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LotusWhite Tenno TopWeapon Weapons

This Tenno crafted, lever action rifle, is equal parts elegance and executioner.

The Sybaris is a burst-fire テンノ lever-action rifle that fires two bullets in quick succession, and serves as the Tenno equivalent to the DEGrinlok Grinlok. It can be researched in the Tenno lab in the Clan Dojo。 It was released in Update 13.3 (05-14-2014).

Manufacturing Requirements
Time: 12 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 35
MarketIcon マーケット Price: Platinum64 225 Blueprint2 設計図 Price:Credits6415,000
Tenno Lab Research Invalid 3,000
Time: 72 hrs
Prereq: Akstiletto
Ghost Clan x1   Shadow Clan x3   Storm Clan x10   Mountain Clan x30   Moon Clan x100


This weapon deals equal physical damage.


  • Second highest damage of all burst-fire rifles, behind Sybaris Prime Sybaris Prime.
    • Third highest burst damage of all burst-fire rifles, behind Sybaris Prime and ファイル:GrnFourBarrelRifleWeapon.png Quartakk.
    • Near-equal physical damage – effective against all factions, SentientShadow Stalker
  • 高いクリティカル率
  • 非常に高い発射速度
  • 低反動。
  • Negligible burst-fire spread.
  • Good long range accuracy.


  • 遅い状態異常確率
  • Low magazine capacity.
  • Linearly less efficient – sometimes a target may only die with three bullets, which requires an entire second burst to be fired.


  • Sybaris, compared to Sybaris Prime:
    • Lower base damage (80 vs. 87.9)
    • Lower critical chance (26% vs. 30%)
    • Lower status chance (10% vs. 26%)
    • Lower fire rate (4 rounds/sec vs. 4 rounds/sec)
    • Smaller magazine (10 rounds vs. 20 rounds)
    • More accurate (28.6 vs. 25)
    • Different polarities (None vs. Naramon PolNaramon PolMadurai Pol)
    • Lower Mastery Rank required (5 vs. 12)
    • Higher disposition (2 vs. 2)
  • Sybaris, compared to Dex Sybaris:
    • Higher base damage (80 vs. 75)
    • Lower critical chance (26% vs. 36%)
    • Lower fire rate (4 rounds/sec vs. 4 rounds/sec)
    • Smaller magazine (10 rounds vs. 14 rounds)
    • Slower reload speed (2 s vs. 2 s)
    • Lower Mastery Rank required (5 vs. 7)
    • Higher disposition (2 vs. 2)

Weapon Loadouts[]

  • See Category:Sybaris Build to see how players mod this weapon.
  • See Category:Sybaris Guides for guides on how to use this weapon effectively.
  • For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.


  • Like the ファイル:Tiberon.png Tiberon, the Sybaris has a very tight shot spread courtesy of its almost nonexistent recoil, capable of landing both shots on a small target. This makes it suitable for long-range shooting unlike most other burst-fire weapons that tend to scatter their shots, and also makes it ideal for landing headshots.
  • Maximizing the fire rate of this weapon may require practice, as a short animation is required after each burst is fired.
  • With practice, the Sybaris can be used to headshot two separate targets near each other with the same burst. This ability is aided by slowing the fire rate with mods such as Critical DelayMod TT 20px Critical Delay.
  • Sybaris is also capable of blasting the protective head covering off of a Corpus humanoid with the first round of the burst, and scoring a head shot with the second.


  • In order to reach the full fire-rate, one must fire the next burst just before the "lever-action" animation is completed.
  • With a semi-auto burst trigger, the Sybaris benefits greatly from having an alternative mode of fire bound to the scroll wheel. The scroll wheel sends inputs to the game much more frequently than the left mouse button would, and the Sybaris is more likely to respond with a scroll than a click in between bursts. Proper use of the scroll wheel can provide additional comfort for the player, yet due to oversampling, it is marginally less effective than a timed click. Some players may also experience slight loss of accuracy due to altered grip on the mouse.


  • While the Sybaris is often compared to a Winchester rifle, it has more in common with a Porter Turret Rifle, a lever action rifle that also used a sideways disk-like magazine. Likely, the Sybaris works by firing the two bullets in the disk that line up in quick succession.
  • Sybaris was an ancient Greek colony in southern Italy that was notable for its luxury.
    • It is also the name for a Drakaina (female dragon) from Greek mythology, which terrorized the countryside of Delphi, devouring livestock and people.
  • Sybaris is the second weapon that fires two shots per burst (following the ファイル:Kraken.png Kraken), and the first rifle to do so.
  • The large disc with the glowing circular light by the Sybaris' grip is the weapon's magazine.
  • The Sybaris was the first weapon to be given the new Physical Based Rendering (PBR) graphics technique in Update 14.9 (10-01-2014), which gave the weapon a gleaming, metallic texture while still allowing for color customization. This graphics rendering technique would later be applied to select weapons and items in the game.





Update 22.12 (02-09-2018)
  • 増加 damage from 70 to 80.

Update: The Silver Grove (08-19-2016)

  • Sybaris damage decreased in Conclave.

Hotfix 18.4.6 (02-01-2016)

  • Sybaris damage has been 増加 in Conclave.

Update 18.0 (12-03-2015)

  • Sybaris Conclave Skin added.

Update 17.2.4 (08-26-2015)

  • Sybaris damage decreased in PvP.

Update 17.1 (08-12-2015)

  • 増加 the damage of the Sybaris in PvP.

Update 17.0 (07-31-2015)

  • Sybaris damage 増加 in PvP.

Hotfix 16.4.3 (04-24-2015)

  • 増加 the damage of the Sybaris in PvP.

Update 16.4 (04-23-2015)

  • The Sybaris has now been balanced for use in PvP.

Update 13.3 (05-14-2014)

  • 実装。

Last updated: Hotfix 24.2.6 (12-20-2018)

See Also[]
