Warframe 위키

PrimeBucks Orokin Ducats are a currency required for purchasing items sold by Baro Ki'Teer, such as special Mods, or exclusive Weapons. In addition they are used for the final Conclave sacrifice. 

Ducats can only be acquired by selling certain Prime parts and blueprints at the Void Trader's Kiosks found in the Relays. These parts and blueprints, in turn, are acquired from Void Relics, or from trading with other players.

All Prime blueprints, all Prime weapon parts and crafted Prime Warframe components (but not crafted Prime Warframes or crafted Prime weaponry) can be sold. Harder to obtain parts are generally worth more Ducats in exchange, and certain parts may be worth more when crafted. Players cannot directly trade Ducats to other players, but Prime parts can be traded, and then exchanged for Ducats.


View 팔 수 있는 아이템들과 그 가격 List

미제작된 부품은 제작된 부품과 동일한 값어치를 지닌다. Edit Price Table

파츠 드랍 성유물 가격(두캇)
DEPrimeDualBroncos Akbronco Prime Blueprint Lith S2 Common
Lith S3 Common
DEPrimeDualBroncos Akbronco Prime Link Lith N1 Uncommon
Axi S1 Uncommon
PrimeAkstiletto Akstiletto Prime Blueprint Lith A1 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
PrimeAkstiletto Akstiletto Prime Barrel Axi A1 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
PrimeAkstiletto Akstiletto Prime Receiver Axi K1 Uncommon
Axi T1 Uncommon
PrimeAkstiletto Akstiletto Prime Link Axi N1 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
DEPrimeAnkyros Ankyros Prime Blueprint 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
DEPrimeAnkyros Ankyros Prime Blade 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍100
DEPrimeAnkyros Ankyros Prime Gauntlet 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
AshPrime Ash Prime Blueprint Lith S3 Uncommon
Meso C1 Uncommon
AshPrime Ash Prime Chassis Meso V2 Common PrimeBucks‍15
AshPrime Ash Prime Neuroptics Meso N2 Uncommon
Neo N3 Uncommon
Axi N2 Uncommon
AshPrime Ash Prime Systems Axi N1 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
PrimeBo Bo Prime Blueprint 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
PrimeBo Bo Prime Handle 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍45
PrimeBo Bo Prime Ornament 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
FixedPrimeBoar Boar Prime Blueprint Neo D1 Common PrimeBucks‍15
FixedPrimeBoar Boar Prime Barrel Axi V2 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
FixedPrimeBoar Boar Prime Receiver Lith M1 Common PrimeBucks‍15
FixedPrimeBoar Boar Prime Stock Meso B1 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
DEPrimeBoltor Boltor Prime Blueprint 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍100
DEPrimeBoltor Boltor Prime Barrel 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
DEPrimeBoltor Boltor Prime Receiver 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍45
DEPrimeBoltor Boltor Prime Stock 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
PrimeBraton Braton Prime Blueprint Meso V1 Uncommon
Axi N1 Common
PrimeBraton Braton Prime Barrel Lith A1 Common PrimeBucks‍15
PrimeBraton Braton Prime Receiver Axi V2 Uncommon
Axi V3 Uncommon
PrimeBraton Braton Prime Stock Meso N1 Common
Neo V2 Common
Axi A1 Common
PrimeBronco Bronco Prime Blueprint Lith N1 Common
Lith S1 Common
Meso N2 Common
Meso S2 Common
Axi N2 Common
Axi S1 Common
PrimeBronco Bronco Prime Barrel Neo V1 Uncommon
Axi N3 Uncommon
PrimeBronco Bronco Prime Receiver Meso F1 Common
Axi S1 Common
PrimeBurston Burston Prime Blueprint Meso V1 Common PrimeBucks‍15
PrimeBurston Burston Prime Barrel Lith F2 Uncommon
Axi T1 Uncommon
PrimeBurston Burston Prime Receiver Neo S3 Common PrimeBucks‍15
PrimeBurston Burston Prime Stock Lith K1 Common
Lith V1 Common
Neo S2 Common
PrimeCarrier Carrier Prime Blueprint Meso V1 Common
Neo S3 Common
PrimeCarrier Carrier Prime Carapace Neo S1 Common
Axi N2 Common
PrimeCarrier Carrier Prime Cerebrum Lith C1 Rare
Meso C1 Rare
PrimeCarrier Carrier Prime Systems Lith S2 Common
Lith S3 Common
Neo V3 Common
Axi V1 Common
SwordPrime Dakra Prime Blueprint Lith M1 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
SwordPrime Dakra Prime Blade Neo D1 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
SwordPrime Dakra Prime Handle Meso B1 Common PrimeBucks‍15
DualKamasPrime Dual Kamas Prime Blueprint Neo V1 Common
Axi N3 Common
Axi V1 Common
DualKamasPrime Dual Kamas Prime Blade Meso D1 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
DualKamasPrime Dual Kamas Prime Handle Meso F1 Uncommon
Meso N1 Uncommon
Axi A1 Uncommon
EmberPrime Ember Prime Blueprint 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍100
EmberPrime Ember Prime Chassis 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
EmberPrime Ember Prime Neuroptics 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
EmberPrime Ember Prime Systems 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍45
PrimeFang Fang Prime Blueprint Lith K1 Common
Meso N1 Common
Neo N2 Common
PrimeFang Fang Prime Blade Lith C1 Common
Lith F1 Common
Lith N1 Common
Axi N1 Common
PrimeFang Fang Prime Handle Lith F2 Uncommon
Meso N1 Common
Meso N2 Common
Neo N3 Uncommon
Neo V2 Common
PrimeFragor Fragor Prime Blueprint Lith F1 Rare
Meso F1 Rare
PrimeFragor Fragor Prime Handle Lith V1 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
PrimeFragor Fragor Prime Head Axi A1 Common PrimeBucks‍15
FrostPrimecropped Frost Prime Blueprint 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍100
FrostPrimecropped Frost Prime Chassis 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
FrostPrimecropped Frost Prime Neuroptics 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
FrostPrimecropped Frost Prime Systems 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍45
PrimeGalatine342 Galatine Prime Blueprint Axi G1 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
PrimeGalatine342 Galatine Prime Blade Meso S2 Common
Neo V2 Common
Neo V3 Common
PrimeGalatine342 Galatine Prime Handle Neo V2 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
PrimeGlaive Glaive Prime Blueprint 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍100
PrimeGlaive Glaive Prime Blade 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍45
PrimeGlaive Glaive Prime Disc 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍45
PrimeHikou Hikou Prime Blueprint Lith S1 Common
Meso N2 Common
PrimeHikou Hikou Prime Pouch Axi K1 Common
Axi V2 Common
PrimeHikou Hikou Prime Stars Lith F2 Common
Neo N1 Common
KavasaPrimeCollar Kavasa Prime Collar Blueprint Neo N1 Uncommon
Axi G1 Uncommon
KavasaPrimeCollar Kavasa Prime Collar Band Lith C1 Uncommon
Lith S2 Uncommon
KavasaPrimeCollar Kavasa Prime Collar Buckle Lith K1 Rare
Axi K1 Rare
DELatronPrime Latron Prime Blueprint 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
DELatronPrime Latron Prime Barrel 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
DELatronPrime Latron Prime Receiver 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
DELatronPrime Latron Prime Stock 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
PrimeLex Lex Prime Blueprint Meso D1 Common
Neo N2 Common
PrimeLex Lex Prime Barrel Neo N3 Common
Neo S1 Common
Axi K1 Common
PrimeLex Lex Prime Receiver Lith M1 Common
Axi N2 Common
LokiPrime Loki Prime Blueprint 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
LokiPrime Loki Prime Chassis 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍45
LokiPrime Loki Prime Neuroptics 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
LokiPrime Loki Prime Systems 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍100
MagPrimecropped Mag Prime Blueprint Lith M1 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
MagPrimecropped Mag Prime Chassis Meso B1 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
MagPrimecropped Mag Prime Neuroptics Axi V2 Common PrimeBucks‍15
MagPrimecropped Mag Prime Systems Neo D1 Common PrimeBucks‍15
NekrosPrime342 Nekros Prime Blueprint Axi N3 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
NekrosPrime342 Nekros Prime Chassis Lith N1 Common
Axi G1 Common
NekrosPrime342 Nekros Prime Neuroptics Meso F1 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
NekrosPrime342 Nekros Prime Systems Neo N3 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
PrimeNikana Nikana Prime Blueprint Axi A1 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
PrimeNikana Nikana Prime Blade Meso V2 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
PrimeNikana Nikana Prime Hilt Axi N2 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
NovaPrime Nova Prime Blueprint Neo N2 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
NovaPrime Nova Prime Chassis Lith N1 Rare
Neo V1 Rare
NovaPrime Nova Prime Neuroptics Lith C1 Common
Meso C1 Common
NovaPrime Nova Prime Systems Lith C1 Common
Meso S1 Common
Neo S2 Common
NyxPrime Nyx Prime Blueprint Lith S2 Common
Neo V1 Common
NyxPrime Nyx Prime Chassis Neo N1 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
NyxPrime Nyx Prime Neuroptics Meso N1 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
NyxPrime Nyx Prime Systems Neo S2 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍15
ArchwingSuitPrime Odonata Prime Blueprint Lith F1 Uncommon
Meso S1 Uncommon
ArchwingSuitPrime Odonata Prime Harness Lith K1 Common
Axi K1 Common
Axi T1 Common
ArchwingSuitPrime Odonata Prime Systems Lith F2 Common
Neo N3 Common
Axi V1 Common
ArchwingSuitPrime Odonata Prime Wings Axi N1 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
PrimePolearm Orthos Prime Blueprint Meso B1 Uncommon
Axi V3 Uncommon
PrimePolearm Orthos Prime Blade Meso D1 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
PrimePolearm Orthos Prime Handle Meso B1 Common
Meso D1 Common
PrimeBowM Paris Prime Blueprint Lith F1 Common
Meso S1 Common
Meso V2 Common
Axi G1 Common
PrimeBowM Paris Prime Grip Lith S1 Uncommon
Meso S2 Uncommon
PrimeBowM Paris Prime Upper Limb Lith F2 Common
Lith V1 Common
Meso S1 Uncommon
Neo S2 Uncommon
Axi N3 Common
PrimeBowM Paris Prime Lower Limb Lith V1 Common
Meso F1 Common
Neo S2 Common
PrimeBowM Paris Prime String Lith S1 Common
Lith S3 Common
Meso S2 Common
Neo N3 Common
Neo V3 Common
ReaperPrime Reaper Prime Blueprint 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍10
ReaperPrime Reaper Prime Blade 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍20
ReaperPrime Reaper Prime Handle 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍10
DERhinoPrime Rhino Prime Blueprint 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍100
DERhinoPrime Rhino Prime Chassis 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍100
DERhinoPrime Rhino Prime Neuroptics 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍45
DERhinoPrime Rhino Prime Systems 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
SarynPrime Saryn Prime Blueprint Neo S1 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
SarynPrime Saryn Prime Chassis Meso S2 Rare
Neo S2 Rare
SarynPrime Saryn Prime Neuroptics Lith A1 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
SarynPrime Saryn Prime Systems Meso C1 Common
Meso F1 Common
Axi G1 Common
Axi T1 Common
PrimeScindo Scindo Prime Blueprint Lith F1 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
PrimeScindo Scindo Prime Blade Axi S1 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
PrimeScindo Scindo Prime Handle Meso C1 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
DESicarus Prime Sicarus Prime Blueprint 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
DESicarus Prime Sicarus Prime Barrel 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
DESicarus Prime Sicarus Prime Receiver 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍100
PrimeSoma Soma Prime Blueprint Lith M1 Uncommon
Neo S1 Common
PrimeSoma Soma Prime Stock Lith S2 Rare
Meso S1 Rare
PrimeSoma Soma Prime Receiver Lith S3 Uncommon
Neo N1 Uncommon
PrimeSoma Soma Prime Barrel Neo S3 Common PrimeBucks‍15
PrimeLiDagger Spira Prime Blueprint Meso V1 Common PrimeBucks‍15
PrimeLiDagger Spira Prime Blade Neo S3 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
PrimeLiDagger Spira Prime Pouch Lith S1 Rare
Lith S3 Rare
PrimeTigris342 Tigris Prime Blueprint Axi T1 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
PrimeTigris342 Tigris Prime Stock Meso S1 Common PrimeBucks‍15
PrimeTigris342 Tigris Prime Receiver Neo V3 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
PrimeTigris342 Tigris Prime Barrel Lith K1 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
TrinityPrime Trinity Prime Blueprint Lith K1 Uncommon
Axi S1 Uncommon
TrinityPrime Trinity Prime Chassis Neo S1 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
TrinityPrime Trinity Prime Neuroptics Neo D1 Uncommon
Axi V3 Common
TrinityPrime Trinity Prime Systems Axi A1 Common
Axi V2 Common
Axi V3 Common
PrimeVasto Vasto Prime Blueprint Neo S3 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
PrimeVasto Vasto Prime Barrel Neo D1 Common
Neo N2 Common
Axi V3 Common
PrimeVasto Vasto Prime Receiver Lith A1 Common
Meso V2 Common
VaubanPrime Vauban Prime Blueprint Lith F2 Rare
Neo V2 Rare
VaubanPrime Vauban Prime Chassis Axi V1 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
VaubanPrime Vauban Prime Neuroptics Meso N2 Rare
Neo V3 Rare
VaubanPrime Vauban Prime Systems Neo N2 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
VectisPrime Vectis Prime Blueprint Lith A1 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
VectisPrime Vectis Prime Barrel Neo N1 Common
Axi T1 Common
VectisPrime Vectis Prime Receiver Meso V1 Rare PrimeBucks‍100
VectisPrime Vectis Prime Stock Axi V2 Rare
Axi V3 Rare
VoltPrime Volt Prime Blueprint Neo V1 Uncommon
Axi N3 Uncommon
VoltPrime Volt Prime Chassis Meso V2 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍15
VoltPrime Volt Prime Neuroptics Axi V1 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
VoltPrime Volt Prime Systems Lith V1 Uncommon PrimeBucks‍45
WyrmPrime Wyrm Prime Blueprint 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
WyrmPrime Wyrm Prime Carapace 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
WyrmPrime Wyrm Prime Cerebrum 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍15
WyrmPrime Wyrm Prime Systems 프라임 볼트 PrimeBucks‍45


View PC Items for Sale List

Edit Trades Table

Item Cost Date
Primed Continuity
Credits64‍ 100,000 + PrimeBucks‍350 2014, December 12 - 14
2015, February 20 - 22
2015, November 27 - 29
2016, June 03 - 05
Primed Ravage
Credits64‍ 100,000 + PrimeBucks‍280 2014, December 12 - 14
2015, June 13 - 15
2015, September 18 - 20
2016, May 20 - 22
2016, August 12 - 14
Eos Prime Chest Plate
Credits64‍ 75,000 + PrimeBucks‍125 2014, December 12 - 14
2015, February 20 - 22
2016, February 12 - 14
2016, July 15 - 17
Mara Detron
Credits64‍ 200,000 + PrimeBucks‍500 2014, December 12 - 14
2015, May 15 - 17
2016, February 26 - 28
Primed Flow
Credits64‍ 110,000 + PrimeBucks‍350 2014, December 26 - 28
2015, March 06 - 08
2015, December 11 - 13
2016, May 20 - 22
2016, August 12 - 14
Primed Point Blank
Credits64‍ 110,000 + PrimeBucks‍300 2014, December 26 - 28
2015, August 21 - 23
2015, December 25 - 27
2016, June 03 - 05
2016, June 17 - 19
Left Eos Prime Shoulder Plates
Credits64‍ 75,000 + PrimeBucks‍50 2014, December 26 - 28
2015, March 06 - 08
2016, February 12 - 14
2016, July 15 - 17
Right Eos Prime Shoulder Plates
Credits64‍ 75,000 + PrimeBucks‍50 2014, December 26 - 28
2015, March 06 - 08
2016, February 12 - 14
2016, July 15 - 17
Primed Fast Hands
Credits64‍ 120,000 + PrimeBucks‍375 2015, January 09 - 11
2015, March 20 - 22
2015, December 11 - 13
2016, June 17 - 19
Primed Heavy Trauma
Credits64‍ 100,000 + PrimeBucks‍350 2015, January 09 - 11
2015, August 07 - 09
2016, March 11 - 13
Left Eos Prime Spurs
Credits64‍ 50,000 + PrimeBucks‍65 2015, January 09 - 11
2015, March 20 - 22
2016, February 12 - 14
2016, July 15 - 17
Right Eos Prime Spurs
Credits64‍ 50,000 + PrimeBucks‍65 2015, January 09 - 11
2015, March 20 - 22
2016, February 12 - 14
2016, July 15 - 17
Primed Heated Charge
Credits64‍ 175,000 + PrimeBucks‍350 2015, January 23 - 25
2015, April 03 - 05
2016, March 25 - 27
2016, August 12 - 14
Pyra Sugatra
Credits64‍ 200,000 + PrimeBucks‍100 2015, January 23 - 25
2015, April 17 - 19
2016, February 26 - 28
2016, July 01 - 03
Prisma Gorgon
Credits64‍ 50,000 + PrimeBucks‍600 2015, January 23 - 25
2015, April 03 - 05
2016, February 12 - 14
2016, July 29 - 31
Primed Reach
Credits64‍ 220,000 + PrimeBucks‍300 2015, February 06 - 08
2015, July 10 - 12
2016, February 12 - 14
2016, July 01 - 03
Primed Pistol Mutation
Credits64‍ 140,000 + PrimeBucks‍400 2015, February 06 - 08
2015, April 17 - 19
2016, March 25 - 27
2016, July 01 - 03
Prisma Veritux
Credits64‍ 150,000 + PrimeBucks‍550 2015, February 06 - 08
2015, June 26 - 28
2015, November 13 - 15
2016, May 20 - 22
2016, August 26 - 28
Prisma Sigil
Credits64‍ 50,000 + PrimeBucks‍50 2015, February 06 - 08
2015, July 24 - 26
2016, March 11 - 13
Prisma Yamako
Credits64‍ 250,000 + PrimeBucks‍400 2015, February 20 - 22
2015, July 10 - 12
2016, March 25 - 27
Prisma Liset Skin
Credits64‍ 150,000 + PrimeBucks‍120 2015, March 06 - 08
2015, July 24 - 26
2016, March 25 - 27
2016, September 09 - 11
Nexus Fur Pattern
Credits64‍ 300,000 + PrimeBucks‍150 2015, March 20 - 22
2015, August 21 - 23
2016, April 08 - 10
2016, August 12 - 14
Baro Ki'Teer Noggle
Credits64‍ 250,000 + PrimeBucks‍70 2015, April 03 - 05
2015, June 13 - 15
2016, March 11 - 13
2016, August 12 - 14
Credits64‍ 150,000 + PrimeBucks‍300 2015, April 17 - 19
2015, September 04 - 06
2016, April 22 - 24
2016, August 26 - 28
Prisma Hecate Syandana
Credits64‍ 300,000 + PrimeBucks‍250 2015, April 17 - 19
2015, August 07 - 09
2016, April 08 - 10
2016, September 09 - 11
Primed Slip Magazine
Credits64‍ 200,000 + PrimeBucks‍280 2015, May 02 - 04
2015, August 07 - 09
2016, April 08 - 10
2016, September 09 - 11
Prisma Daedalus Chest Plate
Credits64‍ 100,000 + PrimeBucks‍150 2015, May 02 - 04
2015, September 04 - 06
2016, April 22 - 24
2016, August 26 - 28
Voltaic Strike
Credits64‍ 150,000 + PrimeBucks‍300 2015, May 02 - 04
2016, April 08 - 10
2016, August 26 - 28
Left Prisma Daedalus Shin Guard
Credits64‍ 75,000 + PrimeBucks‍65 2015, May 15 - 17
2015, September 18 - 20
2016, April 22 - 24
2016, August 26 - 28
Right Prisma Daedalus Shin Guard
Credits64‍ 75,000 + PrimeBucks‍65 2015, May 15 - 17
2015, September 18 - 20
2016, April 22 - 24
2016, August 26 - 28
High Voltage
Credits64‍ 150,000 + PrimeBucks‍300 2015, May 15 - 17
2016, April 08 - 10
2016, August 26 - 28
Prisma Skana
Credits64‍ 175,000 + PrimeBucks‍510 2015, May 29 - 31
2015, October 16 - 18
2016, April 22 - 24
2016, August 26 - 28
Left Prisma Daedalus Shoulder Guard
Credits64‍ 75,000 + PrimeBucks‍65 2015, May 29 - 31
2015, October 2 - 4
2016, April 22 - 24
2016, August 26 - 28
Right Prisma Daedalus Shoulder Guard
Credits64‍ 75,000 + PrimeBucks‍65

2015, May 29 - 31
2015, October 2 - 4
2016, April 22 - 24
2016, August 26 - 28

Shell Shock
Credits64‍ 150,000 + PrimeBucks‍300 2015, May 29 - 31
2016, April 22 - 24
2016, August 26 - 28
Prisma Grakata
Credits64‍ 100,000 + PrimeBucks‍610 2015, June 13 - 15
2015, October 30 - November 01
2016, May 06 - 08
Primed Pistol Gambit
Credits64‍ 220,000 + PrimeBucks‍400 2015, June 26 - 28
2015, November 13 - 15
2016, May 06 - 08
Prisma Arrows
Credits64‍ 75,000 + PrimeBucks‍350 2015, June 26 - 28
2016, March 11 - 13
2016, July 29 - 31
Prisma Dual Cleavers
Credits64‍ 200,000 + PrimeBucks‍490 2015, July 10 - 12
2015, November 27 - 29
2016, May 06 - 08
2016, September 09 - 11
Prova Vandal
Credits64‍ 250,000 + PrimeBucks‍410 2015, July 24 - 26
2016, March 25 - 27
2016, July 29 - 31
Machete Wraith
Credits64‍ 250,000 + PrimeBucks‍410 2015, July 24 - 26
2016, April 08 - 10
Prisma Tetra
Credits64‍ 50,000 + PrimeBucks‍400 2015, August 07 - 09
2016, April 08 - 10
2016, August 12 - 14
Prisma Shade
Credits64‍ 300,000 + PrimeBucks‍500 2015, August 21 - 23
2016, May 06 - 08
2016, August 12 - 14
Prisma Jet Sentinel Wings
Credits64‍ 200,000 + PrimeBucks‍300 2015, September 04 - 06
2016, June 17 - 19
Prisma Koi Sentinel Tail
Credits64‍ 200,000 + PrimeBucks‍200 2015, September 04 - 06
2016, June 17 - 19
Fanged Fusillade
Credits64‍ 150,000 + PrimeBucks‍375 2015, September 18 - 20
2016, March 11 - 13
2016, July 29 - 31
2016, September 09 - 11
Vermillion Storm
Credits64‍ 175,000 + PrimeBucks‍385 2015, October 02 - 04
2016, May 06 - 08
Astral Twilight
Credits64‍ 175,000 + PrimeBucks‍385 2015, October 02 - 04
2016, May 06 - 08
Prisma Mech Head Sentinel Mask
Credits64‍ 200,000 + PrimeBucks‍175 2015, October 02 - 04
2016, July 01 - 03
Tempo Royale
Credits64‍ 175,000 + PrimeBucks‍385 2015, October 16 - 18
2016, May 20 - 22
Primed Morphic Transformer
Credits64‍ 150,000 + PrimeBucks‍350 2015, October 16 - 18
2016, May 20 - 22
Primed Target Cracker
Credits64‍ 150,000 + PrimeBucks‍400 2015, October 30 - November 01
2016, June 03 - 05
Day of the Dead Dark Sword Skin
Credits64‍ 250,000 + PrimeBucks‍320 2015, October 30 - November 01
Primed Rifle Mutation
Credits64‍ 140,000 + PrimeBucks‍400 2015, November 13 - 15
2016, July 01 - 03
Primed Shotgun Mutation
Credits64‍ 140,000 + PrimeBucks‍400 2015, November 13 - 15
2016, July 01 - 03
Elixis Redeemer Skin
Credits64‍ 250,000 + PrimeBucks‍325 2015, November 27 - 29
2016, May 06 - 08
Left Prisma Edo Shoulder Plates
Credits64‍ 55,000 + PrimeBucks‍100 2015, December 11 - 13
2016, May 20 - 22
Right Prisma Edo Shoulder Plates
Credits64‍ 55,000 + PrimeBucks‍100 2015, December 11 - 13
2016, May 20 - 22
Left Prisma Edo Knee Plates
Credits64‍ 55,000 + PrimeBucks‍100 2015, December 25 - 27
2016, June 03 - 05
2016, June 17 - 19
Right Prisma Edo Knee Plates
Credits64‍ 55,000 + PrimeBucks‍100 2015, December 25 - 27
2016, June 03 - 05
2016, June 17 - 19
Prisma Edo Chest Plate
Credits64‍ 250,000 + PrimeBucks‍225 2015, December 25 - 27
2016, June 03 - 05
2016, June 17 - 19
Quanta Aufeis Skin
Quanta Aufeis Skin
Credits64‍ 300,000 + PrimeBucks‍300 2016, January 08 - 10
2016, June 03 - 05
Primed Bane of Infested
Credits64‍ 140,000 + PrimeBucks‍400 2016, January 08 - 10
2016, July 15 - 17
Primed Bane of Corpus
Credits64‍ 140,000 + PrimeBucks‍400 2016, January 08 - 10
2016, July 15 - 17
Primed Bane of Grineer
Credits64‍ 140,000 + PrimeBucks‍400 2016, January 22 - 24
2016, July 15 - 17
Affinity Booster
3-Day Affinity Booster
Credits64‍ 200,000 + PrimeBucks‍450 2016, January 22 - 24
2016, February 26 - 28,
2016, March 11 - 13
2016, April 22 - 24
2016, May 20 - 22
2016, June 17 - 19
2016, July 15 - 17
2016, September 09 - 11
Credit Booster
3-Day Credit Booster
Credits64‍ 75,000 + PrimeBucks‍350 2016, January 22 - 24
2016, February 26 - 28,
2016, March 11 - 13
2016, April 22 - 24
2016, May 20 - 22
2016, June 17 - 19
2016, July 15 - 17
2016, August 12 - 14
Resource Booster
3-Day Resource Booster
Credits64‍ 150,000 + PrimeBucks‍400 2016, January 22 - 24
2016, February 26 - 28,
2016, March 11 - 13
2016, April 22 - 24
2016, May 20 - 22
2016, June 17 - 19
2016, July 15 - 17
Orokin Catalyst
Orokin Catalyst
Credits64‍ 400,000 + PrimeBucks‍700 2016, January 22 - 24
Grustrag Three Beacon
Credits64‍ 125,000 + PrimeBucks‍200 2016, February 12 - 14
2016, February 26 - 28
2016, April 08 - 10
2016, May 06 - 08
2016, June 03 - 05
2016, July 01 - 03
2016, July 29 - 31
2016, August 12 - 14
Stalker Beacon
Credits64‍ 125,000 + PrimeBucks‍200 2016, February 12 - 14
2016, February 26 - 28
2016, April 08 - 10
2016, May 06 - 08
2016, June 03 - 05
2016, July 01 - 03
2016, July 29 - 31
2016, August 12 - 14
Zanuka Hunter Beacon
Credits64‍ 125,000 + PrimeBucks‍200 2016, February 12 - 14
2016, February 26 - 28
2016, April 08 - 10
2016, May 06 - 08
2016, June 03 - 05
2016, July 01 - 03
2016, July 29 - 31
2016, August 12 - 14
Credits64‍ 150,000 + PrimeBucks‍300 2016, February 26 - 28
2016, July 29 - 31
Crash Course
Credits64‍ 200,000 + PrimeBucks‍330 2016, February 26 - 28
2016, July 29 - 31
Full Contact
Credits64‍ 220,000 + PrimeBucks‍365 2016, February 26 - 28
2016, July 29 - 31
Collision Force
Credits64‍ 250,000 + PrimeBucks‍400 2016, February 26 - 28
2016, July 29 - 31
Sands of Inaros
Credits64‍ 50,000 + PrimeBucks‍200 First introduced on
2016, March 4 - 12
Buzz Kill
Credits64‍ 150,000 + PrimeBucks‍375 2016, March 11 - 13
2016, September 09 - 11
Sweeping Serration
Credits64‍ 150,000 + PrimeBucks‍375 2016, March 11 - 13
2016, September 09 - 11
Credits64‍ 150,000 + PrimeBucks‍375 2016, March 11 - 13
2016, September 09 - 11
Ki'Teer Sentinel Mask
Credits64‍ 200,000 + PrimeBucks‍500 2016, March 11 - 13
2016, September 09 - 11
Quanta Vandal
Credits64‍ 300,000 + PrimeBucks‍450 2016, March 25 - 27
Ki'Teer Syandana
Credits64‍ 500,000 + PrimeBucks‍500 2016, April 08 - 10
Ki'Teer Arrow Skin
Credits64‍ 300,000 + PrimeBucks‍375 2016, April 22 - 24
Ki'Teer Kubrow Armor
Credits64‍ 250,000 + PrimeBucks‍500 2016, May 06 - 08
Ki'Teer Sentinel Wings
Credits64‍ 250,000 + PrimeBucks‍400 2016, May 20 - 22
Ki'Teer Sentinel Tail
Credits64‍ 250,000 + PrimeBucks‍400 2016, June 03 - 05
Primed Pressure Point
Credits64‍ 300,000 + PrimeBucks‍385 2016, June 17 - 19
Ki'Teer Diax Syandana
Credits64‍ 450,000 + PrimeBucks‍325 2016, July 01 - 03
Falcon Mod Pack
Credits64‍ 50,000 + PrimeBucks‍250 2016, July 15 - 17
2016, September 09 - 11
Dragon Mod Pack
Credits64‍ 100,000 + PrimeBucks‍500 2016, July 15 - 17
Prisma Scimitar Skin
Credits64‍ 450,000 + PrimeBucks‍210 2016, July 29 - 31
Ki'Teer Sekhara
Ki'Teer Sekhara
Credits64‍ 200,000 + PrimeBucks‍400 2016, August 12 - 14
Xiphos Prisma Skin
Credits64‍ 400,000 + PrimeBucks‍220 2016, August 26 - 28
Ki'Teer Earpiece
Credits64‍ 400,000 + PrimeBucks‍500 2016, September 09 - 11
Ki'Teer Solo Earpiece
Credits64‍ 200,000 + PrimeBucks‍250 2016, September 09 - 11


  • Ducats are named after a real life currency made of gold or silver used in medieval times and up until the 20th century.
    • Baro also refers to them as "Orokin ducats" in his introduction, meaning that the Orokin likely used the ducats as a form of currency during their time.
  • In 15.8 Ducats were represented as Forma64 Forma when seen in the inventory menu. Ducats are now displayed in your currency bar.
  • In Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 13, Ducat sell prices were rebalanced based on drop rarity.