75,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 105,
	["Cerata"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		ChargedThrowAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 42,
				["Puncture"] = 336,
				["Slash"] = 42,
				["Toxin"] = 220,},
			StatusChance = 0.33,
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			PunchThrough = 1,
		Class = "Glaive",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 50000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Mutagen Mass",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 2500,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.36,
		Image = "PunctureGlaive.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.9|Update 17.9]]",
		JumpAttack = 88,
		JumpElement = "Toxin",
		Mastery = 3,
		Name = "Cerata",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Toxin"] = 44,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 1,
			ShotType = "Thrown",
			ShotSpeed = 35,
		Polarities = {"V", "D"},
		SlideAttack = 220,
		SlideElement = "Toxin",
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		ThrowAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 20,
				["Puncture"] = 160,
				["Slash"] = 20,
				["Toxin"] = 150,},
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 132,
		WallElement = "Toxin",
	["Cobra & Crane"] = {
	    BlockResist = 0.85,
	    ChannelCost = 5,
	    ChannelMult = 1.5,
	    Class = "Sword and Shield",
	    Conclave = false,
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,--confirmation needed
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 4000,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 875,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 18750,},},
        Disposition = 1.0,
        Image = "Cobra & Crane.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
		JumpAttack = 100,
		Mastery = 10,
		Name = "Cobra & Crane",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 90.0,
				["Puncture"] = 10.0,},
			CritChance = 0.10,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.36,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		SlideAttack = 214,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 400,
	["Cronus"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Sword",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 75,},},
		Disposition = 1.48,
		Image = "Cronus.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Cronus",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 10.5,
				["Puncture"] = 5.3,
				["Slash"] = 19.2,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 75,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno", "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 140,
	["Dakra Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 15,},},
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Sword",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.15,
		FinisherDamage = 120,
		Image = "SwordPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 120,
		Mastery = 6,
		Name = "Dakra Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6,
				["Puncture"] = 6,
				["Slash"] = 48,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 129,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 240,
	["Dark Dagger"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Dagger",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},},
		Disposition = 0.52,
		Family = "Dark Dagger",
		Image = "DarkDagger.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		JumpElement = "Radiation",
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Dark Dagger",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Radiation"] = 35,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		SlideAttack = 75,
		SlideElement = "Radiation",
		StancePolarity = "R",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 105,
		WallElement = "Radiation",
	--[[ ["Dark Split-Sword"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Dual Skana",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Mutagen Mass",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Type = "Melee",
	["Dark Split-Sword (Dual Swords)"] = {
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Dual Skana",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Mutagen Mass",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Dual Swords",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.21,
		Image = "DarkSplitSwordDualIcon.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.14|Update 18.14]]",
		JumpAttack = 130,
		Mastery = 5,
		Name = "Dark Split-Sword (Espada Dupla)",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Radiation"] = 65,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 1.17,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 390,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 260,
	["Dark Split-Sword (Lâmina Pesada)"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Heavy Blade",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.21,
		Image = "DarkSwordDaggerHybrid.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.14|Update 18.14]]",
		JumpAttack = 180,
		Mastery = 5,
		Name = "Dark Split-Sword (Lâmina Pesada)",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Radiation"] = 90,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 180,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 180,
	["Dark Sword"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 75,},},
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Sword",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.48,
		Image = "DarkSword.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 74,
		JumpElement = "Radiation",
		JumpRadius = 3,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Dark Sword",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Radiation"] = 37,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		SlideAttack = 79,
		SlideElement = "Radiation",
		StancePolarity = "R",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 148,
		WallElement = "Radiation",
	["Destreza"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 25000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 10000,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 1700,},
				{ Name = "Nitain Extract",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Rapier",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.14,
		Family = "Destreza",
		Image = "TnoRapier.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.3|Update 18.3]]",
		JumpAttack = 150,
		Mastery = 7,
		Name = "Destreza",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 1.9,
				["Puncture"] = 63.8,
				["Slash"] = 9.4,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.05,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 161,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Violence]]"},
		WallAttack = 300,
	["Destreza Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Rapier",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.14,
		Family = "Destreza",
		Image = "DestrezaPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 23#Hotfix 23.0.3|Hotfix 23.0.3]]",
		JumpAttack = 152,
		Mastery = 10,
		Name = "Destreza Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 9.1,
				["Puncture"] = 53.2,
				["Slash"] = 13.7,},
			CritChance = 0.24,
			CritMultiplier = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.18,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		SlideAttack = 163,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = {"Prime"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 304,
	["Dex Dakra"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Dual Swords",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.15,
		Image = "DexDakra.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Hotfix 16.1.2|Hotfix 16.1.2]]",
		JumpAttack = 130,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Dex Dakra",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6.5,
				["Puncture"] = 6.5,
				["Slash"] = 52,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 0.883,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 390,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 260,
	["Dragon Nikana"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Nikana",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 5000,
			BPCost = 30000,
			MarketCost = 275,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 75,},
				{ Name = "Nikana",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Image = "DragonKatana.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.0|Update 13.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 170,
		Mastery = 8,
		Name = "Dragon Nikana",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.25,
				["Puncture"] = 8.5,
				["Slash"] = 72.25,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V", "D"},
		SlideAttack = 182,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 182,
	["Dual Cleavers"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Dual Swords",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 25000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 40,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Dual Cleavers",
		FinisherDamage = 55,
		Image = "Dual Cleavers.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		Mastery = 3,
		Name = "Dual Cleavers",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5.25,
				["Puncture"] = 5.25,
				["Slash"] = 24.5,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 210,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Butcher]] (single blade)", "[[Corrupted Butcher]] (single blade)"},
		WallAttack = 140,
	["Dual Ether"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Dual Swords",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 850,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},},
		Disposition = 1.45,
		Image = "Dual_Ether.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.7.3|Update 7.7.3]]",
		JumpAttack = 80,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Dual Ether",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6,
				["Puncture"] = 6,
				["Slash"] = 28,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1,
		SlideAttack = 240,
		Stagger = "Yes",
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 160,
	["Dual Heat Swords"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Dual Swords",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 700,},},
		Disposition = 1.44,
		Image = "DualHeat.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 6.2|Update 6.2]]",
		JumpAttack = 90,
		JumpElement = "Heat",
		JumpRadius = 5,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Dual Heat Swords",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6.75,
				["Puncture"] = 6.75,
				["Slash"] = 31.5,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 270,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 180,
	["Dual Ichor"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Dual Swords",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 50000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Mutagen Mass",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 15000,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.16,
		FinisherDamage = 55,
		Image = "DualInfestedAxes.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		JumpElement = "Toxin",
		Mastery = 6,
		Name = "Dual Ichor",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Toxin"] = 35,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		SlideAttack = 210,
		SlideElement = "Toxin",
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 140,
		WallElement = "Toxin",
	["Dual Kamas"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Dual Swords",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 40000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Kama",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Kama",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 0.81,
		Family = "Dual Kamas",
		Image = "DEDualKamas.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.1|Update 11.1]]",
		JumpAttack = 84,
		Mastery = 1,
		Name = "Dual Kamas",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2.1,
				["Puncture"] = 4.2,
				["Slash"] = 35.7,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.075,
			FireRate = 1.17,
		SlideAttack = 252,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 168,
	["Dual Kamas Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},},
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Dual Swords",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.81,
		Family = "Dual Kamas",
		Image = "DualKamasPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.6|Update 17.6]]",
		JumpAttack = 140,
		Mastery = 6,
		Name = "Dual Kamas Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 3.5,
				["Puncture"] = 14,
				["Slash"] = 52.5,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 1.17,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 420,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = {"Prime"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 280,
	["Dual Keres"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 25000,
			MarketCost = 130,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 230,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 13250,},
				{ Name = "Tellurium",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},},
		--BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Dual Swords",
		--Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.48,
		Family = "Dual Keres",
		Image = "DualKeres.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.18|Update 22.18]]",
		--JumpAttack = 140,
		Mastery = 7,
		Name = "Dual Keres",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5.3,
				["Puncture"] = 13.2,
				["Slash"] = 25.5,},
			CritChance = 0.28,
			CritMultiplier = 2.6,
			StatusChance = 0.14,
			FireRate = 1.25,
		SlideAttack = 264,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 176,
	["Dual Raza"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Dual Kamas",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Dual Swords",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.4,
		Image = "SomaDualKamas.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.3|Update 16.3]]",
		JumpAttack = 96,
		Mastery = 6,
		Name = "Dual Raza",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.8,
				["Puncture"] = 14.4,
				["Slash"] = 28.8,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.05,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		SlideAttack = 288,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Rhino Specter]]"},
		WallAttack = 192,
	["Dual Skana"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Dual Swords",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 25000,
			MarketCost = 130,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 850,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},},
		Disposition = 1.48,
		Image = "DualSkana.png",
		JumpAttack = 64,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Dual Skana",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.8,
				["Puncture"] = 4.8,
				["Slash"] = 22.4,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		SlideAttack = 192,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Excalibur Specter]]"},
		WallAttack = 128,
	["Dual Zoren"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Dual Swords",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 1100,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},},
		Disposition = 1.44,
		Image = "DualZoren.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 6.0|Update 6.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 60,
		Mastery = 2,
		Name = "Dual Zoren",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 1.5,
				["Puncture"] = 1.5,
				["Slash"] = 27,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.05,
			FireRate = 1.17,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		SlideAttack = 180,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 120,
	["Endura"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Rapier",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 12000,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "Endura.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 20#Update 20.6|Update 20.6]]",
		JumpAttack = 190,
		Mastery = 7,
		Name = "Endura",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.75,
				["Puncture"] = 66.5,
				["Slash"] = 23.75,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 204,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 380,
	["Ether Daggers"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},},
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Dual Daggers",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.49,
		Image = "EtherDaggers2.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.7.3|Update 7.7.3]]",
		JumpAttack = 90,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Ether Daggers",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6.8,
				["Puncture"] = 6.8,
				["Slash"] = 31.5,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		SlideAttack = 225,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Nova Specter]]"},
		WallAttack = 180,
	["Ether Reaper"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Scythe",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 50000,
			MarketCost = 230,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},},
		Disposition = 1.45,
		Image = "EtherScythe.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 130,
		Mastery = 3,
		Name = "Ether Reaper",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 9.8,
				["Puncture"] = 9.8,
				["Slash"] = 45.5,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 130,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Misery]]"},
		WallAttack = 130,
	["Ether Sword"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Sword",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 700,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 700,},},
		Disposition = 1.44,
		Image = "Ether-Sword.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 74,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Ether Sword",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5.55,
				["Puncture"] = 5.55,
				["Slash"] = 25.9,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1,
		SlideAttack = 79,
		StancePolarity = "R",
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 148,
	["Falcor"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Conclave = false,
	    Cost = {
		    Credits = 20000,
		    MarketCost = 200,
		    BPCost = 15000,
		    Rush = 35,
		    Time = 24,
		    Parts = {
			    { Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
			    { Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 8500,},
			    { Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 1650,},
			    { Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},
		ChargedThrowAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 110,
				["Puncture"] = 180,
				["Slash"] = 180,
				["Electricity"] = 895,},
			CritChance = 0.14,
			CritMultiplier = 1.8,
			PunchThrough = 1,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
		Class = "Glaive",
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "CrpGlaive.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update_23#Update_23.10|Update 23.10]]",
		JumpAttack = 78,
		Mastery = 8,
		Name = "Falcor",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 12,
				["Puncture"] = 4,
				["Slash"] = 34,
				["Electricity"] = 28,},
			CritChance = 0.12,
			CritMultiplier = 1.6,
			StatusChance = 0.28,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		SlideAttack = 390,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		ThrowAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 50,
				["Puncture"] = 80,
				["Slash"] = 100,
				["Electricity"] = 435,},
			CritChance = 0.12,
			CritMultiplier = 1.6,
			StatusChance = 0.28,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 234,
	["Fang"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Dual Daggers",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 135,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.36,
		Family = "Fang",
		Image = "DualDaggers.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.0|Update 7.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 60,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Fang",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.5,
				["Puncture"] = 21,
				["Slash"] = 4.5,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.08,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		SlideAttack = 150,
		StancePolarity = "R",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 120,
	["Fang Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},},
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Dual Daggers",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.36,
		Family = "Fang",
		FinisherDamage = 90,
		Image = "PrimeFang.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.0|Update 9.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 72,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Fang Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 3.6,
				["Puncture"] = 32.4,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.05,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		SlideAttack = 180,
		StancePolarity = "R",
		Traits = {"Prime", "Never Vaulted"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 144,
	["Fragor"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Hammer",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 750,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 80,},},
		Disposition = 0.96,
		Family = "Fragor",
		FinisherDamage = 200,
		Image = "DEFragor.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.4|Update 5.4]]",
		JumpAttack = 230,
		Mastery = 2,
		Name = "Fragor",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 80.5,
				["Puncture"] = 17.3,
				["Slash"] = 17.2,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		SlideAttack = 230,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Lieutenant Lech Kril]] ([[Brokk]] Skin)"},
		WallAttack = 230,
	["Fragor Prime"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		ChannelCost = 5,
		ChannelMult = 1.75,
		Class = "Hammer",
		Conclave = true,
			Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Extremidade",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 0.96,
		Family = "Fragor",
		Image = "PrimeFragor.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.12|Update 18.12]]",
		JumpAttack = 260,
		Mastery = 7,
		Name = "Fragor Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 91,
				["Puncture"] = 19.5,
				["Slash"] = 19.5,},
			CritChance = 0.35,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.8,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 260,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = {"Prime"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 260,
	["Furax"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Fist",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 125,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},},
		Disposition = 1.38,
		Family = "Furax",
		FinisherDamage = 30,
		Image = "Furax.png",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Furax",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 24.5,
				["Puncture"] = 5.3,
				["Slash"] = 5.2,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1,
		SlideAttack = 105,
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Powerfist]] (single [[Furax]])"},
		WallAttack = 105,
	["Furax Wraith"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		ChannelCost = 5,
		ChannelMult = 1.75,
		Class = "Fist",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Left Gauntlet",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Right Gauntlet",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.38,
		Family = "Furax",
		Image = "WraithFurax.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.10|Update 18.10]]",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		Mastery = 3,
		Name = "Furax Wraith",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 24.5,
				["Puncture"] = 5.3,
				["Slash"] = 5.2,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		SlideAttack = 105,
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 105,
	["Galatine"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Heavy Blade",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 25000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 750,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},},
		Disposition = 0.5,
		Family = "Galatine",
		FinisherDamage = 200,
		Image = "Galatine_o.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.2|Update 10.2]]",
		JumpAttack = 250,
		JumpRadius = 5,
		Mastery = 3,
		Name = "Galatine",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 3.1,
				["Puncture"] = 3.1,
				["Slash"] = 118.8,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 250,
		Stagger = "Yes",
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 250,
	["Galatine Prime"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Heavy Blade",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 15,},},
		Disposition = 0.5,
		Family = "Galatine",
		Image = "PrimeGalatine342.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Hotfix: The Silver Grove 3|Hotfix: The Silver Grove 3]]",
		JumpAttack = 330,
		Mastery = 13,
		Name = "Galatine Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.1,
				["Puncture"] = 4.1,
				["Slash"] = 156.8,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		SlideAttack = 330,
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Traits = {"Prime"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 330,
	["Galvacord"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		ChannelCost = 5,
	    ChannelMult = 1.5,
	    Class = "Whip",
	    Conclave = false,
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Atmo Systems",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 3600,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},},
        Disposition = 1.0,
        Image = "Galvacord.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
		JumpAttack = 320,
		Mastery = 6,
		Name = "Galvacord",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6.0,
				["Slash"] = 22.0,
				["Puncture"] = 14.0,
				["Electricity"] = 38.0,},
			CritChance = 0.12,
			CritMultiplier = 1.8,
			StatusChance = 0.30,
			FireRate = 0.750,
		SlideAttack = 171,
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 320,
	["Gazal Machete"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 2600,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 1900,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 1400,},},
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Machete",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Image = "DjinnMachete.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Vacuum Within|Update: The Vacuum Within]]",
		JumpAttack = 104,
		Mastery = 5,
		Name = "Gazal Machete",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5.2,
				["Puncture"] = 7.8,
				["Slash"] = 39,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 156,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 208,
	["Glaive"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		ChargedThrowAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 60,
				["Puncture"] = 60,
				["Slash"] = 280,
				["Blast"] = 300,},
			StatusChance = 0.11,
			CritChance = 0.11,
			CritMultiplier = 2.1,
			PunchThrough = 1,
		Class = "Glaive",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 6000,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 4500,},},
		Disposition = 1.22,
		Family = "Glaive",
		FinisherDamage = 75,
		Image = "DEGlaive.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.9|Update 7.9]]",
		JumpAttack = 90,
		Mastery = 1,
		Name = "Glaive",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5.25,
				["Puncture"] = 5.25,
				["Slash"] = 24.5,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1,
			ShotType = "Thrown",
			ShotSpeed = 20,
			Range = 30,
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 225,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		ThrowAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 30,
				["Puncture"] = 30,
				["Slash"] = 140,
				["Blast"] = 50,},
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 135,
	["Glaive Prime"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		ChargedThrowAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 75,
				["Puncture"] = 75,
				["Slash"] = 350,
				["Blast"] = 460,},
			StatusChance = 0.33,
			CritChance = 0.18,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			PunchThrough = 1,
		Class = "Glaive",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Disco",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 1.22,
		Family = "Glaive",
		Image = "PrimeGlaive.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11]]",
		JumpAttack = 100,
		Mastery = 10,
		Name = "Glaive Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 7.5,
				["Puncture"] = 7.5,
				["Slash"] = 35,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 1.25,
			ShotType = "Thrown",
			ShotSpeed = 40,
			Range = 30,
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 250,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		ThrowAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 37.5,
				["Puncture"] = 37.5,
				["Slash"] = 175,
				["Blast"] = 175,},
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 150,
	["Gram"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Heavy Blade",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 750,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 80,},},
		Disposition = 1.44,
		Family = "Gram",
		FinisherDamage = 200,
		Image = "DEGram.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 6.2|Update 6.2]]",
		JumpAttack = 200,
		Mastery = 2,
		Name = "Gram",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 15,
				["Puncture"] = 15,
				["Slash"] = 70,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 0.95,
		SlideAttack = 200,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 200,
	["Gram Prime"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.8,
		Class = "Heavy Blade",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 1.44,
		Family = "Gram",
		Image = "GramPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.9|Update 23.9]]",
		JumpAttack = 180,
		Mastery = 14,
		Name = "Gram Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 36,
				["Puncture"] = 9,
				["Slash"] = 135,},
			CritChance = 0.32,
			CritMultiplier = 2.6,
			StatusChance = 0.32,
			FireRate = 0.8,
		SlideAttack = 360,
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Traits = {"Prime"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 360,
	["Guandao"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 180,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 65,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 750,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 2500,},},
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Polearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "Guandao.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.1|Update 21.1]]",
		JumpAttack = 180,
		Mastery = 4,
		Name = "Guandao",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 22.5,
				["Puncture"] = 4.5,
				["Slash"] = 63,},
			CritChance = 0.24,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.04,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		Polarities = {"D", "V"},
		SlideAttack = 200,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 150,
	["Gunsen"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 190,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},
				{ Name = "Tellurium",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 1150,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 19750,},},
		BlockResist = 0.8,
		Class = "Warfan",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "WarfanWeapon.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.8.0|Update 22]]",
		JumpAttack = 100,
		Mastery = 10,
		Name = "Gunsen",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4,
				["Puncture"] = 6,
				["Slash"] = 40,},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.28,
			FireRate = 1.17,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 107,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 200,
	["Halikar"] = {
		ChargedThrowAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 46,
				["Puncture"] = 368,
				["Slash"] = 46,
				["Blast"] = 440,},
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			PunchThrough = 1,
		Class = "Glaive",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 4800,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},},
		Disposition = 1.44,
		Image = "GrnBoomerang.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.0|Update 15.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 90,
		JumpElement = "Magnetic",
		Mastery = 7,
		Name = "Halikar",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.5,
				["Puncture"] = 36,
				["Slash"] = 4.5,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 1.17,
			ShotType = "Thrown",
			ShotSpeed = 30,
			Range = 23,
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 225,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		ThrowAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 20,
				["Puncture"] = 160,
				["Slash"] = 20,
				["Blast"] = 150,},
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 135,
	["Hate"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Scythe",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 6000,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 4500,},},
		Disposition = 1.36,
		Image = "DEStalkerScythe.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 140,
		Mastery = 2,
		Name = "Hate",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 10.5,
				["Puncture"] = 10.5,
				["Slash"] = 49,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		SlideAttack = 140,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Stalker]]"},
		WallAttack = 140,
	["Heat Dagger"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			MarketCost = 75,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 150,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 75,},
				{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Dagger",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.44,
		Image = "HeatDagger.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 90,
		JumpElement = "Heat",
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Heat Dagger",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2.3,
				["Puncture"] = 36,
				["Slash"] = 6.7,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.05,
			FireRate = 0.75,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 96,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Malice]]"},
		WallAttack = 135,
	["Heat Sword"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},},
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Sword",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.48,
		FinisherDamage = 75,
		Image = "Heat.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 88,
		JumpElement = "Heat",
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Heat Sword",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.4,
				["Puncture"] = 4.4,
				["Slash"] = 35.2,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 94,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Volt Specter]]", "[[Junction|Ember Specter]]"},
		WallAttack = 176,
	["Heliocor"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPStanding = 75000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Gammacor",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 700,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		},BlockResist = 0.85,
		ChannelCost = 5,
		Class = "Hammer",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.94,
		Family = "Heliocor",
		Image = "CephHammer.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: Specters of the Rail 1.0|Update: Specters of the Rail 1.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 280,
		Mastery = 9,
		Name = "Heliocor",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 119,
				["Puncture"] = 14,
				["Slash"] = 7,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.025,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		SlideAttack = 280,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Cephalon Simaris"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 280,
	["Hirudo"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Kogake",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Nitain Extract",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 1100,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 4600,},},
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Sparring",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.5,
		Image = "InfestedKogake.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.5|Update 19.5]]",
		JumpAttack = 110,
		Mastery = 7,
		Name = "Hirudo",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 8.3,
				["Puncture"] = 44,
				["Slash"] = 2.7,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.05,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 220,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 165,
	["Jat Kittag"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Hammer",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 125,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Detonite Injector",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 0.75,
		Image = "GrnJetPwrPolearm.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.0|Update 12.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 260,
		JumpElement = "Blast",
		JumpRadius = 10,
		Mastery = 5,
		Name = "Jat Kittag",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 104,
				["Puncture"] = 19.5,
				["Slash"] = 6.5,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 260,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Bailiff]]", "[[Executioners/Vay_Molta|Vay Molta]]"},
		WallAttack = 260,
	["Jat Kusar"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Detonite Injector",Type = "Resource",Count = 7,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 7500,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 2000,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Blade and Whip",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.81,
		Image = "JatKusar.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.2|Update 21.2]]",
		JumpAttack = 160,
		JumpElement = "Heat",
		JumpRadius = 10,
		Mastery = 10,
		Name = "Jat Kusar",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Heat"] = 80,},
			CritChance = 0.35,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.05,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		SlideAttack = 171,
		SlideElement = "Heat",
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 320,
		WallElement = "Heat",
	["Jaw Sword"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 75,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},},
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Sword",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.47,
		Image = "Jaw.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 88,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Jaw Sword",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2.2,
				["Puncture"] = 8.8,
				["Slash"] = 33,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 94,
		StancePolarity = "R",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 176,
	["Kama"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Machete",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 40000,
			MarketCost = 160,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},},
		Disposition = 1.47,
		Image = "Kama.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 90,
		Mastery = 1,
		Name = "Kama",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6.75,
				["Puncture"] = 6.75,
				["Slash"] = 31.5,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.02,
			FireRate = 1.17,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		SlideAttack = 135,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 180,
	["Karyst"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Dagger",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 95,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 1500,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 100,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.29,
		Image = "KarystDagger.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.2|Update 14.2]]",
		JumpAttack = 100,
		JumpElement = "Toxin",
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Karyst",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Toxin"] = 50,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 0.75,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 107,
		SlideElement = "Toxin",
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Saryn Specter]]"},
		WallAttack = 150,
		WallElement = "Toxin",
	["Kesheg"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Polearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 180,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Detonite Injector",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Kuva",Type = "Resource",Count = 1400,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 6000,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 8000,},},
		Disposition = 1.24,
		Image = "GrnHalberd.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.0|Update 19.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 210,
		Mastery = 7,
		Name = "Kesheg",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 42,
				["Puncture"] = 10.5,
				["Slash"] = 52.5,},
			CritChance = 0.075,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 233,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Kuva Guardian]]"},
		WallAttack = 175,
	["Kestrel"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		ChargedThrowAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 176,
				["Puncture"] = 22,
				["Slash"] = 22,
				["Blast"] = 150,},
			StatusChance = 0.12,
			CritChance = 0.12,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			PunchThrough = 1,
		Class = "Glaive",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 8,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 4800,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 4000,},},
		Disposition = 1.45,
		Image = "Kestrel.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.1|Update 8.1]]",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Kestrel",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 24.5,
				["Puncture"] = 5.3,
				["Slash"] = 5.2,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1.08,
			ShotType = "Thrown",
			ShotSpeed = 30,
			Range = 23,
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 175,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		ThrowAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 120,
				["Puncture"] = 15,
				["Slash"] = 15,
				["Blast"] = 100,},
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 105,
	["Kogake"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Sparring",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 125,
			Rush = 45,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 400,},
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},},
		Disposition = 1.46,
		Family = "Kogake",
		FinisherDamage = 75,
		Image = "Kogake0.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.2|Update 8.2]]",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Kogake",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 24.5,
				["Puncture"] = 5.3,
				["Slash"] = 5.2,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		SlideAttack = 140,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 105,
	["Unarmed (Weapon)"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Sparring",
		FinisherDamage = 75,
		Image = "Blank.png",
		Link = "Unarmed (Weapon)",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		Name = "Unarmed",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 24.5,
				["Puncture"] = 5.3,
				["Slash"] = 5.2,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		SlideAttack = 140,
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 105,
	["Kogake Prime"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Sparring",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Gauntlet",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Boot",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 15,},},
		Disposition = 1.46,
		Family = "Kogake",
		FinisherDamage = 75,
		Image = "MirageKogakePrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.7|Update 22.7]]",
		JumpAttack = 140,
		Mastery = 10,
		Name = "Kogake Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 49,
				["Puncture"] = 10.5,
				["Slash"] = 10.5,},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 1.8,
			StatusChance = 0.34,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		Polarities = {"V", "V", "V"},
		SlideAttack = 280,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 210,
	["Korrudo"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Sparring",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Auroxium Alloy",Type = "Resource",Count = 25,},
				{ Name = "Esher Devar",Type = "Resource",Count = 15,},
				{ Name = "Breath of the Eidolon",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Mawfish Bones",Type = "Resource",Count = 20,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Korrudo",
		Image = "Korrudo.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.6|Update 24.6]]",
		JumpAttack = 61,
		Mastery = 9,
		Name = "Korrudo",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 34.8,
				["Puncture"] = 1.8,
				["Slash"] = 24.4,},
			CritChance = 0.31,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.09,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		--Polarities = {""},
		SlideAttack = 244,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 183,
	["Kreska"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Machete",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},
				{ Name = "Mytocardia Spore",Type = "Resource",Count = 40,},
				{ Name = "Star Amarast",Type = "Resource",Count = 25,},
				{ Name = "Lathe Coagulant",Type = "Resource",Count = 20,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Kreska",
		Image = "Kreska.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24]]",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		Mastery = 6,
		Name = "Kreska",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 10.0,
				["Puncture"] = 5.0,
				["Slash"] = 15.0,
				["Heat"] = 40.0,},
			CritChance = 0.14,
			CritMultiplier = 2.0,
			StatusChance = 0.22,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 210,
		StancePolarity = "Zenurik",
		Traits = {"Corpus"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 280,
		Users = {"[[Terra Trencher]]"},
	["Krohkur"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Sword",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 25000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 45,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Tellurium",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 8,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 125,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 4375,},},
		Disposition = 1.22,
		Family = "Krohkur",
		Image = "GrnEgyptSword.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22|Update 22]]",
		JumpAttack = 140,
		Mastery = 5,
		Name = "Krohkur",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 8.4,
				["Puncture"] = 12.6,
				["Slash"] = 49,},
			CritChance = 0.29,
			CritMultiplier = 1.7,
			StatusChance = 0.19,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		SlideAttack = 150,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 280,
	["Kronen"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Tonfa",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 65000,
			MarketCost = 200,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 1500,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 2000,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.43,
		Family = "Kronen",
		Image = "TennoTonfa.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.5|Update 14.5]]",
		JumpAttack = 130,
		Mastery = 3,
		Name = "Kronen",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6.5,
				["Puncture"] = 6.5,
				["Slash"] = 52,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		SlideAttack = 390,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 260,
	["Kronen Prime"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Tonfa",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 15,},},
		Disposition = 1.43,
		Family = "Kronen",
		Image = "KronenPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Hotfix 22.16.4|Hotfix 22.16.4]]",
		JumpAttack = 132,
		Mastery = 8,
		Name = "Kronen Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6.6,
				["Puncture"] = 6.6,
				["Slash"] = 52.8,},
			CritChance = 0.12,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.24,
			FireRate = 1.17,
		SlideAttack = 396,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Polarities = {"V","Bar"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 264,
	["Lacera"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 4200,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 20,},},
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Blade and Whip",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.31,
		Image = "StalkerMios.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.0|Update 18.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 160,
		JumpElement = "Electricity",
		Mastery = 7,
		Name = "Lacera",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 80,},
			CritChance = 0.025,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.45,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 171,
		SlideElement = "Electricity",
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Mania]]"},
		WallAttack = 320,
		WallElement = "Electricity",
	["Lecta"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Whip",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 30000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},},
		Disposition = 0.5,
		Family = "Lecta",
		FinisherDamage = 75,
		Image = "Lecta.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.0|Update 11.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 90,
		JumpElement = "Electricity",
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Lecta",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 45,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 1,
		SlideAttack = 96,
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Scrambus]]", "[[Comba]]", "[[Pelna Cade]]", "[[Jad Teran]]"},
		WallAttack = 180,
	["Lesion"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Polearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 25000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Tipedo",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 1400,},
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 2300,},},
		Disposition = 0.5,
		Image = "InfTipedo.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.5|Update 18.5]]",
		JumpAttack = 200,
		Mastery = 7,
		Name = "Lesion",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 20,
				["Puncture"] = 5,
				["Slash"] = 75,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 222,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 167,
	["Machete"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 40,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 750,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},},
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Machete",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.45,
		Family = "Machete",
		Image = "Machete.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 50,
		Mastery = 1,
		Name = "Machete",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 3.75,
				["Puncture"] = 3.75,
				["Slash"] = 17.5,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		SlideAttack = 75,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Scorpion]]"},
		WallAttack = 100,
	["Machete Wraith"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Machete",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.45,
		Family = "Machete",
		Image = "DEWraithMachete.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.5|Update 10.5]]",
		JumpAttack = 90,
		Mastery = 1,
		Name = "Machete Wraith",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6.75,
				["Puncture"] = 6.75,
				["Slash"] = 31.5,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		SlideAttack = 135,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = {"Wraith", "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 180,
	["Magistar"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Hammer",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 25000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 750,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 80,},},
		Disposition = 1.09,
		Family = "Magistar",
		FinisherDamage = 200,
		Image = "PaladinMace.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.5|Update 11.5]]",
		JumpAttack = 160,
		Mastery = 1,
		Name = "Magistar",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 64,
				["Puncture"] = 12,
				["Slash"] = 4,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		SlideAttack = 160,
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 160,
	["Mios"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Blade and Whip",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 50000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Mutagen Mass",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 15000,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 0.95,
		Image = "DEMios.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.11|Update 17.11]]",
		JumpAttack = 160,
		Mastery = 8,
		Name = "Mios",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 24,
				["Puncture"] = 20,
				["Slash"] = 36,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 171,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 320,
	["Mire"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Sword",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 1500,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 2000,},},
		Disposition = 1.43,
		FinisherDamage = 75,
		Image = "MireInfestedSword.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.7.2|Update 7.7.2]]",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		JumpElement = "Toxin",
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Mire",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5.25,
				["Puncture"] = 5.25,
				["Slash"] = 24.5,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		SlideAttack = 75,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 140,
	["MK1-Bo"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Staff",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.29,
		Family = "Bo",
		Image = "BoStaff.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.0|Update 14.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 90,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "MK1-Bo",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 40.5,
				["Puncture"] = 4.5,},
			CritChance = 0.125,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		SlideAttack = 96,
		Stagger = "Yes",
		StancePolarity = "R",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 75,
	["MK1-Furax"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Fist",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.38,
		Family = "Furax",
		FinisherDamage = 30,
		Image = "Furax.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.0|Update 14.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 60,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "MK1-Furax",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 21,
				["Puncture"] = 4.5,
				["Slash"] = 4.5,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1,
		SlideAttack = 90,
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 90,
	["Nami Skyla"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Dual Swords",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 1.175,
		Family = "Nami Skyla",
		Image = "TnoCutlassAndPoignard.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.0|Update 13.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 100,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Nami Skyla",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 7.5,
				["Puncture"] = 7.5,
				["Slash"] = 35,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		SlideAttack = 300,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 200,
	["Nami Skyla Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 15,},},
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Dual Swords",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.175,
		Family = "Nami Skyla",
		Image = "PrimeNamiSkyla.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.6|Update 21.6]]",
		JumpAttack = 120,
		Mastery = 11,
		Name = "Nami Skyla Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6,
				["Puncture"] = 12,
				["Slash"] = 42,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 1.33,
		Polarities = {"V", "V", "D"},
		SlideAttack = 360,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 240,
	["Nami Solo"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Machete",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 1500,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.43,
		Image = "DENamiSolo.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.5|Update 13.5]]",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Nami Solo",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5.25,
				["Puncture"] = 5.25,
				["Slash"] = 24.5,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 105,
		Stagger = "Yes",
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 140,
	["Nikana"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 5000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 275,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 75,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Nikana",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.5,
		Family = "Nikana",
		Image = "Katana.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.0|Update 13.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 90,
		Mastery = 4,
		Name = "Nikana",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2.25,
				["Puncture"] = 4.5,
				["Slash"] = 38.25,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		Polarities = {"V", "D"},
		SlideAttack = 96,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 96,
	["Nikana Prime"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Nikana",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 15,},},
		Disposition = 0.5,
		Family = "Nikana",
		Image = "PrimeNikana.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Hotfix 18.4.12|Hotfix 18.4.12]]",
		JumpAttack = 190,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Nikana Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.75,
				["Puncture"] = 4.75,
				["Slash"] = 85.5,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		Polarities = {"V", "D"},
		SlideAttack = 204,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = {"Prime"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 204,
	["Ninkondi"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Nunchaku",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 4000,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.41,
		Image = "Nunchaku.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.4|Update 17.4]]",
		JumpAttack = 90,
		JumpElement = "Electricity",
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Ninkondi",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 45,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.35,
			FireRate = 1,
		SlideAttack = 96,
		SlideElement = "Electricity",
		SlideElement = "Electricity",
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 180,
	["Ninkondi Prime"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Nunchaku",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Corrente",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 15,},},
		Disposition = 1.41,
		Image = "NinkondiPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.3|Update 25.3]]",
		JumpAttack = 54,
		--JumpElement = "Electricity",
		Mastery = 10,
		Name = "Ninkondi Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 24,
			    ["Slash"] = 11,
			    ["Puncture"] = 6,
			    ["Impact"] = 13
			CritChance = 0.22,
			CritMultiplier = 2.4,
			StatusChance = 0.36,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V","V"},
		SlideAttack = 116,
		--SlideElement = "Electricity",
	    StancePolarity = "D",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 216,
	["Obex"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Sparring",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 125,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 650,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 700,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},},
		Disposition = 1.1,
		Family = "Obex",
		FinisherDamage = 75,
		Image = "CorpusKickNPunch.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.7|Update 10.7]]",
		JumpAttack = 50,
		JumpElement = "Electricity",
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Obex",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 17.5,
				["Puncture"] = 3.8,
				["Slash"] = 3.7,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1,
		SlideAttack = 100,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Jen Dro]]"},
		WallAttack = 75,
	["Ohma"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 55000,
			MarketCost = 200,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Nitain Extract",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 15000,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 1400,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Tonfa",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "CorpusTonfa.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.7|Update 19.7]]",
		JumpAttack = 200,
		JumpElement = "Electricity",
		Mastery = 8,
		Name = "Ohma",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 100,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		SlideAttack = 600,
		SlideElement = "Electricity",
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Tia Mayn]]"},
		WallAttack = 400,
		WallElement = "Electricity",
	["Okina"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Tellurium",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 4200,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 3400,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 1800,},},
		ChannelCost = 5,
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Dual Daggers",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.31,
		Image = "TennoSais.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: Specters of the Rail|Update: Specters of the Rail]]",
		JumpAttack = 80,
		Mastery = 5,
		Name = "Okina",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2,
				["Puncture"] = 18,
				["Slash"] = 20,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 200,
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 160,
	["Orthos"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Polearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 180,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 850,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 700,},},
		Disposition = 0.5,
		Family = "Orthos",
		FinisherDamage = 200,
		Image = "DEOrthos.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.1|Update 8.1]]",
		JumpAttack = 100,
		JumpElement = "Blast",
		JumpRadius = 10,
		Mastery = 2,
		Name = "Orthos",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 7.5,
				["Puncture"] = 7.5,
				["Slash"] = 35,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		SlideAttack = 111,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 83,
	["Orthos Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Polearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.5,
		Family = "Orthos",
		FinisherDamage = 200,
		Image = "PrimePolearm.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.0|Update 9.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 130,
		JumpElement = "Blast",
		JumpRadius = 10,
		Mastery = 2,
		Name = "Orthos Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 9.75,
				["Puncture"] = 9.75,
				["Slash"] = 45.5,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 1.17,
		SlideAttack = 144,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = {"Prime", "Never Vaulted"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 108,
	["Orvius"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		ChargedThrowAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 88,
				["Puncture"] = 22,
				["Slash"] = 330,
				["Cold"] = 360,},
			StatusChance = 0.17,
			CritChance = 0.17,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
		Class = "Glaive",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPStanding = 100000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Blade",Type = "Item",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Disc",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},
				{ Name = "Kuva",Type = "Resource",Count = 4000,},},
		Disposition = 1.15,
		Image = "TeshinGlaive.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.0|Update 19.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 140,
		Mastery = 5,
		Name = "Orvius",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 14,
				["Puncture"] = 3.5,
				["Slash"] = 52.5,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 0.75,
			ShotType = "Thrown",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
		SlideAttack = 350,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		ThrowAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 40,
				["Puncture"] = 10,
				["Slash"] = 150,
				["Cold"] = 150,},
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Teshin]]"},
		WallAttack = 210,
	["Paracesis"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Heavy Blade",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Ducats",Type = "Item",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Galatine",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Eidolon Shard",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 15,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "BallasSword.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update_23#Update_23.10|Update 23.10]]",
		JumpAttack = 144,
		Mastery = 10,
		Name = "Paracesis",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 31.7,
				["Puncture"] = 11.5,
				["Slash"] = 100.8,},
			CritChance = 0.31,
			CritMultiplier = 2.6,
			StatusChance = 0.12,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		SlideAttack = 288,
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Traits = {"Orokin"},--is both orokin and sentient, what do?
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Ballas]]"},
		WallAttack = 288,
	["Pangolin Sword"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Control Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 750,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 80,},},
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Sword",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.47,
		Image = "Pangolin.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 74,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Pangolin Sword",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 1.85,
				["Puncture"] = 5.55,
				["Slash"] = 29.6,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.12,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 79,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 148,
	["Pathocyst"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		ChargedThrowAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 71,
				["Puncture"] = 63,
				["Slash"] = 75,
				["Viral"] = 576,},
			StatusChance = 0.30,
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2.1,
		Class = "Glaive",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Blade",Type = "Item",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Subcortex",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "Pathocyst.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 25#Hotfix 25.7.7|Hotfix 25.7.7]]",
		JumpAttack = 82,
		Mastery = 9,
		Name = "Pathocyst",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 17,
				["Puncture"] = 15,
				["Slash"] = 21,
			    ["Viral"] = 29,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2.1,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 0.667,
		Polarities = {"V", "D"},
		SlideAttack = 410,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		ThrowAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 35,
				["Puncture"] = 29,
				["Slash"] = 37,
				["Viral"] = 184,},
			StatusChance = 0.30,
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2.1,
		Traits = {"Infested"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Zealoid Prelate]]"},
		WallAttack = 246,
	["Plasma Sword"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 450,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 50,},},
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Sword",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.48,
		Image = "Plasma.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Plasma Sword",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 35,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 0.667,
		SlideAttack = 75,
		SlideElement = "Electricity",
		StancePolarity = "R",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 140,
		WallElement = "Electricity",
	["Prisma Dual Cleavers"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Dual Swords",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Dual Cleavers",
		Image = "PrismaDualCleavers.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.11.3|Update 16.11.3]]",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		Mastery = 3,
		Name = "Prisma Dual Cleavers",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 3.5,
				["Puncture"] = 3.5,
				["Slash"] = 28,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 210,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = {"Prisma", "Baro"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 140,
	["Prisma Machete"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Machete",
		Conclave = false,
		Disposition = 1.45,
		Family = "Machete",
		Image = "PrismaMeleeWeapon.png",
		JumpAttack = 50,
		Mastery = 7,
		Name = "Prisma Machete",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 3.75,
				["Puncture"] = 3.75,
				["Slash"] = 17.5,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		SlideAttack = 75,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 100,
	["Prisma Obex"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Sparring",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.1,
		Family = "Obex",
		FinisherDamage = 75,
		Image = "PrismaObex.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 20#Hotfix 20.4.2|Hotfix 20.4.2]]",
		JumpAttack = 50,
		JumpElement = "Electricity",
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Prisma Obex",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 17.5,
				["Puncture"] = 3.8,
				["Slash"] = 3.7,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			Radius = 6,
			FireRate = 1.33,
		SlideAttack = 100,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = {"Prisma", "Baro"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 75,
	["Prisma Skana"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Sword",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.22,
		Family = "Skana",
		Image = "PrismaSkana.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Hotfix 16.6.2|Hotfix 16.6.2]]",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Prisma Skana",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5.25,
				["Puncture"] = 5.25,
				["Slash"] = 24.5,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1,
		SlideAttack = 75,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = {"Prisma", "Baro"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 140,
	["Prova"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Machete",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.29,
		Family = "Prova",
		Image = "Prova8point2.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		JumpElement = "Electricity",
		Mastery = 3,
		Name = "Prova",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 35,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1,
		SlideAttack = 105,
		SlideElement = "Electricity",
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Prod Crewman]]", "[[Nako Xol]]", "[[Ved Xol]]", "[[John Prodman]]"},
		WallAttack = 140,
		WallElement = "Electricity",
	["Prova Vandal"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Machete",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.29,
		Family = "Prova",
		Image = "VandalElectroProd.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.5|Update 10.5]]",
		JumpAttack = 96,
		JumpElement = "Electricity",
		Mastery = 3,
		Name = "Prova Vandal",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 48,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 1,
		SlideAttack = 144,
		SlideElement = "Electricity",
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Corpus", "Vandal"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 192,
		WallElement = "Electricity",
	["Pupacyst"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Polearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 50000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Mutagen Mass",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 8750,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 2250,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "InfStaff.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update_23#Update_23.10|Update 23.10]]",
		JumpAttack = 90,
		Mastery = 7,
		Name = "Pupacyst",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 47,
				["Viral"] = 43,},
			CritChance = 0.13,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.27,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 193,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 150,
	["Rakta Dark Dagger"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Dagger",
		Disposition = 0.52,
		Family = "Dark Dagger",
		Image = "RVDarkDagger.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Silver Grove 2.0|Update: The Silver Grove 2.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 100,
		Mastery = 8,
		Name = "Rakta Dark Dagger",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Radiation"] = 50,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 107,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = {"Syndicate", "Red Veil"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 150,
	["Reaper Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Scythe",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.29,
		Image = "ReaperPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 150,
		Mastery = 2,
		Name = "Reaper Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 11.3,
				["Puncture"] = 11.3,
				["Slash"] = 52.5,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.12,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		SlideAttack = 150,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 150,
	["Redeemer"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.60,
		ChargeAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 300,},
			PelletCount = 10,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
		Class = "Gunblade",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Vasto",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Dual Skana",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.17,
		Family = "Redeemer",
		Image = "TnoGunblade.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
		JumpAttack = 120,
		Mastery = 4,
		Name = "Redeemer",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6,
				["Puncture"] = 12,
				["Slash"] = 42,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		SlideAttack = 180,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Mesa Specter]]"},
		WallAttack = 240,
	["Redeemer Prime"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.60,
		ChargeAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 800,},
			PelletCount = 10,
		Class = "Gunblade",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 15,},
		Disposition = 1.17,
		Family = "Redeemer",
		Image = "RedeemerPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Hotfix 24.2.2|Hotfix 24.2.2]]",
		JumpAttack = 80,
		Mastery = 10,
		Name = "Redeemer Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 8,
				["Puncture"] = 16,
				["Slash"] = 56,},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.28,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		SlideAttack = 240,
    	StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = {"Prime"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 320,
	["Ripkas"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Claws",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 40000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Ankyros",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Dual Cleavers",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Tellurium",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.38,
		Image = "GrnClaws.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.0|Update 16.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 110,
		Mastery = 3,
		Name = "Ripkas",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2.8,
				["Puncture"] = 5.5,
				["Slash"] = 46.8,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 0.883,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 165,
		Stagger = "Yes",
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Executioners/Zura|Zura]]", "[[Kuva Powerclaw]]", "[[Nightwatch Powerclaw]]"},
		WallAttack = 165,
	["Sancti Magistar"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Hammer",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.09,
		Family = "Magistar",
		Image = "NLMagistar.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Silver Grove 2.0|Update: The Silver Grove 2.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 240,
		Mastery = 8,
		Name = "Sancti Magistar",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 96,
				["Puncture"] = 18,
				["Slash"] = 6,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 240,
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Traits = { "New Loka", "Syndicate"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 240,
	["Sarpa"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		ChargeAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 17.5,
				["Puncture"] = 35,
				["Slash"] = 122.5,},
			PelletCount = 5,
			CritChance = 0,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
		Class = "Gunblade",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Akstiletto",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 3300,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Control Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.24,
		Image = "TnoGunbladeAuto.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Silver Grove|Update: The Silver Grove]]",
		JumpAttack = 140,
		Mastery = 8,
		Name = "Sarpa",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 7,
				["Puncture"] = 14,
				["Slash"] = 49,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		SlideAttack = 210,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 280,
	["Scindo"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Heavy Blade",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 750,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Scindo",
		FinisherDamage = 200,
		Image = "DEScindo.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.4|Update 5.4]]",
		JumpAttack = 200,
		Mastery = 2,
		Name = "Scindo",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 10,
				["Puncture"] = 10,
				["Slash"] = 80,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		SlideAttack = 200,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 200,
	["Scindo Prime"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Heavy Blade",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 15,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Scindo",
		Image = "PrimeScindo.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.8|Update 14.8]]",
		JumpAttack = 260,
		Mastery = 4,
		Name = "Scindo Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 13,
				["Puncture"] = 13,
				["Slash"] = 104,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 0.967,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 260,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 260,
	["Scoliac"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Whip",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Mutagen Mass",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 15000,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.3,
		FinisherDamage = 75,
		Image = "DEScoliac2.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.5|Update 11.5]]",
		JumpAttack = 110,
		JumpElement = "Toxin",
		Mastery = 6,
		Name = "Scoliac",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 8.25,
				["Puncture"] = 8.25,
				["Slash"] = 38.5,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 1.25,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 118,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 220,
	["Secura Lecta"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Whip",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.5,
		Family = "Lecta",
		Image = "PSLecta.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Silver Grove 2.0|Update: The Silver Grove 2.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 150,
		JumpElement = "Electricity",
		Mastery = 8,
		Name = "Secura Lecta",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 75,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 1.25,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		SlideAttack = 161,
		SlideElement = "Electricity",
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Traits = {"Syndicate", "Perrin Sequence"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 300,
		WallElement = "Electricity",
	["Serro"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 180,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 400,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},},
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Polearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.38,
		Image = "Corpuspolearm.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.4|Update 13.4]]",
		JumpAttack = 150,
		Mastery = 2,
		Name = "Serro",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 75,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 167,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 125,
	["Shaku"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 180,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Ninkondi",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 1100,},
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Nunchaku",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Image = "TnoNunchaku.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.1|Update 18.1]]",
		JumpAttack = 110,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Shaku",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 55,
				["Puncture"] = 0,
				["Slash"] = 0,},
			CritChance = 0.075,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 1.17,
		SlideAttack = 118,
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Equinox Specter]]"},
		WallAttack = 220,
	["Sheev"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Blade",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Heatsink",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Hilt",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Dagger",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Image = "GrineerCombatKnife.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.7|Update 14.7]]",
		JumpAttack = 90,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Sheev",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2.25,
				["Puncture"] = 2.25,
				["Slash"] = 40.5,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 0.667,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 96,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Executioners/Harkonar|Harkonar]]", "[[Executioners/Nok|Nok]]", "[[Executioners/Reth|Reth]]", "Ranged [[Grineer]] soldiers"},
		WallAttack = 135,
	["Sibear"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Hammer",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 165,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Magistar",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 30000,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 50000,},},
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Image = "IceHammer.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.8|Update 18.8]]",
		JumpAttack = 260,
		Mastery = 6,
		Name = "Sibear",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Cold"] = 130,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		SlideAttack = 260,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Frost Specter]]"},
		WallAttack = 260,
	["Sigma & Octantis"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Sword and Shield",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "SundialSwordAndBoard.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Hotfix 22.1.1|Hotfix 22.1.2]]",
		JumpAttack = 120,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Sigma & Octantis",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 13.2,
				["Puncture"] = 9.6,
				["Slash"] = 37.2,},
			CritChance = 0.28,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.16,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		SlideAttack = 129,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 240,
	["Silva & Aegis"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Sword and Shield",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Silva & Aegis",
		Image = "TennoSwordShield.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.0|Update 14.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		JumpElement = "Heat",
		JumpRadius = 4,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Silva & Aegis",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Heat"] = 35,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 1,
		SlideAttack = 75,
		SlideElement = "Heat",
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 140,
		WallElement = "Heat",
	["Silva & Aegis Prime"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.9,
		Class = "Sword and Shield",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Guarda",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Silva & Aegis",
		Image = "SilvaAegisPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 20#Hotfix 20.6.2|Hotfix 20.6.2]]",
		JumpAttack = 240,
		JumpElement = "Heat",
		JumpRadius = 4,
		Mastery = 12,
		Name = "Silva & Aegis Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Heat"] = 120,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 0.75,
		Polarities = {"V", "D", "D"},
		SlideAttack = 257,
		SlideElement = "Heat",
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 480,
		WallElement = "Heat",
	["Skana"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Sword",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 750,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 1100,},
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},},
		Disposition = 1.22,
		Family = "Skana",
		Image = "DESkana.png",
		JumpAttack = 70,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Skana",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5.25,
				["Puncture"] = 5.25,
				["Slash"] = 24.5,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		SlideAttack = 75,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 140,
	["Skana Prime"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Sword",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.22,
		Family = "Skana",
		Image = "SkanaPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 84,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Skana Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6.3,
				["Puncture"] = 6.3,
				["Slash"] = 29.4,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 90,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted", "Founder"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 168,
	["Skiajati"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Nikana",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Skiajati",
		Image = "Skiajati.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.0|Update 23.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 77,
		Mastery = 11,
		Name = "Skiajati",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 11.6,
				["Puncture"] = 5.4,
				["Slash"] = 60.1,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 1.9,
			StatusChance = 0.27,
			FireRate = 1.17,
		Polarities = {"U", "U"},
		SlideAttack = 165,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = {"Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 165,
	["Sydon"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 180,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Detonite Injector",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 1100,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 4000,},
				{ Name = "Amphis",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Polearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.84,
		Family = "Sydon",
		Image = "GrnTridentWeapon.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.2|Update 18.2]]",
		JumpAttack = 150,
		JumpElement = "Blast",
		Mastery = 2,
		Name = "Sydon",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 3.8,
				["Puncture"] = 71.3,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		SlideAttack = 167,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Shock Draga]]"},
		WallAttack = 125,
	["Synoid Heliocor"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		ChannelCost = 5,
		ChannelMult = 1.75,
		Class = "Hammer",
		Disposition = 0.94,
		Family = "Heliocor",
		Image = "CSHeliocor.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Silver Grove 2.0|Update: The Silver Grove 2.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 240,
		Mastery = 9,
		Name = "Synoid Heliocor",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 102,
				["Puncture"] = 12,
				["Slash"] = 6,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		SlideAttack = 240,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = {"Syndicate", "Cephalon Suda"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 240,
	["Tatsu"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.60,
		Class = "Two-Handed Nikana",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 5000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 275,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Kuva",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Auroxium Alloy",Type = "Resource",Count = 100,},
				{ Name = "Hespazym Alloy",Type = "Resource",Count = 100,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Tatsu",
		Image = "Tatsu.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.4|Update 24.4]]",
		JumpAttack = 96,
		Mastery = 7,
		Name = "Tatsu",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 15.0,
				["Puncture"] = 23.0,
				["Slash"] = 27.0,
				["Radiation"] = 31.0,},
			CritChance = 0.11,
			CritMultiplier = 1.9,
			StatusChance = 0.23,
			FireRate = 1.00,
		Polarities = {},
		SlideAttack = 192,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = {"Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 192,
	["Tekko"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Fist",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 25000,
			MarketCost = 125,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 700,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 3300,},
				{ Name = "Ankyros",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.4,
		Image = "BrawlerKnuckles.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.5|Update 17.5]]",
		JumpAttack = 45,
		Mastery = 2,
		Name = "Tekko",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 9,
				["Puncture"] = 4.5,
				["Slash"] = 31.5,},
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 135,
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 135,
	["Telos Boltace"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Tonfa",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Boltace",
		Image = "AHBoltace.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Silver Grove 2.0|Update: The Silver Grove 2.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 170,
		Mastery = 8,
		Name = "Telos Boltace",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 8.5,
				["Puncture"] = 72.3,
				["Slash"] = 4.2,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		SlideAttack = 510,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = {"Syndicate", "Arbiters of Hexis"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 340,
	["Tekko Prime"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Fist",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 25000,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Gauntlet",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 15,},},
		Disposition = 1.4,
		Image = "TekkoPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.8|Update 25.8]]",
		JumpAttack = 56,
		Mastery = 12,
		Name = "Tekko Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 12.3,
				["Puncture"] = 7.8,
				["Slash"] = 35.8,},
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 2.4,
			StatusChance = 0.26,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		SlideAttack = 168,
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Traits = { "Prime"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 168,
	["Telos Boltace"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Tonfa",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Boltace",
		Image = "AHBoltace.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Silver Grove 2.0|Update: The Silver Grove 2.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 170,
		Mastery = 8,
		Name = "Telos Boltace",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 8.5,
				["Puncture"] = 72.3,
				["Slash"] = 4.2,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		SlideAttack = 510,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = {"Syndicate", "Arbiters of Hexis"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 340,
	["Tipedo"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Staff",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 125,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 1600,},
				{ Name = "Kunai",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Bo",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.31,
		Family = "Tipedo",
		Image = "Tipedo.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.9|Update 15.9]]",
		JumpAttack = 100,
		Mastery = 3,
		Name = "Tipedo",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5,
				["Puncture"] = 5,
				["Slash"] = 40,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 1.33,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		SlideAttack = 107,
		StancePolarity = "R",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Mag Specter]]"},
		WallAttack = 83,
	["Tipedo Prime"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Staff",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Ornamento",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 15,},},
		Disposition = 1.31,
		Family = "Tipedo",
		Image = "TipedoPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Hotfix 24.5.8|Hotfix 24.5.8]]",
		JumpAttack = 76.0,
		Mastery = 10,
		Name = "Tipedo Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 7.6,
				["Puncture"] = 7.6,
				["Slash"] = 60.8,},
			CritChance = 0.24,
			CritMultiplier = 2.4,
			StatusChance = 0.24,
			FireRate = 1.17,
		Polarities = {"D", "V"},
		SlideAttack = 163,
		StancePolarity = "R",
		Traits = {"Prime"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 127,
	["Tonbo"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 180,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Control Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 2000,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 100,},},
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Polearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.38,
		Image = "FlowerPowerPolearm.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.15|Update 15.15]]",
		JumpAttack = 160,
		Mastery = 3,
		Name = "Tonbo",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 8,
				["Puncture"] = 12,
				["Slash"] = 60,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 178,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 133,
	["Twin Basolk"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Dual Swords",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 185,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Dual Zoren",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Atomos",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Control Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.18,
		Image = "GrnDualFireAxe.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.8|Update 17.8]]",
		JumpAttack = 130,
		Mastery = 3,
		Name = "Twin Basolk",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Heat"] = 65,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.4,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 390,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Flameblade]]", "[[Executioners/Garesh|Garesh]]"},
		WallAttack = 260,
	["Twin Krohkur"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Dual Swords",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = "",
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Detonite Injector",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Krohkur",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Krohkur",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.48,
		Family = "Twin Krohkur",
		Image = "DualGrnEgyptSwords.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22|Update 22]]",
		JumpAttack = 140,
		Mastery = 6,
		Name = "Twin Krohkur",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 8.4,
				["Puncture"] = 12.6,
				["Slash"] = 49,},
			CritChance = 0.19,
			CritMultiplier = 1.7,
			StatusChance = 0.33,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		SlideAttack = 420,
		StancePolarity = "Bar",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Tusk Predator]]"},
		WallAttack = 280,
	["Vaykor Sydon"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Polearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.84,
		Family = "Sydon",
		Image = "SMSydon.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Silver Grove 2.0|Update: The Silver Grove 2.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 170,
		JumpElement = "Blast",
		Mastery = 8,
		Name = "Vaykor Sydon",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.3,
				["Puncture"] = 80.8,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 189,
		StancePolarity = "Ability",
		Traits = {"Syndicate", "Steel Meridian"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 142,
	["Venka"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Claws",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.5,
		Family = "Venka",
		Image = "TennoClaws.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.9|Update 13.9]]",
		JumpAttack = 74,
		Mastery = 3,
		Name = "Venka",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 1.85,
				["Puncture"] = 9.25,
				["Slash"] = 25.9,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 1,
		SlideAttack = 111,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Violence]]"},
		WallAttack = 111,
	["Venka Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Laminas",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Manopla",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 15,},},
		BlockResist = 0.35,
		Class = "Claws",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.5,
		Family = "Venka",
		Image = "VenkaPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Hotfix 19.0.7|Hotfix 19.0.7]]",
		JumpAttack = 110,
		Mastery = 8,
		Name = "Venka Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2.75,
				["Puncture"] = 11,
				["Slash"] = 41.25,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 1.05,
		Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
		SlideAttack = 165,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = {"Prime"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 165,
	["Volnus"] = {
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Hammer",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 200,
			Rush = 45,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 225,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 11000,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 875,},},
		Disposition = 1.2,
		Family = "Volnus",
		Image = "GlassHammer.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update: Plains of Eidolon|Update: Plains of Eidolon]]",
		JumpAttack = 200,
		Mastery = 4,
		Name = "Volnus",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 22.0,
				["Puncture"] = 32.0,
				["Slash"] = 46.0,},
			CritChance = 0.18,
			CritMultiplier = 1.6,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 1.2,
		SlideAttack = 200,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 200,
	["War"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			Rush = 45,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 2300,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 1400,},
				{ Name = "Nitain Extract",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Broken War",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Heavy Blade",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.5,
		Image = "StalkerTwoGreatSword.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.0|Update 18.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 280,
		Mastery = 10,
		Name = "War",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 112,
				["Puncture"] = 3.5,
				["Slash"] = 24.5,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 280,
		StancePolarity = "D",
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 280,
	["Wolf Sledge"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Nitain Extract",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Handle",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Head",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Motor",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		Class = "Hammer",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.96,
		Image = "Wolf_Sledge_Image.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.3|Update 24.3]]",
		JumpAttack = 115,
		Mastery = 7,
		Name = "Wolf Sledge",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 66.3,
				["Puncture"] = 3.8,
				["Slash"] = 59.9,},
			CritChance = 0.17,
			CritMultiplier = 1.9,
			StatusChance = 0.33,
			FireRate = 1.0,
		--Polarities = {"Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 230,
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 230,
	["Zenistar"] = {
		AreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Disc Explosion",
			Damage = {
				["Heat"] = 350,},
			Radius = 4,
		BlockResist = 0.85,
		ChargeAttack = {
			AttackName = "Disc Impact",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 75,},
			Range = 9,
		Class = "Heavy Blade",
		Disposition = 0.5,
		Image = "SundialAxe.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Specters of the Rail 1.0|Update: Specters of the Rail 1.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 260,
		JumpElement = "Heat",
		Mastery = 6,
		Name = "Zenistar",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Heat"] = 130,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SecondaryAreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Disc Aura",
			Damage = {
				["Heat"] = 50,},
			StatusChance = 0.5,
			Duration = 45,
			Radius = 4,
			FireRate = 1.2,
		SecondaryAttack = {
			AttackName = "Attacks while disc deployed",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 13,
				["Puncture"] = 13,
				["Slash"] = 104,},
			FireRate = 0.967,
		SlideAttack = 260,
		SlideElement = "Heat",
		StancePolarity = "V",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		WallAttack = 260,
		WallElement = "Heat",
	["Acrid"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Mutagen Mass",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 6000,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Disposition = 1.33,
		Image = "Acrid2.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		Magazine = 15,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Acrid",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Toxin"] = 35,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 6.67,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 65,
		Reload = 1.2,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Afuris"] = {
		Accuracy = 15.4,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Furis",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Furis",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.39,
		Family = "Afuris",
		Image = "Afuris.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.3|Update 5.3]]",
		Magazine = 70,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Afuris",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 3,
				["Puncture"] = 14,
				["Slash"] = 3,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.12,
			FireRate = 12.5,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Valkyr Specter]]"},
	["Akarius"] = {
		Accuracy = 26.7,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Hexenon",Type = "Resource",Count = 150,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 1600,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 7500,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "Akarius.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.7|Update 25.7]]",
		Magazine = 10,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 20,
		Name = "Akarius",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 68.0,
				["Blast"] = 419.0,},
			CritChance = 0.06,
			CritMultiplier = 1.8,
			StatusChance = 0.28,
			FireRate = 4.25,
			BurstCount = 2,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Polarities = {"Bar", "Bar"},
		Reload = 3.4,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {},
	["Akbolto"] = {
		Accuracy = 26.7,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Bolto",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Bolto",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 0.8,
		Family = "Akbolto",
		Image = "Akbolto.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 6.0|Update 6.0]]",
		Magazine = 30,
		Mastery = 9,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Akbolto",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4,
				["Puncture"] = 36,},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 2.4,
			StatusChance = 0.022,
			FireRate = 10,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 75,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		Reload = 2.6,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Akbolto Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 26.7,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Link",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 0.8,
		Family = "Akbolto",
		Image = "MirageAkboltoPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.7|Update 22.7]]",
		Magazine = 40,
		Mastery = 13,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Akbolto Prime",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 3.2,
				["Puncture"] = 27.5,
				["Slash"] = 1.3,},
			CritChance = 0.36,
			CritMultiplier = 2.8,
			StatusChance = 0.14,
			FireRate = 7,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 75,
		Polarities = {"Bar", "V", "V", "V"},
		Reload = 1.3,
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Akbronco"] = {
		Accuracy = 3.7,
		Class = "Dual Shotguns",
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Bronco",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Bronco",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Family = "Akbronco",
		Image = "Dual Broncos.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		Magazine = 4,
		Mastery = 2,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Akbronco",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 224,
				["Puncture"] = 28,
				["Slash"] = 28,},
			CritChance = 0.06,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.22,
			PelletCount = 7,
			FireRate = 8.33,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 7,EndRange = 14,Reduction = 0.75,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2.25,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Akbronco Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 3.7,
		Class = "Dual Shotguns",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Bronco Prime",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Bronco Prime",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Link",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Family = "Akbronco",
		Image = "DEPrimeDualBroncos.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.4|Update 12.4]]",
		Magazine = 8,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Akbronco Prime",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 280,
				["Puncture"] = 35,
				["Slash"] = 35,},
			CritChance = 0.06,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			PelletCount = 7,
			FireRate = 4.33,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 9,EndRange = 18,Reduction = 0.74,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 2.25,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Never Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Akjagara"] = {
		Accuracy = 15.4,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 235,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Akbolto",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Dual Skana",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Family = "Akjagara",
		Image = "TnoBladedPistols.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.13|Update 15.13]]",
		Magazine = 36,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Akjagara",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.5,
				["Puncture"] = 4.5,
				["Slash"] = 21,},
			CritChance = 0.06,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.28,
			BurstCount = 2,
			FireRate = 16.67,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 2.25,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Akjagara Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 33.3,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Link",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 1.05,
		Family = "Akjagara",
		Image = "AkjagaraPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Hotfix 24.2.2|Hotfix 24.2.2]]",
		Magazine = 40,
		Mastery = 12,
		MaxAmmo = 320,
		Name = "Akjagara Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 3.6,
				["Puncture"] = 3.6,
				["Slash"] = 28.8,},
			CritChance = 0.18,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.32,
			PunchThrough = 0.2,
			BurstCount = 2,
			FireRate = 10,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 1.4,
		Traits = {"Prime"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Aklato"] = {
		Accuracy = 11.1,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
		Disposition = 1.52,
		Image = "Aklato.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
		Magazine = 30,
		Mastery = 3,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Aklato",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.5,
				["Puncture"] = 7.5,
				["Slash"] = 18,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 1.8,
			StatusChance = 0.06,
			FireRate = 7.5,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2.4,
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Aklex"] = {
		Accuracy = 9.8,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 190,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lex",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Lex",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 0.8,
		Family = "Aklex",
		Image = "DEAklex.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.1|Update 11.1]]",
		Magazine = 12,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Aklex",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 13,
				["Puncture"] = 104,
				["Slash"] = 13,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1.58,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 3,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Maroo]]"},
	["Aklex Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 9.8,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lex Prime",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Lex Prime",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Link",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 0.8,
		Family = "Aklex",
		Image = "Aklex Prime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Hotfix 19.8.1|Hotfix 19.8.1]]",
		Magazine = 16,
		Mastery = 15,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Aklex Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 15,
				["Puncture"] = 120,
				["Slash"] = 15,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 2.67,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 3,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Baro"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Akmagnus"] = {
		Accuracy = 11.1,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 50000,
			MarketCost = 220,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Magnus",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Magnus",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.28,
		Image = "DEAkmagnus.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.9|Update 11.9]]",
		Magazine = 16,
		Mastery = 12,
		Name = "Akmagnus",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 34.2,
				["Puncture"] = 20.9,
				["Slash"] = 20.9,},
			CritChance = 0.22,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.22,
			FireRate = 6.17,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2.4,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Aksomati"] = {
		Accuracy = 15.4,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Akstiletto",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.2,
		Image = "AkimboSomaPistols.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.3|Update 16.3]]",
		Magazine = 70,
		Mastery = 9,
		MaxAmmo = 420,
		Name = "Aksomati",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 1.8,
				["Puncture"] = 7.2,
				["Slash"] = 9,},
			CritChance = 0.24,
			CritMultiplier = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.08,
			FireRate = 12.5,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 1.4,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Akstiletto"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 23.5,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.5,
		Family = "Akstiletto",
		Image = "TennoUzi.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.0|Update 12.0]]",
		Magazine = 28,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Akstiletto",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 16.8,
				["Puncture"] = 2.8,
				["Slash"] = 8.4,},
			CritChance = 0.18,
			CritMultiplier = 1.8,
			StatusChance = 0.18,
			FireRate = 10,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 1.1,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Akstiletto Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Link",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 23.5,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.5,
		Family = "Akstiletto",
		Image = "PrimeAkstiletto.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.12|Update 18.12]]",
		Magazine = 40,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 400,
		Name = "Akstiletto Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 21.6,
				["Puncture"] = 3.6,
				["Slash"] = 10.8,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 7.08,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
		Reload = 1.1,
		Traits = {"Prime"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Akvasto"] = {
		Accuracy = 11.1,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 50000,
			MarketCost = 220,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Vasto",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Vasto",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.2,
		Family = "Akvasto",
		Image = "Dual vastos.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.7|Update 9.7]]",
		Magazine = 12,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Akvasto",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 14.5,
				["Puncture"] = 14.5,
				["Slash"] = 29,},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 1.8,
			StatusChance = 0.12,
			FireRate = 8.67,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Torment]]"},
	["Akvasto Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 16.0,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Vasto Prime",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Vasto Prime",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Link",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.2,
		Family = "Akvasto",
		Image = "AkvastoPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Hotfix 24.0.6|Hotfix 24.0.6]]",
		Magazine = 12,
		Mastery = 12,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Akvasto Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 9.9,
				["Puncture"] = 9.9,
				["Slash"] = 46.2,},
			CritChance = 0.22,
			CritMultiplier = 2.4,
			StatusChance = 0.22,
			FireRate = 6.33,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 1.4,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Akzani"] = {
		Accuracy = 16.7,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 1500,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.52,
		Image = "Akzani.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.0|Update 14.0]]",
		Magazine = 100,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 400,
		Name = "Akzani",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 1.8,
				["Puncture"] = 8.4,
				["Slash"] = 1.8,},
			CritChance = 0.14,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.14,
			FireRate = 20,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Angstrum"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 25000,
			MarketCost = 190,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 400,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Accuracy = 26.7,
		AreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Single Rocket Explosion",
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 250,},
			Radius = 3,
		ChargeAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Single Rocket Impact",
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 200,},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.22,
			ChargeTime = 0.5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 150,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Family = "Angstrum",
		FireRate = 2,
		Image = "CorpusHandRocket.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.3|Update 13.3]]",
		Magazine = 3,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 18,
		Name = "Angstrum",
		Polarities = {"D"},
		Reload = 2.5,
		SecondaryAreaAttack = {--wrong attack type for the sake of order
			AttackName = "3-Rocket Barrage Impact",
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 600,},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.525,
			PelletName = "Rocket",
			PelletCount = 3,
			ChargeTime = 1.5,
			AmmoCost = 3,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 150,
		SecondaryAttack = {--wrong attack type for the sake of order
			AttackName = "3-Rocket Barrage Explosion",
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 750,},
			PelletName = "Rocket",
			PelletCount = 3,
			Radius = 3,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Comba]]", "[[Scrambus]]", "[[Pelna Cade]]", "[[Jad Teran]]"},
	["Arca Scisco"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 200,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 250,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 12500,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 32,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "CrpScopePistol.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.7|Update 21.7]]",
		Magazine = 36,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 288,
		Name = "Arca Scisco",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Puncture"] = 36,
				["Slash"] = 24,},
			CritChance = 0.18,
			CritMultiplier = 1.6,
			StatusChance = 0.26,
			FireRate = 4.667,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 2.2,
		SniperComboReset = 2,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Zoom = {"2.0x", "4.0x"},
	["Atomos"] = {
		Accuracy = 12.5,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 60000,
			BPCost = 30000,
			MarketCost = 200,
			Rush = 45,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 1500,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 1300,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 0.8,
		Image = "GrnHeatGun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.5|Update 16.5]]",
		Magazine = 70,
		Mastery = 5,
		MaxAmmo = 350,
		Name = "Atomos",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Heat"] = 29,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 1.7,
			StatusChance = 0.21,
			FireRate = 8,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
			Range = 15,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Azima"] = {
		Accuracy = 22.2,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Image = "SundialPistol.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.5|Update 18.5]]",
		Magazine = 75,
		Mastery = 6,
		MaxAmmo = 525,
		Name = "Azima",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2,
				["Puncture"] = 5,
				["Slash"] = 13,},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.16,
			FireRate = 10,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
		Reload = 1.4,
		SecondaryAttack = {
		   	AttackName = "Launch Turret",
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 75,},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			StatusChance = 0.16,
			AmmoCost = 75,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Ballistica"] = {
		Accuracy = 4,
		ChargeAttack = {
			AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",		    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 10,
				["Puncture"] = 80,
				["Slash"] = 10,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 3.33,
			ChargeTime = 1,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
		Class = "Crossbow",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 40000,
			MarketCost = 240,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 3000,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},},
		Disposition = 1.05,
		Family = "Ballistica",
		Image = "DEBallistica.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.4|Update 10.4]]",
		Magazine = 16,
		Mastery = 2,
		Name = "Ballistica",
		NoiseLevel = "Silent",
		Polarities = {"D"},
		Reload = 2,
		SecondaryAttack = {
			AttackName = "Rajada",		    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2.5,
				["Puncture"] = 20,
				["Slash"] = 2.5,},
			CritChance = 0.0375,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.025,
			FireRate = 11.43,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
			BurstCount = 4,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Burst / Charge",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Ballistica Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Membro Superior",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Membro Inferior",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cordao",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 4,
		ChargeAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 15.2,
				["Puncture"] = 167.2,
				["Slash"] = 121.6,},
			ChargeTime = 0.8,
			CritChance = 0.2,
			PunchThrough = 1,
			PelletCount = 4,
			PelletName = "Bolt",
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
		Class = "Crossbow",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.05,
		Family = "Ballistica",
		Image = "PrimeBallistica.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.6|Update 21.6]]",
		Magazine = 32,
		Mastery = 14,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Ballistica Prime",
		NoiseLevel = "Silent",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Normal",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 7.6,
				["Puncture"] = 83.6,
				["Slash"] = 60.8,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			PelletCount = 4,
			PelletName = "Bolt",
			FireRate = 3.33,
			AmmoCost = 4,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
		Polarities = {"Bar", "V", "V"},
		Reload = 1.2,
		Trigger = "Burst / Charge",
		BurstCount = 4,
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Bolto"] = {
		Accuracy = 26.7,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lato",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.51,
		Family = "Bolto",
		Image = "Bolto.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.3|Update 5.3]]",
		Magazine = 15,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Bolto",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4,
				["Puncture"] = 36,},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 2.4,
			StatusChance = 0.022,
			FireRate = 6.83,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 75,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		Reload = 1.3,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Brakk"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Accuracy = 7.7,
		Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.2,
		Image = "DEGrineerHandShotgun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.6|Update 10.6]]",
		Magazine = 5,
		Mastery = 6,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Brakk",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 90,
				["Puncture"] = 50,
				["Slash"] = 60,},
			CritChance = 0.17,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.17,
			PelletCount = 10,
			FireRate = 5,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 11,EndRange = 22,Reduction = 0.6,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
		Reload = 1.05,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Bronco"] = {
		Accuracy = 3.7,
		Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 190,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 700,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},},
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Family = "Bronco",
		Image = "Bronco.png",
		Magazine = 2,
		Mastery = 0,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Bronco",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 224,
				["Puncture"] = 28,
				["Slash"] = 28,},
			CritChance = 0.06,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.22,
			PelletCount = 7,
			FireRate = 5,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 7,EndRange = 14,Reduction = 0.75,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 1.05,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Bronco Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 3.7,
		Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Family = "Bronco",
		Image = "PrimeBronco.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.0|Update 9.0]]",
		Magazine = 4,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Bronco Prime",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 280,
				["Puncture"] = 35,
				["Slash"] = 35,},
			CritChance = 0.06,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			PelletCount = 7,
			FireRate = 4.17,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 9,EndRange = 18,Reduction = 0.74,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Never Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Castanas"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Control Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Thrown",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Family = "Castanas",
		Image = "TaserStar.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.2|Update 12.2]]",
		Magazine = 2,
		Mastery = 3,
		MaxAmmo = 18,
		Name = "Castanas",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 160,},
			CritChance = 0.08,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.22,
			FireRate = 3.33,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 30,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 1,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Active",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Cestra"] = {
		Accuracy = 33.3,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 3000,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.52,
		Image = "CorpusMinigun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.0|Update 11.0]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 420,
		Name = "Cestra",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5.2,
				["Puncture"] = 20.8,},
			CritChance = 0.06,
			CritMultiplier = 1.6,
			StatusChance = 0.20,
			FireRate = 8.33,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Cyanex"] = {
		Accuracy = 1.8,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 8750,},
				{ Name = "Hexenon",Type = "Resource",Count = 250,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "Cyanex.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.0|Update 25.0]]",
		Magazine = 11,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Cyanex",
		NormalAttack = {
			AttackName = "Full Auto Mode",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 50,
				["Gas"] = 41},
			CritChance = 0.08,
			CritMultiplier = 1.4,
			StatusChance = 0.32,
			FireRate = 4.67,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
		Polarities = {},
		Reload = 2.2,
		SecondaryAttack = {
			AttackName = "Burst Mode",
			Accuracy = 80,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2.9,
				["Slash"] = 38.9,
				["Puncture"] = 30.2,},
			CritChance = 0.08,
			CritMultiplier = 1.4,
			StatusChance = 0.32,
			FireRate = 10.05,
			Trigger = "Burst",
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			PunchThrough = 0.5,
		Trigger = "Auto / Burst",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Cycron"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 200,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 9000,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 1500,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.15,
		Image = "Cycron.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 20#Update 20.3|Update 20.3]]",
		Magazine = 40,
		Mastery = 8,
		Name = "Cycron",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Puncture"] = 8,
				["Slash"] = 5,
				["Radiation"] = 10,},
			CritChance = 0.12,
			CritMultiplier = 1.8,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			PunchThrough = 1,
			FireRate = 12,
			AmmoCost = 0.5,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
			Range = 24,
		Polarities = {"Bar", "Bar"},
		Reload = 40,
		ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Despair"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 4500,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Thrown",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Image = "Despair.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		Magazine = 10,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Despair",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2.9,
				["Puncture"] = 46.4,
				["Slash"] = 8.7,},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 1.6,
			StatusChance = 0.16,
			FireRate = 3.33,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 70,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 0.75,
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Stalker]]"},
	["Detron"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Accuracy = 7.1,
		Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Detron",
		Image = "DECorpusHandCannon.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.5.5|Update 11.5.5]]",
		Magazine = 5,
		Mastery = 6,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Detron",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Radiation"] = 280,},
			CritChance = 0.04,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			PelletCount = 7,
			FireRate = 3.33,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 13,EndRange = 22,Reduction = 0.6231,},
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 150,
		Reload = 1.05,
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Detron Crewman]]", "[[Scrambus]]", "[[Comba]]", "[[Pelna Cade]]", "[[Jad Teran]]"},
	["Dex Furis"] = {
		Accuracy = 15.4,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.39,
		Family = "Afuris",
		Image = "DexFuris.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.6|Update 12.6]]",
		Magazine = 100,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 400,
		Name = "Dex Furis",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2.4,
				["Puncture"] = 11.2,
				["Slash"] = 2.4,},
			CritChance = 0.14,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.28,
			FireRate = 20,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Dual Cestra"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cestra",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cestra",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 20,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Family = "Dual Cestra",
		Image = "DualCorpusMinigun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.0|Update 12.0]]",
		Magazine = 120,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 480,
		Name = "Dual Cestra",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5.2,
				["Puncture"] = 20.8,},
			CritChance = 0.06,
			CritMultiplier = 1.6,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 12.5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 3.5,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Darvo]]", "[[Jen Dro]]"},
	["Dual Toxocyst"] = {
		Accuracy = 16,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Mutagen Mass",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 6500,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 1100,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Image = "InfVomitGun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.5|Update 18.5]]",
		Magazine = 12,
		Mastery = 11,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Dual Toxocyst",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 7.5,
				["Puncture"] = 60,
				["Slash"] = 7.5,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.37,
			FireRate = 1,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
		Reload = 2.35,
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Embolist"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 50000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Mutagen Mass",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 15000,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.4,
		Image = "InfestedPistol.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
		Magazine = 33,
		Mastery = 9,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Embolist",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Toxin"] = 35,},
			CritChance = 0.03,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.41,
			FireRate = 8,
			AmmoCost = 0.5,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
			Range = 9,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 1.3,
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Euphona Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.7,
		Image = "EuphoraPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Hotfix 19.11.5|Hotfix 19.11.5]]",
		Magazine = 5,
		Mastery = 14,
		MaxAmmo = 40,
		Name = "Euphona Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 292.5,
				["Puncture"] = 16.25,
				["Slash"] = 16.25,},
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.02,
			FireRate = 1.5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 180,
		Polarities = {"V", "V", "V"},
		Reload = 2,
		SecondaryAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 44,
				["Puncture"] = 176,
				["Slash"] = 660,},
			CritChance = 0.02,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			PelletCount = 10,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 6,EndRange = 12,Reduction = 0.9886,},
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Furis"] = {
		Accuracy = 22.2,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 120,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 750,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 400,},
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},},
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Family = "Furis",
		Image = "Furis.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
		Magazine = 35,
		Mastery = 2,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Furis",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 3,
				["Puncture"] = 14,
				["Slash"] = 3,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.12,
			FireRate = 10,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 1.4,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Fusilai"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 190,
			Rush = 45,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 2950,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 10000,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 1350,},
				{ Name = "Nitain Extract",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Thrown",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Image = "GlassKunai.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update: Plains of Eidolon|Update: Plains of Eidolon]]",
		Magazine = 6,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Fusilai",
		Reload = 0.8,
	    NoiseLevel = "Silent",
		NormalAttack = {
			AttackName = "Full Auto Mode",		    
			Damage = {
				["Puncture"] = 30.8,
				["Slash"] = 46.2,},
			CritChance = 0.23,
			CritMultiplier = 1.7,
			StatusChance = 0.29,
			FireRate = 2.83,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SecondaryAttack = {
			AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",		    
			Damage = {
				["Puncture"] = 92.4,
				["Slash"] = 138.6,},
			CritChance = 0.03,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.37,
			FireRate = 1.5,
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
			PelletCount = 3,
			PelletName = "Shuriken",
			AmmoCost = 3,
		    NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Gammacor"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 35000,
			MarketCost = 200,
			Rush = 45,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 2500,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 650,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 400,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 0.9,
		Family = "Gammacor",
		Image = "Gammacor.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 2,
		MaxAmmo = 240,
		Name = "Gammacor",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Magnetic"] = 16,},
			CritChance = 0.08,
			CritMultiplier = 1.8,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 12,
			AmmoCost = 0.5,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
			Range = 25,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		Reload = 1.4,
		Traits = { "Cephalon"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Hikou"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Thrown",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 4000,},},
		Disposition = 1.05,
		Family = "Hikou",
		Image = "Hikou.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.0|Update 9.0]]",
		Magazine = 20,
		Mastery = 2,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Hikou",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2.6,
				["Puncture"] = 15.6,
				["Slash"] = 7.8,},
			CritChance = 0.04,
			CritMultiplier = 1.6,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 6.67,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 70,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 0.75,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Mag Specter]]"},
	["Hikou Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cartucheira",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Estrelas",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 8,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Thrown",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.05,
		Family = "Hikou",
		Image = "PrimeHikou.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.8|Update 14.8]]",
		Magazine = 26,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Hikou Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 3.6,
				["Puncture"] = 30.6,
				["Slash"] = 1.8,},
			CritChance = 0.06,
			CritMultiplier = 1.8,
			StatusChance = 0.28,
			FireRate = 5.83,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 70,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 0.5,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Hystrix"] = {
		Accuracy = 14.3,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 25000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Bolto",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Viper",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 9750,},
				{ Name = "Control Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 15,},},
		Disposition = 1.1,
		--Conclave = true,
		Image = "Hystrix.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22|Update 22.18]]",
		Magazine = 16,
	    Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 320,
		Name = "Hystrix",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Dardo Tóxico / Gelo ",
		    Accuracy = 14.3,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2.2,
				["Puncture"] = 31,
				["Slash"] = 2.9,},
			CritChance = 0.24,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 7,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Reload = 1.7,
		SecondaryAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Dardo Fogo / Elétrico",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2.4,
				["Puncture"] = 34.4,
				["Slash"] = 3.2,},
			CritChance = 0.24,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Knell"] = {
		Class = "Pistol",
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 190,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 5200,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 3800,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 20000,},},
		Disposition = 1.15,
		Image = "PriestPistol.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.0|Update 21.0]]",
		Magazine = 1,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 10,
		Name = "Knell",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 63,
				["Puncture"] = 69,
				["Slash"] = 18,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.05,
			FireRate = 4,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Accuracy = 32,
		Reload = 2,
		SniperComboReset = 2,
		Traits = {"Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Kohmak"] = {
		Accuracy = 8,
		ChargeAttack = {
			AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
			PelletCount = 5,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 30,
				["Puncture"] = 30,
				["Slash"] = 90,},
			AmmoCost = 1.67,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Detonite Injector",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Image = "GrnWindUpPistol.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.0|Update 16.0]]",
		Magazine = 40,
		Mastery = 5,
		Name = "Kohmak",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6,
				["Puncture"] = 6,
				["Slash"] = 18,},
			CritChance = 0.11,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.23,
			PunchThrough = 1.5,
			AttackName = "Single Pellet",
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
			FireRate = 5,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 12,EndRange = 24,Reduction = 0.6667,},
		Polarities = {"D"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
		Users = {"[[Heavy Gunner#Variants|Tusk Heavy Gunner]]"},
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Kraken"] = {
		Accuracy = 16,
		BurstCount = 2,
		BurstFireRate = 2.83,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 120,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 750,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 120,},},
		Disposition = 1.53,
		Image = "Kraken.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 6.3|Update 6.3]]",
		Magazine = 14,
		Mastery = 0,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Kraken",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 36.8,
				["Puncture"] = 6.1,
				["Slash"] = 6.1,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			BurstCount = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.13,
			FireRate = 4.42,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2.45,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Seeker]]"},
	["Kulstar"] = {
		Accuracy = 26.7,
		AreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Rocket Explosion",		    
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 300,},
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Class = "Pistol",
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 40000,
			MarketCost = 190,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Kraken",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Tellurium",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 4800,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 3600,},},
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Image = "GrnTorpedoPistol.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.0|Update 17.0]]",
		Magazine = 3,
		Mastery = 5,
		MaxAmmo = 15,
		Name = "Kulstar",
		NormalAttack = {
			AttackName = "Rocket Impact",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 200,},
			CritChance = 0.17,
			CritMultiplier = 2.3,
			StatusChance = 0.19,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
			FireRate = 2,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		Reload = 2,
		SecondaryAreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Cluster Bombs",	    
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 225,},
			CritChance = 0.17,
			CritMultiplier = 2.3,
			StatusChance = 0.19,
			PelletCount = 3,
			PelletName = "Bomb",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Darek Draga]]"},
	["Kunai"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Thrown",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 40,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 3000,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 4000,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 4000,},},
		Disposition = 1.51,
		Image = "Kunai2.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		Magazine = 10,
		Mastery = 2,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Kunai",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.6,
				["Puncture"] = 34.5,
				["Slash"] = 6.9,},
			CritChance = 0.08,
			CritMultiplier = 1.6,
			StatusChance = 0.08,
			FireRate = 3.33,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 70,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 0.75,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Nova Specter]]"},
	["Lato"] = {
		Accuracy = 18.2,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 10000,
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Family = "Lato",
		Image = "Lato.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
		Magazine = 15,
		Mastery = 0,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Lato",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 7.5,
				["Puncture"] = 7.5,
				["Slash"] = 15,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 1.8,
			StatusChance = 0.06,
			FireRate = 6.67,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 1,
		Traits = {"Tutorial", "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Lancer]] (During Tutorial and [[Vor's Prize]])"},
	["Lato Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 18.2,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Family = "Lato",
		Image = "LatoPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.0|Update 5.0]]",
		Magazine = 20,
		Mastery = 14,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Lato Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.8,
				["Puncture"] = 9.6,
				["Slash"] = 33.6,},
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 6.67,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
		Reload = 1,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted", "Founder"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Lato Vandal"] = {
		Accuracy = 23,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Family = "Lato",
		Image = "DELatoVandal.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.0|Update 7.0]]",
		Magazine = 15,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Lato Vandal",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6.9,
				["Puncture"] = 11.5,
				["Slash"] = 27.6,},
			CritChance = 0.26,
			CritMultiplier = 2.4,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 5,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 1,
		Traits = { "Tenno", "Vandal"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Lex"] = {
		Accuracy = 16,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 50000,
		Disposition = 0.9,
		Family = "Lex",
		Image = "Lex.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
		Magazine = 6,
		Mastery = 3,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Lex",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 13,
				["Puncture"] = 104,
				["Slash"] = 13,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1.08,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2.35,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Maroo]] (when down)"},
	["Lex Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 16,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 0.9,
		Family = "Lex",
		Image = "PrimeLex.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.0|Update 13.0]]",
		Magazine = 8,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Lex Prime",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 15,
				["Puncture"] = 120,
				["Slash"] = 15,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 2.08,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2.35,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Never Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Magnus"] = {
		Accuracy = 16,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 125,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 400,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 100,},},
		Disposition = 1.53,
		Image = "TennoMagnum.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.2|Update 11.2]]",
		Magazine = 8,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Magnus",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 34.2,
				["Puncture"] = 20.9,
				["Slash"] = 20.9,},
			CritChance = 0.22,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.22,
			FireRate = 5.83,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 1.4,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Volt Specter]]", "[[Junction|Ember Specter]]"},
	["Mara Detron"] = {
		Accuracy = 13.3,
		Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Detron",
		Image = "MaraDetron.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Hotfix 15.6.3|Hotfix 15.6.3]]",
		Magazine = 8,
		Mastery = 9,
		Name = "Mara Detron",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Radiation"] = 280,},
			CritChance = 0.08,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.32,
			PelletCount = 7,
			FireRate = 3.33,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 16,EndRange = 30,Reduction = 0.625,},
			ShotType = "Projectile",
		Reload = 1.05,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Marelok"] = {
		Accuracy = 10,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 125,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Detonite Injector",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 0.9,
		Family = "Marelok",
		Image = "GrineerLeverActionPistol.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.3|Update 12.3]]",
		Magazine = 6,
		Mastery = 7,
		Name = "Marelok",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 80,
				["Puncture"] = 16,
				["Slash"] = 64,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 2,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 1.667,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Shik Tal]] (Modified)", "Kuva [[Shield Lancer]]"},
	["MK1-Furis"] = {
		Accuracy = 22.2,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Family = "Furis",
		Image = "Furis.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.0|Update 14.0]]",
		Magazine = 35,
		Mastery = 0,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "MK1-Furis",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 1.95,
				["Puncture"] = 9.1,
				["Slash"] = 1.95,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.01,
			FireRate = 8.33,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 1.4,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["MK1-Kunai"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Thrown",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.51,
		Image = "Kunai2.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.0|Update 14.0]]",
		Magazine = 10,
		Mastery = 0,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "MK1-Kunai",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4,
				["Puncture"] = 30,
				["Slash"] = 6,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.025,
			FireRate = 3.33,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 70,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 0.75,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Nukor"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Detonite Injector",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 5500,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.45,
		Image = "GrineerMicrowaveGun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.5|Update 14.5]]",
		Magazine = 50,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Nukor",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Radiation"] = 22,},
			CritChance = 0.03,
			CritMultiplier = 4,
			StatusChance = 0.29,
			FireRate = 10,
			AmmoCost = 0.5,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
			Range = 25,
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Grineer Nightwatch Corps#Nightwatch Seeker|Nightwatch Seeker]]"},
	["Ocucor"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},
				{ Name = "Thermal Sludge",Type = "Resource",Count = 40,},
				{ Name = "Venerdo Alloy",Type = "Resource",Count = 55,},
				{ Name = "Sagan Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 20,},},
		Disposition = 1.1,
		Image = "Ocucor.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 300,
		Name = "Ocucor",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Puncture"] = 2.0,
				["Radiation"] = 20.0,},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 1.8,
			StatusChance = 0.24,
			FireRate = 12,
			AmmoCost = 0.5,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
			Range = 20,
		Reload = 1.6,
		Traits = {"Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Pandero"] = {
		Accuracy = 16,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 190,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 4500,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 5500,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 25000,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "TnBardPistol.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 20#Update: Octavia's Anthem|Update: Octavia's Anthem]]",
		Magazine = 8,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Pandero",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 18,
				["Puncture"] = 18,
				["Slash"] = 36,},
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 2.8,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 3,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 1,
		SecondaryAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 18,
				["Puncture"] = 18,
				["Slash"] = 36,},
			Accuracy = 8.2,
			FireRate = 7.69,
			AmmoCost = 8,
			Trigger = "Burst",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Plinx"] = {
		Accuracy = 50.0,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 200,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 4375,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 575,},
				{ Name = "Gyromag Systems",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 1.1,
		Image = "Plinx.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
		Magazine = 10,
		Mastery = 6,
		MaxAmmo = 10,
		Name = "Plinx",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Puncture"] = 26,
				["Heat"] = 20,},
			CritChance = 0.32,
			CritMultiplier = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.04,
			FireRate = 3.33,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
			Range = 100,
		Reload = 0.8,
    	Range = 100,
		Traits = {"Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Pox"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Mutagen Mass",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 6500,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Nitain Extract",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		AreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Poison Cloud",		    
			Damage = {
				["Toxin"] = 100,},
			Duration = 5,
		Class = "Thrown",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.05,
		Image = "InfProximityStars.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: The Silver Grove|Update: The Silver Grove]]",
		Magazine = 4,
		Mastery = 9,
		MaxAmmo = 20,
		Name = "Pox",
		NoiseLevel = "Silent",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Spore Impact",
			Damage = {
				["Toxin"] = 50,},
			CritChance = 0.01,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.35,
			FireRate = 2.08,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 1,
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Prisma Angstrum"] = {
		Accuracy = 26.7,
		AreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Single Rocket Explosion",
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 250,},
			Radius = 3,
		ChargeAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Single Rocket Impact",
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 200,},
			CritChance = 0.18,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.26,
			ChargeTime = 0.2,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 150,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Family = "Angstrum",
		FireRate = 2,
		Image = "PrismaAngstrum.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.7|Update 21.7]]",
		Magazine = 3,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 18,
		Name = "Prisma Angstrum",
		Polarities = {"D"},
		Reload = 1.8,
		SecondaryAreaAttack = {--wrong attack type for the sake of order
			AttackName = "3-Rocket Barrage Impact",
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 600,},
			CritChance = 0.18,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.595,
			PelletName = "Rocket",
			PelletCount = 3,
			ChargeTime = 0.6,
			AmmoCost = 3,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 150,
		SecondaryAttack = {--wrong attack type for the sake of order
			AttackName = "3-Rocket Barrage Explosion",
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 750,},
			PelletName = "Rocket",
			PelletCount = 3,
			Radius = 3,
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Traits = {"Prisma", "Baro"},
	["Prisma Twin Gremlins"] = {
		Accuracy = 36.4,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.2,
		Family = "Twin Gremlins",
		Image = "PrismaTwinGremlins.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 23#Hotfix 23.4.2|Hotfix 23.4.2]]",
		Magazine = 70,
		Mastery = 11,
		MaxAmmo = 600,
		Name = "Prisma Twin Gremlins",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 3.0,
				["Puncture"] = 12.7,
				["Slash"] = 11.3,},
			CritChance = 0.23,
			CritMultiplier = 1.9,
			StatusChance = 0.23,
			FireRate = 8.83,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 65,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 0.9,
		Traits = {"Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Pyrana"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Control Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 5,
		Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.7,
		Family = "Pyrana",
		Image = "SawnOffShotgun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.6|Update 13.6]]",
		Magazine = 10,
		Mastery = 12,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Pyrana",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 26.4,
				["Puncture"] = 26.4,
				["Slash"] = 211.2,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			PelletCount = 12,
			FireRate = 4.17,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 15,EndRange = 30,Reduction = 0.7273,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Pyrana Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Accuracy = 6.1,
		Class = "Shotgun Sidearm",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.7,
		Family = "Pyrana",
		Image = "PyranaPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 23#Hotfix 23.0.3|Hotfix 23.0.3]]",
		Magazine = 12,
		Mastery = 13,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Pyrana Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 19.2,
				["Puncture"] = 19.2,
				["Slash"] = 201.6,},
			CritChance = 0.24,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.12,
			PelletCount = 10,
			FireRate = 4,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 18,EndRange = 36,Reduction = 0.75,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 1.6,
		Traits = { "Prime"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Quatz"] = {
		Accuracy = 40.0,
		Class = "Pistol",
		--Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 40000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 4200,},
			    { Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 12750,},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "Quatz.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.4.0|Update 25.4.0]]",
		Magazine = 72,
		Mastery = 9,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Quatz",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Auto",
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 11,
				["Impact"] = 7.0,
				["Puncture"] = 2.0,
				["Slash"] = 9.0,},
			CritChance = 0.13,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.27,
			FireRate = 15.0,
			--ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2.7,
		SecondaryAttack = {
		    Accuracy = 90.9,
		    AttackName = "Burst",
			Damage = {
			    ["Electricity"] = 11.0,
			    ["Slash"] = 7.0,
			    ["Puncture"] = 2.0,
				["Impact"] = 9.0,
			CritChance = 0.27,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.19,
			FireRate = 10.0,
			BurstCount = 4,
			--ShotType = "Projectile",
			--ShotSpeed = 100,
		--Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Rakta Ballistica"] = {
		Accuracy = 4,
		ChargeAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 15,
				["Puncture"] = 270,
				["Slash"] = 15,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 3.33,
			ChargeTime = 1,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
		Class = "Crossbow",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.05,
		Family = "Ballistica",
		Image = "RVBallistica.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
		Magazine = 20,
		Mastery = 6,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Rakta Ballistica",
		NoiseLevel = "Silent",
		Polarities = {"D", "V"},
		Reload = 2,
		SecondaryAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Rajada",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 3.75,
				["Puncture"] = 67.5,
				["Slash"] = 3.75,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.025,
			FireRate = 11.43,
			BurstCount = 4,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
		SyndicateEffect = "Caos",
		Traits = {"Syndicate", "Red Veil"},
		Trigger = "Burst / Charge",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Red Veil]] [[Operative]]s"},
	["Sancti Castanas"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Thrown",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Family = "Castanas",
		Image = "NLCastanas.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
		Magazine = 2,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 18,
		Name = "Sancti Castanas",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 300,},
			CritChance = 0.24,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.34,
			FireRate = 3.33,
			Radius = 3,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 30,
		Polarities = {"V", "V", "D"},
		Reload = 1,
		SyndicateEffect = "Pureza",
		Traits = {"Syndicate", "New Loka"},
		Trigger = "Active",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[New Loka]] [[Operative]]s"},
	["Secura Dual Cestra"] = {
		Accuracy = 20,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Family = "Dual Cestra",
		Image = "PSDualCestra.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
		Magazine = 120,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 480,
		Name = "Secura Dual Cestra",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5.6,
				["Puncture"] = 22.4,},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 1.6,
			StatusChance = 0.28,
			FireRate = 12.5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
		Reload = 3.5,
		SyndicateEffect = "Sequência",
		Traits = {"Syndicate", "Perrin Sequence"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[The Perrin Sequence|Perrin Sequence]] [[Operative]]s"},
	["Seer"] = {
		Accuracy = 16,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.5,
		Image = "CaptainVorPistol.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.0|Update 9.0]]",
		Magazine = 8,
		Mastery = 0,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Seer",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 33.67,
				["Puncture"] = 33.67,
				["Slash"] = 33.67,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.13,
			FireRate = 2,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 200,
		Reload = 2.8,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Captain Vor]]"},
	["Sicarus"] = {
		Accuracy = 20,
		BurstFireRate = 3.5,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
		Disposition = 1.1,
		Family = "Sicarus",
		Image = "Sicarus.png",
		Magazine = 15,
		Mastery = 3,
		Name = "Sicarus",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 21,
				["Puncture"] = 4.5,
				["Slash"] = 4.5,},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.06,
			FireRate = 7.39,
			BurstCount = 3,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Sicarus Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Accuracy = 25,
		BurstFireRate = 5,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.1,
		Family = "Sicarus",
		Image = "DESicarus Prime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.0|Update 11.0]]",
		Magazine = 24,
		Mastery = 14,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Sicarus Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 20,
				["Puncture"] = 15,
				["Slash"] = 15,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 9.38,
			BurstCount = 3,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Sonicor"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		AreaAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Explosion",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 50,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			Radius = 5,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 200,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 6500,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 2600,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 0.9,
		Image = "CrpAirPistolArray.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.5|Update 17.5]]",
		Magazine = 15,
		Mastery = 2,
		MaxAmmo = 150,
		Name = "Sonicor",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 150,},
			CritChance = 0,
			StatusChance = 0,
			FireRate = 1.25,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 80,
			Range = 15,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 0,EndRange = 20,Reduction = 0.8333,},	
		Polarities = {"D"},
		Reload = 3,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Derim Zahn]]"},
	["Spectra"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 700,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.49,
		Family = "Spectra",
		Image = "Spectra.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.0|Update 9.0]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 360,
		Name = "Spectra",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Puncture"] = 7.6,
				["Slash"] = 10.4,},
			CritChance = 0.14,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.22,
			PunchThrough = 0.5,
			FireRate = 12,
			AmmoCost = 0.5,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
			Range = 18,
		Reload = 1.8,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Spectra Vandal"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = false,
		Disposition = 1.49,
		Family = "Spectra",
		Image = "SpectraVandal.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.0|Update 25.0]]",
		Magazine = 80,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 400,
		Name = "Spectra Vandal",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Slash"] = 12.8,
				["Puncture"] = 9.2},
			CritChance = 0.20,
			CritMultiplier = 2.0,
			StatusChance = 0.28,
			FireRate = 12,
			PunchThrough = 0.5,
			AmmoCost = 0.5,
			Range = 22,
		Polarities = {},
		Reload = 1.2,
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Spira"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Thrown",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 45,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 2500,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 4000,},},
		Disposition = 1.1,
		Family = "Spira",
		Image = "LiDagger.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.4.5|Update 17.4.5]]",
		Magazine = 10,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Spira",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 8.2,
				["Puncture"] = 49.2,
				["Slash"] = 24.6,},
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.08,
			FireRate = 2.5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 1,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Spira Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Empunhadeira",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 8,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Thrown",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.1,
		Family = "Spira",
		Image = "PrimeLiDagger.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Hotfix 18.4.12|Hotfix 18.4.12]]",
		Magazine = 12,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Spira Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6,
				["Puncture"] = 48,
				["Slash"] = 6,},
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 3.0,
			StatusChance = 0.14,
			FireRate = 3.33,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 70,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 0.75,
		Traits = {"Prime"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Staticor"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 50000,
			MarketCost = 200,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 6000,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 9000,},
				{ Name = "Nitain Extract",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},},
		Accuracy = 16.7,
		AreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Fully Charged Projectile",
			Damage = {
				["Radiation"] = 176,},
			ChargeTime = 1,
			AmmoCost = 5,
		ChargeAttack = {
			AttackName = "Uncharged Explosion",
			Damage = {
				["Radiation"] = 88,},
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
			Radius = 2,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.53,
		Image = "CrpElectroMag.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.4.7|Update 18.4.7]]",
		Magazine = 48,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 288,
		Name = "Staticor",
		NormalAttack = {
			AttackName = "Uncharged Projectile",
			Damage = {
				["Radiation"] = 44,},
			CritChance = 0.14,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.28,
			FireRate = 3.5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 50,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 1.5,
		SecondaryAreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Fully Charged Explosion",
			Damage = {
				["Radiation"] = 352,},
			Radius = 8,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Stug"] = {
		ChargeAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",
			Damage = {
				["Corrosive"] = 936,},
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
			AmmoCost = 6,
			ChargeTime = 3,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 120,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 3000,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},},
		Disposition = 1.48,
		Image = "GrineerCrossbowGooGun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.5|Update 11.5]]",
		Magazine = 20,
		Mastery = 2,
		Name = "Stug",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Normal",
			Damage = {
				["Corrosive"] = 156,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0,
			FireRate = 4,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 35,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Artificer]]"},
	["Stubba"] = {
	   	Accuracy = 16,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Cost = {
			MarketCost = 190,
			Credits = 20000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Grokdrul",Type = "Resource",Count = 45,},
				{ Name = "Coprite Alloy",Type = "Resource",Count = 25,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 4485,},
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Image = "GrnUziWeapon.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.8.0|Update 22]]",
		Magazine = 57,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 399,
		Name = "Stubba",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 14.2,
				["Puncture"] = 3.3,
				["Slash"] = 15.5,},
			CritChance = 0.23,
			CritMultiplier = 1.9,
			StatusChance = 0.13,
			FireRate = 6.33,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 1.3,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Synoid Gammacor"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.9,
		Family = "Gammacor",
		Image = "SynoidGammacor.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
		Magazine = 80,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 400,
		Name = "Synoid Gammacor",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Magnetic"] = 20,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.28,
			FireRate = 12,
			AmmoCost = 0.5,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
			Range = 40,
		Polarities = {"D", "Bar"},
		Reload = 1.8,
		SyndicateEffect = "Entropia",
		Traits = {"Syndicate", "Cephalon Suda"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Cephalon Suda]] [[Operative]]s"},
	["Talons"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Control Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 1500,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Thrown",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.44,
		Image = "U18throwingknives.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.0|Update 18.0]]",
		Magazine = 4,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 12,
		Name = "Talons",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 120,},
			CritChance = 0.22,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.26,
			FireRate = 3.33,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 50,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 1,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Active",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Telos Akbolto"] = {
		Accuracy = 26.7,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.8,
		Family = "Akbolto",
		Image = "AHAkbolto.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
		Magazine = 30,
		Mastery = 11,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Telos Akbolto",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.7,
				["Puncture"] = 42.3,},
			CritChance = 0.13,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.29,
			FireRate = 10,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 75,
		Polarities = {"D", "Bar"},
		Reload = 2.6,
		SyndicateEffect = "Verdade",
		Traits = {"Syndicate", "Arbiters of Hexis"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Arbiters of Hexis]] [[Operative]]s"},
	["Twin Grakatas"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Grakata",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Grakata",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "Akgrakata.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.0|Update 17.0]]",
		Magazine = 120,
		Mastery = 9,
		MaxAmmo = 1200,
		Name = "Twin Grakatas",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 8,
				["Puncture"] = 6.7,
				["Slash"] = 5.3,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2.7,
			StatusChance = 0.11,
			PelletCount = 2,
			PelletName = "Bullet",
			FireRate = 20,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
			AmmoCost = 2,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 3,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Clem]]"},
	["Twin Gremlins"] = {
		Accuracy = 16.7,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			MarketCost = 190,
			Rush = 45,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 1500,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},},
		Disposition = 1.2,
		Family = "Twin Gremlins",
		Image = "Gremlin.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.5|Update 9.5]]",
		Magazine = 30,
		Mastery = 5,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Twin Gremlins",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 12.33,
				["Puncture"] = 12.33,
				["Slash"] = 12.33,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 65,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 1.1,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Twin Kohmak"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Kohmak",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Kohmak",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 5.7,
		ChargeAttack = {
			AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
			PelletCount = 5,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 30,
				["Puncture"] = 30,
				["Slash"] = 90,},
			AmmoCost = 1.67,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Class = "Dual Shotguns",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Image = "DualKohmak.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.0|Update 16.0]]",
		Magazine = 80,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 240,
		Name = "Twin Kohmak",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6,
				["Puncture"] = 6,
				["Slash"] = 18,},
			CritChance = 0.11,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.23,
			PunchThrough = 1.5,
			AttackName = "Single Pellet",
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
			FireRate = 6.67,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 12,EndRange = 24,Reduction = 0.6667,},
		Polarities = {"D"},
		Reload = 2.2,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Twin Rogga"] = {
		Accuracy = 8,
		Class = "Dual Shotguns",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 30000,
			MarketCost = 190,
			Rush = 40,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Kuva",Type = "Resource",Count = 1600,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 2600,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 15000,},},
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Image = "GrnQueenGuardDualPistols.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.0|Update 19.0]]",
		Magazine = 2,
		Mastery = 9,
		MaxAmmo = 120,
		Name = "Twin Rogga",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 282,
				["Puncture"] = 352.5,
				["Slash"] = 70.5,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.33,
			PelletCount = 15,
			FireRate = 2.5,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 10,EndRange = 20,Reduction = 0.7872,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
		Reload = 1.5,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Kuva Guardian]]"},
	["Twin Vipers"] = {
		Accuracy = 15.4,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Viper",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Viper",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.41,
		Family = "Twin Vipers",
		Image = "Viper, dual.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 7#Hotfix 7.7.3|Hotfix 7.7.3]]",
		Magazine = 28,
		Mastery = 5,
		MaxAmmo = 420,
		Name = "Twin Vipers",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 10.2,
				["Puncture"] = 1.7,
				["Slash"] = 5.1,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.11,
			FireRate = 25,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Twin Vipers Wraith"] = {
		Accuracy = 11.1,
		Class = "Dual Pistols",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Link",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.41,
		Family = "Twin Vipers",
		Image = "DEWraithTwinVipers.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.5|Update 11.5]]",
		Magazine = 40,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 440,
		Name = "Twin Vipers Wraith",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 14.4,
				["Puncture"] = 1.8,
				["Slash"] = 1.8,},
			CritChance = 0.19,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.09,
			FireRate = 25,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = {"Wraith", "Invasion Reward", "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Tysis"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 30000,
			MarketCost = 120,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 400,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 100,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.51,
		Image = "DETysis.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.7|Update 11.7]]",
		Magazine = 11,
		Mastery = 9,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Tysis",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
			    ["Impact"] = 9.0,
				["Puncture"] = 23.0,
				["Slash"] = 17.0,
				["Corrosive"] = 81.0,},
			CritChance = 0.03,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.5,
			FireRate = 2.5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 75,
		Reload = 1.2,
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Vasto"] = {
		Accuracy = 16,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 30000,
			MarketCost = 190,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 700,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},},
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Family = "Vasto",
		Image = "Vasto.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.3|Update 9.3]]",
		Magazine = 6,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Vasto",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 14.5,
				["Puncture"] = 14.5,
				["Slash"] = 29,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 1.8,
			StatusChance = 0.08,
			FireRate = 5,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 1,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Vasto Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Accuracy = 16,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Family = "Vasto",
		Image = "PrimeVasto.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.7|Update 15.7]]",
		Magazine = 6,
		Mastery = 10,
		Name = "Vasto Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 9.9,
				["Puncture"] = 9.9,
				["Slash"] = 46.2,},
			CritChance = 0.22,
			CritMultiplier = 2.4,
			StatusChance = 0.22,
			FireRate = 5.42,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 1,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Vaykor Marelok"] = {
		Accuracy = 10,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Syndicate = "Steel Meridian",
			Reputation = 125000,
			Rank = 5,
		Disposition = 0.9,
		Family = "Marelok",
		Image = "SMMarelok.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
		Magazine = 10,
		Mastery = 10,
		Name = "Vaykor Marelok",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 96,
				["Puncture"] = 16,
				["Slash"] = 48,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.35,
			FireRate = 2,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "D"},
		Reload = 1.667,
		SyndicateEffect = "Justiça",
		Traits = {"Syndicate", "Steel Meridian"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Steel Meridian]] [[Operative]]s"},
	["Viper"] = {
		Accuracy = 15.4,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 75,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Family = "Viper",
		Image = "Viper.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.0|Update 7.0]]",
		Magazine = 14,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 420,
		Name = "Viper",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 10.2,
				["Puncture"] = 1.7,
				["Slash"] = 5.1,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.11,
			FireRate = 14.38,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 0.7,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Shield Lancer]]", "[[Seeker]] Variants"},
	["Viper Wraith"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Family = "Viper",
		Image = "ViperWraith.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Hotfix 22.8.4|Hotfix 22.8.4]]",
		Magazine = 20,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 420,
		Name = "Viper Wraith",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 14.4,
				["Puncture"] = 1.8,
				["Slash"] = 1.8,},
			CritChance = 0.19,
			CritMultiplier = 2.0,
			StatusChance = 0.09,
			FireRate = 14.38,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 0.8,
		Traits = { "Grineer", "Wraith", "Baro"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Zakti"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 190,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Control Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 8,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 350,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 6500,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},},
		Accuracy = 26.7,
		AreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Gas Cloud",		    
			Damage = {
				["Gas"] = 80,},
			Radius = 5,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.2,
		Image = "Zakti.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.1|Update 21.1]]",
		Magazine = 3,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 210,
		Name = "Zakti",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Dart Impact",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 12,
				["Puncture"] = 18,},
			CritChance = 0.02,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 66,
		Polarities = {"Bar", "Bar"},
		Reload = 0.8,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Zylok"] = {
		Accuracy = 23.5,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Image = "Zylok.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.6|Update 23.6]]",
		Magazine = 8,
		Mastery = 6,
		Name = "Zylok",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 44.8,
				["Puncture"] = 16.8,
				["Slash"] = 78.4,},
			CritChance = 0.08,
			CritMultiplier = 2.0,
			StatusChance = 0.26,
			FireRate = 1.8,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 1.2,
		Traits = {"Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Duplex",
		Type = "Secondary",
	["Acceltra"] = {
		Accuracy = 23.5,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = false,
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			MarketCost = 240,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Hexenon",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 925,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 8000,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "Acceltra.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.7|Update 25.7]]",
		Magazine = 48,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 96,
		Name = "Acceltra",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 26.0,
			    ["Puncture"] = 35.2,
			    ["Slash"] = 8.8,
			CritChance = 0.32,
			CritMultiplier = 2.8,
			StatusChance = 0.06,
			FireRate = 12,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 2.0,
		Traits = {"Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {},
	["Amprex"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 50000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 8,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 9000,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},},
		Accuracy = 12.5,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.7,
		Image = "ChainLightningGunEdit.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.1|Update 13.1]]",
		Magazine = 100,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 700,
		Name = "Amprex",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 22,},
			CritChance = 0.32,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.22,
			FireRate = 12,
			AmmoCost = 0.5,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
			Range = 18,
		Reload = 2.6,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[M-W.A.M.]]"},
	["Argonak"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Detonite Injector",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 700,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 9950,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.2,
		Image = "LaserAimRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update: Plains of Eidolon|Update: Plains of Eidolon]]",
		Magazine = 43,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 473,
		Name = "Argonak",
		NormalAttack = {
			AttackName = "Full Auto Mode",		    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 24.5,
				["Puncture"] = 6.3,
				["Slash"] = 26.2,},
			CritChance = 0.09,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.27,
			FireRate = 6,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
		Reload = 2.4,
		SecondaryAttack = {
			AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",		    
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 24.5,
				["Puncture"] = 6.3,
				["Slash"] = 26.2,},
			CritChance = 0.27,
			CritMultiplier = 2.3,
			StatusChance = 0.19,
			FireRate = 4.33,
			Traits = { "Grineer"},
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Attica"] = {
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 125,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
	    Accuracy = 40,
		Class = "Crossbow",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.415,
		Image = "TnoPrmryXbow.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.0|Update 13.0]]",
		Magazine = 20,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Attica",
		NoiseLevel = "Silent",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4,
				["Puncture"] = 60,
				["Slash"] = 16,
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 3.67,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 90,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2.83,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
    ["Battacor"] = {
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},
				{ Name = "Tepa Nodule",Type = "Resource",Count = 40,},
				{ Name = "Heart Noctrul",Type = "Resource",Count = 25,},
				{ Name = "Entroplasma",Type = "Resource",Count = 20,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "Battacor.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 720,
		Name = "Battacor",
		NormalAttack = {
		    Accuracy = 25,
			Damage = {
				["Puncture"] = 24.0,
				["Magnetic"] = 42.0,},
			CritChance = 0.32,
			CritMultiplier = 2.4,
			StatusChance = 0.18,
			FireRate = 3.57,
			BurstCount = 2,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 115,
		SecondaryAttack = {
		    Accuracy = 100,
			Damage = {
				["Radiation"] = 208.0,},
			CritChance = 0.34,
			CritMultiplier = 3.0,
			StatusChance = 0.08,
			FireRate = 1,
			ChargeTime = 0.4,
			PunchThrough = 2.0,
			Trigger = "Charge",
			AmmoCost = 1,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Traits = {"Corpus"},
		Reload = 2.0,
		Trigger = "Auto Burst",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Baza"] = {
	    Accuracy = 80,
	    Class = "Rifle",
	    Conclave = false,
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 240,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 3500,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 4300,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 575,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
        Disposition = 1.0,
        Image = "Baza.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.4|Update 22.4]]",
        Magazine = 40,
        Mastery = 7,
        MaxAmmo = 800,
        Name = "Baza",
    	NormalAttack = {
	    	Damage = {
		    	["Impact"] = 5.8,
			    ["Puncture"] = 6.7,
		    	["Slash"] = 3.5,
	    	CritChance = 0.26,
	    	CritMultiplier = 3,
	    	StatusChance = 0.1,
	    	FireRate = 16.67,
	    	ShotType = "Hit-scan",
			Falloff = {StartRange = 22,EndRange = 34,Reduction = 0.5,},
        NoiseLevel = "Silent", 
    	Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 1.4,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Boltor"] = {
		Accuracy = 25,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 100,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},},
		Disposition = 1.05,
		Family = "Boltor",
		Image = "Boltor.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 6.0|Update 6.0]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 2,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Boltor",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2.5,
				["Puncture"] = 20,
				["Slash"] = 2.5,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 1.8,
			StatusChance = 0.14,
			FireRate = 8.75,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 85,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		Reload = 2.6,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Equinox Specter]]"},
	["Boltor Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 50,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Coronha",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 1.05,
		Family = "Boltor",
		Image = "DEPrimeBoltor.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.4|Update 12.4]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 13,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Boltor Prime",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.6,
				["Puncture"] = 41.4,},
			CritChance = 0.12,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.34,
			FireRate = 10,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
		Polarities = {"D", "V"},
		Reload = 2.4,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Braton"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.2,
		Family = "Braton",
		Image = "Braton.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
		Magazine = 45,
		Mastery = 0,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Braton",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 7.9,
				["Puncture"] = 7.9,
				["Slash"] = 8.2,},
			CritChance = 0.12,
			CritMultiplier = 1.6,
			StatusChance = 0.06,
			FireRate = 8.75,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Braton Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Coronha",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 1.2,
		Family = "Braton",
		Image = "PrimeBraton.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 9]]",
		Magazine = 75,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 600,
		Name = "Braton Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 1.75,
				["Puncture"] = 12.25,
				["Slash"] = 21,},
			CritChance = 0.12,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.26,
			FireRate = 9.58,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2.15,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Never Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Braton Vandal"] = {
		Accuracy = 33.3,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.2,
		Family = "Braton",
		Image = "BratonVandal.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Hotfix 6.3.1|Hotfix 6.3.1]]",
		Magazine = 50,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 550,
		Name = "Braton Vandal",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 12.25,
				["Puncture"] = 1.75,
				["Slash"] = 21,},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.16,
			FireRate = 7.5,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 1.75,
		Traits = { "Tenno", "Vandal"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Excalibur Specter]]"},
	["Burston"] = {
		Accuracy = 25,
		BurstFireRate = 5,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 120,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 400,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 150,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},},
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Family = "Burston",
		Image = "Burston.png",
		Magazine = 45,
		Mastery = 0,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Burston",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 10,
				["Puncture"] = 10,
				["Slash"] = 10,},
			CritChance = 0.06,
			CritMultiplier = 1.6,
			StatusChance = 0.18,
			FireRate = 7.83,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
			BurstCount = 3,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Loki Specter]]"},
	["Burston Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 25,
		BurstFireRate = 10,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Coronha",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Family = "Burston",
		Image = "PrimeBurston.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.5|Update 11.5]]",
		Magazine = 45,
		Mastery = 12,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Burston Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 10.8,
				["Puncture"] = 10.8,
				["Slash"] = 14.4,},
			CritChance = 0.18,
			CritMultiplier = 1.8,
			StatusChance = 0.30,
			FireRate = 13.64,
			BurstCount = 3,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Never Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Buzlok"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 250,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Detonite Injector",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 13.3,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.45,
		Image = "GrnGorgSniperRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.7|Update 14.7]]",
		Magazine = 50,
		Mastery = 11,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Buzlok",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 30,
				["Puncture"] = 24,
				["Slash"] = 6,},
			CritChance = 0.23,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.21,
			FireRate = 6.25,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 40,
		Reload = 3,
		SecondaryAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Beacon",
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			Damage = {
				["Puncture"] = 3},
			CritChance = 0,
			CritMultiplier = 1,
			StatusChance = 0,
			FireRate = 1.67,
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			ShotType = "Projectile",
           	ShotSpeed = "???",

		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Executioners/Harkonar|Harkonar]]"},
	["Cernos"] = {
		Accuracy = "16.7 (100 when aimed)",
		ChargeAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 198,
				["Puncture"] = 11,
				["Slash"] = 11,},
			CritChance = 0.36,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.18,
			ChargeTime = 0.5,
			PunchThrough = 1,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 85,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 45,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 700,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 1750,},},
		Class = "Bow",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.15,
		Family = "Cernos",
		Image = "DECernos.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.1|Update 11.1]]",
		Magazine = 1,
		Mastery = 6,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Cernos",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Não Carregado",		    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 99,
				["Puncture"] = 5.5,
				["Slash"] = 5.5,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.18,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 70,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 0.6,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
		ComparisonDisplay = {
        	{ Name = "[NAME] (Uncharged)", Attacks = {"NormalAttack"} },
        	{ Name = "[NAME] (Charged)", Attacks = {"ChargeAttack"} }},
	["Cernos Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 16.7,
		ChargeAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",		    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 324,
				["Puncture"] = 18,
				["Slash"] = 18,},
			CritChance = 0.35,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,			
			ChargeTime = 0.5,
			PunchThrough = 1,
			PelletCount = 3,
			PelletName = "Arrow",
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 85,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Membro Superior",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Membro Inferior",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Empunhadeira",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cordao",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},},
		Class = "Bow",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.15,
		Family = "Cernos",
		Image = "CernosPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Hotfix 19.0.7|Hotfix 19.0.7]]",
		Magazine = 1,
		Mastery = 12,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Cernos Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Não Carregado",		    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 162,
				["Puncture"] = 9,
				["Slash"] = 9,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			PelletCount = 3,
			PelletName = "Arrow",
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 70,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 0.65,
		Traits = {"Prime"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
		ComparisonDisplay = {
        	{ Name = "[NAME] (Uncharged)", Attacks = {"NormalAttack"} },
        	{ Name = "[NAME] (Charged)", Attacks = {"ChargeAttack"} }},
	["Daikyu"] = {
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},},
	    Accuracy = 16.7,
		ChargeAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 138,
				["Puncture"] = 184,
				["Slash"] = 138,},
			ChargeTime = 1,
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			PunchThrough = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 85,
		Class = "Bow",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.3,
		NoiseLevel = "Silent",
		Image = "AsymmetricBow.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.5|Update 16.5]]",
		Magazine = 1,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Daikyu",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 0.6,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Dera"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 4500,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Family = "Dera",
		Image = "CorpusEnergyRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		Magazine = 45,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Dera",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6,
				["Puncture"] = 22.5,
				["Slash"] = 1.5,},
			CritChance = 0.08,
			CritMultiplier = 1.6,
			StatusChance = 0.22,
			FireRate = 11.25,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
		Reload = 1.8,
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Crewman]]", "[[Corrupted Lancer]]", "[[Ranger]]"},
	["Dera Vandal"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Family = "Dera",
		Image = "DeraVandal.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.5|Update 16.5]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Dera Vandal",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6.4,
				["Puncture"] = 24,
				["Slash"] = 1.6,},
			CritChance = 0.08,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.30,
			FireRate = 11.25,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
		Reload = 1.8,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Dex Sybaris"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		BurstFireRate = 3.33,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.05,
		Family = "Sybaris",
		Image = "DexSybaris.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Hotfix 18.6.2|Hotfix 18.6.2]]",
		Magazine = 14,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Dex Sybaris",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 22.5,
				["Puncture"] = 18.75,
				["Slash"] = 33.75,},
			CritChance = 0.35,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 4.17,
			BurstCount = 2,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 1.5,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Dread"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 45,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 6,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 750,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},},
		Accuracy = 16.7,
		ChargeAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 10,
				["Puncture"] = 10,
				["Slash"] = 180,},
			CritChance = 0.5,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			PunchThrough = 2.5,
			ChargeTime = 0.5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 85,
		Class = "Bow",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.2,
		Image = "Dread2.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		Magazine = 1,
		Mastery = 5,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Dread",
		NoiseLevel = "Silent",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Não Carregado",		    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6.5,
				["Puncture"] = 6.5,
				["Slash"] = 117,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 70,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 0.7,
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Stalker]]"},
		ComparisonDisplay = {
        	{ Name = "[NAME] (Uncharged)", Attacks = {"NormalAttack"} },
        	{ Name = "[NAME] (Charged)", Attacks = {"ChargeAttack"} }},
	["Ferrox"] = {
		Accuracy = 16.7,
		ChargeAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 35,
				["Puncture"] = 245,
				["Slash"] = 70,},
			CritChance = 0.32,
			CritMultiplier = 2.8,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1.33,
            ChargeTime = 0.5,
			PunchThrough = 1.5,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Class = "Speargun",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 30000,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 35000,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.15,
		Image = "Ferrox.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.13|Update 19.13]]",
		Magazine = 10,
		Mastery = 14,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Ferrox",
		Polarities = {"V", "D"},
		Reload = 1.8,
		SecondaryAttack = {
			AttackName = "Throw Spear",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 455,
				["Puncture"] = 72.5,
				["Slash"] = 122.5,},
			CritChance = 0.04,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.33,
			FireRate = 1,
			Reload = 2,
			ChargeTime = 0.5,
			Trigger = "Charge",
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Derim Zahn]]"},
	["Flux Rifle"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 6000,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.55,
		Image = "CorpusLaserRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		Magazine = 50,
		Mastery = 6,
		MaxAmmo = 50,
		Name = "Flux Rifle",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Puncture"] = 4.8,
				["Slash"] = 17.2,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.24,
			FireRate = 12,
			AmmoCost = 0.5,
			PunchThrough = 0.5,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
			Range = 30,
		Reload = 2.25,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Elite Crewman]]"},
	["Fulmin"] = {
		Accuracy = 9.1,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 265,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 2100,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 7500,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Hexenon",Type = "Resource",Count = 350,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "Fulmin.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.0|Update 25.0]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 8,
		Name = "Fulmin",
		NormalAttack = {
			AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 100,
				["Electricity"] = 400},
			CritChance = 0.30,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.16,
			FireRate = 2.17,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {},
		Reload = 30,
		ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
		SecondaryAttack = {
			AttackName = "Full Auto Mode",
			Accuracy = 111.1,
			Damage = {
				["Puncture"] = 8,
				["Electricity"] = 25,},
			CritChance = 0.28,
			CritMultiplier = 2.4,
			StatusChance = 0.10,
			FireRate = 9.33,
			Trigger = "Auto",
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Glaxion"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 550,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 2500,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Family = "Glaxion",
		Image = "CrpFreezeRayRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.5|Update 14.5]]",
		Magazine = 80,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 720,
		Name = "Glaxion",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Cold"] = 26,},
			CritChance = 0.08,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.34,
			FireRate = 12,
			AmmoCost = 0.5,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
			Range = 24,
		Reload = 2.2,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Capture|Corpus Target]]", "[[Armis Ulta]]", "[[Dru Pesfor]]", "[[Rana Del]]", "[[M-W.A.M.]]"},
	["Glaxion Vandal"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = false,
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Family = "Glaxion",
		Image = "GlaxionVandal.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.0|Update 25.0]]",
		Magazine = 100,
		Mastery = 12,
		MaxAmmo = 1000,
		Name = "Glaxion Vandal",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Cold"] = 29,},
			CritChance = 0.14,
			CritMultiplier = 2.0,
			StatusChance = 0.38,
			FireRate = 12,
			Range = 24,
		Polarities = {},
		Reload = 1.8,
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Gorgon"] = {
		Accuracy = 12.5,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 6000,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},},
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Family = "Gorgon",
		Image = "Gorgon.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
		Magazine = 90,
		Mastery = 3,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Gorgon",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 18.75,
				["Puncture"] = 3.75,
				["Slash"] = 2.5,},
			CritChance = 0.17,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.09,
			FireRate = 12.5,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 4.2,
		Spool = 15,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Lieutenant Lech Kril]]", "[[Heavy Gunner]] + Variants", "[[Corrupted Heavy Gunner]]", "[[Manic Bombard]] + Variants"},
	["Gorgon Wraith"] = {
		Accuracy = 16.7,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Family = "Gorgon",
		Image = "WraithGorgon.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.4|Update 12.4]]",
		Magazine = 90,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 900,
		Name = "Gorgon Wraith",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 23,
				["Puncture"] = 2.7,
				["Slash"] = 1.3,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 1.9,
			StatusChance = 0.21,
			FireRate = 13.3,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 3,
		Spool = 10,
		Traits = {"Wraith", "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Grakata"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 125,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 400,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 100,},},
		Disposition = 1.2,
		Family = "Grakata",
		Image = "GrineerAssaultRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.8|Update 7.8]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 5,
		MaxAmmo = 750,
		Name = "Grakata",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.4,
				["Puncture"] = 3.7,
				["Slash"] = 2.9,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 20,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2.4,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Lancer]]", "[[Hellion]]", "[[Commander]]", "[[Steel Meridian]] [[Operative]]s", "[[Executioners/Vay Molta|Vay Molta]]"},
	["Grinlok"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Detonite Injector",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 44.4,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.245,
		Family = "Grinlok",
		Image = "DEGrinlok.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.1|Update 12.1]]",
		Magazine = 9,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Grinlok",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 93.5,
				["Puncture"] = 18.7,
				["Slash"] = 74.8,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.35,
			FireRate = 1.67,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 1.7,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Nightwatch Lancer]]", "[[Kuva Elite Lancer]]", "[[Elite Lancer#Variants|Tusk Elite Lancer]]"},
	["Harpak"] = {
		BurstFireRate = 5,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 40000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 6000,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 3600,},},
		Disposition = 1.55,
		Image = "GrnHarpoonGun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.0|Update 17.0]]",
		Magazine = 45,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Harpak",
		NormalAttack = {
			Accuracy = 18.2,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5,
				["Puncture"] = 37.5,
				["Slash"] = 7.5,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2.3,
			StatusChance = 0.17,
			FireRate = 6,
			BurstCount = 3,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2,
		SecondaryAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Harpoon",
			Accuracy = 100,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 40,
				["Puncture"] = 50,
				["Slash"] = 10,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2.3,
			StatusChance = 0.13,
			FireRate = 1.5,
			Range = 40,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Drekar Elite Lancer]]", "[[Draga]]"},
	["Hema"] = {
		Accuracy = 20,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Mutagen Mass",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 50000,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Image = "InfestedBurstRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.5|Update 19.5]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 60,
		Name = "Hema",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Viral"] = 47,},
			CritChance = 0.11,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 6,
			BurstCount = 3,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Hind"] = {
		BurstFireRate = 5,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 40000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 6,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 700,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},},
		Disposition = 1.42,
		Image = "Hind.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.6|Update 9.6]]",
		Magazine = 65,
		Mastery = 0,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Hind",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Burst Mode",
			Accuracy = 33.3,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 7.5,
				["Puncture"] = 7.5,
				["Slash"] = 15,},
			CritChance = 0.07,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 6.25,
			BurstCount = 5,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2,
		SecondaryAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
			Accuracy = 28.6,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 12,
				["Puncture"] = 12,
				["Slash"] = 36,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 2.5,	
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Elite Lancer]]", "[[Executioners/Dok Thul|Dok Thul]]"},
	["Ignis"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Detonite Injector",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		},Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.55,
		Family = "Ignis",
		Image = "GrineerFlameThrower.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		Magazine = 150,
		Mastery = 5,
		MaxAmmo = 750,
		Name = "Ignis",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Heat"] = 33,},
			CritChance = 0.11,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.27,
			FireRate = 8,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
			Range = 20,
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Scorch]]", "[[Hyekka Master]]", "[[Executioners/Zura|Zura]]"},
	["Ignis Wraith"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Detonite Injector",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 10000,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.55,
		Family = "Ignis",
		Image = "IgnisWraith.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.12|Update 19.12]]",
		Magazine = 200,
		Mastery = 9,
		MaxAmmo = 800,
		Name = "Ignis Wraith",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Heat"] = 35,},
			CritChance = 0.17,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.29,
			FireRate = 8,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
			Range = 27,
		Reload = 1.7,
		Traits = {"Wraith", "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Javlok"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 240,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Detonite Injector",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 10000,},
				{ Name = "Nitain Extract",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Javlok Capacitor",Type = "Resource",Count = 6,},},
		AreaAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Explosion",
			Damage = {
				["Heat"] = 50,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			Radius = 1.6,
		ChargeAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
			Accuracy = 100,
			Damage = {
				["Heat"] = 230,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			ChargeTime = 0.3,
			FireRate = 3.33,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Class = "Speargun",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.2,
		Image = "GrnFlameSpear.png",
		Magazine = 6,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 300,
		Name = "Javlok",
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 1.9,
		SecondaryAreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Spear Explosion",
			Damage = {
				["Heat"] = 300,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			Radius = 7,
		SecondaryAttack = {
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			AttackName = "Throw Spear",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 45,
				["Puncture"] = 75,
				["Slash"] = 30,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			ChargeTime = 0.5,
			FireRate = 1,
			Reload = 0.6,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Karak"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 30000,
			MarketCost = 125,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 400,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 100,},},
		Disposition = 1.28,
		Family = "Karak",
		Image = "GrineerM16Rifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.5|Update 11.5]]",
		Magazine = 30,
		Mastery = 1,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Karak",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 13,
				["Puncture"] = 8.7,
				["Slash"] = 7.3,},
			CritChance = 0.09,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 11.67,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Elite Lancer|Frontier Elite Lancer]]"},
	["Karak Wraith"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,	    
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.28,
		Family = "Karak",
		Image = "KarakWraith.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.5|Update 16.5]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Karak Wraith",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 14.1,
				["Puncture"] = 9.3,
				["Slash"] = 7.8,},
			CritChance = 0.13,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 11.67,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = {"Wraith", "Invasion Reward", "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Grineer Nightwatch Corps#Nightwatch Lancer|Nightwatch Lancer]]"},
	["Komorex"] = {
		Accuracy = 20,
		Class = "Sniper Rifle",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 6200,},
				{ Name = "Hexenon",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "Komorex.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.0|Update 25.0]]",
		Magazine = 20,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 40,
		Name = "Komorex",
		NormalAttack = {
			AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 8.7,
				["Slash"] = 41.8,
				["Puncture"] = 36.5},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 2.1,
			StatusChance = 0.35,
			FireRate = 6.0,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto"
		--3.5 zoom + viral explosion stats not shown in arsenal UI
		SecondaryAttack = {
		    AttackName = "3.5x Zoom Mode",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 17.4,
				["Slash"] = 83.6,
				["Puncture"] = 73},
			FireRate = 1.5,
		AreaAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Viral"] = 66,},
			Radius = 3.5,
			FireRate = 1.5,
		Polarities = {},
		Reload = 3.0,
		SniperComboMin = 5,
		SniperComboReset = 2,
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Amalgam Heqet]]"},
		Zoom = {"2x Zoom (-50% Recoil, +2m Punch Through)", "3.5x Zoom (+100% Damage, +3.5m Explosion Radius, -75% Fire Rate)"},
	["Lanka"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 20,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		ChargeAttack = {
			AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 525,},
			ChargeTime = 1,
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,			
			PunchThrough = 5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 200,
		Class = "Sniper Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.8,
		Image = "CorpusSniperRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		Magazine = 10,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Lanka",
		NormalAttack = {
			AttackName = "Tiro Não Carregado",		    
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 200,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			ChargeTime = 0.33,
			FireRate = 1,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 200,
		Reload = 2,
		SniperComboMin = 2,
		SniperComboReset = 6,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Sniper Crewman]]", "[[The Sergeant]]", "[[Nullifier Crewman]]", "[[Corrupted Nullifier]]", "[[The Perrin Sequence|Perrin Sequence]] [[Operative]]s"},
		Zoom = {"3x (+20% Critical Chance)", "5x (+30% Critical Chance)", "8x (+50% Critical Chance)"},
	["Latron"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},},
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Family = "Latron",
		Image = "Latron.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
		Magazine = 15,
		Mastery = 0,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Latron",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 8.25,
				["Puncture"] = 38.5,
				["Slash"] = 8.25,},
			CritChance = 0.12,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.12,
			FireRate = 4.17,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2.4,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Clem]]"},
	["Latron Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Coronha",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Family = "Latron",
		Image = "DELatronPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		Magazine = 15,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Latron Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 9,
				["Puncture"] = 72,
				["Slash"] = 9,},
			CritChance = 0.22,
			CritMultiplier = 2.8,
			StatusChance = 0.26,
			FireRate = 4.17,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
		Reload = 2.4,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Latron Wraith"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Family = "Latron",
		Image = "WraithLatron.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.5|Update 14.5]]",
		Magazine = 15,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Latron Wraith",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 15,
				["Puncture"] = 42,
				["Slash"] = 3,},
			CritChance = 0.26,
			CritMultiplier = 2.8,
			StatusChance = 0.14,
			FireRate = 5.42,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2.4,
		Traits = {"Wraith", "Invasion Reward", "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Lenz"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 50000,
			MarketCost = 235,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 8200,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 2400,},
				{ Name = "Nitain Extract",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},},
		Accuracy = 16.7,
		AreaAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Cold"] = 10,},
			Radius = 8,
			AttackName = "Initial Burst",
		ChargeAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",
			CritChance = 0.5,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 50,},
			ChargeTime = 1.2,
			StatusChance = 0.05,
			FireRate = 1,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Class = "Bow",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.9,
		Image = "Lenz.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.3|Update 21.3]]",
		Magazine = 1,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 6,
		Name = "Lenz",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		Polarities = {"Bar", "Bar"},
		Reload = 0.6,
		SecondaryAreaAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 660,},
			Radius = 6,
			AttackName = "Bubble Collapse",
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
		ComparisonDisplay = {
        	{ Name = "Lenz", Attacks = {"ChargeAttack", "AreaAttack", "SecondaryAreaAttack"} }},
	["Miter"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		AmmoType = "Sniper",
		ChargeAttack = {
            AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",	    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 12.5,
				["Puncture"] = 12.5,
				["Slash"] = 225,},
			ChargeTime = 0.75,
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.5,
			PunchThrough = 2.5,
		    ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 60,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Handle",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Weapon Chassis",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.55,
		Image = "miter.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.5|Update 9.5]]",
		Magazine = 20,
		Mastery = 6,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Miter",
		NormalAttack = {
            AttackName = "Tiro Não Carregado",			    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5,
				["Puncture"] = 5,
				["Slash"] = 90,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 2.5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 60,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Eviscerator]]"},
	["MK1-Braton"] = {
		Accuracy = 40,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.2,
		Family = "Braton",
		Image = "Braton.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 0,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "MK1-Braton",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.5,
				["Puncture"] = 4.5,
				["Slash"] = 9,},
			CritChance = 0.08,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.05,
			FireRate = 7.5,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["MK1-Paris"] = {
		Accuracy = "16.7 (100 Aimed)",
		ChargeAttack = {
            AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",			    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6,
				["Puncture"] = 96,
				["Slash"] = 18,},
			ChargeTime = 0.5,
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			PunchThrough = 2,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 85,
		Class = "Bow",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Family = "Paris",
		Image = "Paris.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.0|Update 14.0]]",
		Magazine = 1,
		Mastery = 0,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "MK1-Paris",
		NormalAttack = {
            AttackName = "Tiro Não Carregado",	
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5,
				["Puncture"] = 80,
				["Slash"] = 15,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 70,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 0.55,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Mutalist Cernos"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 250,
			Rush = 45,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cernos",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 1400,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 2300,},},
		Accuracy = "16.7 (100 aimed)",
		AreaAttack = {
            AttackName = "Toxin Cloud",			    
			Damage = {
				["Toxin"] = 50,},
			Duration = 10,
		ChargeAttack = {
            AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",			    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 202.5,
				["Puncture"] = 11.25,
				["Slash"] = 11.25,},
			ChargeTime = 0.5,
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.49,
			PunchThrough = 1,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 85,
		Class = "Bow",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Family = "Cernos",
		Image = "InfCernos.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.5|Update 18.5]]",
		Magazine = 1,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Mutalist Cernos",
		NormalAttack = {
            AttackName = "Tiro Não Carregado",			    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 108,
				["Puncture"] = 6,
				["Slash"] = 6,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.49,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 70,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 0.6,
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Mutalist Quanta"] = {
		AreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Infested Orb",
			Damage = {
				["Radiation"] = 20,},
			StatusChance = 1,
			AmmoCost = 5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 50000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Mutagen Mass",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 15000,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.55,
		Image = "InfCrpShockSwarm.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.8|Update 13.8]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 2,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Mutalist Quanta",
		NormalAttack = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2.5,
				["Puncture"] = 15,
				["Slash"] = 7.5,},
			CritChance = 0.025,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 10,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		Reload = 3.0,
		SecondaryAttack = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			Reload = 3.0,
			AttackName = "Orb Explosion",
			Damage = {
				["Toxin"] = 100,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.0,
			FireRate = 10,
			Radius = 8,
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Nagantaka"] = {
		Class = "Crossbow",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 40000,
			MarketCost = 125,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 3000,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},},
		Disposition = 1.1,
		Family = "Nagantaka",
		Image = "Nagantaka.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24]]",
		Magazine = 9,
		Mastery = 9,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Nagantaka",
		NoiseLevel = "Silent",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		NormalAttack = {
		    Accuracy = 40,
			AttackName = "Semi-Auto",		    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 1.6,
				["Puncture"] = 14.3,
				["Slash"] = 143.1,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2.3,
			StatusChance = 0.39,
			FireRate = 2.5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 0,
		Reload = 2.3,
		SecondaryAttack = {
		    Accuracy = 40,
			AttackName = "Rajada",		    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 1.6,
				["Puncture"] = 14.3,
				["Slash"] = 143.1,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2.3,
			StatusChance = 0.39,
			FireRate = 5.81,
			Reload = 2.0,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
			BurstCount = 9,
		Traits = {"Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi / Burst",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Ogris"] = {
	    Class = "Launcher",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Detonite Injector",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 5000,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Image = "OgrisNew.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		Accuracy = 100,
		ChargeAttack = {
			AttackName = "Rocket Impact",		    
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 100,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.35,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 40,
			ChargeTime = 0.3,
			FireRate = 1.5,
		AreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Rocket Explosion",		    
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 600,},
			Radius = 6,
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Magazine = 5,
		Mastery = 9,
		MaxAmmo = 20,
		Name = "Ogris",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		Reload = 2.5,
		Traits = {"Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Bombard]]", "[[Corrupted Bombard]]", "[[Executioner Gorth]]", "[[Nightwatch Bombard]]"},
	["Opticor"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 20,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		AreaAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Magnetic"] = 400,},
			Radius = 5,
		ChargeAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 100,
				["Puncture"] = 850,
				["Slash"] = 50,},
			ChargeTime = 2,
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			PunchThrough = 1,
			Range = 300,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
			FireRate = 1,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.05,
		Family = "Opticor",
		Image = "CrpBFG.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.0|Update 15.0]]",
		Magazine = 5,
		Mastery = 14,
		MaxAmmo = 200,
		Name = "Opticor",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Malice]]", "[[Ved Xol]]", "[[002-ER]]"},
	["Opticor Vandal"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		AreaAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Magnetic"] = 200,},
			Radius = 5,
		ChargeAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 40,
				["Puncture"] = 280,
				["Slash"] = 80,},
			ChargeTime = 0.6,
			CritChance = 0.24,
			CritMultiplier = 2.6,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			PunchThrough = 1,
			Range = 300,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
			FireRate = 2,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.05,
		Family = "Opticor",
		Image = "OpticorVandal.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.4|Update 24.4]]",
		Magazine = 8,
		Mastery = 14,
		MaxAmmo = 200,
		Name = "Opticor Vandal",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 1.4,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Panthera"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Hikou",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Miter",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.4,
		Image = "TennoMiter.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.10|Update 15.10]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 7,
		Name = "Panthera",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 20,
				["Puncture"] = 10,
				["Slash"] = 70,},
			CritChance = 0.12,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.24,
			FireRate = 3,
			AmmoCost = 2,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 40,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 2,
		SecondaryAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 10,
				["Puncture"] = 10,
				["Slash"] = 80,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.35,
			FireRate = 2,
			AmmoCost = 1,
			ShotType = "Continuous",
			Range = 6,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Paracyst"] = {
		BurstFireRate = 8.33,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 50000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Mutagen Mass",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 15000,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.315,
		Image = "InfQuantaRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 7,
		Name = "Paracyst",
		NormalAttack = {
			Accuracy = 50,
			Damage = {
				["Toxin"] = 33,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 11.11,
			BurstCount = 3,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Polarities = {"D"},
		Reload = 2,
		SecondaryAttack = {
			AttackName = "Infested Harpoon",		    
			Accuracy = 50,
			Damage = {
				["Toxin"] = 33,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 11.11,
			Range = 50,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Mutalist Alad V]]"},
	["Paris"] = {
		Accuracy = "16.7 (100 aimed)",
		ChargeAttack = {
			AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",	    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 9,
				["Puncture"] = 144,
				["Slash"] = 27,},
			ChargeTime = 0.5,
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			PunchThrough = 2,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 85,
		Class = "Bow",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 45,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 700,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 2000,},},
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Family = "Paris",
		Image = "Paris.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.0|Update 7.0]]",
		Magazine = 1,
		Mastery = 3,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Paris",
		NormalAttack = {
			AttackName = "Tiro Não Carregado",		    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6,
				["Puncture"] = 96,
				["Slash"] = 18,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 70,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 0.65,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Trinity Specter]]"},
		ComparisonDisplay = {
        	{ Name = "[NAME] (Uncharged)", Attacks = {"NormalAttack"} },
        	{ Name = "[NAME] (Charged)", Attacks = {"ChargeAttack"} }},
	["Paris Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Membro Superior",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Membro Inferior",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Empunhadeira",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cordao",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = "16.7 (100 aimed)",
		ChargeAttack = {
			AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",		    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6.5,
				["Puncture"] = 208,
				["Slash"] = 45.5,},
			ChargeTime = 0.5,
			CritChance = 0.45,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,			
			PunchThrough = 3,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 85,
		Class = "Bow",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Family = "Paris",
		Image = "PrimeBowM.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.0|Update 9.0]]",
		Magazine = 1,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Paris Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			AttackName = "Tiro Não Carregado",		    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 3.25,
				["Puncture"] = 104,
				["Slash"] = 22.75,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 70,
		Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
		Reload = 0.7,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Never Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
		ComparisonDisplay = {
        	{ Name = "[NAME] (Uncharged)", Attacks = {"NormalAttack"} },
        	{ Name = "[NAME] (Charged)", Attacks = {"ChargeAttack"} }},
	["Penta"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Launcher",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 30000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Control Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 400,},},
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Family = "Penta",
		Image = "DEPenta.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.3|Update 11.3]]",
		Magazine = 5,
		Mastery = 6,
		MaxAmmo = 20,
		Name = "Penta",
		NoiseLevel = "Silent",
		NormalAttack = {
			AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 75,
				["Blast"] = 350,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 20,
		Reload = 2.5,
		SecondaryAttack = {
			AttackName = "Grenade Detonation",		
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 350,},
			Radius = 5,
			Trigger = "Detonate",
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Active",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Penta Ranger]]", "[[M-W.A.M.]]"},
	["Phantasma"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 25000,
			MarketCost = 195,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Intact Sentient Core",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 650,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 12500,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "RevenantShotgun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.5|Update 23.5]]",
		Magazine = 11,
		Mastery = 9,
		MaxAmmo = 275,
		Name = "Phantasma",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 25,
				["Radiation"] = 50,},
			CritChance = 0.03,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.37,
			PelletCount = 5,
			PelletName = "Raio",
			FireRate = 12,
			Range = 20,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		ChargeAttack = {
			AttackName = "Bomba de Plasma",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 15,
				["Radiation"] = 73,},
			FireRate = 2.00,
			AmmoCost = 11,
			Radius = 5,
			ChargeTime = 1.0,
		Reload = 0.5,
		Traits = {"Sentient"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Primary",
		Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
	["Prisma Gorgon"] = {
		Accuracy = 20.0,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Family = "Gorgon",
		Image = "PrismaGorgon.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.11.1|Update 15.11.1]]",
		Magazine = 120,
		Mastery = 11,
		MaxAmmo = 840,
		Name = "Prisma Gorgon",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 17.3,
				["Puncture"] = 3.5,
				["Slash"] = 2.3,},
			CritChance = 0.30,
			CritMultiplier = 2.3,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 14.17,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 3,
		Spool = 12,
		Traits = { "Prisma", "Baro"},
		Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Prisma Grakata"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.2,
		Family = "Grakata",
		Image = "PrismaGrakata.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Hotfix 16.8.3|Hotfix 16.8.3]]",
		Magazine = 120,
		Mastery = 11,
		MaxAmmo = 1000,
		Name = "Prisma Grakata",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6,
				["Puncture"] = 5,
				["Slash"] = 4,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.21,
			FireRate = 21.67,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = {"Prisma", "Baro"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Prisma Grinlok"] = {
		Accuracy = 32.0,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.245,
		Family = "Grinlok",
		Image = "PrismaGrinlok.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.4|Update 24.4]]",
		Magazine = 21,
		Mastery = 11,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Prisma Grinlok",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 74.8,
				["Puncture"] = 18.7,
				["Slash"] = 93.5,},
			CritChance = 0.21,
			CritMultiplier = 2.9,
			StatusChance = 0.37,
			FireRate = 1.67,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 1.7,
		Traits = {"Prisma", "Baro"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Prisma Tetra"] = {
		Accuracy = 18.2,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.45,
		Family = "Tetra",
		Image = "PrismaTetra.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Hotfix 17.0.5|Hotfix 17.0.5]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Prisma Tetra",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 7.6,
				["Puncture"] = 30.4,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.24,
			FireRate = 7.08,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Prisma", "Baro"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Quanta"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 7,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 7000,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		AreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Cube (Hits enemy)",
			Damage = {
			    ["Electricity"] = 100,
				["Blast"] = 150,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.26,
			FireRate = 4,
			AmmoCost = 10,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
			Range = 15,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = false,
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Family = "Quanta",
		Image = "CrpShockRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.1|Update 14.1]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Quanta",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 20,},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.16,
			PelletCount = 2,
			PelletName = "Beam",
			FireRate = 12,
			AmmoCost = 0.5,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
			Range = 50,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		Reload = 2,
		SecondaryAreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Cube (Shot by player)",
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 600,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.26,
			FireRate = 4,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Quanta Vandal"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		AreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Cube (Hits enemy)",
			Accuracy = 25,
			Damage = {
			    ["Electricity"] = 100,
				["Blast"] = 150,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.26,
			FireRate = 4,
			AmmoCost = 10,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
			Range = 15,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Family = "Quanta",
		Image = "QuantaVandal.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.4|Update 16.4]]",
		Magazine = 80,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 560,
		Name = "Quanta Vandal",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 26,},
			CritChance = 0.22,
			CritMultiplier = 2.4,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			PelletCount = 2,
			PelletName = "Beam",
			FireRate = 12,
			AmmoCost = 0.5,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
			Range = 50,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 1.8,
		SecondaryAreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Cube (Shot by player)",
			Accuracy = 25,
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 600,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.26,
			FireRate = 4,
		Traits = { "Corpus", "Vandal"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Quartakk"] = {
		Accuracy = 90.9,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			MarketCost = 210,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Grokdrul",Type = "Resource",Count = 75,},
				{ Name = "Fersteel Alloy",Type = "Resource",Count = 15,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 12450,},
				{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},},
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Image = "GrnFourBarrelRifleWeapon.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.8.0|Update 22]]",
		Magazine = 84,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 840,
		Name = "Quartakk",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 18.1,
				["Puncture"] = 14.2,
				["Slash"] = 16.7,},
			CritChance = 0.19,
			CritMultiplier = 2.3,
			StatusChance = 0.27,
			BurstCount = 4,
			FireRate = 6.33,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
			PunchThrough = 0.5,
		Reload = 1.9,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Rakta Cernos"] = {
	    Accuracy = 16.7,  
		ChargeAttack = {
			AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 225,
				["Puncture"] = 12.5,
				["Slash"] = 12.5,},
			ChargeTime = 0.25,
			CritChance = 0.35,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.15,			
			PunchThrough = 1,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Class = "Bow",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.15,
		Family = "Cernos",
		Image = "SyndicateRVCernos.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.3|Update 17.3]]",
		Magazine = 1,
		Mastery = 12,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Rakta Cernos",
		NormalAttack = {
			AttackName = "Tiro Não Carregado",		    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 135,
				["Puncture"] = 7.5,
				["Slash"] = 7.5,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
		Polarities = {"V", "V", "Bar"},
		Reload = 0.6,
		SyndicateEffect = "Caos",
		Traits = {"Syndicate", "Red Veil"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
		ComparisonDisplay = {
        	{ Name = "[NAME] (Uncharged)", Attacks = {"NormalAttack"} },
        	{ Name = "[NAME] (Charged)", Attacks = {"ChargeAttack"} }},
	["Rubico"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 3800,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 1300,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Accuracy = 13.3,
		Class = "Sniper Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.7,
		Family = "Rubico",
		Image = "FiveShotSniper.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.0|Update 18.0]]",
		Magazine = 5,
		Mastery = 6,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Rubico",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 144,
				["Puncture"] = 27,
				["Slash"] = 9,},
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.12,
			PunchThrough = 1.0,
			FireRate = 2.67,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2.4,
		SniperComboMin = 1,
		SniperComboReset = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Zoom = {"3.5x (+35% Mutiplicador de crítico)", "6x (+50% Mutiplicador de crítico)"},
	["Rubico Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Coronha",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Accuracy = 13.3,
		Class = "Sniper Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.7,
		Family = "Rubico",
		Image = "RubicoPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.9|Update 23.9]]",
		Magazine = 5,
		Mastery = 12,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Rubico Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 149.6,
				["Puncture"] = 28.1,
				["Slash"] = 9.3,},
			CritChance = 0.38,
			CritMultiplier = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.16,
			PunchThrough = 1.0,
			FireRate = 3.67,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2.0,
		SniperComboMin = 1,
		SniperComboReset = 2,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Traits = { "Prime"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Zoom = {"3.5x (+35% Mutiplicador de crítico)", "6x (+50% Mutiplicador de crítico)"},
	["Scourge"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 240,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Nitain Extract",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 2500,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 350,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 2500,},},
		AreaAttack = {
            AttackName = "Explosion",
			Damage = {
				["Corrosive"] = 55,},
			CritChance = 0.02,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
		Class = "Speargun",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.15,
		Image = "PriestSpearGun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.0|Update 21.0]]",
		Magazine = 20,
		Mastery = 6,
		MaxAmmo = 100,
		Name = "Scourge",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
			Accuracy = 100,
			Damage = {
				["Corrosive"] = 70,},
			CritChance = 0.02,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 2.67,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
		Reload = 2.5,
		SecondaryAttack = {
			AttackName = "Throw Spear",		    
			Accuracy = 16.7,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 455,
				["Puncture"] = 72.5,
				["Slash"] = 122.5,
				["Corrosive"] = 50,},
			CritChance = 0.04,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			Reload = 0.6,
			FireRate = 1,
			ChargeTime = 0.5,
			Trigger = "Charge",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Secura Penta"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Launcher",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Syndicate = "The Perrin Sequence",
			Reputation = 125000,
			Rank = 5,
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Family = "Penta",
		Image = "SyndicatePSPenta.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.3|Update 17.3]]",
		Magazine = 7,
		Mastery = 12,
		MaxAmmo = 28,
		Name = "Secura Penta",
		NoiseLevel = "Silent",
		NormalAttack = {
			AttackName = "Grenade Impact",		    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 75,
				["Blast"] = 300,},
			CritChance = 0.26,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.26,
			FireRate = 2,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 25,
		Polarities = {"Bar", "D", "V"},
		Reload = 2.5,
		SecondaryAttack = {
			AttackName = "Grenade Detonation",		    
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 300,},
			CritChance = 0.26,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.26,
			Radius = 5,
			Trigger = "Detonate",
		SyndicateEffect = "Sequência",
		Traits = {"Syndicate", "The Perrin Sequence"},
		Trigger = "Active",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Simulor"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		AreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Orb Merge",
			Damage = {
				["Magnetic"] = 75,},
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPStanding = 75000,
			MarketCost = 210,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 850,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Simulor",
		Image = "CephPrimary.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.10|Update 16.10]]",
		Magazine = 8,
		Mastery = 5,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Simulor",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Magnetic"] = 50,},
			AttackName = "Orb Damage",
			FireRate = 3,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
			Range = 12,
		Polarities = {"D", "Bar"},
		Reload = 3,
		SecondaryAttack = {
			AttackName = "Orb Explosion",
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 75,},
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			CritChance = 0.12,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			Radius = 8,
		Traits = { "Cephalon"},
		Trigger = "Active",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Snipetron"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},},
		Accuracy = 13.3,
		Class = "Sniper Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Family = "Snipetron",
		Image = "CorpusSniperRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
		Magazine = 4,
		Mastery = 0,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Snipetron",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 18,
				["Puncture"] = 144,
				["Slash"] = 18,},
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.12,
			PunchThrough = 2.5,
			FireRate = 2,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 3.5,
		SniperComboMin = 3,
		SniperComboReset = 2,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Zoom = {"2.5x (+30% Headshot Damage)", "6x (+50% Headshot Damage)"},
	["Snipetron Vandal"] = {
        Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 13.3,
		Class = "Sniper Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Family = "Snipetron",
		Image = "DESnipertronVandal.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Hotfix 8.3.2|Hotfix 8.3.2]]",
		Magazine = 6,
		Mastery = 5,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Snipetron Vandal",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 10,
				["Puncture"] = 180,
				["Slash"] = 10,},
			CritChance = 0.28,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.16,
			PunchThrough = 3,
			FireRate = 2,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2,
		SniperComboMin = 3,
		SniperComboReset = 2,
		Traits = { "Corpus", "Vandal"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Zoom = {"2.5x (+30% Headshot Damage)", "6x (+50% Headshot Damage)"},
	["Soma"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			BPCost = 50000,
			MarketCost = 265,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 7,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 850,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 8000,},},
		Disposition = 0.85,
		Family = "Soma",
		Image = "U10DesignCouncilTennoAR.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
		Magazine = 100,
		Mastery = 6,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Soma",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 1.2,
				["Puncture"] = 4.8,
				["Slash"] = 6,},
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.07,
			FireRate = 15,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 3,
		Spool = 8,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Rhino Specter]]"},
	["Soma Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Coronha",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 0.85,
		Family = "Soma",
		Image = "PrimeSoma.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.7|Update 15.7]]",
		Magazine = 200,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 800,
		Name = "Soma Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 1.2,
				["Puncture"] = 4.8,
				["Slash"] = 6,},
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 15,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 3,
		Spool = 5,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Stradavar"] = {
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 230,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 15000,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 8000,},
				{ Name = "Neural Sensors",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Stradavar",
		Image = "TennoTommyGun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.11|Update 18.11]]",
		Magazine = 65,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Stradavar",
		NormalAttack = {
			Accuracy = 14.3,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 9.8,
				["Puncture"] = 9.8,
				["Slash"] = 8.4,},
			CritChance = 0.24,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.12,
			AttackName = "Full Auto Mode",
			FireRate = 10,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 2,
		SecondaryAttack = {
		    Accuracy = 28.6,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 7.5,
				["Puncture"] = 30,
				["Slash"] = 12.5,},
			Polarities = {"V", "V"},
			CritChance = 0.28,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.16,
			FireRate = 5,
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Stradavar Prime"] = {
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Coronha",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Stradavar",
		Image = "StradavarPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Hotfix 24.5.8|Hotfix 24.5.8]]",
		Magazine = 90,
		Mastery = 12,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Stradavar Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Accuracy = 25,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 10.5,
				["Puncture"] = 10.5,
				["Slash"] = 9.0,},
			CritChance = 0.24,
			CritMultiplier = 2.6,
			StatusChance = 0.12,
			AttackName = "Full Auto Mode",
			FireRate = 10,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "V", "V"},
		Reload = 2,
		SecondaryAttack = {
		    Accuracy = 66.7,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 8.0,
				["Puncture"] = 24.0,
				["Slash"] = 48.0,},
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 2.8,
			StatusChance = 0.22,
			FireRate = 3.33,
			PunchThrough = 1,
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
			AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Traits = {"Prime"},
		Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Supra"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 7,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 7000,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 14.3,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.8,
		Family = "Supra",
		Image = "CorpusMachineGun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		Magazine = 180,
		Mastery = 12,
		MaxAmmo = 1080,
		Name = "Supra",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4,
				["Puncture"] = 30,
				["Slash"] = 6,},
			CritChance = 0.12,
			CritMultiplier = 1.8,
			StatusChance = 0.30,
			FireRate = 12.5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 80,
		Reload = 3,
		Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Corpus Tech]]", "[[M-W.A.M.]]"},
	["Supra Vandal"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.8,
		Family = "Supra",
		Image = "SupraVandal.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 20#Update 20.4|Update 20.4]]",
		Magazine = 300,
		Mastery = 14,
		MaxAmmo = 1600,
		Name = "Supra Vandal",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4,
				["Puncture"] = 30,
				["Slash"] = 6,},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.30,
			FireRate = 12.5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 80,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 3,
		Traits = { "Corpus", "Vandal"},
		Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Sybaris"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		BurstFireRate = 3.33,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.05,
		Family = "Sybaris",
		Image = "TnoLeverActionRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.3|Update 13.3]]",
		Magazine = 10,
		Mastery = 5,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Sybaris",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 26.4,
				["Puncture"] = 26.4,
				["Slash"] = 27.2,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 3.98,
			BurstCount = 2,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Sybaris Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 25,
		BurstFireRate = 3.33,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Coronha",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 1.05,
		Family = "Sybaris",
		Image = "Sybaris_Prime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 20#Hotfix 20.6.2|Hotfix 20.6.2]]",
		Magazine = 20,
		Mastery = 12,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Sybaris Prime",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 29,
				["Puncture"] = 29,
				["Slash"] = 29.9,},
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 4.72,
			BurstCount = 2,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar", "Bar", "V"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Synapse"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 50000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Mutagen Mass",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 30000,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 3500,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.315,
		Image = "U10InfPrimary.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
		Magazine = 70,
		Mastery = 11,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Synapse",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Corrosive"] = 20,},
			CritChance = 0.39,
			CritMultiplier = 2.7,
			StatusChance = 0.13,
			FireRate = 12,
			AmmoCost = 0.5,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
			Range = 27,
		Reload = 1.5,
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Synoid Simulor"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		AreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Orb Merge",
			Damage = {
				["Magnetic"] = 50,},
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Simulor",
		Image = "SyndicateCSSimulor.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.3|Update 17.3]]",
		Magazine = 16,
		Mastery = 12,
		MaxAmmo = 96,
		Name = "Synoid Simulor",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Magnetic"] = 20,},
			AttackName = "Orb Damage",
			FireRate = 3.33,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Polarities = {"V", "D", "Bar"},
		Reload = 2,
		SecondaryAttack = {
			AttackName = "Orb Explosion",
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 75,},
			StatusChance = 0.35,
			CritChance = 0.14,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			Radius = 8,
		SyndicateEffect = "Entropia",
		Traits = {"Syndicate", "Cephalon Suda", "Cephalon"},
		Trigger = "Active",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Telos Boltor"] = {
		Accuracy = 25,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.05,
		Family = "Boltor",
		Image = "SyndicateAHBoltor.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.3|Update 17.3]]",
		Magazine = 90,
		Mastery = 12,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Telos Boltor",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 3,
				["Puncture"] = 27,},
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 2.4,
			StatusChance = 0.16,
			FireRate = 9.33,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 65,
		Polarities = {"D", "V"},
		Reload = 2.4,
		SyndicateEffect = "Verdade",
		Traits = {"Syndicate", "Arbiters of Hexis"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Tenora"] = {
		Accuracy = 12.5,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 265,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 15000,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 4000,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.05,
		Image = "TnBardRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 20#Update 20.0|Update 20.0]]",
		Magazine = 150,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 900,
		Name = "Tenora",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 7.2,
				["Puncture"] = 9.6,
				["Slash"] = 7.2,},
			CritChance = 0.28,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.16,
			FireRate = 11.67,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		SecondaryAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 48,
				["Puncture"] = 144,
				["Slash"] = 48,},
			CritChance = 0.34,
			CritMultiplier = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.11,
			FireRate = 10,
			ChargeTime = 0.8,
			PunchThrough = 1,
			Trigger = "Charge",
			AmmoCost = 10,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Reload = 2.5,
		Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Tetra"] = {
		Accuracy = 18.2,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 30000,
			MarketCost = 125,
			Rush = 40,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Control Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 400,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 100,},},
		Disposition = 1.45,
		Family = "Tetra",
		Image = "DETetra.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.8|Update 11.8]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 3,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Tetra",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6.4,
				["Puncture"] = 25.6,},
			CritChance = 0.04,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 6.67,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
		Reload = 2,
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Nako Xol]]", "[[Terra Provisor]]", "[[Terra Elite Crewman]]"},
	["Tiberon"] = {
		Accuracy = 33.3,
		BurstFireRate = 6.67,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Latron",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 650,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 0.95,
		Family = "Tiberon",
		Image = "Tiberon.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.9|Update 14.9]]",
		Magazine = 30,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Tiberon",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 11,
				["Puncture"] = 22,
				["Slash"] = 11,},
			CritChance = 0.26,
			CritMultiplier = 2.4,
			StatusChance = 0.16,
			FireRate = 9.09,
			BurstCount = 3,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2.26,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Tiberon Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 33.3,
		AreaAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Auto",
		    Damage = {
		        ["Impact"] = 13.8,
		        ["Puncture"] = 18.4,
		        ["Slash"] = 13.8},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 2.8,
			StatusChance = 0.32,
			FireRate = 8.33,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		SecondaryAttack = {
			AttackName = "Semi",
			Damage = {
			    ["Impact"] = 13.8,
			    ["Puncture"] = 18.4,
			    ["Slash"] = 13.8},
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 3.4,
			FireRate = 6,
			StatusChance = 0.18,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Coronha",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 0.95,
		Family = "Tiberon",
		Image = "TiberonPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Hotfix 22.16.4|Hotfix 22.16.4]]",
		Magazine = 42,
		Mastery = 14,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Tiberon Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Burst",
			BurstCount = 3,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 13.8,
				["Puncture"] = 18.4,
				["Slash"] = 13.8,},
			CritChance = 0.28,
			CritMultiplier = 3.0,
			FireRate = 7.38,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V","Bar","Bar"},
		Reload = 2,
		Trigger = "Burst/Semi/Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Tonkor"] = {
	    Accuracy = 100,
		AreaAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Grenade Explosion",
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 650,},
			Radius = 5,
		Class = "Launcher",
		Cost = {
			Credits = 60000,
			BPCost = 30000,
			MarketCost = 200,
			Rush = 45,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 1500,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 200,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.15,
		Image = "GrnGrenadeLauncher.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.4|Update 16.4]]",
		Magazine = 1,
		Mastery = 5,
		MaxAmmo = 30,
		Name = "Tonkor",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Grenade Impact",
			Damage = {
				["Puncture"] = 75,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 3.17,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 30,
		Reload = 1.7,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Kuva Napalm]]", "[[Nightwatch Reaver]]"},
	["Torid"] = {
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Mutagen Mass",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 4500,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 100,
		AreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Poison Cloud",		    
			Damage = {
				["Toxin"] = 400,},
			Duration = 10,
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
		Class = "Launcher",
		Conclave = false,
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Image = "GrineerGrenadeLauncher.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		Magazine = 5,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 60,
		Name = "Torid",
		NormalAttack = {
	        AttackName = "Grenade Impact",	    
			Damage = {
				["Toxin"] = 100,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.23,
			FireRate = 1.5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 25,
		Reload = 1.7,
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Vectis"] = {
		Accuracy = 13.3,
		Class = "Sniper Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 40000,
			MarketCost = 250,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 3000,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 2500,},},
		Disposition = 0.8,
		Family = "Vectis",
		Image = "DEVectis.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.6|Update 10.6]]",
		Magazine = 1,
		Mastery = 2,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Vectis",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 90,
				["Puncture"] = 78.75,
				["Slash"] = 56.25,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			PunchThrough = 1,
			FireRate = 1.5,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 1,
		SniperComboMin = 1,
		SniperComboReset = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Saryn Specter]]"},
		Zoom = {"3x Zoom (+30% Headshot Damage)", "4.5x Zoom (+50% Headshot Damage)"},
	["Vectis Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 13.3,
		Class = "Sniper Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Coronha",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 0.8,
		Family = "Vectis",
		Image = "VectisPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.11|Update 16.11]]",
		Magazine = 2,
		Mastery = 14,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Vectis Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 140,
				["Puncture"] = 157.5,
				["Slash"] = 52.5,},
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			PunchThrough = 1,
			FireRate = 2.67,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
		Reload = 0.85,
		SniperComboMin = 5,
		SniperComboReset = 2,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Zoom = {"3.5x (+40% Headshot Damage)", "6x (+60% Headshot Damage)"},
	["Veldt"] = {
		Accuracy = 32,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 240,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 600,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 7250,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Family = "Veldt",
		Image = "Veldt.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.18|Update 22.18]]",
		Magazine = 26,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 528,
		Name = "Veldt",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 23.4,
				["Puncture"] = 23.4,
				["Slash"] = 43.2,},
			CritChance = 0.22,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.22,
			FireRate = 3.67,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 1.8,
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Vulkar"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 800,},},
		Accuracy = 13.3,
		Class = "Sniper Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.4,
		Family = "Vulkar",
		Image = "Vulkar.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		Magazine = 6,
		Mastery = 3,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Vulkar",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 180,
				["Puncture"] = 33.8,
				["Slash"] = 11.2,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			PunchThrough = 1,
			FireRate = 1.5,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 3,
		SniperComboMin = 2,
		SniperComboReset = 2,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Ballista]]", "[[Warden|Grineer Warden]]", "[[Executioners/Harkonar|Executioner Harkonar]]"},
		Zoom = {"2.5x zoom (+35% Headshot Damage)", "4x zoom (+55% Headshot Damage)", "8x zoom (+70% Headshot Damage)"},
	["Vulkar Wraith"] = {
		Accuracy = 13.3,
		Class = "Sniper Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.4,
		Family = "Vulkar",
		Image = "VulkarWraith.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Hotfix 18.4.1|Hotfix 18.4.1]]",
		Magazine = 8,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 72,
		Name = "Vulkar Wraith",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 245.7,
				["Puncture"] = 27.3,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			PunchThrough = 1,
			FireRate = 2,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 400,EndRange = 600,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 3,
		SniperComboMin = 2,
		SniperComboReset = 2,
		Traits = {"Wraith", "Baro", "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Zoom = {"2.5x zoom (+35% Headshot Damage)", "4x zoom (+55% Headshot Damage)", "8x zoom (+70% Headshot Damage)"},
	["Zarr"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 30000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 40,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Kuva",Type = "Resource",Count = 1800,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 2400,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 5500,},
				{ Name = "Drakgoon",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
		AreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Cannon Mode Explosion",		    
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 175,},
			CritChance = 0.17,
			StatusChance = 0.29,
			Radius = 5,
		Class = "Launcher",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.15,
		Image = "GrineerCannon.png",
		Magazine = 3,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 84,
		Name = "Zarr",
		NormalAttack = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			AttackName = "Cannon Mode Projectile",		    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 25,},
			CritChance = 0.17,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.29,
			FireRate = 1.67,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2.25,
		SecondaryAreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Cannon Mode Cluster Bombs",		    
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 300,},
			CritChance = 0.17,
			StatusChance = 0.29,
			PelletCount = 6,
			PelletName = "Bomb",
		SecondaryAttack = {
			Accuracy = 1.4,
			AttackName = "Barrage Mode",		    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 240,
				["Puncture"] = 400,
				["Slash"] = 160,},
			CritChance = 0.17,
			StatusChance = 0.29,
			FireRate = 3,
			PunchThrough = 1.6,
			PelletCount = 10,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Zenith"] = {
		Accuracy = 33.3,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.1,
		Image = "SundialRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 20#Update 20.2|Update 20.2]]",
		Magazine = 90,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Zenith",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Full Auto Mode",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 4.5,
				["Puncture"] = 6,
				["Slash"] = 19.5,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.34,
			FireRate = 10.83,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar", "V"},
		Reload = 1.6,
		SecondaryAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Semi-Auto Mode",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 15,
				["Puncture"] = 120,
				["Slash"] = 15,},
			CritChance = 0.35,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.08,
			FireRate = 3,
			Reload = 1.4,
			PunchThrough = 99999,
			AmmoCost = 3,
			Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto / Semi",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Zhuge"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 125,
			Rush = 30,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 2800,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Nitain Extract",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Accuracy = 40,
		Class = "Crossbow",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Family = "Zhuge",
		Image = "RepeatingCrossbow.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 18#Update 18.6|Update 18.6]]",
		Magazine = 20,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Zhuge",
		NoiseLevel = "Silent",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5,
				["Puncture"] = 75,
				["Slash"] = 20,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.35,
			FireRate = 4.17,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2.5,
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Zhuge Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			--Credits = 20000,
			--BPCost = 20000,
			--Rush = 30,
			--Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Empunhadeira",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cordao",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 40,
		Class = "Crossbow",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Family = "Zhuge",
		Image = "ZhugePrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.3|Update 25.3]]",
		Magazine = 30,
		Mastery = 14,
		MaxAmmo = 540,
		Name = "Zhuge Prime",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
			    ["Slash"] = 42.3,
			    ["Puncture"] = 26.5,
				["Impact"] = 21.2},
			CritChance = 0.26,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.30,
			FireRate = 5.5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Polarities = {"V", "V", "V"},
		Reload = 3.0,
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Arca Plasmor"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 190,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Control Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 25,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 925,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 9.1,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.6,
		Image = "CrpShotgun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 21#Update 21.7|Update 21.7]]",
		Magazine = 10,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 48,
		Name = "Arca Plasmor",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Radiation"] = 600,},
			CritChance = 0.22,
			CritMultiplier = 1.6,
			StatusChance = 0.28,
			FireRate = 1.1,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 10,EndRange = 20,Reduction = 0.6667,},
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 60,
			Range = 30,
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 2.8,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Terra Plasmor Crewman]]"}
	["Astilla"] = {
		Accuracy = 25,
		AreaAttack = {
			AttackName = "Glass Explosion",	
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 44.4,
				["Puncture"] = 26.4,
				["Slash"] = 49.2,},
			CritChance = 0.17,
			CritMultiplier = 1.9,
			StatusChance = 0.33,				
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 240,
			Rush = 45,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Tellurium",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 875,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 175,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 7500,},},
		Disposition = 1.1,
		Image = "GlassShotgun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.0|Update 22.0]]",
		Magazine = 16,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 112,
		Name = "Astilla",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Slug Impact",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 25.9,
				["Puncture"] = 15.4,
				["Slash"] = 28.7,},
			CritChance = 0.17,
			CritMultiplier = 1.9,
			StatusChance = 0.33,
			FireRate = 4.33,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 30,EndRange = 60,Reduction = 0.5,},
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "75",
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Boar"] = {
		Accuracy = 5,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 6,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 750,},
				{ Name = "Plastids",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},},
		Disposition = 1.34,
		Family = "Boar",
		Image = "Boar.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Vanilla|Vanilla]]",
		Magazine = 20,
		Mastery = 2,
		MaxAmmo = 120,
		Name = "Boar",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 96.8,
				["Puncture"] = 26.4,
				["Slash"] = 52.8,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 15,EndRange = 25,Reduction = 0.5,},
			PelletCount = 8,
			FireRate = 4.17,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2.7,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[New Loka]] [[Operative]]s"},
	["Boar Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 5,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Coronha",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 1.34,
		Family = "Boar",
		Image = "FixedPrimeBoar.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
		Magazine = 20,
		Mastery = 11,
		MaxAmmo = 120,
		Name = "Boar Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 208,
				["Puncture"] = 48,
				["Slash"] = 64,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			PelletCount = 8,
			FireRate = 4.67,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 18,EndRange = 25,Reduction = 0.7,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2.75,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Convectrix"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Fieldron",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Control Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Accuracy = 50,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = false,
		Disposition = 1.46,
		Image = "CrpSplitRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.5|Update 17.5]]",
		Magazine = 70,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 700,
		Name = "Convectrix",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 2.4,
				["Puncture"] = 2.4,
				["Slash"] = 19.2,},
			CritChance = 0.16,
			CritMultiplier = 2.4,
			StatusChance = 0.30,
			PelletCount = 2,
			PelletName = "Beam",
			FireRate = 12,
			AmmoCost = 0.5,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
			Range = 30,
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Corpus"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Terra Jailer]]", "[[Terra Overtaker]]"}
	["Corinth"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 25000,
			MarketCost = 240,
			Rush = 40,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Nitain Extract",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 13000,},
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 6,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 725,},},
		Accuracy = 9.1,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.95,
		Image = "TnHeavyShotgun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.8|Update 22.8]]",
		Magazine = 5,
		Mastery = 8,
		MaxAmmo = 132,
		Name = "Corinth",
		NormalAttack = {
			AttackName = "Buckshot",	    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 151.2,
				["Puncture"] = 226.8,
				["Slash"] = 162,},
			CritChance = 0.30,
			CritMultiplier = 2.8,
			StatusChance = 0.12,
			FireRate = 1.17,
			PelletCount = 6,		
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
			Falloff = {StartRange = 18,EndRange = 36,Reduction = 0.6667,},
		Reload = 2.3,
		SecondaryAreaAttack = {
		 	AttackName = "Air Burst Explosion",   
			Damage = {
				["Blast"] = 404,},
			CritChance = 0.04,
			CritMultiplier = 1.6,
			StatusChance = 0.28,
			Radius = 8,
		SecondaryAttack = {
			AttackName = "Air Burst Projectile",	    
			Damage = {
			    ["Impact"] = 100,},
			CritChance = 0.04,
			CritMultiplier = 1.6,
			StatusChance = 0.28,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = "???",
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Drakgoon"] = {
		Accuracy = 1.4,
		ChargeAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 70,
				["Puncture"] = 70,
				["Slash"] = 560,},
			ChargeTime = 0.5,
			PelletCount = 10,
			PunchThrough = 2,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
			StatusChance = 0.23,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 30000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 40,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Alloy Plate",Type = "Resource",Count = 950,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 5500,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 1100,},},
		Disposition = 1.48,
		Image = "GrineerFlakCannon.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.6|Update 11.6]]",
		Magazine = 7,
		Mastery = 5,
		Name = "Drakgoon",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Não Carregado",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 40,
				["Puncture"] = 40,
				["Slash"] = 320,},
			CritChance = 0.075,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			PelletCount = 10,
			FireRate = 3.33,
			PunchThrough = 1.5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
			ShotSpeed = 100,
		Reload = 2.3,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Executioners/Reth|Reth]]", "[[Kuva Heavy Gunner]]"},
	["Exergis"] = {
	    Accuracy = 15.4,
	    Class = "Shotgun",
	    Conclave = false,
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 35,--confirmation needed
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Repeller Systems",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 175,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 8500,},},
        Disposition = 1.0,
        Image = "Exergis.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
        Magazine = 1,
        Mastery = 8,
        MaxAmmo = 47,
        Name = "Exergis",
    	NormalAttack = {
	    	Damage = {
			["Impact"] = 60.0,
			["Slash"] = 780.0,
		    	["Puncture"] = 360.0,
		    	["Radiation"] = 420.0,
	    	CritChance = 0.08,
	    	CritMultiplier = 1.4,
	    	StatusChance = 0.36,
	    	PelletCount = 3,
		    PunchThrough = 0.5,
	    	FireRate = 3.33,
		--	ShotSpeed = 100, 
	    	ShotType = "Projectile",
			Falloff = {StartRange = 30,EndRange = 60,Reduction = 0.508,},
        NoiseLevel = "Alarming", 
		Reload = 1.6,
		Trigger = "Semi",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Hek"] = {
		Accuracy = 9.1,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 25000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 1100,},},
		Disposition = 0.95,
		Family = "Hek",
		Image = "Hek.png",
		Introduced = "[[Closed Beta Updates#Update 5.2|Update 5.2]]",
		Magazine = 4,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 120,
		Name = "Hek",
		NoiseLevel = "Alarming",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 78.75,
				["Puncture"] = 341.25,
				["Slash"] = 105,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			PelletCount = 7,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 10,EndRange = 20,Reduction = 0.8,},
			FireRate = 2.17,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[The Grustrag Three/Vem Tabook|Vem Tabook]] (Modified)", "[[Executioners/Dhurnam|Dhurnam]](Twin)", "[[Kuva Trooper]]"},
	["Kohm"] = {
		Accuracy = 8,
		ChargeAttack = {
			AttackName = "Fully Spooled",
			PelletCount = 12,
			AmmoCost = 4,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 72,
				["Puncture"] = 72,
				["Slash"] = 216,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
			FireRate = 3.67,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 20000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 2500,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Cryotic",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.4,
		Image = "GrineerSparkGun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.6|Update 15.6]]",
		Magazine = 245,
		Mastery = 5,
		MaxAmmo = 960,
		Name = "Kohm",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 6,
				["Puncture"] = 6,
				["Slash"] = 18,},
			CritChance = 0.11,
			CritMultiplier = 2.3,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			PunchThrough = 1.5,
			AttackName = "Single Pellet",
			FireRate = 3.67,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 15,EndRange = 25,Reduction = 0.4667,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"D"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Lancer#Variants|Kuva Lancer]]"},
	["MK1-Strun"] = {
		Accuracy = 4,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Family = "Strun",
		Image = "Strun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 14#Update 14.0|Update 14.0]]",
		Magazine = 6,
		Mastery = 0,
		MaxAmmo = 120,
		Name = "MK1-Strun",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 99,
				["Puncture"] = 27,
				["Slash"] = 54,},
			CritChance = 0.075,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			PelletCount = 10,
			FireRate = 2.08,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 15,EndRange = 25,Reduction = 0.5,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 3.75,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		ReloadStyle = "ByRound",
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Phage"] = {
		Accuracy = 50,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = false,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 175,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Mutagen Mass",Type = "Resource",Count = 4,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 1500,},
				{ Name = "Nano Spores",Type = "Resource",Count = 6000,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.46,
		Image = "InfestedLongGunTwo.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.0|Update 12.0]]",
		Magazine = 90,
		Mastery = 11,
		MaxAmmo = 720,
		Name = "Phage",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Viral"] = 35,},
			CritChance = 0.19,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.31,
			PelletCount = 7,
			PelletName = "Beam",
			FireRate = 12,
			AmmoCost = 0.5,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
			Range = 25,
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Infested"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Sancti Tigris"] = {
		Accuracy = 6.5,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.55,
		Family = "Tigris",
		Image = "SyndicateNLTigris.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.3|Update 17.3]]",
		Magazine = 2,
		Mastery = 12,
		Name = "Sancti Tigris",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 126,
				["Puncture"] = 126,
				["Slash"] = 1008,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.28,
			PelletCount = 6,
			FireRate = 2,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 8,EndRange = 20,Reduction = 0.5714,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"D", "Bar", "V"},
		Reload = 1.5,
		SyndicateEffect = "Pureza",
		Traits = {"Syndicate", "New Loka"},
		Trigger = "Duplex",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Sobek"] = {
		Accuracy = 9.1,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 25000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 400,},},
		Disposition = 1.33,
		Image = "GrnDBSG.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 9#Update 9.0|Update 9.0]]",
		Magazine = 20,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 240,
		Name = "Sobek",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 262.5,
				["Puncture"] = 43.75,
				["Slash"] = 43.75,},
			CritChance = 0.11,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.27,
        	Falloff = {StartRange = 20,EndRange = 30,Reduction = 0.5,},
			PelletCount = 5,
			FireRate = 2.5,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2.7,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Trooper]]", "[[Executioners/Nok|Nok]]"},
	["Strun"] = {
		Accuracy = 4,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Family = "Strun",
		Image = "Strun.png",
		Magazine = 6,
		Mastery = 1,
		MaxAmmo = 120,
		Name = "Strun",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 165,
				["Puncture"] = 45,
				["Slash"] = 90,},
			CritChance = 0.075,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			PelletCount = 12,
			FireRate = 2.5,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 12,EndRange = 25,Reduction = 0.4,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 3.75,
		ReloadStyle = "ByRound",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Corrupted Crewman]]"},
	["Strun Wraith"] = {
		Accuracy = 6.7,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 1.35,
		Family = "Strun",
		Image = "WraithStrun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 9#Hotfix 9.7.2|Hotfix 9.7.2]]",
		Magazine = 10,
		Mastery = 10,
		MaxAmmo = 120,
		Name = "Strun Wraith",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 260,
				["Puncture"] = 60,
				["Slash"] = 80,},
			CritChance = 0.18,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.4,
			PelletCount = 10,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 15,EndRange = 30,Reduction = 0.5,},		
			FireRate = 2.5,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 5,
		ReloadStyle = "ByRound",
		Traits = { "Tenno", "Invasion Reward", "Wraith"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Tigris"] = {
		Accuracy = 9.1,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 40000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 25,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 900,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 1200,},},
		Disposition = 0.55,
		Family = "Tigris",
		Image = "DETigris.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 11#Update 11.0|Update 11.0]]",
		Magazine = 2,
		Mastery = 7,
		MaxAmmo = 120,
		Name = "Tigris",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 105,
				["Puncture"] = 105,
				["Slash"] = 840,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.28,
			PelletCount = 5,
			FireRate = 2,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 10,EndRange = 20,Reduction = 0.5238,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 1.8,
		Trigger = "Duplex",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Junction|Frost Specter]]"},
	["Tigris Prime"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 15000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Coronha",Type = "PrimePart",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Orokin Cell",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Accuracy = 9.1,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = true,
		Disposition = 0.55,
		Family = "Tigris",
		Image = "PrimeTigris342.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Hotfix: The Silver Grove 3|Hotfix: The Silver Grove 3]]",
		Magazine = 2,
		Mastery = 13,
		MaxAmmo = 120,
		Name = "Tigris Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 156,
				["Puncture"] = 156,
				["Slash"] = 1248,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			PelletCount = 8,
			FireRate = 2,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 10,EndRange = 20,Reduction = 0.4872,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
		Reload = 1.8,
		Traits = {"Prime"},
		Trigger = "Duplex",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Vaykor Hek"] = {
		Accuracy = 9.1,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Conclave = true,
		Cost = {
			Syndicate = "Steel Meridian",
			Reputation = 125000,
			Rank = 5,
		Disposition = 0.95,
		Family = "Hek",
		Image = "SyndicateSMHek.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.3|Update 17.3]]",
		Magazine = 8,
		Mastery = 12,
		MaxAmmo = 120,
		Name = "Vaykor Hek",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 78.75,
				["Puncture"] = 341.25,
				["Slash"] = 105,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			PelletCount = 7,
			FireRate = 3,
			Falloff = {StartRange = 10,EndRange = 25,Reduction = 0.7333,},
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"D", "V"},
		Reload = 2.25,
		SyndicateEffect = "Justiça",
		Traits = {"Syndicate", "Steel Meridian"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Primary",
	["Artax"] = {
		Accuracy = 12.5,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Image = "SentinelArtax.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update 19.10|Update 19.10]]",
		Magazine = 100,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Artax",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Cold"] = 5,},
			CritChance = 0.02,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.03,
			FireRate = 1,
			ShotType = "Discharge",
		Reload = 1.5,
		Traits = {"Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Robotic",
	["Burst Laser"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Disposition = 1.45,
		Family = "Burst Laser",
		Image = "DESentinelBurstLaser.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.0|Update 7.0]]",
		Magazine = 15,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Burst Laser",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 0.7,
				["Puncture"] = 6,
				["Slash"] = 0.3,},
			CritChance = 0.025,
			CritMultiplier = 1.3,
			StatusChance = 0.02,
			FireRate = 1.5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
		Reload = 0,
		Traits = {"Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Robotic",
	["Cryotra"] = {
	    Accuracy = 12.5,
	    Class = "Rifle",
	    --Disposition = 1.0,
	    Image = "Cryotra.png",
	    Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24.0]]",
	    Magazine = 80,
	    Mastery = 3,
	    Name = "Cryotra",
	    NormalAttack = {
	        Damage = {
	            ["Cold"] = 10,},
	        CritChance = 0.05,
	        CritMultiplier = 2,
	        StatusChance = 0.35,
	        FireRate = 1,
	        ShotType = "Discharge",
	   Reload = 4,
	   Traits = {"Corpus"},
	   Trigger = "Held",
	   Type = "Robotic",
	["Deth Machine Rifle"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Disposition = 1.455,
		Image = "DESentinelDethMachineRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 8#Update 8.0|Update 8.0]]",
		Magazine = 100,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Deth Machine Rifle",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 0.5,
				["Puncture"] = 0.3,
				["Slash"] = 4.3,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.01,
			FireRate = 8.3,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = {"Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Robotic",
	["Deth Machine Rifle Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Disposition = 1.455,
		Image = "DMR_Prime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 25#Update 25.8|Update 25.8]]",
		Magazine = 100,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Deth Machine Rifle Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 0.7,
				["Puncture"] = 0.4,
				["Slash"] = 6.0,},
			CritChance = 0.10,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.04,
			FireRate = 10.0,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = {"Prime"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Robotic",
	["Deconstructor"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Glaive",
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Family = "Deconstructor",
		Image = "SentinelGlaiveWeapon.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 12#Update 12.5|Update 12.5]]",
		Magazine = 6,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Deconstructor",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 50,},
			CritChance = 0,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 1.3,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
		Reload = 3,
		Traits = {"Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Robotic",
	["Deconstructor Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Glaive",
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Family = "Deconstructor",
		Image = "DeconstructorPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Hotfix 19.11.5|Hotfix 19.11.5]]",
		Magazine = 6,
		Mastery = 8,
		Name = "Deconstructor Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 75,},
			CritChance = 0,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 1.33,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
		Reload = 3,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Robotic",
	["Laser Rifle"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Disposition = 1.21,
		Family = "Laser Rifle",
		Image = "DESentinelLaserRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 7#Update 7.0|Update 7.0]]",
		Magazine = 5,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Laser Rifle",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 0.8,
				["Puncture"] = 6.4,
				["Slash"] = 0.8,},
			CritChance = 0.025,
			CritMultiplier = 1.3,
			StatusChance = 0.02,
			FireRate = 6.7,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
		Reload = 1.2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Robotic",
	["Multron"] = {
	    Accuracy = 18.2,
	    Class = "Rifle",
	    Disposition = 1.0,
	    Image = "Multron.png",
	    Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24.0]]",
	    Magazine = 60,
	    Mastery = 3,
	    Name = "Multron",
	    NormalAttack = {
	        Damage = {
	            ["Impact"] = 1.3,
	            ["Puncture"] = 3.8,},
	        CritChance = 0.125,
	        CritMultiplier = 1.8,
	        StatusChance = 0.05,
	        FireRate = 3.33,
	        PunchThrough = 0.1,
	        ShotType = "Projectile",
	        ShotSpeed = "???",
	   Polarities = {"V"},
	   Reload = 3,
	   Traits = { "Corpus"},
	   Trigger = "Auto",
	   Type = "Robotic",
	["Prime Laser Rifle"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Disposition = 1.21,
		Family = "Laser Rifle",
		Image = "SentinelBurstLaserPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 13#Update 13.7|Update 13.7]]",
		Magazine = 5,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Prime Laser Rifle",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 1.2,
				["Puncture"] = 8.4,
				["Slash"] = 2.4,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.05,
			FireRate = 10,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
		Reload = 1.2,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Robotic",
	["Prisma Burst Laser"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		BurstFireRate = 1,
		Class = "Pistol",
		Disposition = 1.45,
		Family = "Burst Laser",
		Image = "PrismaSentinelBurstLaser.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Hotfix 17.2.2|Hotfix 17.2.2]]",
		Magazine = 15,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Prisma Burst Laser",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 1,
				["Puncture"] = 8.5,
				["Slash"] = 0.5,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
            FireRate = 1.61,
		Reload = 0,
		Traits = {"Tenno", "Prisma"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Robotic",
	["Stinger"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Rifle",
		Disposition = 1.315,
		Image = "DESentinelStinger.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
		Magazine = 4,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Stinger",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Toxin"] = 15,},
			CritChance = 0.025,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.05,
			FireRate = 3.3,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
		Reload = 1.2,
		Traits = {"Infested"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Robotic",
	["Sweeper"] = {
		Accuracy = 3.3,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Sweeper",
		Image = "DESentinelSweeper.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 10#Update 10.0|Update 10.0]]",
		Magazine = 10,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Sweeper",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 35.7,
				["Puncture"] = 2.1,
				["Slash"] = 4.2,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.14,
			PelletCount = 6,
			FireRate = 1,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "V"},
		Reload = 2.3,
		Traits = {"Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Robotic",
	["Sweeper Prime"] = {
		Accuracy = 3.3,
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Disposition = 1.0,
		Family = "Sweeper",
		Image = "SentinelSweeperPrime.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 16#Update 16.11|Update 16.11]]",
		Magazine = 20,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Sweeper Prime",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 51,
				["Puncture"] = 3,
				["Slash"] = 6,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			PelletCount = 6,
			FireRate = 1,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = {"Prime", "Vaulted"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Robotic",
	["Tazicor"] = {
	    Accuracy = 25,
	    Class = "Rifle",
	    Disposition = 1.0,
	    Image = "Taxicor.png",
	    Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24.0]]",
	    Magazine = 4,
	    Mastery = 3,
	    Name = "Tazicor",
	    NormalAttack = {
	        Damage = {
	            ["Electricity"] = 6,},
	        CritChance = 0.02,
	        CritMultiplier = 1.5,
	        StatusChance = 0.15,
	        FireRate = 8.33,
	        ShotType = "Discharge",
	    Reload = 2.5,
	    Traits = {"Corpus"},
	    Trigger = "Auto",
	    Type = "Robotic",
	["Vulcax"] = {
	    Accuracy = 100,
	    Class = "Rifle",
	    ChargeAttack = {
	        Damage = {
	            ["Heat"] = 35,},
	        CritChance = 0.2,
	        CritMultiplier = 2.5,
	        StatusChance = 0.1,
	        ChargeTime = 1,
	        FireRate = 1,
	        PunchThrough = 1,
	        ShotType = "Discharge",
	    Disposition = 1.0,
	    Image = "Vulcax.png",
	    Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24.0]]",
	    Magazine = 1,
	    Mastery = 14,
	    Name = "Vulcax",
	    Reload = 6,
	    Traits = {"Corpus"},
	    Trigger = "Charge",
	    Type = "Robotic",
	["Vulklok"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Class = "Sniper Rifle",
		Disposition = 1.245,
		Image = "SentinelElectricRailgun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.3|Update 17.3]]",
		Magazine = 10,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Vulklok",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Electricity"] = 85,},
			CritChance = 0.35,
			CritMultiplier = 2.5,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 0.15,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = {"Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Robotic",
	["Corvas"] = {
		Accuracy = 9.1,
		ChargeAttack = {
	        AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",	    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 672,
				["Puncture"] = 84,
				["Slash"] = 84,},
			ChargeTime = 0.5,
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 2,
			PelletCount = 12,			
			ShotType = "Hit-scan",
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 35000,
			MarketCost = 210,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Coronha",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.05,
		Image = "ArchLaunchGrenade.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.0|Update 15.0]]",
		Magazine = 25,
		Mastery = 1,
		Name = "Corvas",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Não Carregado",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 336,
				["Puncture"] = 42,
				["Slash"] = 42,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 2,
			PelletCount = 12,			
			ShotType = "Hit-scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 5,
		ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Arch-Gun",
	["Corvas (Atmosphere)"] = {
		Accuracy = 9.1,
		ChargeAttack = {
	        AttackName = "Charged Shot",	    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 704,
				["Puncture"] = 88,
				["Slash"] = 88,},
			ChargeTime = 0.5,
			CritChance = 0.4,
			CritMultiplier = 2.6,
			StatusChance = 0.14,
			FireRate = 2,
			PelletCount = 11,			
			ShotType = "Hit-scan",
		Class = "Shotgun",
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 35000,
			MarketCost = 210,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.05,
		Image = "ArchLaunchGrenade.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
		Link = "Corvas",
		Magazine = 25,
		Mastery = 1,
		MaxAmmo = 100,
		Name = "Corvas (Atmosphere)",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 352,
				["Puncture"] = 44,
				["Slash"] = 44,},
			CritChance = 0.4,
			CritMultiplier = 2.6,
			StatusChance = 0.14,
			FireRate = 2,
			PelletCount = 11,			
			ShotType = "Hit-scan",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
	["Cyngas"] = {
		Accuracy = 33.3,
		BurstFireRate = 6.67,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 45000,
			BPCost = 35000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Coronha",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Tellurium",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Image = "ArchBurstGun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: Specters of the Rail|Update: Specters of the Rail]]",
		Magazine = 30,
		Mastery = 4,
		Name = "Cyngas",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 66,
				["Puncture"] = 66,
				["Slash"] = 68,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 9.09,
			ShotType = "Hit-scan",
			BurstCount = 3,
		Reload = 50,
		ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Arch-Gun",
	["Cyngas (Atmosphere)"] = {
		Accuracy = 33.3,
		BurstFireRate = 6.67,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 45000,
			BPCost = 35000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Tellurium",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.3,
		Image = "ArchBurstGun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
		Link = "Cyngas",
		Magazine = 30,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 480,
		Name = "Cyngas (Atmosphere)",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 39.6,
				["Puncture"] = 39.6,
				["Slash"] = 40.8,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 9.09,
			ShotType = "Hit-scan",
			BurstCount = 3,
		Reload = 1.2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Burst",
		Type = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
	["Dual Decurion"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 45000,
			BPCost = 35000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "Item",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "Item",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Control Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Image = "ArchHeavyPistols.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.5|Update 15.5]]",
		Magazine = 32,
		Mastery = 1,
		Name = "Dual Decurion",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 27,
				["Puncture"] = 16.5,
				["Slash"] = 16.5,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 8.3,
			ShotType = "Hit-scan",
		Reload = 50,
		ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Arch-Gun",
	["Dual Decurion (Atmosphere)"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 45000,
			BPCost = 35000,
			MarketCost = 225,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Control Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.25,
		Image = "ArchHeavyPistols.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
		Link = "Dual Decurion",
		Magazine = 32,
		Mastery = 1,
		MaxAmmo = 512,
		Name = "Dual Decurion (Atmosphere)",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 49.6,
				["Puncture"] = 30.25,
				["Slash"] = 30.25,},
			CritChance = 0.28,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.14,
			FireRate = 8.3,
			ShotType = "Hit-scan",
		Reload = 1.4,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
	["Fluctus"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 210,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Coronha",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 0.9,
		Image = "ArchRocketCrossbow.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Hotfix 15.7.2|Hotfix 15.7.2]]",
		Magazine = 25,
		Mastery = 2,
		Name = "Fluctus",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 40,
				["Puncture"] = 20,
				["Slash"] = 140,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 5,
			Range = 450,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 10,
		ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Arch-Gun",
	["Fluctus (Atmosphere)"] = {
		Accuracy = 100,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 210,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Argon Crystal",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 0.9,
		Image = "ArchRocketCrossbow.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
		Link = "Fluctus",
		Magazine = 40,
		Mastery = 2,
		MaxAmmo = 160,
		Name = "Fluctus (Atmosphere)",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 50,
				["Puncture"] = 25,
				["Slash"] = 175,},
			CritChance = 0.22,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.16,
			FireRate = 5,
			Range = 450,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
		Polarities = {"Bar"},
		Reload = 3,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
		Type = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
	["Grattler"] = {
		Accuracy = 25,
		AreaAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Explosion",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 10,
				["Puncture"] = 80,
				["Slash"] = 10,},
		Cost = {
			Credits = 65000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 250,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Tellurium",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 6000,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 3500,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 0.95,
		Image = "GrnAntiAirGun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.0|Update 17.0]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		Mastery = 4,
		Name = "Grattler",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 17.5,
				["Puncture"] = 140,
				["Slash"] = 17.5,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 6.25,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 10,
		ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Arch-Gun",
	["Grattler (Atmosphere)"] = {
		Accuracy = 25,
		AreaAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Explosion",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 10,
				["Puncture"] = 80,
				["Slash"] = 10,},
		Cost = {
			Credits = 65000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 250,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Tellurium",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 6000,},
				{ Name = "Oxium",Type = "Resource",Count = 3500,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Disposition = 0.95,
		Image = "GrnAntiAirGun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
		Link = "Grattler",
		Magazine = 30,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 180,
		Name = "Grattler (Atmosphere)",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Projectile Impact",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 19.7,
				["Puncture"] = 157.8,
				["Slash"] = 19.7,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 6.25,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
	["Imperator"] = {
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Morphics",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Ferrite",Type = "Resource",Count = 1500,},
				{ Name = "Polymer Bundle",Type = "Resource",Count = 150,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},},
		Accuracy = 25,
		Disposition = 0.85,
		Family = "Imperator",
		Image = "ArchwingMachinegun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.0|Update 15.0]]",
		Magazine = 250,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Imperator",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 16,
				["Puncture"] = 14,
				["Slash"] = 10,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.05,
			FireRate = 16.7,
			ShotType = "Hit-scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 50,
		ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Arch-Gun",
    ["Imperator (Atmosphere)"] = {
		Accuracy = 25,
		Disposition = 0.85,
		Image = "ArchwingMachinegun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
		Link = "Imperator",
		Magazine = 200,
		Mastery = 0,
		MaxAmmo = 800,
		Name = "Imperator (Atmosphere)",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 20,
				["Puncture"] = 17.5,
				["Slash"] = 12.5,},
			CritChance = 0.24,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.12,
			FireRate = 16.7,
			ShotType = "Hit-scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
	["Imperator Vandal"] = {
		Accuracy = 25,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Tellurium",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 0.85,
		Family = "Imperator",
		Image = "ImperatorVandal.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.8|Update 15.8]]",
		Magazine = 300,
		Mastery = 5,
		Name = "Imperator Vandal",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 16,
				["Puncture"] = 14,
				["Slash"] = 10,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.10,
			FireRate = 16.67,
			ShotType = "Hit-scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 75,
		ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
		Traits = { "Tenno", "Vandal"},
		Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
		Type = "Arch-Gun",
	["Imperator Vandal (Atmosphere)"] = {
		Accuracy = 25,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Tellurium",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},},
		Disposition = 0.85,
		Image = "ImperatorVandal.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
		Link = "Imperator Vandal",
		Magazine = 300,
		Mastery = 5,
		MaxAmmo = 1200,
		Name = "Imperator Vandal (Atmosphere)",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 20,
				["Puncture"] = 17.5,
				["Slash"] = 12.5,},
			CritChance = 0.28,
			CritMultiplier = 2.4,
			StatusChance = 0.12,
			FireRate = 25,
			ShotType = "Hit-scan",
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno", "Vandal"},
		Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
		Type = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
	["Larkspur"] = {
		Accuracy = 8.3,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 125,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Crisma Toroid",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Venerdo Alloy",Type = "Resource",Count = 80,},
				{ Name = "Radiant Zodian",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Ecosynth Analyzer",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},},
		Disposition = 0.8,
		Image = "Larkspur.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.4|Update 24.4]]",
		Magazine = 600,
		Mastery = 8,
		Name = "Larkspur",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 10,
				["Radiation"] = 80,},
			CritChance = 0.10,
			CritMultiplier = 1.4,
			StatusChance = 0.50,
			FireRate = 12,
		ChargeAttack = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 200,
				["Blast"] = 250,
				["Radiation"] = 1300,},
			CritChance = 0.26,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.34,
			FireRate = 1,
			ChargeTime = 0.5,
		Reload = 50,
		ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
		Traits = {"Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Arch-Gun",
	["Larkspur (Atmosphere)"] = {
		Accuracy = 8.3,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 20000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 125,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Crisma Toroid",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Venerdo Alloy",Type = "Resource",Count = 80,},
				{ Name = "Radiant Zodian",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Ecosynth Analyzer",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},},
		Disposition = 0.8,
		Image = "Larkspur.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.4|Update 24.4]]",
		Link = "Larkspur",
		Magazine = 100,
		MaxAmmo = 400,
		Mastery = 8,
		Name = "Larkspur",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 10,
				["Radiation"] = 80,},
			CritChance = 0.10,
			CritMultiplier = 1.4,
			StatusChance = 0.50,
			FireRate = 12,
		ChargeAttack = {
			Accuracy = 100,
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 200,
				["Blast"] = 250,
				["Radiation"] = 1300,},
			CritChance = 0.26,
			CritMultiplier = 2.2,
			StatusChance = 0.34,
			FireRate = 1,
			ChargeTime = 0.5,
		Reload = 2.5,
		Traits = {"Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Held",
		Type = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
	["Phaedra"] = {
		Accuracy = 10.5,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 45000,
			BPCost = 35000,
			MarketCost = 220,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Coronha",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Tellurium",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.15,
		Image = "ArchLongRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.5|Update 17.5]]",
		Magazine = 250,
		Mastery = 3,
		Name = "Phaedra",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 11.25,
				["Puncture"] = 29.25,
				["Slash"] = 4.5,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 18.75,
			ShotType = "Hit-scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 50,
		ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
		Type = "Arch-Gun",
	["Phaedra (Atmosphere)"] = {
		Accuracy = 10.5,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 45000,
			BPCost = 35000,
			MarketCost = 220,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Tellurium",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Disposition = 1.15,
		Image = "ArchLongRifle.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
		Link = "Phaedra",
		Magazine = 250,
		Mastery = 3,
		MaxAmmo = 960,
		Name = "Phaedra (Atmosphere)",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 14,
				["Puncture"] = 36.4,
				["Slash"] = 6,},
			CritChance = 0.14,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 18.75,
			ShotType = "Hit-scan",
		Polarities = {"V"},
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto-Spool",
		Type = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
	["Velocitus"] = {
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 200,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Cano",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receptor",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Coronha",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Control Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		ChargeAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Carregado",
			Damage = {
				["Magnetic"] = 1800,},
			ChargeTime = 1,
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
	    	FireRate = 5,			
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
		Disposition = 1.05,
    	Image = "ArchRailgun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.2|Update 15.2]]",
		Magazine = 100,
		Mastery = 4,
		Name = "Velocitus",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Tiro Não Carregado",
			Damage = {
				["Magnetic"] = 200,},
			FireRate = 5,		
		Reload = 25,
		ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Arch-Gun",
		Trigger = "Charge",
	["Velocitus (Atmosphere)"] = {
		Accuracy = 28.6,
		Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 200,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Barrel",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Receiver",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Stock",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Control Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},},
		ChargeAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Charged Shot",
			Damage = {
				["Magnetic"] = 1200,},
			ChargeTime = 1,
			CritChance = 0.3,
			CritMultiplier = 3,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
	    	FireRate = 5,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
            ShotSpeed = "???",
		Disposition = 1.05,
    	Image = "ArchRailgun.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
		Link = "Velocitus",
		Magazine = 10,
		Mastery = 4,
		MaxAmmo = 60,
		Name = "Velocitus (Atmosphere)",
		NormalAttack = {
		    AttackName = "Uncharged Shot",
			Damage = {
				["Magnetic"] = 133,},
			FireRate = 5,		
		Reload = 2,
		Traits = {"Tenno"},
		Type = "Arch-Gun (Atmosphere)",
		Trigger = "Charge",
	["Agkuza"] = {
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 35000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Handle",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Tellurium",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},},
		Image = "ArchHookSword.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 19#Update: Specters of the Rail|Update: Specters of the Rail]]",
		JumpAttack = 350,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Agkuza",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 52.5,
				["Puncture"] = 245,
				["Slash"] = 52.5,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		SlideAttack = 750,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Arch-Melee",
		WallAttack = 350,
	["Centaur"] = {
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 35000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Aegis",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},},
		Image = "Archswordandshield.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Hotfix 15.7.2|Hotfix 15.7.2]]",
		JumpAttack = 280,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Centaur",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 28,
				["Puncture"] = 56,
				["Slash"] = 196,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 600,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Arch-Melee",
		WallAttack = 280,
	["Kaszas"] = {
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 35000,
			MarketCost = 150,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Tellurium",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},},
		Image = "ArchScythe.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.5|Update 17.5]]",
		JumpAttack = 325,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Kaszas",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 16.3,
				["Puncture"] = 260,
				["Slash"] = 48.7,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.15,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		SlideAttack = 696,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Arch-Melee",
	["Knux"] = {
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 30000,
			BPCost = 15000,
			MarketCost = 170,
			Rush = 35,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Detonite Injector",Type = "Resource",Count = 5,},
				{ Name = "Gallium",Type = "Resource",Count = 10,},
				{ Name = "Forma",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Furax",Type = "Weapon",Count = 1,},},
		Image = "GrnArchHand.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.2|Update 17.2]]",
		JumpAttack = 325,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Knux",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 292.5,
				["Puncture"] = 16.25,
				["Slash"] = 16.25,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		SlideAttack = 696,
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Arch-Melee",
		Users = {"[[Tyl Regor]]"},
		WallAttack = 325,
	["Onorix"] = {
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 35000,
			MarketCost = 190,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "Item",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 3,},},
		Image = "Archaxe.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.0|Update 15.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 290,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Onorix",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 87,
				["Puncture"] = 58,
				["Slash"] = 145,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 1.3,
			StatusChance = 0.05,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 621,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Arch-Melee",
		WallAttack = 290,
	["Rathbone"] = {
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			BPCost = 35000,
			MarketCost = 160,
			Rush = 50,
			Time = 12,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Lamina",Type = "Item",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Cabo",Type = "Item",Count = 1,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 300,},
				{ Name = "Control Module",Type = "Resource",Count = 1,},},
		Image = "ArchHammer.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.0|Update 15.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 280,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Rathbone",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 224,
				["Puncture"] = 42,
				["Slash"] = 14,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.075,
			FireRate = 0.917,
		Polarities = {"V"},
		SlideAttack = 600,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Arch-Melee",
		WallAttack = 280,
	["Prisma Veritux"] = {
		Family = "Veritux",
		Image = "PrismaVerituxFix.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Hotfix 15.13.3|Hotfix 15.13.3]]",
		JumpAttack = 300,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Prisma Veritux",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 45,
				["Puncture"] = 45,
				["Slash"] = 210,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			FireRate = 1,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		SlideAttack = 643,
		Traits = { "Tenno", "Prisma"},
		Type = "Arch-Melee",
		WallAttack = 300,
	["Veritux"] = {
	    Cost = {
			Credits = 25000,
			Time = 24,
			Parts = {
				{ Name = "Rubedo",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},
				{ Name = "Salvage",Type = "Resource",Count = 1000,},
				{ Name = "Neurodes",Type = "Resource",Count = 2,},
				{ Name = "Circuits",Type = "Resource",Count = 500,},},
		Family = "Veritux",
		Image = "ArchSword.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 15#Update 15.0|Update 15.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 300,
		Mastery = 0,
		Name = "Veritux",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 45,
				["Puncture"] = 45,
				["Slash"] = 210,},
			CritChance = 0.05,
			CritMultiplier = 1.5,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.833,
		Polarities = {"D"},
		SlideAttack = 643,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Arch-Melee",
		WallAttack = 300,
	["Rampart"] = {
		Class = "Dual Machine Gun",
		IgnoreCategories = true,
		Image = "Rampart.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 17#Update 17.0|Update 17.0]]",
		Magazine = 200,
		Name = "Rampart",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 66.7,
				["Puncture"] = 66.7,
				["Slash"] = 66.6,},
			FireRate = 13.3,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Reload = 50,
		ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Emplacement",
		Users = {"[[Lancer]]", "[[Elite Lancer]]", "[[Trooper]]", "[[Seeker]]"},
	["Dargyn"] = {
		Class = "Turret",
		IgnoreCategories = true,
		Image = "GrnSkiffMissile.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.12|Update 22.12]]",
		Magazine = 75,
		Name = "Dargyn",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 150,
				["Puncture"] = 150,
				["Slash"] = 150,},
			FireRate = 9.03,
			ShotSpeed = 300,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
		ReloadStyle = "Regenerate",
		Reload = 41.7,
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Traits = { "Grineer"},
		Type = "Vehicle",
		Users = {"[[Dargyn Pilot]]"},
    ["Lanzo"] = {
	    Name = "Lanzo",
	    Family = "Fishing Spear",
	    Type = "Gear",
	    Class = "Thrown",
    	Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
    	Image = "IconFishingSpear1.png",
    	Range = 20,
    	NormalAttack = {
    		Damage = {
    			["Impact"] = 10.0,},
		    CritMultiplier = 2.0,
    		StatusChance = 0.0,
    	Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.0|Update 22.0]]",
    	Traits = { "Cetus"},
    ["Tulok"] = {
    	Name = "Tulok",
    	Family = "Fishing Spear",
    	Type = "Gear",
    	Class = "Thrown",
    	Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
    	Image = "IconFishingSpear2.png",
    	Range = 20,
    	NormalAttack = {
    		Damage = {
    			["Puncture"] = 10.0,},
    		CritMultiplier = 2.0,
    		StatusChance = 0.0,
    	Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.0|Update 22.0]]",
    	Traits = { "Cetus"},
    ["Peram"] = {
    	Name = "Peram",
    	Family = "Fishing Spear",
    	Type = "Gear",
    	Class = "Thrown",
    	Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
    	Image = "FishingSpearT3Peram.png",
    	Range = 20,
    	NormalAttack = {
    		Damage = {
    			["Slash"] = 10.0,},
    		--CritChance = ,
    		CritMultiplier = 2.0,
    		StatusChance = 0.0,
    		--FireRate = ,
    	Introduced = "[[Update 22#Update 22.0|Update 22.0]]",
    	Traits = { "Cetus"},
   ["Shockprod"] = {
	    Name = "Shockprod",
	    Family = "Fishing Spear",
	    Type = "Gear",
	    Class = "Thrown",
    	Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
    	Image = "Shockprod.png",
    	--[[Range = 20,
    	NormalAttack = {
    		Damage = {
    			["Impact"] = 10.0,},
		    CritMultiplier = 2.0,
    		StatusChance = 0.0,
    	Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24.0]]",
    	Traits = { "Orb Vallis"},
   ["Stunna"] = {
	    Name = "Stunna",
	    Family = "Fishing Spear",
	    Type = "Gear",
	    Class = "Thrown",
    	Trigger = "Semi-Auto",
    	Image = "Stunna.png",
    	--[[Range = 20,
    	NormalAttack = {
    		Damage = {
    			["Impact"] = 10.0,},
		    CritMultiplier = 2.0,
    		StatusChance = 0.0,
    	Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24.0]]",
    	Traits = { "Orb Vallis"},
["Artemis Bow (Arma)"] = {
		Name = "Artemis Bow",
		Accuracy = 100,
		ChargeAttack = {
			AttackName = "Charged Shot",
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 235.2,
				["Puncture"] = 1344,
				["Slash"] = 100.8,},
			ChargeTime = 1,
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2.0,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			PelletCount = 7,
			PelletName = "Flecha",
	    	PunchThrough = 1,
			ShotSpeed = 85,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
		Class = "Exalted Weapon",
		Conclave = true,
		Image = "EWArtemisBow.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.0|Update 23.0]]",
		Link = "Artemis Bow (Arma)",
		Magazine = 1,
		NormalAttack = {	    
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 235.2,
				["Puncture"] = 1344,
				["Slash"] = 100.8,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2.0,
			StatusChance = 0.2,
			PelletCount = 7,
			PelletName = "Flecha",
	    	PunchThrough = 1,
			ShotSpeed = 70,
			ShotType = "Projectile",
		Polarities = {"V", "V", "Bar"},
		Reload = 0.9,
		Traits = {"Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Charge",
		Type = "Primary",
		Users = {"[[Ivara]]"},
	["Balefire Charger"] = {
	    Name = "Balefire Charger",
	    Accuracy = 100,
	    AmmoType = "Shields",
	    Class = "Exalted Weapon",
	    Conclave = false,
	    Image = "BalefireCharger.png",
	    Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.4|Update 24.4]]",
	    MaxAmmo = 0,
	    NormalAttack = {
	        Damage = {
	            ["Electricity"] = 500,},
	        CritChance = 0.05,
	        CritMultiplier = 1.5,
	        StatusChance = 0.1,
	        FireRate = 0.833,
	        ShotType = "Projectile",
	        ShotSpeed = 20,
	    Polarities = {"V", "V"},
	    Traits = {"Tenno"},
	    Trigger = "Charge",
	    Type = "Secondary",
	    Spool = 2,
	    Users = {"[[Hildryn]]"},
    ["Dex Pixia"] = {
    	Name = "Dex Pixia",
    	Accuracy = 23,
		Class = "Exalted Weapon",
		Conclave = true,
		Image = "EWDexPixia.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.0|Update 23.0]]",
		Magazine = 60,
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 16,
				["Puncture"] = 16,
				["Slash"] = 128,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2.0,
			StatusChance = 0.25,
			FireRate = 5.83,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "V", "Bar"},
		Reload = 0.3,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Titania]]"},
["Regulators (Arma)"] = {
		Class = "Exalted Weapon",
		Conclave = true,
		Image = "EWRegulators.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.0|Update 23.0]]",
		Magazine = 100,
		Name = "Regulators",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 25,
				["Puncture"] = 12.5,
				["Slash"] = 12.5,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 3.0,
			FireRate = 14.8,
			Range = 50,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar", "Bar"},
		Reload = 1.8,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Mesa]]", "[[Mesa Prime]]"},
    ["Regulators Prime"] = {
		Class = "Exalted Weapon",
		Conclave = false,
	--	Image = "EWRegulators.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Hotfix 24.2.2|Hotfix 24.2.2]]",
	--	Magazine = 100,
		Name = "Regulators Prime",
		NormalAttack = {--needs to be updated
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 25,
				["Puncture"] = 12.5,
				["Slash"] = 12.5,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 3.0,
			FireRate = 14.8,
			Range = 50,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			ShotType = "Hit-Scan",
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar", "Bar"},
		Reload = 1.8,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Trigger = "Auto",
		Type = "Secondary",
		Users = {"[[Mesa Prime]]"},
	["Desert Wind"] = {
        Name = "Desert Wind",
        BlockResist = 0.8,
		Class = "Exalted Weapon",
		--Conclave = true,
		Image = "Desert Wind.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.2|Update 24.2]]",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 250,
			CritChance = 0.5,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1.00,
		Polarities = {"V", "V", "Bar"},
		--SlideAttack = 429,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Baruuk]]"},
		WallAttack = 750,
    ["Diwata"] = {
        Name = "Diwata",
        BlockResist = 0.8,
		Class = "Exalted Weapon",
		Conclave = true,
		Image = "EWDiwata.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.0|Update 23.0]]",
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 30,
				["Puncture"] = 150,
				["Slash"] = 20,},
			CritChance = 0.2,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1.08,
		Polarities = {"V", "V", "Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 429,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Titania]]"},
		WallAttack = 200,
["Exalted Blade (Arma)"] = {
        Name = "Exalted Blade",
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Exalted Weapon",
		Conclave = true,
		Image = "EWExaltedBlade.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.0|Update 23.0]]",
		Link = "Exalted Blade (Arma)",
		JumpAttack = 500,
		JumpRadius = 5,
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 37.5,
				["Puncture"] = 37.5,
				["Slash"] = 175,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.833,
			ShotSpeed = 15,
			Range = 40,
		Polarities = {"V", "V", "Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 536,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Excalibur]]", "[[Excalibur Prime]]", "[[Excalibur Umbra]]"},
		WallAttack = 1000,
	["Umbra Exalted Blade (Weapon)"] = {
        Name = "Exalted Blade (Umbra)",
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Exalted Weapon",
		Conclave = true,
		Image = "EWExaltedBlade.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.0|Update 23.0]]",
		Link = "Exalted Blade (Weapon)",
		JumpAttack = 500,
		JumpRadius = 5,
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 37.5,
				["Puncture"] = 37.5,
				["Slash"] = 175,},
			CritChance = 0.15,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 0.833,
			ShotSpeed = 15,
			Range = 40,
		Polarities = {"Q", "Q"},
		SlideAttack = 536,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Excalibur Umbra]]"},
		WallAttack = 1000,
	["Garuda's Talons"] = {
        Name = "Garuda's Talons",
		BlockResist = 0.8,
		Class = "Exalted Weapon",
		Conclave = false,
		Image = "GarudaMeleeClaws.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 24#Update 24.0|Update 24.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 300,
		JumpRadius = 5,
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 5.8,
				["Puncture"] = 15.8,
				["Slash"] = 50.4,},
			CritChance = 0.1,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.3,
			FireRate = 1.0,
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar"},
		StancePolarity = "V",
		SlideAttack = 216,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Garuda]]"},
		WallAttack = 216,
	["Iron Staff"] = {
        Name = "Iron Staff",
		BlockResist = 0.6,
		Class = "Exalted Weapon",
		Conclave = true,
		Image = "EWIronStaff.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.0|Update 23.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 500,
		JumpRadius = 3,
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 212.5,
				["Puncture"] = 37.5,},
			CritChance = 0.25,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1.0,
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar", "Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 536,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Wukong]]"},
		WallAttack = 417,
	["Valkyr Talons"] = {
        Name = "Valkyr Talons",
		BlockResist = 0.8,
		Class = "Exalted Weapon",
		Conclave = true,
		Image = "EWValkyrTalons.png",
		Introduced = "[[Update 23#Update 23.0|Update 23.0]]",
		JumpAttack = 300,
		JumpRadius = 5,
		NormalAttack = {
			Damage = {
				["Impact"] = 83.3,
				["Puncture"] = 83.3,
				["Slash"] = 83.3,},
			CritChance = 0.5,
			CritMultiplier = 2,
			StatusChance = 0.1,
			FireRate = 1.5,
		Polarities = {"V", "Bar", "Bar"},
		SlideAttack = 750,
		Traits = { "Tenno"},
		Type = "Melee",
		Users = {"[[Valkyr]]", "[[Valkyr Prime]]"},
		WallAttack = 750,

["Stances"] = {
    {Name = "Iron Phoenix", Class = "Sword", Polarity = "R", Image = "IronPhoenixMod.png",},
    {Name = "Crimson Dervish", Class = "Sword", Polarity = "V", Image = "CrimsonDervishMod.png",},
    {Name = "Vengeful Revenant", Class = "Sword", Polarity = "V", Image = "VengefulRevenantMod.png",},
    {Name = "Swooping Falcon", Class = "Sword", Polarity = "V", Image = "SwoopingFalcon.png"},
    {Name = "Crossing Snakes", Class = "Dual Swords", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "CrossingSnakesMod.png",},
    {Name = "Swirling Tiger", Class = "Dual Swords", Polarity = "Ability", Image = "SwirlingTigerMod.png",},
    {Name = "Carving Mantis", Class = "Dual Swords", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "CarvingMantisMod.png"},
    {Name = "Tranquil Cleave", Class = "Nikana", Polarity = "V", Image = "TranquilCleaveMod.png",},
    {Name = "Decisive Judgement", Class = "Nikana", Polarity = "V", Image = "DecisiveJudgementMod.png",},
    {Name = "Blind Justice", Class = "Nikana", Polarity = "V", Image = "BlindJusticeMod.png",},
    {Name = "Pointed Wind", Class = "Dagger", Polarity = "V", Image = "PointedWindModU145.png",},
    {Name = "Homing Fang", Class = "Dagger", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "HomingFangNew.png",},
    {Name = "Stinging Thorn", Class = "Dagger", Polarity = "V", Image = "StingingThornMod.png",},
    {Name = "Gnashing Payara", Class = "Dual Daggers", Polarity = "R", Image = "GnashingPayaraModU145.png",},
    {Name = "Sinking Talon", Class = "Dual Daggers", Polarity = "Ability", Image = "SinkingTalon.png",},
    {Name = "Spinning Needle", Class = "Dual Daggers", Polarity = "D", Image = "SpinningNeedleMod.png",},
    {Name = "Sundering Weave", Class = "Machete", Polarity = "Ability", Image = "SunderingWeaveModU145.png",},
    {Name = "Cyclone Kraken", Class = "Machete", Polarity = "Ability", Image = "CycloneKrakenMod.png",},
    {Name = "Seismic Palm", Class = "Fist", Polarity = "D", Image = "SeismicPalmModU145.png",},
    {Name = "Fracturing Wind", Class = "Fist", Polarity = "R", Image = "FracturingWindModU145.png",},
    {Name = "Gaia's Tragedy", Class = "Fist", Polarity = "D", Image = "Gaia%27sTragedyMod.png",},
    {Name = "Grim Fury", Class = "Sparring", Polarity = "R", Image = "GrimFuryModU145.png",},
    {Name = "Brutal Tide", Class = "Sparring", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "BrutalTideNew.png",},
    {Name = "Gleaming Talon", Class = "Glaive", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "GleamingTalonModU145.png",},
    {Name = "Astral Twilight", Class = "Glaive", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "AstralTwilight.png",},
    {Name = "Clashing Forest", Class = "Staff", Polarity = "V", Image = "ClashingForestModU145.png",},
    {Name = "Flailing Branch", Class = "Staff", Polarity = "R", Image = "FlailingBranchModU145.png",},
    {Name = "Shimmering Blight", Class = "Polearm", Polarity = "Ability", Image = "ShimmeringBlightModU145.png",},
    {Name = "Bleeding Willow", Class = "Polearm", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "BleedingWillowModU145.png",},
    {Name = "Twirling Spire", Class = "Polearm", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "TwirlingSpireMod.png"},
    {Name = "Burning Wasp", Class = "Whip", Polarity = "D", Image = "BurningWaspModU145.png",},
    {Name = "Coiling Viper", Class = "Whip", Polarity = "Ability", Image = "CoilingViperModU145.png",},
    {Name = "Reaping Spiral", Class = "Scythe", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "ReapingSpiralModU145.png",},
    {Name = "Stalking Fan", Class = "Scythe", Polarity = "Ability", Image = "StalkingFanNew.png",},
    {Name = "Cleaving Whirlwind", Class = "Heavy Blade", Polarity = "D", Image = "CleavingWhirlwindModU145.png",},
    {Name = "Rending Crane", Class = "Heavy Blade", Polarity = "V", Image = "RendingCraneModU145.png",},
    {Name = "Tempo Royale", Class = "Heavy Blade", Polarity = "D", Image = "TempoRoyale.png",},
    {Name = "Shattering Storm", Class = "Hammer", Polarity = "D", Image = "ShatteringStormModU145.png",},
    {Name = "Crushing Ruin", Class = "Hammer", Polarity = "V", Image = "CrushingRuinNew.png",},
    {Name = "Four Riders", Class = "Claws", Polarity = "V", Image = "FourRiders.png",},
    {Name = "Malicious Raptor", Class = "Claws", Polarity = "V", Image = "MaliciousRaptorNew.png",},
    {Name = "Vermillion Storm", Class = "Claws", Polarity = "V", Image = "VermillionStorm.png",},
    {Name = "Eleventh Storm", Class = "Sword and Shield", Polarity = "V", Image = "EleventhStormModU145.png",},
    {Name = "Final Harbinger", Class = "Sword and Shield", Polarity = "V", Image = "Harbinger.png",},
    {Name = "Gemini Cross", Class = "Tonfa", Polarity = "V", Image = "GeminiCrossNew.png",},
    {Name = "Sovereign Outcast", Class = "Tonfa", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "SovereignOutcastMod.png",},
    {Name = "High Noon", Class = "Gunblade", Polarity = "V", Image = "HighNoon.png",},
    {Name = "Bullet Dance", Class = "Gunblade", Polarity = "V", Image = "BulletDanceMod.png",},
    {Name = "Atlantis Vulcan", Class = "Nunchaku", Polarity = "D", Image = "AtlantisVulcan.png",},
    {Name = "Defiled Snapdragon", Class = "Blade and Whip", Polarity = "V", Image = "DefiledSnapdragonNew.png",},
    {Name = "Vulpine Mask", Class = "Rapier", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "VulpineMask.png",},
    {Name = "Slicing Feathers", Class = "Warfan", Polarity = "Bar", Image = "SlicingFeathersMod.png",},
    {Name = "Wise Razor", Class = "Two-Handed Nikana", Polarity = "V", Image = "WiseRazorMod.png",},
    {Name = "Fateful Truth", Class = "Nikana", Polarity = "V", PvP = true, Image = "FatefulTruthMod.png",},
    {Name = "Rising Steel", Class = "Sword", Polarity = "R", PvP = true, Image = "RisingSteelMod.png",},
    {Name = "Dividing Blades", Class = "Dual Swords", Polarity = "Bar", PvP = true, Image = "DividingBladesMod.png",},
    {Name = "Last Herald", Class = "Sword and Shield", Polarity = "V", PvP = true, Image = "LastHeraldMod.png",},
    {Name = "Crashing Timber", Class = "Staff", Polarity = "V", PvP = true, Image = "CrashingTimberMod.png",},
    {Name = "Argent Scourge", Class = "Polearm", Polarity = "Ability", PvP = true, Image = "ArgentScourgeMod.png",},
    {Name = "Piercing Fury", Class = "Dagger", Polarity = "Bar", PvP = true, Image = "PiercingFuryMod.png",},
    {Name = "Biting Piranha", Class = "Dual Daggers", Polarity = "R", PvP = true, Image = "BitingPiranhaMod.png",},
    {Name = "Rending Wind", Class = "Machete", Polarity = "Ability", PvP = true, Image = "RendingWindMod.png",},
    {Name = "Mafic Rain", Class = "Nunchaku", Polarity = "D", PvP = true, Image = "MaficRainMod.png",},
    {Name = "Cunning Aspect", Class = "Rapier", Polarity = "Bar", PvP = true, Image = "CunningAspectMod.png",},
    {Name = "Noble Cadence", Class = "Heavy Blade", Polarity = "V", PvP = true, Image = "NobleCadenceMod.png",},
    {Name = "Crashing Havoc", Class = "Hammer", Polarity = "D", PvP = true, Image = "CrashingHavocMod.png",},
    {Name = "Shadow Harvest", Class = "Scythe", Polarity = "Bar", PvP = true, Image = "ShadowHarvestMod.png",},
    {Name = "Quaking Hand", Class = "Fist", Polarity = "R", PvP = true, Image = "QuakingHandMod.png",},
    {Name = "Vicious Approach", Class = "Sparring", Polarity = "Bar", PvP = true, Image = "ViciousApproachMod.png",},
    {Name = "Celestial Nightfall", Class = "Glaive", Polarity = "Bar", PvP = true, Image = "CelestialNightfallMod.png",},
    {Name = "Lashing Coil", Class = "Whip", Polarity = "Ability", PvP = true, Image = "LashingCoilMod.png",},
    {Name = "Scarlet Hurricane", Class = "Claws", Polarity = "V", PvP = true, Image = "ScarletHurricaneMod.png",},
    {Name = "Star Divide", Class = "Tonfa", Polarity = "V", PvP = true, Image = "StarDivideMod.png",},
    {Name = "Tainted Hydra", Class = "Blade and Whip", Polarity = "V", PvP = true, Image = "TaintedHydraMod.png",},
    {Name = "Exalted Blade", Class = "Exalted Weapon", Weapon = "Exalted Blade", Link = "Exalted Blade (Stance)", Image = "ExaltedBladeStance.png",},
    {Name = "Hysteria", Class = "Exalted Weapon", Weapon = "Valkyr Talons", Link = "Hysteria (Stance)", Image = "HysteriaStance.png",},
    {Name = "Primal Fury", Class = "Exalted Weapon", Weapon = "Iron Staff", Link = "Primal Fury (Stance)", Image = "PrimalFuryStance.png",},
["Augments"] = {
    {Name = "Justice Blades", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Steel Meridian", Weapons = {"Dual Cleavers", "Prisma Dual Cleavers"}},
    {Name = "Shattering Justice", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Steel Meridian", Weapons = {"Sobek"}},
    {Name = "Scattered Justice", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Steel Meridian", Weapons = {"Hek"}},
    {Name = "Neutralizing Justice", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Steel Meridian", Weapons = {"Miter"}},
    {Name = "Blade of Truth", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Arbiters of Hexis", Weapons = {"Jaw Sword"}},
    {Name = "Gilded Truth", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Arbiters of Hexis", Weapons = {"Burston Prime"}},
    {Name = "Stinging Truth", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Arbiters of Hexis", Weapons = {"Viper"}},
    {Name = "Avenging Truth", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Arbiters of Hexis", Weapons = {"Silva & Aegis", "Silva & Aegis Prime"}},
    {Name = "Entropy Burst", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Cephalon Suda", Weapons = {"Supra", "Supra Vandal"}},
    {Name = "Entropy Flight", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Cephalon Suda", Weapons = {"Kestrel"}},    
    {Name = "Entropy Spike", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Cephalon Suda", Weapons = {"Bolto"}},
    {Name = "Entropy Detonation", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Cephalon Suda", Weapons = {"Obex", "Prisma Obex"}},
    {Name = "Deadly Sequence", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "The Perrin Sequence", Weapons = {"Grinlok", "Prisma Grinlok"}},
    {Name = "Sequence Burn", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "The Perrin Sequence", Weapons = {"Spectra"}},
    {Name = "Toxic Sequence", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "The Perrin Sequence", Weapons = {"Acrid"}},
    {Name = "Voltage Sequence", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "The Perrin Sequence", Weapons = {"Lanka"}},
    {Name = "Eroding Blight", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Red Veil", Weapons = {"Embolist"}},
    {Name = "Gleaming Blight", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Red Veil", Weapons = {"Dark Dagger", "Rakta Dark Dagger"}},
    {Name = "Toxic Blight", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Red Veil", Weapons = {"Mire"}},
    {Name = "Stockpiled Blight", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Red Veil", Weapons = {"Kunai", "MK1-Kunai"}},
    {Name = "Bright Purity", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "New Loka", Weapons = {"Skana", "Prisma Skana", "Skana Prime"}},
    {Name = "Lasting Purity", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "New Loka", Weapons = {"Vulkar", "Vulkar Wraith"}},
    {Name = "Winds of Purity", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "New Loka", Weapons = {"Furis"}},
    {Name = "Disarming Purity", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "New Loka", Weapons = {"Panthera"}},
    {Name = "Tether Grenades", Category = "Arena", Source = "The Index", Weapons = {"Penta", "Secura Penta"}},
    {Name = "Flux Overdrive", Category = "Arena", Source = "The Index", Weapons = {"Flux Rifle"}},
    {Name = "Thermagnetic Shells", Category = "Arena", Source = "The Index", Weapons = {"Detron", "Mara Detron"}},
    {Name = "Static Discharge", Category = "Arena", Source = "The Index", Weapons = {"Prova", "Prova Vandal"}},
    {Name = "Kinetic Ricochet", Category = "Arena", Source = "The Index", Weapons = {"Tetra", "Prisma Tetra"}},    
    {Name = "Electromagnetic Shielding", Category = "Arena", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Ack & Brunt"}},
    {Name = "Vulcan Blitz", Category = "Arena", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Jat Kittag"}},
    {Name = "Acid Shells", Category = "Arena", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Sobek"}},
    {Name = "Rift Strike", Category = "Arena", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Twin Basolk"}},
    {Name = "Nightwatch Napalm", Category = "Arena", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Ogris"}},
    {Name = "Fomorian Accelerant", Category = "Arena", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Drakgoon"}},
    {Name = "Hunter's Bonesaw", Category = "Arena", Source = "Kela De Thaym", Weapons = {"Ripkas"}},
    {Name = "Wild Frenzy", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Nightwave", Weapons = {"Grakata", "Prisma Grakata"}},
    {Name = "Napalm Grenades", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Nightwave", Weapons = {"Penta"}},
    {Name = "Bursting Mass", Category = "Syndicate", Source = "Nightwave", Weapons = {"Mutalist Quanta"}},
    {Name = "Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger", Category = "Amalgam", Source = "Ropalolyst", Weapons = {"Argonak"}},
	{Name = "Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired", Category = "Amalgam", Source = "Ropalolyst", Weapons = {"Daikyu"}},
	{Name = "Amalgam Furax Body Count", Category = "Amalgam", Source = "Ropalolyst", Weapons = {"Furax","Furax Wraith","MK1-Furax"}},
	{Name = "Amalgam Javlok Magazine Warp", Category = "Amalgam", Source = "Ropalolyst", Weapons = {"Javlok"}},
	{Name = "Amalgam Ripkas True Steel", Category = "Amalgam", Source = "Ropalolyst", Weapons = {"Ripkas"}},

return WeaponData