The MK1-Furis are the standard issue automatic pistol for all Tenno.
The MK1-Furis are the MK1 variant of the ファイル:Furis.png Furis and are the standard issue automatic pistol for new テンノ recruits. The damage is lackluster, but its high accuracy and stability make it simple to use for its automatic nature.
This weapon can be bought in the Market for 15,000。 It can also be sold for
- 高い
貫通ダメージ – 対して有効 armor。
- 高い精度。
- 低反動。
- 良い発射速度。
- Can use the Furis-exclusive
Winds of Purity mod.
- 生得的な
- Second lowest base damage of all secondaries, after ファイル:Akzani.png Akzani.
- 低い
切断ダメージ –対して有効でない シールドとヘルス。
- 低い
- とても低いクリティカル率。
- Extremely low 状態異常確率。
- Inefficient ammo economy。
- MK1-Furis, compared to Furis:
- Lower base damage (13 vs. 20)
- Lower status chance (2% vs. 12%)
- Lower fire rate (8 rounds/sec vs. 10 rounds/sec)
- Lower Mastery Rank required (0 vs. 2)
- Higher disposition (2 vs. 2)
Weapon Loadouts[]
- 主要記事: Category:Furis Build
See the user build section for builds using this weapon.
- The MK1-Furis is a weaker version of the ファイル:Furis.png Furis machine pistol, with slightly lower damage and rate of fire. Both weapons are otherwise identical.
- The MK1-Furis cannot be used as a component to build the ファイル:Afuris.png Afuris.
- Using the
Pistol Ammo Mutation mod can help regain lost ammo when needed. Alternatively, use
Pistol Scavenger Aura or bring along a Squad Ammo Restore。
- "Furis" is the genitive of the Latin word "Fur" which means "thief".
- A Lotus symbol seems to appear at the end of the magazine, justifying itself as a Tenno weapon.
Hotfix 22.17.3 (04-11-2018)
- Improved performance issues when firing the Furis.
Update 22.10 (01-25-2018)
- Removed the マスタリーランク 2 requirement from the MK1-Furis.
Update 20.2 (04-12-2017)
- The Furis has received an updated look and given the PBR treatment!
Update 20.0 (03-24-2017)
- The Furis has received the PBR treatment!
Update 19.5 (12-22-2016)
- MK1-Furis magazine reduced from 35 to 20 in Conclave.
Hotfix 18.5.5 (03-08-2016)
- Reduced the damage of MK-1 Furis in the Conclaves.
Update 17.10 (11-04-2015)
- Furis series damage reduced in PvP.
Update 17.2.4 (08-26-2015)
- Fixed an issue where ejected Furis clips would hang in the air after reloading.
- Fixed an issue where Furis and Dex Furis ejected or loaded clips would not have proper skins or colors.
Update 16.4 (04-23-2015)
- Fixed MK1-Furis showing a price of 120 Platinum in the Market.
Hotfix 14.2.4 (08-23-2014)
- Reduced conclave ratings for MK-1 weapons.
- Fixed cases where MK-1 weapons that had been acquired during the Tutorial would never gain XP.
Hotfix 14.2.3 (08-21-2014)
- MK-1 weapons have been added to the Market.
- MK-1 weapons can now be seen in the Codex.
Update 14.0 (07-18-2014)
- 実装。
Last updated: Hotfix 23.7.1 (09-06-2018)
See also[]
- ファイル:Furis.png Furis, the standard version of this weapon.
- ファイル:Afuris.png Afuris, the akimbo counterpart of this gun.
- ファイル:DexFuris.png Dex Furis, the limited edition akimbo counterpart of this gun.