The Snipetron is a Corpus built sniper rifle. Its high focus on 貫通 damage makes it an ideal weapon for bringing down heavily armored targets.
Manufacturing Requirements | |||||
![]() 20,000 |
![]() 5 |
![]() 900 |
![]() 1,200 |
![]() 900 |
Time: 12 hrs |
Rush: ![]() | |||||
![]() ![]() |
Originally available from the マーケット, it was retired from it in Update 8.0 (05-23-2013) due to lore issues where Corpus do not utilize weapons that fire bullets, but rely on energy weapons or railgun technology。
Players were able to obtain a ファイル:DESnipertronVandal.png Snipetron Vandal and a Blueprint for the normal Snipetron through the Informant Event after killing 20 Informers. The developers admitted that this was an apology for the Snipetron's sudden removal. Following the event, any piece of content to be removed from the market is now given a week's advance notice.
The Snipetron 設計図 was added as a reward for the Project Undermine Tactical Alert from the 2nd of October 2015 to the 5th of October 2015.
The 設計図 occasionally returns as an offering sold by Nakak (as Operational Supply) in Cetus during the Operation: Plague Star event for 3,000と
5,000, making it the only way to acquire this weapon in the game.
- 高い
貫通ダメージ – 対して有効 armor。
- Tied with
Vectis Prime for the second highest クリティカル率 of all sniper rifles, behind
Rubico Prime.
- Pinpoint 精度 while zoomed in; shots will hit exactly on the reticle dot, perfect for headshots。
- 生得的 2.5 meter 貫通距離。
- Two zoom modes:
- First zoom has 2.5x zoom distance and +25% headshot damage.
- Second zoom has 6.0x zoom distance and +50% headshot damage.
- 生得的な
- 低い
切断ダメージ –対して有効でない シールドとヘルス。
- Has linear damage falloff from 100% to 50% from 400m to 600m target distance (distances are affected by projectile flight speed).
- Lowest クリティカル倍率 of all sniper rifles.
- Tied with
Rubico for the lowest 状態異常確率 of all sniper rifles.
- Small magazine size.
- 非常に遅いリロード速度。
- Draws from the rare sniper ammo pool.
- Inaccurate beyond short range when fired from the hip.
- Snipetron, compared to Snipetron Vandal:
- Lower base damage (180 vs. 200)
- Higher critical chance (30% vs. 28%)
- Lower critical multiplier (2x vs. 2x)
- Lower status chance (12% vs. 16%)
- Smaller magazine (4 rounds vs. 6 rounds)
- Slower reload speed (4 s vs. 2 s)
- Lower Mastery Rank required (0 vs. 5)
- Higher disposition (2 vs. 2)
Weapon Loadouts[]
- See Category:Snipetron Build to see how players mod this weapon.
- See Category:Snipetron Guides for guides on how to use this weapon effectively.
- For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.
- Using
Magazine Warp on their own will give you one bullet each, while using both at the same time will give you two extra bullets.
- Always ensure that Snipetron is fully loaded before heading on to further combat.
- Use your melee or your sidearm for close-quarters combat.
- The ファイル:Bronco.png Bronco (Prime), ファイル:Dual Broncos.png Akbronco (Prime), ファイル:DEGrineerHandShotgun.png Brakk,
Euphona Prime, ファイル:GrnQueenGuardDualPistols.png Twin Roggaとファイル:DECorpusHandCannon.png Detron (Mara) all make for an excellent complement to the Snipetron, covering close range battles where the Snipetron suffers.
- The ファイル:Bronco.png Bronco (Prime), ファイル:Dual Broncos.png Akbronco (Prime), ファイル:DEGrineerHandShotgun.png Brakk,
- As a general note, ammo consumption should not be too big of an issue as long as players make full use of their abilities and melee weapons in conjunction with Snipetron.
- Use the
Sniper Ammo Mutation mod to greatly relieve the low total ammo and ammo drop chance for sniper rifles.
- Like all sniper rifles, the Snipetron works well with Warframes with mobility-boosting abilities such as
Zephyr or
- As this was the first true sniper rifle in the game, グリニア バリスタ were equipped with this weapon before the ファイル:Vulkar.png Vulkar was introduced.
- The Snipetron shares an identical appearance with the
Lanka, which effectively replaced it as the Corpus sniper rifle.
- ダメージ増加 from 175 to 180
- 状態異常確率 増加 from 10% to 12%
Hotfix 22.0.6 (10-18-2017)
- Reduced the headshot damage of the Snipetron series in Conclave.
Update 22.0 (10-12-2017)
- General Sniper Changes
- Reticle sway removed from all zoom levels!
- 1 meter 貫通距離 added to all snipers without any to start with (snipers with 生得的 貫通距離 unchanged).
- 1 combo count removed at a time when duration runs out instead of all of them (decay vs. cooldown).
- 1 combo count removed on miss instead of all of them
- Additional bullets from multishot will each count as their own hits and misses in the combo counter
- Combo duration reduced to 2 seconds for all snipers apart from Lanka which is reduced to 6
- Damage fall off begins at 400 meters and ends at 600 meters with damage reduced to 50% past 600 meters.
- Specific Sniper Weapon Changes
- Snipetron
- Fire rate 増加 from 1.5 to 2
- First level zoom +10% Damage replaced with +30% Head Shot Damage
- Second level zoom 15% Damage replaced with +50% Head Shot Damage
Hotfix 18.0.4 (12-08-2015)
- Conclave: Reduced the damage of the Snipetron series in PvP.
Hotfix 17.6.2 (10-08-2015)
- Conclave: The Snipetron weapon series is now available in PvP.
Update 14.2 (08-13-2014)
- Buff:
- Added 2.5 puncture depth.
- 増加 damage from 100 to 125.
- Reduced reload time from 4s to 3.5s.
Hotfix 9.6.1 (08-23-2013)
- Updated reload sound effects for Snipetron.
Hotfix 8.3.3 (07-09-2013)
- Updated Snipetron sound FX.
Update 8.3 (07-04-2013)
- Sound changes.
Update 7.11 (05-17-2013)
Update 7.10 (05-03-2013)
- Snipetron now has Armor Piercing damage by default, but with a slight increase to recoil.
Update 7.x Weapon Balance (03-22-2013)
- Buffed:
- ダメージ増加 from 100 to 115
- Reload time decreased from 5 to 3.8.
Update 6.5 (02-22-2013)
- Tweaks to Recoil feel, added Rotation and Translation Spring values. Tweaks to aim while scoped and from hip. Added force feedback to its firing sound.
Update 2 (10-29-2012)
- Nerfed Snipetron, added scope effects
Vanilla (10-25-2012)
- Item introduced with game release.
See also[]
- ファイル:DESnipertronVandal.png Snipetron Vandal, the Vandalized counterpart of this sniper.
Lanka, the successor of Snipetron, which is available in the Energy lab.