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A dama púrpura da morte. O sangue dos inimigos de Garuda lhe dão força e vitalidade.

Esta é Garuda, a rainha violenta.

Limpa pelo sangue de seus inimigos, ela atrai a força da vulnerabilidade.

Data de Lançamento: 8 de Novembro de 2018

Mancha suas garras vermelhas, suba a terra em vermelho. Para acabar com sua sede de sangue sem fim, a donzela assassina Garuda mata sua presa com elegância de sangue frio e caminha sobre seus cadáveres em uma exibição horrível de carnificina visceral. Garuda abateu seu caminho para um desnível encharcado de sangue na Update 24.0

Requisitos de Construção
Tempo: 72 hrs
Apressar: Platinum64 50
Mercado: Platinum64 325 Diagrama: N/A
Tempo: 12 hrs
Apressar: Platinum64 25


Tempo: 12 hrs
Apressar: Platinum64 25
Tempo: 12 hrs
Apressar: Platinum64 25


O diagrama principal de Garuda será entregue após a conclusão da jornada Vox Solaris. Os diagramas dos componentes de Garuda podem ser obtidos nas caçadas de Orb Vallis.

Drop Chance Esperado Quase Garantido
Diagrama do Chassi
(Etapa 2, lvl 5-15)
7.52% 2 – 3 Caçadas 14 ± 5 Caçadas
Diagrama do Chassi
(Etapa 3, lvl 5-15)
Diagrama do Neurovisor
(Etapa 2 & 3, lvl 20-40)
12.50% 2 Caçadas 10 ± 3 Caçadas
Diagrama do Neurovisor
(Etapa 4, lvl 20-40)
Diagrama do Sistemas
(Etapa 2, lvl 10-30)
7.41% 3 – 4 Caçadas 20 ± 7 Caçadas
Diagrama do Sistemas
(Etapa 3, lvl 10-30)

Esperado refere-se ao número de tentativas que um jogador pode esperar para receber pelo menos uma de cada drop associada aos respectivos valores.

Quase Garantido refere-se ao número de tentativas que um jogador precisa para obter uma probabilidade de 99%, 99,9% e 99,99% de receber pelo menos uma de cada drop associado aos respectivos valores.

Para definições mais detalhadas e informações sobre como esses números foram obtidos, visite aqui.

Drop Chance Esperado Quase Garantido
Diagrama do Chassi
(Etapa 2, lvl 5-15)
7.52% 2 – 3 Caçadas 14 ± 5 Caçadas
Diagrama do Chassi
(Etapa 3, lvl 5-15)
Diagrama do Neurovisor
(Etapa 2 & 3, lvl 20-40)
12.50% 2 Caçadas 10 ± 3 Caçadas
Diagrama do Neurovisor
(Etapa 4, lvl 20-40)
Diagrama do Sistemas
(Etapa 2, lvl 10-30)
7.41% 3 – 4 Caçadas 20 ± 7 Caçadas
Diagrama do Sistemas
(Etapa 3, lvl 10-30)

Esperado refere-se ao número de tentativas que um jogador pode esperar para receber pelo menos uma de cada drop associada aos respectivos valores.

Quase Garantido refere-se ao número de tentativas que um jogador precisa para obter uma probabilidade de 99%, 99,9% e 99,99% de receber pelo menos uma de cada drop associado aos respectivos valores.

Para definições mais detalhadas e informações sobre como esses números foram obtidos, visite aqui.

Drop Chance Esperado Quase Garantido
Diagrama do Chassi
(Etapa 2, lvl 5-15)
7.52% 2 – 3 Caçadas 14 ± 5 Caçadas
Diagrama do Chassi
(Etapa 3, lvl 5-15)
Diagrama do Neurovisor
(Etapa 2 & 3, lvl 20-40)
12.50% 2 Caçadas 10 ± 3 Caçadas
Diagrama do Neurovisor
(Etapa 4, lvl 20-40)
Diagrama do Sistemas
(Etapa 2, lvl 10-30)
7.41% 3 – 4 Caçadas 20 ± 7 Caçadas
Diagrama do Sistemas
(Etapa 3, lvl 10-30)

Esperado refere-se ao número de tentativas que um jogador pode esperar para receber pelo menos uma de cada drop associada aos respectivos valores.

Quase Garantido refere-se ao número de tentativas que um jogador precisa para obter uma probabilidade de 99%, 99,9% e 99,99% de receber pelo menos uma de cada drop associado aos respectivos valores.

Para definições mais detalhadas e informações sobre como esses números foram obtidos, visite aqui.


  • A energia base de Garuda a partir de escalas de nivelamento diferentemente de outros Warframes, tendo + 125% mais energia no nível máximo, em vez dos típicos + 50%.

Veja também


Conforme Garuda se aproxima da morte, seu dano aumenta. Ela atacará com suas lâminas caso nenhuma arma branca seja equipada.


GarudaDreadMirrorCard Garuda DreadMirror
Dread Mirror
Absorva a energia vital de um inimigo e use-a como um escudo que captura dano, isto ocasiona a morte instantânea de inimigos significativamente enfraquecidos. Carregue para canalizar o dano capturado em um projétil explosivo.

Drenagem de carga: 50 s-1

Força:1 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 x (multiplicador de captura de danos)
Duração:13 / 15 / 18 / 20 s (duração do espelho)
Alcance:30 m (alcance de ataque)
6 / 7 / 8 / 10 m (raio de explosão)
Misc:10% (saúde para escudo)
35% (limite de morte instantânea)
50%/s (carga de dano por segundo)

  • Garuda leaps into the air to pounce at an enemy target within 30 meters, violently slashing the victim with her talons to inflict ? damage and Knockdown, or instantly killing the target if its current health was at or below 35% when Dread Mirror was cast.
    • Pounce range is affected by Ability Range.
    • Instant kill threshold is not affected by Mods.
    • Garuda must have sufficient space to land next to the victim to cast this ability.
  • Once Garuda strikes the victim, she rips its lifeforce out to conjure a Dread Mirror in front of her for 13 / 15 / 18 / 20 seconds. The dread mirror is a large hovering invulnerable frontal shield that reorients itself to face the player's camera direction. All incoming enemy ranged and melee attacks are blocked by the mirror on contact, while the damage is absorbed into the Dread Heart beating above the mirror's frame; incoming enemy damage is first multiplied by 1 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 times then absorbed by the heart.
    • 10% of the victim's health is absorbed as initial damage for the heart when Garuda strikes the target.
      • If the victim is instantly killed, the health absorbed is increased from 10% to 20%.
      • Health absorbed is not affected by mods in either case.
    • Mirror duration is affected by Ability Duration.
    • Damage capture multiplier is affected by Ability Strength.
    • Enemies that touch the mirror will take 100 Impact b Impact damage and stagger backward away from Garuda.
      • This damage is not affected by Ability Strength.
      • This damage is also dealt to the mirror, absorbing damage into the Dread Heart.
        • For example, at 130% Ability Strength (2.6x damage capture multiplier), damage absorbed will be 100 x 2.6 = 260.
      • The mirror hits once as soon as you reach your victim unless they are instantly killed.
    • Damage absorbed is displayed in numeric value above the heart.
    • Dread mirror lasts until it expires or the dread heart is thrown, while the dread heart will persist until thrown even after the mirror disappears and can absorb damage from multiple dread mirrors indefinitely.
    • Mirror does not block area of effect abilities such as Heavy Gunner ground slam.
  • While the Dread Heart is floating above Garuda, holding down the ability button (default 1 ) causes Garuda to grasp the heart in her talons and drain 50 Energy per second to continuously increase the absorbed damage by 50% of the currently stored damage value per second. Releasing the ability button causes Garuda to throw the heart as a high velocity explosive projectile toward the location on the aiming reticle. The heart bursts on impact with an enemy or a surface to inflict the amplified damage and a guaranteed Impact b Impact Status Effect to all enemies within a 6 / 7 / 8 / 10 meter radius.
    • Charge energy drain per second is affected by Ability Efficiency.
    • Charge damage per second is not affected by mods.
    • Explosion radius is affected by Ability Range.
  • Can be recast while active to pounce at a target and refresh the mirror's duration.
  • Can be cast while airborne.
  • Casting Dread Mirror is full body animation that relocates Garuda to her target. Charging the dread heart is an upper body animation that restricts Garuda to the ground allowing her to move at walking pace, but prevents other actions until the heart is thrown.
  • The dread mirror's frame colors are affected by Garuda's chosen Appearance colors.
  • The dread heart visually drips blood constantly, beats faster when absorbing damage, and grows spikes when its stored damage is high enough.
  • Dread mirror, dread heart, and particle effects are affected by Garuda's chosen Energy color.

Dicas e Truques
  • Synergizes well with Guardian Derision, making more enemies attack Garuda and her Dread Mirror, allowing quick, indefinite damage build up for Dread Heart.
  • Combined with Blood Altar, Garuda can effectively tank and shrug off most damage that comes her way.
  • Considering how far Garuda can move with her pounce, it can make for an effective means to escape an encounter while defending yourself.
  • Facing Dread Mirror outward while standing in the corner makes Garuda less vulnerable to direct attacks.
  • Using the ability multiple times before unleashing the heart will ramp up the damage rapidly, eliminating the reliance on enemy aggro.
  • Dread Mirror can prevent some AoE damage like explosion from the barrel.
  • Dread Mirror can protect Garuda from Arc Trap, providing the Mirror is between her and the trap. The trap will self-destruct after 3 seconds as if it has been activated, but since there is no arc occurs, no damage will be absorbed.
  • Rolling into enemies with Dread Mirror active and facing toward said enemies will ragdoll them, frequently drag them along for a brief moment, and send them flying for several meters. This is a good makeshift crowd control.

Maximização é uma forma de especialização: os módulos podem ser misturados para resultar em valores que variam dentre os listados anteriormente. Clique em qualquer link para aprender como fazê-lo.

Call missing from Template:Maximization

GarudaBloodAltarCard Garuda BloodAltar
Blood Altar
Empale um inimigo em um altar de garras e forneça saúde para Garuda e seus aliados.
Força:15 / 17 / 20 / 25 %/s (saúde por segundo)
Duração:10 / 15 / 15 / 20 s
Alcance:30 m (alcance de ataque)
4 / 4.5 / 5 / 6 m (raio de cure)
Misc:1%/s (dano por segundo)
3 (limite de altares ativos)

  • Garuda charges to an enemy target within 30 meters, slashing it with her talons with a spiralling uppercut that impales the victim upon an altar of talons for 10 / 15 / 15 / 20 seconds. While impaled, the enemy is completely disabled as it stays suspended above the altar helplessly, becomes invulnerable to incoming damage, and bleeds profusely emitting an aura with a 4 / 4.5 / 5 / 6 meter radius; when Garuda or her allies stand within the aura, blood flows from the victim to them, restoring 15% / 17% / 20% / 25% of their missing Health per second, while draining 1% of maximum health per second from the victim. Up to a maximum of 3 altars can be created.
    • Pounce range and heal radius are affected by Ability Range.
    • Altar duration is affected by Ability Duration.
    • Health per second is affected by Ability Strength.
    • Damage per second and number of max altars are not affected by mods.
    • Health per second is displayed as a buff icon beside the player's shield and health bars.
    • Garuda must have sufficient space to land next to the victim to cast this ability.
  • Health restored per second is a percentage of the difference between the current and maximum health of the player or NPC being healed. It is not dependent on the enemy's current or maximum health.
  • Pressing the ability button (default 2 ) while aiming at an enemy impaled by Blood Altar will release the victim early before duration expires. Damage from outside sources inflicted on the victim while it was invulnerable will be dealt in full when it is released, and all Status Effects it received will resume their effects.
    • Garuda does not leap to the target to release it from the altar, instead she performs the action from her current position.
  • Casting Blood Altar is a full body animation that relocates Garuda to her target. Releasing a target does not play an animation on Garuda.
  • The aura radius is constantly visible to Garuda and her allies.
  • Enemies impaled on a Blood Altar visually appears to be covered in blood while they bleed constantly.
  • Altar aura and blood stream colors are affected by Garuda's chosen Energy color.

Maximização é uma forma de especialização: os módulos podem ser misturados para resultar em valores que variam dentre os listados anteriormente. Clique em qualquer link para aprender como fazê-lo.

Call missing from Template:Maximization

GarudaBloodLettingCard Garuda BloodLetting
Garuda sacrifica sua saúde para gerar energia.
Misc:-50% (saúde deduzida)
18 / 20 / 22 / 25 % (ganho de energia)
2 HP (limite mínimo de saúde)

  • Garuda slashes herself with her talons as she spins into the air, sacrificing up to 50% of her maximum Health and restoring up to 18% / 20% / 22% / 25% of her maximum Energy capacity. Garuda cannot reduce her health below 2 health points using Bloodletting.
    • Health cost is 50% of Garuda's maximum HP, including mods.
    • Energy gain is the listed % of her maximum energy, including mods.
    • Energy gain is affected by Ability Efficiency. For example, 160% Efficiency results in 62.5% Energy gain, while 175% Efficiency results in a 100% gain. This follows the formula:
      Total Energy Gain = Base Energy Gain ÷ (2 - Ability Efficiency).
    • Bloodletting can be cast if Garuda has less than 50% of her maximum HP remaining, but will only restore energy proportionate to the amount of HP sacrificed. For example, if she has 25% of her health left (or 50% of 50%) when Bloodletting, the energy gain will be halved.
    • Percentage of health deducted is not affected by mods.
    • Casting speed is affected by Natural Talent and Speed Drift.
  • Cannot be cast if Garuda has 2 or less health points.
  • This ability does not trigger health damage into energy conversion mods like Rage or Hunter Adrenaline.

Dicas e Truques
  • High enough armor, Energy, and the use of Quick Thinking can effectively make this ability put the Death's Gate passive at a constant max state with a small failsafe with energy.
  • This ability gains no benefits from increasing your max HP. Having lower max HP lets you use flat HP regeneration such as health orbs or Oberon's Renewal to generate more energy more quickly.
  • Use of Blood Altar and this ability can give Garuda a near infinite supply of energy. Because Blood Altar heals a percentage of your max HP, having higher max HP will make you more durable standing in your altar without impacting your energy generation rate.


Maximização é uma forma de especialização: os módulos podem ser misturados para resultar em valores que variam dentre os listados anteriormente. Clique em qualquer link para aprender como fazê-lo.

Call missing from Template:Maximization

GarudaSeekingTalonsCard Garuda SeekingTalons
Seeking Talons
Carregue para expandir a área alvejada e solte para lançar as garras de Garuda em todos os alvos no alcance. Inimigos sobreviventes são afetados por sangramento.
Força:75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (dano)
50% (chance de sangramento)
Duração:10 s
Misc:60 m (alcance)
8 (projéteis)

  • Garuda channels her sanguine blood beneath herself as her talons quiver in anticipation, before unleashing 8 flying spears to pierce through all enemies within the area. Enemies pierced by Garuda's flying talons will receive 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 Slash b Slash damage and become stunned momentarily.
    • Holding down the ability button (default 4 ) will show a focus ring indicating area of effect of the ability.
    • Releasing the ability button will unleash 8 talons as homing projectiles that cannot be obstructed by walls and the environment, piercing through all enemies within the focus ring and inflicting Slash b Slash proc.
    • Each enemy will always be pierced at least once by the projectiles. However, they can also be pierced multiple times in a single skill use.
      • For an example, using Seeking Talon on a single enemy will damage said enemy 8 times in quick succession.
    • Damage is affected by Ability Strength.
    • Range is not affected by mods , but is affected by charge time.
    • Targeting expansion and cast animation are affected by casting speed from Natural Talent and Speed Drift.
    • Garuda does not require line of sight to target enemies in her focus ring area.
  • Enemies damaged by Seeking Talon are marked with Garuda's symbol for 10 seconds. Attacking marked enemies with weapons and abilities grants a 50% chance to cause a Slash b Slash Status Effect.
    • Status Chance is affected by Ability Strength, capped up to 100% status chance at 200% Ability Strength.
    • Duration of the mark is affected by Ability Duration.
    • All sources of damage are capable of inflicting Slash b Slash Status Effect. This includes, but not limited to: weapons, damage from abilities, special damaging effect from mods (Concealed Explosives, Thunderbolt, Thermagnetic Shells, etc) and Syndicate procs.
    • Weapons do not need to have innate Slash damage in order to inflict Slash b Slash Status Effect.
  • Garuda cannot perform parkour Maneuvers (except for rolling and sliding) or general interactions while channeling this ability. However, she can still move at walking pace.

Maximização é uma forma de especialização: os módulos podem ser misturados para resultar em valores que variam dentre os listados anteriormente. Clique em qualquer link para aprender como fazê-lo.

Call missing from Template:Maximization







Garuda DreadMirror Garuda DreadMirror Garuda DreadMirror
Garuda BloodAltar Garuda BloodAltar Garuda BloodAltar
Garuda SeekingTalons Garuda SeekingTalons

Garuda pode ser equipada com o seguinte item:


Bathory Helmet


Não há mods de ampliações disponíveis para Garuda no momento.


