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TopEnemy Corpus TopWeapon Weapons

While its intended design is for deep space construction, the concentrated laser beam of the Spectra is highly 対して有効 organic and synthetic enemies.

The Spectra is a Corpus beam pistol unlockable through Energy Lab Research in the dojo。 Released in Update 9.0 (07-13-2013), it appears to be a handheld cutting laser that is as effective at cutting flesh as it is at cutting metal. It is essentially a sidearm version of the CorpusLaserRifle Flux Rifle.

この武器は次の値段で売却可能。 Credits64‍ 5,000。

Manufacturing Requirements
Time: 24 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 35
MarketIcon マーケット Price: Platinum64 N/A Blueprint2 設計図 Price:Credits6415,000
Energy Lab Research Invalid 3,000
Time: 72 hrs
Prereq: Dera
Ghost Clan x1   Shadow Clan x3   Storm Clan x10   Mountain Clan x30   Moon Clan x100


この武器は主にSlash b 切断ダメージを与える。


  • 高いSlash b 切断 and good Puncture b 貫通 damage - 対して有効 ヘルスarmor
  • 平均的なクリティカル率
  • 高い状態異常確率
  • ピンポイントの精度
    • Magnum ForceMod TT 20px Magnum Force's accuracy penalty is minimal on this weapon.
  • 生得的 0.5 meter 貫通距離
  • Consumes 0.5 ammo per tick of damage.
  • Can use the Spectra-exclusive Sequence BurnMod TT 20px Sequence Burn mod.


  • No Impact b 衝撃ダメージ –対して有効でない シールド.
  • Damage ramps up from 25% to 100% over 0.6 seconds when firing. After firing stops for 0.8 seconds, the damage decays back to 25% over 2 seconds.
  • Limited range of 18 meters.


  • Spectra, compared to Spectra Vandal:
    • Lower base damage (18 vs. 22)
    • Lower critical chance (14% vs. 20%)
    • Lower status chance (22% vs. 28%)
    • Smaller magazine (60 rounds vs. 80 rounds)
    • Smaller max ammo capacity (360 rounds vs. 400 rounds)
    • Slower reload speed (2 s vs. 2 s)
    • Lower Mastery Rank required (4 vs. 10)
    • Higher disposition (2 vs. 2)

Weapon Loadouts[]

  • See Category:Spectra Build to see how players mod this weapon.
  • See Category:Spectra Guides for guides on how to use this weapon effectively.
  • For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.


  • Holding down the fire button while using Shade or a Huras Kubrow will cloak you if enemies are nearby, letting you potentially deal large amounts of damage without retaliation.


  • As with the CorpusLaserRifle Flux Rifle, multishot mods (in this case Barrel DiffusionMod TT 20px Barrel Diffusion) are essential to maximize output. Lethal TorrentMod TT 20px Lethal Torrent can be used to further increase damage.
    • Increasing the fire rate with Lethal Torrent will drastically increase ammo consumption.
  • Using the Pistol Ammo MutationMod TT 20px Pistol Ammo Mutation mod can help regain lost ammo when needed. Alternatively, use Pistol ScavengerMod TT 20px Pistol Scavenger Aura or bring along Squad Ammo Restore
  • Similar building with the Flux Rifle, adding Magnum ForceMod TT 20px Magnum Force to the Spectra can actually be beneficial, as the shooter does not require precise aiming. This will further reduce its medium range effectiveness however. 
  • Ruinous ExtensionMod TT 20px Ruinous ExtensionSequence BurnMod TT 20px Sequence Burn can bring up the Spectra's range to rival those of Primary beam weapons. 


  • The Spectra is currently known to be one of the most improved weapons throughout the game's patches, as it was one of the weakest Clan Dojo Research weaponry ever released: It used to deal a total of 8 damage per second.
  • Spectra is the plural form of Spectrum
  • During the final phases of the Arid Fear event, the Corpus Scouts were equipped with Spectras, which they would use for short durations before attempting to run.
  • Ceasing fire from the Spectra actually retracts the beam instead of it disappearing.




Update 22.14 (03-01-2018)
  • Fixed Beam weapons not being able to damage enemies (alive but in a ragdolled state) when being affected by certain ‘crowd control’ Abilities.
  • Damage now ramps up over 0.6 seconds and after moving off target there is a delay of 0.8 seconds before it starts to decay over 2 seconds.
  • All Beam weapons now start their Damage ramp up at 20% (instead of 10%).
  • The Multishot chance should now apply more consistently with Beam weapons.
  • Fixed Beam weapons continuously firing when quick Meleeing.

Hotfix 22.13.4 (02-22-2018)

  • 増加 the Beam weapon Damage ramp up time from 0.8 to 1 second.
  • Fixed Beam weapon Damage ramp up not happening per target.

Hotfix 22.13.3 (02-21-2018)

  • Perfect accuracy and high fire rate is balanced by limited range and damage ramping up from 10% to 100% over 0.8 seconds when firing and decays back to 10% over 1 second after stopping.
  • Damage changed from 30 Physical per sec to 18 Physical per tick.
  • Physical damage changed from 10% Impact, 70% Puncture and 20% Slash to 0% Impact, 42% Puncture and 58% Slash.
  • Fire Rate 増加 from 5 to 12.
  • 状態異常確率 増加 from 20% per sec to 22% per tick of damage.
  • クリティカル確率 増加 from 5% to 14%.
  • Reload reduced from 2s to 1.8s.
  • Magazine size reduced from 80 to 60.
  • Added 0.5 meter 貫通距離.
  • Range 増加 from 15m to 18m.
  • Ammo consumption decreased from 1.0 to 0.5 per tick of damage.
  • Aimed Zoom reduced from 2.23x to 1.6x.

Update 9.0 (07-13-2013)

  • 実装。

See also[]

  • CorpusLaserRifle Flux Rifle, the rifle version of the Spectra.
  • Corpus Scout, enemy from an event that used this weapon. 
  • Sequence BurnMod TT 20px Sequence Burn, a Spectra exclusive Syndicate mod.

