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TopEnemy グリニア TopWeapon Weapons

The uniquely styled Wraith Twin Vipers are a powerful variation on the standard akimbo machine-pistols.

The Twin Vipers Wraith are the Wraith versions of the ファイル:Viper, dual.png Twin Vipers that have higher damage with a slight boost to Puncture b 貫通 damage in exchange for lower Slash b 切断ダメージを与える。


製作: 12 時間
即時: Platinum64 50
MarketIcon マーケット 価格: N/A Blueprint2 設計図 価格: N/A
Drop Locations

Blueprint Invasions
Barrels Invasions
Receivers Invasions
Link Invasions

Blueprint Invasions
Barrels Invasions
Receivers Invasions
Link Invasions

Blueprint Invasions
Barrels Invasions
Receivers Invasions
Link Invasions

Lith/Meso/Neo/Axi refer to Void Relics
* Denotes Vaulted Void Relics


This weapon was first obtainable by scoring at least 100 points in The Cicero Crisis event, complete with a free weapon slot and pre-installed Orokin Catalyst

The Twin Vipers Wraith was awarded again from an alert in The Proxy Rebellion Bonus Weekend

The 設計図 and parts were formerly a reward from the Ninth Season of Sorties; they can now be found as an Invasion reward. All components can be traded, although players must have a マスタリーランク of at least 7 to acquire the 設計図.


この武器は主にImpact b 衝撃ダメージを与える。



  • 低いPuncture b 貫通Slash b 切断ダメージ –対して有効でない armorヘルス
  • 遅い状態異常確率
  • 遅い精度 at anything past close range.
  • Extremely 弾薬効率が悪い。
    • Very fast 発射速度 results in frequent reloading.


  • Twin Vipers Wraith, compared to Viper Wraith:
    • Higher fire rate (26 rounds/sec vs. 14 rounds/sec)
    • Larger magazine (40 rounds vs. 20 rounds)
    • Larger max ammo capacity (440 rounds vs. 420 rounds)
    • Slower reload speed (2 s vs. 0 s)
    • Less accurate (11.1 vs. 28.6)
    • Higher Mastery Rank required (7 vs. 4)
    • Higher disposition (2 vs. 2)
  • Twin Vipers Wraith, compared to Twin Vipers:
    • Higher base damage (18 vs. 17)
    • Higher critical chance (20% vs. 16%)
    • Higher critical multiplier (2x vs. 2x)
    • Lower status chance (10% vs. 12%)
    • Larger magazine (40 rounds vs. 28 rounds)
    • Larger max ammo capacity (440 rounds vs. 420 rounds)
    • Less accurate (11.1 vs. 15.4)
    • Higher Mastery Rank required (7 vs. 5)
    • Lower disposition (2 vs. 2)

Weapon Loadouts[]

  • See Category:Twin Vipers Wraith Build to see how players mod this weapon.
  • See Category:Twin Vipers Wraith Guides for guides on how to use this weapon effectively.
  • For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.


  • When compared to the single ファイル:Viper.png Viper, the Twin and Wraith Twin Vipers have much less accuracy and ammo efficiency. Both variants are more efficient against close range targets, but the normal Viper has decent accuracy and can use the Stinging TruthMod TT 20px Stinging Truth mod, granting the Viper a similar magazine size.


  • Tapping your trigger rather than holding it down will prevent overkill of targets.
    • Furthermore, binding the scroll wheel on your mouse as an alternative firing control allows you to fire off one bullet at a time, and (to an extent) control the rate of fire.
  • Using the Pistol Ammo MutationMod TT 20px Pistol Ammo Mutation mod will keep this gun from running dry for a longer period of time.
  • Alternative for ammo mutation with 高いクリティカル率 is Creeping BullseyeMod TT 20px Creeping Bullseye.
  • Due to its decent critical potential, the Wraith Twin Vipers become a viable candidate for Critical builds; adding Pistol GambitMod TT 20px Pistol Gambit, Target CrackerMod TT 20px Target Cracker, Barrel DiffusionMod TT 20px Barrel DiffusionLethal TorrentMod TT 20px Lethal Torrent, coupled with its fast fire rate, can release a powerful blast of bullets in a short amount of time.
  • When building with this weapon, it is recommended to install at least one Elemental mod or the Pistol Ammo Mutation, due to its initial Naramon Pol極性を持つ。


  • This is the third Wraith weapon released, and the first secondary Wraith weapon.
  • The single version is available from Baro Ki`Teer, from time to time.
  • This is the first dual secondary that has been tweaked (via either Prime, Wraith, Vandal) beyond its standard construction.
  • The patterns and color selection of the weapons share a very similar appearance to the ルビドー-Skinned version, which was the rarest possible ルビドー skin available.
  • As with many other old Wraith and Vandal weapons, only the energy color could be changed. Other colors may be selected, but would not show on the weapon, unless said weapon possessed a skin.
    • As of Update 22: Plains of Eidolon, all default skins of Vandal and Wraith weapons can be fully colored.




Update 22.12 (02-09-2018)
  • マスタリーランク 増加 from 0 to 7.
  • 状態異常確率 増加 from 5% to 9%.
  • クリティカル確率 増加 from 18% to 19%.
  • Ammo capacity 増加 to 440.

Update: The Silver Grove (08-19-2016)

  • Blueprint and parts added to Sortie rewards.

Update 11.5 (12-19-2013)

  • Introduced via "The Cicero Crisis" event.

See also[]
