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TopEnemy グリニア TopWeapon Weapons

The Miter launches high velocity saw ブレードs, tearing apart anyone unfortunate enough to be in their path.

The Miter is a saw ブレード launcher used by グリニア Eviscerators. The disc must be charged in order to deal maximum damage. However, weaker uncharged shots can be fired in rapid succession as well.

この武器は次の値段で売却可能。 Credits64‍ 7,500, it is also a テンプレート:Requisite Weapon for ファイル:TennoMiter.png Panthera.

Manufacturing Requirements
Time: 12 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 50
MarketIcon マーケット Price: Platinum64 225 Blueprint2 設計図 Price:N/A


この武器は主にSlash b 切断ダメージを与える。


  • 高いSlash b 切断ダメージ – 対して有効 ヘルス
  • Charged shots are tied with {{Weapon}} "クバ Nukor" not foundとファイル:DETysis.png Tysis for the highest 状態異常確率 of all weapons in the game.
  • No recoil and pinpoint 精度
  • Shots ricochet off surfaces, allowing them to hit multiple targets or hit the same target.
  • Charged shots have 生得的 2.5 meter 貫通距離
  • Projectiles are wide, allowing them to hit multiple targets standing next to each-other.
  • 生得的なNaramon Pol極性を持つ。
  • Can equip the Miter-exclusive Neutralizing JusticeMod TT 20px Neutralizing Justice mod.


  • 低いImpact b 衝撃Puncture b 貫通ダメージ –対して有効でない シールドarmor
  • 低いクリティカル率
  • Projectiles have slow travel time.
  • 遅い発射速度
  • Draws from the rare sniper ammo pool.

Weapon Loadouts[]

  • See Category:Miter Build to see how players mod this weapon.
  • See Category:Miter Guides for guides on how to use this weapon effectively.
  • For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.


Miter's main 設計図 and components can be obtained from the dual boss team Lech KrilCaptain Vor on Exta, Ceres

Drop Chance Expected Nearly Guaranteed
本体設計図 16.67% 13 – 14 kills 47 ± 13 kills
バレル 16.67%
ブレード 16.67%
ハンドル 16.67%
シャーシ 16.67%

Expected とは、プレイヤーが期待値に関連したドロップのうち少なくとも1つを受け取ることができる実行回数の総数のことである。

Nearly Guaranteed とは、プレイヤーが99%、99.9%、99.99%の確率で各ドロップのうち少なくとも1つを受け取るために必要な実行回数の総数を指す。

For more detailed definitions and information on how these number were obtained visit here.


  • The Miter has a high chance of cutting corpses into pieces, making it an ideal candidate for a Desecrating NekrosIcon272 Nekros to bring along, as the game considers the cut corpses as separate entities, essentially giving multiple corpses to desecrate from a single enemy and thus yielding more chances to create more drops.
  • A fully charged rounds have 高い貫通距離, making it 対して有効 large groups, particularly 感染体 due to the high Slash b 切断ダメージを与える。
    • This also makes it possible to hit a single enemy twice with one shot: shooting a charged round directly at an enemy in front of a wall will make the rebounded ブレード hit the enemy a second time.
  • Mods that affect fire rate also affect the charging time
  • The Sniper Ammo MutationMod TT 20px Sniper Ammo Mutation mod is highly recommended as ammo can drain fast with normal attacks. Also, using Squad Ammo Restores or Carrier's Ammo Case is another alternative to keeping your ammo up.
  • As the weapon's projectiles start their flight at the rear of the weapon (compared to the edge of the バレル for most weapons) and fly in straight lines, it is not recommended to use Heavy CaliberMod TT 20px Heavy Caliber as the mod will cause the ブレードs to be fired at wide angles from the aiming reticle at high ranks.
  • While having a crit chance of only 5% on uncharged shots, fully charged shots have a base crit chance of 10% which is enough to bring it up to 25% with Point StrikeMod TT 20px Point Strike, enough to take advantage of heavy critical headshot slash procs that are very common with the miter due to having mostly slash damage.
    • With the addition of the crits on charged shots, it's possible to deal procs of 4,000 or more per tick when getting a crit and a slash proc on a headshot on a グリニア enemy, regardless of their level (without any slash damage mods). This allows the weapon to perform surprisingly well on higher levels, similar to how the ファイル:Dread2.png Dread can cause strong slash procs even through heavy グリニア armor.
    • It can be useful to add Continuous MiseryMod TT 20px Continuous Misery to the weapon to extend the slash proc's duration.
  • Due to the slow projectile speed, it can be difficult to hit targets. Even is they are directly approaching you from a distance. If you instead aim at the ground ahead of them, the ブレード will ricochet off of the ground and almost invariably hit your target.


  • When fired from a clone via HallOfMirrors130xDark Hall Of Mirrors, the projectile will be the user's color palette, however the destroyed sawblade will be the default palette upon contact with a second bounce.
  • When firing the projectiles at a Button on certain Orokin missions, the ブレードs will hit the button and spin in place. At the end of their flight time, they will fall to the ground.


  • The Miter has a non-static model; its discs rotate inside the weapon during charging, although the effect is barely visible to the user due to the position of the gun.
  • The Miter was first seen in the game with the グリニア Eviscerator in the Sling-Stone Event
  • miter saw is a type of power saw with a circular sawblade.
  • Written on the disc is the word テンプレート:グリニアScript which translates to "Cutface" in グリニア.
  • The Miter can be carried by グリニア Targets in a Capture mission
  • A ブレード that has been shot can be found on the ground shortly after its third impact. After a few seconds it will disappear.
  • When held using HallOfMirrors130xDark Hall Of Mirrors, the sawblade will not be hidden if the User looks through one of their clones.
  • グリニア Eviscerators seem to be able to fire the weapon faster than a player can without any 発射速度 Mods (uncharged).
  • The ファイル:TennoMiter.png Panthera, a rifle which requires the Miter as a prerequisite to be built, similarly fires sawblades, with an additional ability to fire a levitating saw that deals continuous damage.
    • Slightly contrasting the Miter, however, the Panthera's sawblades are aligned vertically, compared to the Miter, whose sawblades are aligned horizontally.
    • It cannot charge its attacks unlike the Miter.
  • The Miter can be considered one of the toughest weapons to acquire in the game. Due to its high number of parts in addition to the Gremlin Twin Gremlins 設計図 being on the same drop table, it's highly likely to end up with multiple duplicates before getting the last missing part.
  • Up until the introduction of the ​Shedu Shedu​, the Miter was the only weapon to use a シャーシ as a component. Beyond these two, only Warframes use シャーシ as a manufacturing requirement.



Update 25.7 (08-29-2019)
  • Converted materials to PBR on the Miter

Hotfix 21.0.2 (06-29-2017)

  • Fixed Miter showing fall off values in the Arsenal (cosmetic only).

Hotfix 20.1.1 (04-07-2017)

  • Reduced Miter Clip to 10 in the Conclave.

Update 20.1 (04-05-2017)

  • Reduced AOE range of Miter with the Thundermiter Mod from 2.5 to 2m in Conclave.

Hotfix 20.0.6 (03-29-2017)

  • Fixed the Arsenal displaying incorrect stats for the Crit Chance of the Miter's charged projectiles.

Hotfix 20.0.5 (03-28-2017)

  • Fixed Miter charged projectiles not having their proper Punch-Through.

Update 20.0 (03-24-2017)

  • 増加 chance of dismemberment on kills.
  • 増加 speed of Projectiles.
  • Charge time has been halved.
  • クリティカル確率 of 5% for a quick shot.
  • クリティカル確率 of 10% for a charged shot.
  • Hit detection is now based on the size of the Sawblade.
  • マスタリーランク 増加 to 6.

Update: Specters of the Rail (07-08-2016)

  • Conclave mod Lucky Shot can no longer be used with the Miter.

Update 18.9 (04-20-2016)

  • Reduced the explosive damage by half of the Thundermiter mod in Conclave.

Update 18.7 (03-30-2016)

  • The Deft Tempo Mod can no longer be used with the Miter.

Update 18.5 (03-04-2016)

  • Thundermiter (Miter) - 100% chance Charged Projectiles explode, -50% fire rate.
  • Removed bounce from Miters charged shot in Conclave.

Hotfix 18.1.3 (12-18-2015)

  • Decreased ammo pool of Miter in Conclave.

Update 18.0 (12-03-2015)

  • The Miter's projectile speed has been 増加 in PvP.

Update 17.0 (07-31-2015)

  • Now available for use in Conclave. This list includes all weapon variants.

Hotfix 15.10.1 (01-16-2015)

  • Fixed various audio FX inconsistencies that would occur when firing the Panthera or Miter.

Hotfix 15.7.2 (12-19-2014)

  • Fixed Miters charge loop sound continuously playing after charge has been completed.

Update 13.5 (05-28-2014)

  • Miter base damage has been 増加 along with the flight speed and proc chance of charged shots

Update 13.4 (05-21-2014)

  • Fixed an issue with Miter's projectile FX orientation.

Hotfix 10.3.2 (10-10-2013)

  • Fix for Miter ブレードs firing on wrong axis.

Update 10.1 (09-20-2013)

  • Fix for Miter not taking energy color attributes.

Update 10.0 (09-13-2013)

  • Fixed Miter disk projectile to behave like other projectiles that pass through Volt's Shield and Frost'a Snowglobe.

Update 9.7 (08-30-2013)

  • Miter: 増加 fire rate, higher charge damage. Charged shots fire through targets.

Update 9.6 (08-16-2013)

  • Tweaks to グリニア Miter sounds.

Hotfix 9.5.3 (08-14-2013)

  • Fix for the Miters holster position.

Hotfix 9.5.2 (08-12-2013)

  • Fixed custom colours not applying to Miter saw ブレードs or boomerang.

Update 9.5 (08-09-2013)

  • 実装。

Last updated: Update 21.3 (08-02-2017)

See also[]

  • Eviscerator, the グリニア unit that uses the Miter.
  • 貫通距離, for details on which parts of the environment can and cannot be pierced by the ブレード.
  • ファイル:TennoMiter.png Panthera, the weapon that is crafted using the Miter.