Forged from raw Prisma crystals and infused with void energy, this blade's pristine edge is honed razor-sharp to eviscerate even the most deadly of foes.
The Prisma Skana is a special Prisma version of the ファイル:DESkana.png Skana longsword, featuring enhanced クリティカル確率, クリティカル倍率、そして攻撃速度。
The Prisma Skana is potentially sold by Baro Ki'Teer in the Concourse section of the Tenno Relay for 175,000と
510. Baro Ki'Teerの販売品は登場のたびに変化するため、この武器が販売されていないこともある点に注意。
The weapon can be traded, but only for unranked copies without FormaとOrokin Catalyst installed.
この武器は主に 切断ダメージを与える。
- 高い
切断ダメージ – 対して有効 ヘルス。
- 非常に高いクリティカル確率。
- 平均以上のクリティカル倍率。
- 良い状態異常確率。
- Possesses momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.
- 使用できる the Skana-exclusive
Bright Purity mod.
- スタンススロットは
Crimson Dervish,
Swooping Falconと
Vengeful Revenant stances.
- Prisma Skana, compared to Skana:
- Higher base damage (170 vs. 120)
- Higher critical chance (28% vs. 6%)
- Higher critical multiplier (2.2x vs. 1.5x)
- Higher attack speed (2 vs. 0)
- Higher Mastery Rank required (8 vs. 0)
- Lower disposition (2 vs. 2)
- Prisma Skana, compared to Skana Prime:
- This weapon appeared in the Codex with Update 16.4 (04-23-2015), but was later removed from visibility in Hotfix 16.4.3 (04-24-2015).
Update 26.0 (10-31-2019)
- マスタリーランク increased from 0 to 8.
- ダメージ増加 from 35 to 170.
- 範囲増加 from 1 to 2.5.
- Status Chance increased from 10% to 16%.
- Critical Chance increased from 20% to 28%.
- Critical Damage increased from 2x to 2.2x.
- スラムアタック増加 from 70 to 510.
- スライドアタック増加 from 75 to 170.
- Parry Angle set to 55.
Update 20.5 (05-17-2017)
- TennoGen Arit skin added for Skana series.
Hotfix (02-15-2017)
- Fixed the TennoGen Infested Skana skin not applying properly to the Prisma Skana.
Update 19.10 (02-09-2017)
- Kintsugi and Nocturne skins added for Skana series.
Update 18.5 (03-04-2016)
- Skana Conclave skin added.
Update 17.9 (10-28-2015)
- Day of the Dead skin added.
Hotfix 16.6.3 (05-29-2015)
- Fixed the Prisma Skana not being tradeable.
Hotfix 16.6.2 (05-28-2015)
- Introduced via Baro Ki'Teer.
Last updated: Update 26.0 (10-31-2019)
See Also[]
- ファイル:DESkana.png Skana, the original counterpart.
Skana Prime, the prime version of the Skana.
- ファイル:DualSkana.png Dual Skana, the dual version of the Skana.
Bright Purity, a Skana exclusive Syndicate mod.
- Prisma, the special items sold by Baro Ki'Teer。