Warframe 위키

This shape-altering component is fundamental to Orokin construction.

—In-Game Description

The Forma is a resource used to add, remove, or alter a Polarity to a Mod slot to Warframes, weapons, or Companions; add Tiles to a Clan Dojo; or serve as a component in the creation of certain weapons and items.

Manufacturing Requirements
Time: 24 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 10
MarketIcon Market Price: Platinum6420 Blueprint2 Blueprint Price: N/A
Drop Locations

Blueprint Lith A1 Common
Lith C1 Uncommon
Lith F1 Common
Lith M1 Common
Lith N1 Uncommon
Lith S1 Uncommon
Lith S2 Uncommon
Lith V1 Uncommon
Meso B1 Common
Meso C1 Common
Meso D1 Common
Meso D1 Uncommon
Meso N1 Uncommon
Meso N2 Uncommon
Meso S2 Uncommon
Meso V1 Uncommon
Meso V2 Uncommon
Neo D1 Uncommon
Neo N1 Common
Neo N2 Uncommon
Neo S1 Uncommon
Neo S3 Uncommon
Neo V1 Common
Neo V2 Uncommon
Neo V3 Uncommon
Axi G1 Uncommon
Axi K1 Uncommon
Axi N1 Common
Axi N2 Uncommon
Axi N3 Common
Axi S1 Common
Axi V1 Uncommon

Blueprint Lith A1 Common
Lith C1 Uncommon
Lith F1 Common
Lith N1 Uncommon
Lith S1 Uncommon
Lith S2 Uncommon
Lith V1 Uncommon
Meso C1 Common
Meso D1 Common
Meso D1 Uncommon
Meso N1 Uncommon
Meso N2 Uncommon
Meso S2 Uncommon
Meso V1 Uncommon
Meso V2 Uncommon
Neo N1 Common
Neo N2 Uncommon
Neo S1 Uncommon
Neo S3 Uncommon
Neo V1 Common
Neo V2 Uncommon
Neo V3 Uncommon
Axi G1 Uncommon
Axi K1 Uncommon
Axi N1 Common
Axi N2 Uncommon
Axi N3 Common
Axi S1 Common
Axi V1 Uncommon

Blueprint Lith A1 Common
Lith C1 Uncommon
Lith F1 Common
Lith N1 Uncommon
Lith S1 Uncommon
Lith S2 Uncommon
Lith V1 Uncommon
Meso C1 Common
Meso D1 Common
Meso D1 Uncommon
Meso N1 Uncommon
Meso N2 Uncommon
Meso S2 Uncommon
Meso V1 Uncommon
Meso V2 Uncommon
Neo N1 Common
Neo N2 Uncommon
Neo S1 Uncommon
Neo S3 Uncommon
Neo V1 Common
Neo V2 Uncommon
Neo V3 Uncommon
Axi G1 Uncommon
Axi K1 Uncommon
Axi N1 Common
Axi N2 Uncommon
Axi N3 Common
Axi S1 Common
Axi V1 Uncommon

Lith/Meso/Neo/Axi refer to Void Relics


Forma or its blueprint can be:

  • Purchased in the market for Platinum64‍ 20 or Platinum64‍ 35 for a bundle of 3 Forma.
  • Received as a Daily Tribute.
  • Blueprint received as an Alert Reward.
  • Blueprint can be found in Void Relics.
  • Blueprint received as a reward from certain Orokin Derelict missions.
  • Blueprint received as a reward from certain Orokin Void missions.[citation needed]
  • Blueprint offered as Corpus or Grineer Invasion battlepay.
  • Found in Reinforced Orokin storage containers in Orokin Derelict and Orokin Void missions.
  • Received as a reward from certain Orokin Void missions.[citation needed]

Note that the blueprint is consumed when the Forma is crafted.

Using Forma on Equipment[]

To apply a Forma, click Arsenal and equip the desired item. Scroll over the item in the arsenal. Select Action at the bottom of the screen, then choose Polarize, which will show a layout of the item's mod slots and polarities. Click on a slot to cycle through the possible polarities. A slot that already has a polarity (either by default or from a prior polarization) can also be changed.

Forma can only be used on equipment that has already been ranked to 30 and, when used, said equipment is reset to rank 0 (unranked). Warframes and Warframe Skills will be reduced to rank 0. Forma can be used again on already polarized equipment, provided that it is leveled to 30 again. Orokin Catalysts and Orokin Reactors are unaffected by the usage of Forma. Re-leveling equipment after using Forma on it does not grant mastery points.

For each Forma used on equipment, said equipment will gain a star above the name of the equipment starting from the center.


  • Oddly enough, players can polarize Aura mod slots with a Unairu Pol polarity, despite there currently being no Aura mods with this polarity.
    • Similarly, players can also polarize mod slots belonging to non-melee weapons with those polarities as well.
  • All syndicates require this to advance to Rank 2, as well as in order to become neutral if the Tenno is hated by the syndicate.


  • Forma means "shape" in a variety of languages.
  • The Forma is shaped as a jigsaw piece.
  • The prevalence of golden surfaces in Orokin Void levels and on Prime equipment may indicate the use of massive amounts of Forma in their construction. The grey surfaces in the Clan Dojo may be due to Tenno improvising with more mundane materials while copying the Orokin aesthetics. The golden colors of the Orokin Reactor may also be due to the presence of Forma in this construct.

Patch History[]

See also[]