A different take on a familiar combat knife, the Machete Wraith features a unique styling.
The Machete Wraith is the Wraith variant of the ファイル:Machete.pngMachete, featuring an 増加 base damage and attack speed. Originally obtained from completing at least 25 missions during The Gradivus Dilemma, the Machete Wraith is the second Wraith weapon to be released, after the ファイル:WraithStrun.pngStrun Wraith.
This weapon was first introduced as a potential reward from The Gradivus Dilemmaevent if players fought in 25 battles and the conflict favored the グリニア。 As the グリニア succeeded in the event, the weapon was awarded, complete with a free weapon slot and pre-installed Orokin Catalyst。
The Machete Wraith is now potentially sold by Baro Ki'Teer in the Concourse section of the テンノRelay for 250,000 250,000と410410。 Note that Baro Ki'Teer's stock changes with each appearance, and this weapon may not be available on a succeeding appearance.
この武器はトレード可能。ただし、ランクなしでフォーマ、オロキン カタリストをインストールしていない状態に限る。The trading recipient must also have a マスタリーランク of at least 11.
See Category:Machete Wraith Build to see how players mod this weapon.
See Category:Machete Wraith Guides for guides on how to use this weapon effectively.
For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.
The Gradivus Dilemma was introduced as a chance to bring back the original ファイル:Machete.pngMachete as it was decommissioned prior to event and cannot be expected to return. However, from July 10, 2014 to July 16, 2014 the original Machete's 設計図 was given to players upon logging in as an apology for the delay of Update 14.0 (07-18-2014).
The Machete Wraith is the second Wraith weapon (after ファイル:WraithStrun.pngStrun Wraith) and also the first event-exclusive melee weapon.
As with many other old Wraith and Vandal weapons, only the energy color could be changed. Other colors may be selected, but would not show on the weapon, unless said weapon possessed a skin.
As of Update 22, all default skins of Vandal and Wraith weapons can be fully coloured.
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