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O devorador de planetas e de todo o resto.

Banqueteando-se com inimigos como seu próprio buffet pessoal, sua fome de batalha é primordial. Este é Grendel, o devorador, o insaciável.

O jantar é melhor servido com um lado do caos. Bon appétit, Tenno.

Muitos Warframes têm velocidade e flexibilidade, mas poder, momento, impacto ... esses exigem massa.

E lá ... a seção amassada - a costura. Ele se divide? Bocejando com uma abertura irregular e vaga para ... para quem sabe? Um certo Orokin pode ter descoberto.

Naquela noite, quando o povo de Riddha se alimentou, festejou até que as montanhas congeladas se iluminassem calorosamente com o amanhecer. Foi em direção aos picos rosados que o Executor fugiu, perseguido por Grendel. Não sei dizer qual era o destino dele, mas, como as pessoas festejavam, a história continua, elas foram subitamente atingidas por um som estranho e profundo. Um estrondo carregado de montanha em montanha: um Single. Satisfeito. Arroto.

Data de Lançamento: 31 de Outubro de 2019

Mime-se com o fedor da batalha como Grendel, o voraz gourmand, engolindo avidamente exércitos inteiros em sua boca insondável. Corpulento e corajoso, ele consome presas para revigorar guerreiros afins, ou vomita os devorados encharcados de bílis ácida e podre. Fugir através de fortalezas como uma ameaça esférica, deixando cadáveres na esteira esmagados por seu terremoto estrondoso. O frenesi de Grendel começou em Atualização 26: The Old Blood.

Requisitos de Construção
Tempo: 72 hrs
Apressar: Platinum64 50
Mercado: Platinum64 325 Diagrama: Credits64 35,000
Tempo: 12 hrs
Apressar: Platinum64 25


Tempo: 12 hrs
Apressar: Platinum64 25
Tempo: 12 hrs
Apressar: Platinum64 25


Os diagramas de componentes de Grendel são concedidos ao concluir certas missões em Europa usandoLocalizadores, que podem ser adquirido no vendedor do Arbiters of Hexis encontrado em qualquer Relay por 25 Elitium Essência Vitus cada. Além disso, o diagrama principal pode ser adquirido no mercado por Credits6435,000.

A compra de um localizador desbloqueia a missão única associada a ele, que garante o componente Grendel associado como recompensa. Essas missões terão inimigos de nível 40 a 45, no entanto, os jogadores não poderão usar seus itens dos Consumíveis, todos os Warframes e armas não serão beneficiados por nenhum Mods equipado e o Operador não pode ser usado. A única exceção a essas regras são os Mods de Ampliação de Warframe, Aprimoramento Arcano e preceitos de Sentinelas, cujos efeitos ainda funcionam.

  • O Localizador do Neurovisor de Grendel desbloqueia o Archaeo-freighter, uma missão de 20 minutos em um Sobrevivência.
  • O Localizador do Chassis de Grendel desbloqueia o Icefields of Riddah, uma missão de 15 hordas em uma Defesa.
  • O Localizador do Sistemas de Grendel desbloqueia o Mine of Karishh, uma missão de Escavação onde os jogadores precisam coletar 800 Crióticos.

As missões do localizador desaparecerão uma vez concluídas, exigindo a compra de outro localizador para desbloquear mais uma vez. No entanto, um jogador pode convidar um esquadrão para participar da missão, e a recompensa componente será concedida a todos os jogadores participantes após a conclusão.


  • Os mods de velocidade do sprint não parecem afetar a velocidade do Pulverize, mas o Motus Signal aumenta a altura do salto duplo.
  • Apesar de manter a interface do usuário da última arma equipada, Grendel é incapaz de ativar procs de sindicato enquanto estiver em Pulverize.<onlyinclude>

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Devorando sua presa inteira, Grendel digere lentamente os inimigos que ele engoliu. Para cada inimigo ainda vivo em sua barriga, Grendel ganha passivamente 50 pontos de armadura.

  • O bônus de armadura por inimigo não é afetado por Mods.
  • Bônus de armadura é adicionado depois de mods de armadura como Steel Fiber. Por exemplo, Grendel com um Steel Fiber de nível 10 e um inimigo vivo na barriga terá Armadura Total = (350 × (1 + 1.1)) + 50 = 785
  • O bônus de armadura aumenta ou subtrai, dependendo do número de inimigos que residem atualmente no estômago de Grendel.
  • O valor do bônus de armadura é exibido ao lado das barras de escudo e saúde no HUD.

Habilidades []

NourishModx256 Feast130xWhite
Engula um inimigo por completo e armazene ele nas entranhas de Grendel. Ainda não está satisfeito? Continue comendo, mas tome cuidado: cada inimigo extra na barrida de Grendel consome mais energia lentamente. Segure o botão da habilidade para vomitar os inimigos e cobrir eles de bile tóxica..

Drenagem de energia por inimigo: 1.5 s-1
Vomitar custo de energia: 0

Força:2 / 3 / 4 / 5 % (remoção de armadura por segundo)
? / ? / ? / 500 (Toxin w Toxina dano no vômito)
Alcance:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 m (alcance para engolir)
Misc:1.5 s (duração da boca aberta)
1 s (boca aberta duração extra por inimigo)
100% (Toxin w Toxina chance de status no vômito)
8 m (faixa de alcance de vômito)

  • Grendel opens his maw agape for 1.5 seconds, creating a powerful vacuum that disintegrates enemies near the aiming reticle within 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 meters and swallowing them whole to trap them inside Grendel's stomach. For each enemy swallowed by Feast, Grendel's maw stays open for an extra 1 second. Eaten enemies permanently lose 2% / 3% / 4% / 5% of their total Armor points for every second spent trapped inside Grendel's gut.
    • Swallow range is affected by Ability Range.
    • Armor removal per second is affected by Ability Strength.
    • Maw open duration and extra duration per enemy are not affected by Mods.
    • Grendel can swallow multiple enemies by moving the aiming reticle to mark new targets with Feast, while his maw is still open.
    • Number of eaten enemies is displayed on the ability icon.
    • Feast also vacuums Pickups near the aiming reticle for Grendel.
  • Each enemy swallowed drains 1.5 Energy points per second until killed or spat out; energy drain per enemy ramps up to ? energy per second over time the longer enemies remain in Grendel's gut. Hold down the ability key (default 1 ) to violently vomit all stored enemies out for no energy cost, inflicting ? / ? / ? / 500 Toxin b Toxin scaling damage with a 100% Toxin b Toxin status chance to vomitted enemies and other enemies within 8 meters in a cone in front of Grendel. Grendel also vomits all enemies out automatically when his energy pool is empty.
    • Energy drain per enemy per second is affected by both Ability Efficiency and Ability Duration, but cannot go below 0.38 drain per second. Therefore, you should not try to maximize both Ability Efficiency as well as Ability Duration at the same time.
    • Toxin damage on vomit is affected by enemy level and amount of enemies stored.
    • Feast's Toxin damage on vomit benefits from enemy level and amount of enemies stored using the following expression:
      Total Toxin Damage = [Toxin Base Damage + (1/3 × 100) × (Enemy Level - 1)] + [Enemy Level × (Number of Enemies Stored × (1/3 × 100))]
      • With 10 eaten enemies at level 101, Grendel will deal [500 + (1/3 × 100) × (101 - 1)] + [101 × (10 × (1/3 × 100))] = 37 500 Toxin b Toxin damage on vomit. Resulting damage is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
      • Toxin b Toxin status effect inflicts 50% of total damage every tick for 9 ticks over 8 seconds. In the example above, Grendel will further deal (37,500 / 2) = 18,75 damage per tick, 18,750 × 9 = 168,75 damage in the span of a single Toxin b Toxin effect, for a grand total of 37,500 + 168,750 = 206,25 Toxin b Toxin damage.
    • Status chance and vomit cone range are not affected by mods.


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  • Vomit Toxin damage currently does not benefit from Ability Strength, despite the Ability Tooltip showing changes in the base Toxin damage value.

FeastModx256 Nourish130xWhite
Consuma os inimigos que estão nas entranhas de Grendel e forneça um efeito em área para seus aliados..

Ciclo selecionado, custo da energia: 0
Pré-requisito de ativação: 1 inimigo comido

Força:1000 / 1500 / 2000 / 2500 (de dano de Toxin w Toxina na digestão)
20 / 30 / 40 / 50 (auto-cura na ativação)
1.1 / 1.15 / 1.2 / 1.25 x (Multiplicador de energia de Nourish)
100 / 150 / 200 / 250 (Armadura Nourished dano de Toxin w Toxina no acerto)
1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5 x (Acerto de Nourished, multiplicador de dano de Toxin w Toxina )
Duração:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 s (duração de buff)
Alcance:10 / 15 / 20 / 25 m (raio de buff)
5 / 6 / 7 / 8 m (raio de respingo)
Misc:1 s (recarga inicial)
?% (aumento de velocidade para Pulverize)

  • Ever the gourmet though lenient in the foes he swallows, Grendel selectively digests different types of enemies trapped in his stomach by holding down the ability key (default 2 ), to cycle between the Nourished Energy, Nourished Armor, and Nourished Strike buffs for no energy cost.
    • Buffs are only available if the required enemy type is still alive in Grendel's gut.
    • When at least one required enemy type is stored, Nourish's ability icon will change to the buff corresponding to that enemy type. If a different enemy type is available, the ability icon switches to the newest available buff.
  • Grendel derives nourishment from the enemies he consumes, producing three unique buffs for himself and his allies.

  • Tapping the ability key causes Grendel to stomp the ground, forcibly digesting the first eaten enemy of the required type in his gut, inflicting 1000 / 1500 / 2000 / 2,500 Toxin b Toxin damage to the victim and recovering Grendel's health with 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 scaling Health points. Grendel and ally Warframes within 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 meters receive the selected Nourished buff lasting for 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 seconds.
    • Toxin damage on digestion is affected by Ability Strength.
    • Self heal on cast is affected by Ability Strength and enemy level.
    • Self heal begins to scale linearly at enemy level 15, using the formula:
      Total Self Heal = Heal Value × (1 + Ability Strength) × (Enemy Level / 15)
      • With a maxed Intensify and an eaten enemy at level 101, Grendel will be healed by 50 × (1 + 0.3) × (101 / 15) = 437,667 health.
    • Buff radius is affected by Ability Range.
    • Buff duration is affected by Ability Duration.

  • Nourished Energy multiplicatively increases the Energy points gained or recharged from any source for the buffed player by 1.1x / 1.15x / 1.2x / 1.25x. This includes energy orb pickups, ability gains such as Predefinição:A, modular effects such as Rage, and energy per second restoration from auras (Energy Siphon) and Focus Ways (Energizing Dash).
    • Energy multiplier is affected by Ability Strength.
  • Nourished Energy requires a ranged enemy (e.g. Lancer).

  • Nourished Armor reacts to incoming enemy damage and player-made kills, discharging a toxic splash that inflicts 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 Toxin b Toxin damage to enemies in a 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 meter radius around the buffed player. Toxic splash can only trigger once every 1 second.
    • Toxin damage on hit is affected by Ability Strength.
    • Splash radius is affected by Ability Range.
    • Splash cooldown is not affected by Mods.
    • Damage from Nourished Armor has a moderate chance to stagger enemies backward.
  • Nourished Armor requires a melee enemy (e.g. Butcher).

  • Nourished Strike provides additional Toxin b Toxin damage for the buffed player's weapons and abilities by 1.2x / 1.3x / 1.4x / 1.5x, allowing them to also proc Toxin b Toxin status effect.
    • Toxin damage multiplier is affected by Ability Strength.
  • Nourished Strike requires a heavy unit, flying unit, or summoned unit (e.g. Heavy Gunner, Shield Osprey, Drahk).

  • Ability Synergy:
    • Nourish requires at least 1 enemy swallowed by Predefinição:A to be alive in Grendel's gut, in order to provide the selected buff and heal Grendel.
    • Grendel can select and activate Nourish buffs during Predefinição:A, while also granting himself a ?% movement speed boost in his sphere form.
  • Can be recast while active, inflicting damage to the required enemy type, healing Grendel, buffing new allies in range, and refreshing the selected buff's duration if active.

  • Maximização

    Maximização é uma forma de especialização: os módulos podem ser misturados para resultar em valores que variam dentre os listados anteriormente. Clique em qualquer link para aprender como fazê-lo.

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    RegurgitateModx256 Regurgitate130xWhite
    Violentamente vomite um inimigo coberto de bile das entranhas de Grendel, transformando o pobre alvo em um projétil tóxico..

    Pré-requisito de ativação: 1 inimigo comido

    Força:300 / 500 / 1,000 / 1,200 (de dano de Toxin w Toxina no impacto)
    Alcance:3 / 4 / 5 / 5 m (raio de respingo)
    Misc:? m/s (velocidade do projétil)
    1.0x (multiplicador de dano por 10 níveis inimigos)

    • Grendel convulses his stomach as his maw snaps open, violently expelling out an eaten enemy soaked in acidic bile from inside his gut. The enemy is launched toward the aiming reticle as a living projectile, traveling at a speed of ? meters per second in an arcing trajectory. On direct collision with other enemies, obstacles or surfaces, the launched enemy suffers 300 / 500 / 1,000 / 1,200 Toxin b Toxin scaling damage and inflicts the same damage to all enemies within a radius of 3 / 4 / 5 / 5 meters around the impact point.
      • Toxin damage on impact is affected by both Ability Strength and enemy level.
      • Regurgitate's Toxin damage benefits from Ability Strength and enemy level using the following expression:
        Total Toxin Damage = Toxin Damage × (1 + Ability Strength) × Enemy Level Multiplier
        • Enemy Level Multiplier = 1.0 + 1.0 Per 10 Levels. The multiplier only increases after 1 level past the per-10-levels mark (e.g. levels 11, 21, 31, 41, etc).
        • With a maxed Intensify and an eaten enemy at level 101, Grendel will deal 1,200 × (1 + 0.3) × (1.0 + 10.0) = 17,16 Toxin b Toxin damage.
      • Splash radius is affected by Ability Range.
      • The launched enemy travels in a ragdoll state and must recover once it lands.
    • Ability Synergy:
      • Regurgitate expels out the next available enemy swallowed by Predefinição:A, requiring at least 1 enemy inside Grendel's gut to be cast.


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    PulverizeModx256 Pulverize130xWhite
    Alimentado pelo seu banquete, Grendel se transforma em uma bola e derruba quaisquer inimigo em seu caminho. Pular ocasiona o impacto de Grendel contra o solo e gera uma onda de choque danosa..

    Pré-requisito de ativação: 1 inimigo comido
    Dreno de energia com o estômago vazio: ? / ? / ? / 10 s-1

    Força:25 (dano de Toxin w Toxina por segundo)
    250 - 1,000 / 250 - 2,000 / 500 - 3,000 / 500 - 4,000 (dano de Impact w Impacto na colisão)
    50 - 200 / 100 - 300 / 100 - 400 / 150 - 500 (dano de Impact w Impacto na pancada no solo)
    Alcance:2 - 6 / 3 - 8 / 4 - 10 / 5 - 15 m (raio de batida no solo)
    Misc:2.5 - 5 m (raio de colisão)
    10 (bônus de escala capacidade inimiga)
    1.0x (multiplicador de dano por 10 níveis inimigos)
    ?% (aumento de velocidade do Nourish)

    • Engorged with enemies inside his gut, Grendel curls up into a roving sphere that changes his movement controls into a directional physics-based roll. As he roves, Grendel slowly digests enemies inside his stomach, inflicting 25 Toxin b Toxin damage per second.
      • Toxin damage per second is affected by Ability Strength.
      • Grendel can only perform a limited selection of parkour Maneuvers, such as sprint, jump, double jump, and wall jump during Pulverize.
      • Grendel is unable to utilize weapons and some abilities during Pulverize.
      • Grendel will accelerate faster when rolling downhill and richohet off of terrain obstacles.
    • Grendel tramples over his enemies with varying levels of power and reach, depending on the techniques he uses and the fuel within.

    • In sphere form, Grendel constantly emits a kinetic field with a 2.5 - 5 meter scaling radius, which reacts to his movement to inflict 250 - 1,000 / 250 - 2,000 / ? / 500 - 4,000 Impact b Impact scaling damage against enemies coming into range. Enemies colliding with Grendel receive damage and are knocked away from his path.
      • Impact damage on collision is affected by Ability Strength, enemy level, and amount of enemies stored less than equal to 10.
      • Impact damage on collision benefits from Ability Strength, enemy level and amount of enemies stored using the following expression:
        Total Impact Damage = [Impact Base Damage + (Number of Enemies Stored≤10 × 350)] × (1 + Ability Strength) × Enemy Level Multiplier
        • Enemy Level Multiplier = 1.0 + 1.0 Per 10 Levels. The multiplier only increases after 1 level past the per-10-levels mark (e.g. levels 11, 21, 31, 41, etc).
        • With a maxed Intensify, 10 eaten enemies at level 101, Grendel will deal [500 + (10 × 350)] × (1 + 0.3) × (1 + 10) = 57 200 Impact b Impact damage.
      • Impact damage on collision does not occur if Grendel is stationary.
      • Collision radius is affected by the number of eaten enemies in Grendel's gut, reaching maximum radius with 10 enemies. Grendel's sphere model also drastically increases in size based on the eaten enemy count.
    • Collision damage and range values are calculated when Pulverize is activated. Any changes in Ability Strength, enemy level, and amount of enemies stored that occur after activation will not affect the damage and range Grendel currently uses for Pulverize.

  • Landing on surfaces from midair causes Grendel to slam into the ground, inflicting 50 - 200 / 100 - 300 / 100 - 400 / 150 - 500 Impact b Impact scaling damage to enemies inside his stomach and all enemies within a 2 - 6 / 3 - 8 / 4 - 10 / 5 - 15 meter scaling radius.
    • Impact damage on ground slam is affected by Ability Strength, enemy level, and amount of enemies stored less than equal to 10.
    • Impact damage on ground slam benefits from Ability Strength, enemy level and amount of enemies stored using the following expression:
      Total Impact Damage = [Impact Base Damage + (Number of Enemies Stored≤10 × 35)] × (1 + Ability Strength) × Enemy Level Multiplier
      • Enemy Level Multiplier = 1.0 + 1.0 Per 10 Levels. The multiplier only increases after 1 level past the per-10-levels mark (e.g. levels 11, 21, 31, 41, etc).
      • With a maxed Intensify, 10 eaten enemies at level 101, Grendel will deal [150 + (10 × 35)] × (1 + 0.3) × (1 + 10) = 7 150 Impact b Impact damage.
    • Ground slam radius is affected by both Ability Range and the number of eaten enemies inside Grendel's gut, reaching maximum radius with 10 enemies.
  • Ground slam damage and range values are calculated when Pulverize is activated. Any changes in Ability Strength, enemy level, and amount of enemies stored that occur after activation will not affect the damage and range Grendel currently uses for Pulverize.

    • If Grendel's stomach becomes empty during Pulverize, he begins to drain ? / ? / ? / 10 energy per second to sustain his sphere form, ramping up to ? energy per second the longer Pulverize remains active.
      • Energy drain per second is affected by both Ability Efficiency and Ability Duration.
    • Press the ability key again (default 4 ) to deactivate this ability early. Pulverize will deactivate automatically when Grendel runs out of Energy, causing Grendel to unfurl and vomit out all eaten enemies, as well as become stunned in a dizziness animation for 2 seconds.
    • Ability Synergy:
      • Pulverize requires at least 1 enemy swallowed by Predefinição:A to be alive in Grendel's gut in order to activate. For Pulverize to reach its maximum potential damage and range, Grendel must consume and store at least 10 enemies in his stomach.
      • Grendel can select and activate Predefinição:A buffs during Pulverize, provided he has at least one enemy in his gut. Casting Nourish also grants a ?% movement speed boost to his sphere form.


    Maximização é uma forma de especialização: os módulos podem ser misturados para resultar em valores que variam dentre os listados anteriormente. Clique em qualquer link para aprender como fazê-lo.

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    Feast130xWhite Feast130xWhite
    Nourish130xWhite Nourish130xWhite Nourish130xWhite
    Regurgitate130xWhite Regurgitate130xWhite
    Pulverize130xWhite Pulverize130xWhite

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    Grendel pode ser equipado com os seguintes itens:


