Warframe日本語 Wiki
LotusWhite Tenno TopWeapon Weapons

Utilizing a new fighting stance, this Tenno weapon turns fists into claws and enemies into messy piles of meat and scrap metal.

The Venka claws are gauntlets with retractable ブレードs inflicting high Slash b 切断ダメージを与える。

この武器は次の値段で売却可能。 Credits64‍ 5,000。

Manufacturing Requirements
Time: 12 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 35
MarketIcon マーケット Price: Platinum64 175 Blueprint2 設計図 Price:Credits6415,000
Tenno Lab Research Invalid 3,000
Time: 72 hrs
Prereq: Sybaris
Ghost Clan x1   Shadow Clan x3   Storm Clan x10   Mountain Clan x30   Moon Clan x100


この武器は主にSlash b 切断ダメージを与える。



  • Lowest base damage of all claws.
    • 低いImpact b 衝撃ダメージ –対して有効でない シールド


  • Venka, compared to Venka Prime:
    • Lower base damage (140 vs. 188)
    • Lower critical chance (16% vs. 32%)
    • Lower critical multiplier (2x vs. 2.6x)
    • Lower status chance (16% vs. 24%)
    • Lower attack speed (2 vs. 2)
    • Lower Range (2 m vs. 2 m)
    • Different polarities (None vs. Naramon PolMadurai Pol)
    • Lower Mastery Rank required (4 vs. 14)
    • Higher disposition (2 vs. 0)

Weapon Loadouts[]

  • See Category:Venka Build to see how players mod this weapon.
  • See Category:Venka Guides for guides on how to use this weapon effectively.
  • For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.


  • The Venka has an above average クリティカル率, making Berserker FuryMod TT 20px Berserker Fury useful in increasing the weapon's rather slow speed. Therefore, increasing the クリティカル率 is recommended.
  • The Venka has an above average status chance, which goes well with the higher クリティカル率
  • Because of the low damage and attack speed of the Venka, it's recommended to use a Warframe more suited for melee combat.
    • Fits ValkyrIcon272 Valkyr well due to her high resistance to damage, as well as her ファイル:Warcry130xDark.png Warcry ability which will speed up the attack speed of the weapon. VoltIcon272 Volt can also use his Speed130xDark Speed ability to speed up the weapon and allow his high shields to soak up extra damage that will occur when focusing on melee combat against ranged enemies.
  • Use a maxed FuryMod TT 20px Fury for good effect, if paired with Malicious RaptorMod TT 20px Malicious Raptor, combos can be extremely quick and deadly with extra mod slots for matching 極性。


  • Venka translates roughly to "victorious" or "to win" in Esperanto
  • The claws retract up to the hands until used or equipped. 
  • The Venka was first seen as an accidentally leaked Codex entry in Update 13.0 (04-09-2014), along with the Corpuspolearm Serro and the PrimeBo Bo Prime, before any of the weapons were released.
  • It is the first claw-type weapon introduced in the game.
  • The damage of Venka is rather "not fixed" as it has 37.1 damage, causing damage to increase to 37.2+ reaching 38 at a very rare chance if tested on average damage per second on a target with no damage resistances and no armor.
  • The Venka are similar to the traditional Japanese weapon known as "tekkō-kagi," which were a claw-shaped ブレード bearing variation of the loaded-fist (brass knuckle-style) weapons known as "tekkō."
    • The Tenno Tekko, as they exist in the game, are more similar to a variation of short-bladed tekkō-kagi than tekkō. Given the cultural nuances and crossover between the Venka and Tekko, the variations in naming conventions are obviously apparent as to avoid player confusion and represent the in-universe evolution of the Tenno arsenal.[要例証]
  • The ブレードs resemble the "P" in Tenno Script


  • After using Warframe abilities, Claws won't show anymore, equipping them again will fix this. Tapping "Block" will also remedy this.
  • Occasionally, when equipping the weapon in your hands, it will state that you have the Malicious Raptor stance equipped, even when you do not.
  • Using AshIcon272 Ash's ファイル:BladeStorm130xDark.png Blade Storm with the Venka equipped will sometimes trigger a stealth attack on the target.




Hotfix 27.0.9 (01-09-2020)
  • Fixed missing Venka Melee sounds.

Update 26.0 (10-31-2019)

  • マスタリーランク 増加 from 3 to 4.
  • ダメージ増加 from 37 to 140.
  • Range 増加 from 0.5 to 1.75.
  • Slam Attack 増加 from 74 to 420.
  • Slide Attack 増加 from 111 to 420.
  • Parry Angle set to 55.
  • Follow Through 増加 from 0.5 to 0.8.

Hotfix 25.7.6 (09-18-2019)

  • Fixed Mesa being unable to use abilities or melee when using the Venka after casting Peacemaker.

Update 17.0 (07-31-2015)

  • Fixed the Venka Claws not being visible to Clients when they are the only weapon equipped.

Hotfix (06-26-2014)

  • Revised default position on Venka Tenno Claws.

Update 13.9 (06-25-2014)

  • 実装。

Last updated: Update 26.0 (10-31-2019)

See Also[]

  • VenkaPrime Venka Prime, the Prime counterpart.

