Warframe 위키

오로킨 시대로부터 유래된 고대의 에너지 셀입니다.

—인게임 설명

An Orokin Cell is a rare component that can be found on Saturn, Ceres and Orokin Derelict. It is usually found in quantities of 1-2. 

All bosses (including the Stalker) have a chance to drop an Orokin Cell after being defeated, though General Sargas Ruk and Lieutenant Lech Kril have a better chance to drop it, the former of which are the respective bosses of the planets.

As of PC Update 13.8, Tier 3 Survival rewards 3 per batch.

Blueprints Requiring Orokin Cell[]

Click to view the Blueprints requiring Orokin Cell.
Blueprint Type Quantity
Forma Enhancement 1
Orokin Catalyst Enhancement 1
Orokin Reactor Enhancement 1
Bo Melee 1
Ankyros Prime Melee 10
Dakra Prime Melee 15
Dual Kamas Melee 1
Glaive Prime Melee 10
Orthos Prime Melee 10
Plasma Sword Melee 1
Reaper Prime Melee 10
Scindo Prime Melee 15
Afuris Pistol 1
Akbolto Pistol 1
Aklex Pistol 1
Akmagnus Pistol 2
Akvasto Pistol 2
Bolto Pistol 2
Bronco Prime Pistol 10
Detron Pistol 10
Akbronco Pistol 1
Lex Prime Pistol 10
Seer Pistol 2
Sicarus Prime Pistol 10
Twin Vipers Pistol 1
Braton Prime Rifle 10
Latron Prime Rifle 10
Vectis Rifle 4
Boltor Prime Rifle 10
Boar Prime Shotgun 10
Ash Warframe 1
Banshee Warframe 1
Ember Warframe 1
Excalibur Warframe 1
Frost Warframe 1
Frost Prime Warframe 1
Loki Warframe 1
Mag Warframe 1
Mag Prime Warframe 3
Nekros Warframe 3
Nova Warframe 1
Nyx Warframe 1
Oberon Warframe 1
Rhino Warframe 1
Saryn Warframe 1
Trinity Warframe 1
Valkyr Warframe 1
Volt Warframe 1
Vauban Warframe 1
Zephyr Warframe 1
Oberon Systems Component 1
Scorpion Ash Helmet Helmet 1
Locust Ash Helmet Helmet 1
Reverb Banshee Helmet Helmet 1
Chorus Banshee Helmet Helmet 1
Phoenix Ember Helmet Helmet 1
Backdraft Ember Helmet Helmet 1
Avalon Excalibur Helmet Helmet 1
Pendragon Excalibur Helmet Helmet 1
Aurora Frost Helmet Helmet 1
Squall Frost Helmet Helmet 1
Essence Loki Helmet Helmet 1
Swindle Loki Helmet Helmet 1
Coil Mag Helmet Helmet 1
Gauss Mag Helmet Helmet 1
Flux Nova Helmet Helmet 1
Menticide Nyx Helmet Helmet 1
Vespa Nyx Helmet Helmet 1
Oryx Oberon Helmet Helmet 1
Markhor Oberon Helmet Helmet 1
Thrak Rhino Helmet Helmet 1
Vanguard Rhino Helmet Helmet 1
Hemlock Saryn Helmet Helmet 1
Chlora Saryn Helmet Helmet 1
Aura Trinity Helmet Helmet 1
Meridian Trinity Helmet Helmet 1
Esprit Vauban Helmet Helmet 1
Gambit Vauban Helmet Helmet 1
Storm Volt Helmet Helmet 1
Pulse Volt Helmet Helmet 1
Cierzo Zephyr Helmet Helmet 1


By purchasing this item you can directly exchange Platinum64‍ 10 for 1 Orokin Cell.

—In-Game Description

Orokin Cells be purchased directly from the market for Platinum64‍ 10. Alternatively, players can purchase their blueprints for Platinum64‍ 100, the blueprints are permanently reusable.

Manufacturing Requirements

Time: 1 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 2
MarketIcon Market Price: Platinum6410 Blueprint2 Blueprint Price: Platinum64100


  • As of 15.3, to craft all recipes once, you will need 225 Orokin Cells.

Gathering Tips[]

These are based on opinions and may not be true. These should be viewed as advice unless proven undoubtedly true. Check comments for confirmation. Results may vary.

  • Killing Phorid on Assassination Invasion missions on a planet where Orokin Cells drop is a very quick way to get a lot of Orokin Cells, with one Cell dropping per run most of the time. With good gear and/or good teammates, fast movement you can do a single run within 2 minutes.


  • Sometimes referred to as a "Raw Potato" or "Potato Seed" by the community, referencing how Orokin Catalysts or Orokin Reactors are called 'Potatoes'.
  • Barring the Twin Gremlins and the AkZani, Orokin Cells are required to craft all dual secondaries (either as it is or as a Forma). This does not include dual secondaries given away during events.
  • It seems both the Corpus and the Grineer have already attained a decent amount of Orokin cells, this is due to their continuous excavation of the Orokin ruins which one of them can be seen in the beginning of the game. This resource can then be paid to Tenno as they side accordingly to the opposing factions.
  • The Orokin Cell is used in constructing most Warframes and most Prime weapons.