Warframe 위키

그리니어 군이 설계한 신경성 연결 임플란트로, 조종성 증강 장치에 사용됩니다.

—In-Game Description

Neural Sensors are a rare component that can be found primarily on Jupiter. It is usually found in quantities of 1-4. 

Alad V has a higher chance of dropping Neural Sensors compared to enemies, containers, and lockers. As of 16.4 The Raptor also has a chance of dropping Neural Sensors, but this does not apply to the rest of Europa.

Blueprints Requiring Neural Sensors[]

Click to view the Blueprints requiring Neural Sensors
Blueprint Type Quantity
Forma Enhancement 1
Orokin Reactor Enhancement 1
Bolt Release Item 1
Heat Dagger Melee 1
Heat Sword Melee 1
Kama Melee 5
Lecta Melee 3
Mire Melee 2
Serro Melee 3
Tipedo Melee 2
Stradavar Primary 3
Ash Helmet Component 1
Banshee Helmet Component 1
Chroma Helmet Component 2
Ember Helmet Component 1
Excalibur Helmet Component 1
Frost Helmet Component 1
Frost Prime Helmet Component 1
Loki Helmet Component 1
Loki Prime Helmet Component 2
Mag Helmet Component 1
Mantis Avionics Component 6
Nekros Helmet Component 1
Nova Helmet Component 1
Nyx Helmet Component 1
Rhino Helmet Component 1
Saryn Helmet Component 1
Trinity Helmet Component 1
Valkyr Helmet Component 1
Volt Helmet Component 1
Volt Prime Chassis Component 3


By purchasing this item you can directly exchange Platinum64‍ 10 for 1 Neural Sensors.

—In-Game Description

Neural Sensors be purchased directly from the market for Platinum64‍ 10. Alternatively, players can purchase their blueprints for Platinum64‍ 100,or doing Raid The Law of Retribution Nightmare which the permanent blueprint also drop, blueprint are permanent and reusable.

Manufacturing Requirements
N/A AlloyPlate64

Time: 1 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 2
MarketIcon Market Price: Platinum6410 Blueprint2 Blueprint Price: Platinum64100


  • After 9, all rare items dropped much more commonly than normal, up to quantities of 6 per drop in some cases. The drop rates were fixed in 9.1.3.
  • From 9.8.2 until 9.8.3, J3-Golem had a higher Neural Sensors drop rate than usual. Update 9.8.3 fixed this drop rate.
  • Outside of the helmet components and Orokin technology, the only other recipes requiring neural sensors are seven melee weapons, the Stradavar, the Grustrag Three Bolt Release and the avionics component of the Mantis landing craft.

Gathering tips[]

Elara and Sinai, Jupiter are effective locations to gather Neural Sensors. Another place that is effective to farm is Themisto, Jupiter (assassination of Alad V).

Distilling Extractors are also a good way to farm these with little effort, though it should be noted that Neural Sensors are not guaranteed.


  • The Descriptions of Neural Sensors and Neurodes were swapped several times, with the second time completely reversing what the components clearly were. This was finally reverted in 15.16.2 to properly fit their obvious designs.
  • Neural Sensors are made by Grineer, but they are only dropped from Corpus and Infested.