The MK1-Braton is the standard issue rifle for all Tenno. A versatile weapon that can be customized to support a wide variety of play styles.
MK1-Bratonは Bratonの MK1 版で新規のテンノに与えられる標準的なライフルである。ダメージは劣るが最大の長所は精度と安定性にあり、扱いやすい。
Vorの秘宝チュートリアルプロローグでプレーヤーが選択できる2つの主要武器の一種類であり、もう一方は ファイル:Paris.png MK1-Parisである。
この武器はマーケット から 15,000で購入可能。
この武器は主に 切断ダメージを与える。
- 高い
切断 damage - 対して有効 ヘルス。
- 高い精度。
- 低反動。
- MK1-Braton, compared to Braton:
- Lower base damage (18 vs. 24)
- Lower critical chance (8% vs. 12%)
- Lower critical multiplier (2x vs. 2x)
- Lower status chance (6% vs. 6%)
- Lower fire rate (8 rounds/sec vs. 8 rounds/sec)
- Larger magazine (60 rounds vs. 45 rounds)
- More accurate (40 vs. 28.6)
- MK1-Braton, compared to Braton Prime:
- Lower base damage (18 vs. 35)
- Lower critical chance (8% vs. 12%)
- Lower critical multiplier (2x vs. 2x)
- Lower status chance (6% vs. 26%)
- Lower fire rate (8 rounds/sec vs. 10 rounds/sec)
- Smaller magazine (60 rounds vs. 75 rounds)
- Smaller max ammo capacity (540 rounds vs. 600 rounds)
- Faster reload speed (2 s vs. 2 s)
- More accurate (40 vs. 28.6)
- Lower Mastery Rank required (0 vs. 8)
- Higher disposition (2 vs. 2)
- MK1-Braton, compared to Braton Vandal:
- Lower base damage (18 vs. 35)
- Lower critical chance (8% vs. 16%)
- Lower critical multiplier (2x vs. 2x)
- Lower status chance (6% vs. 16%)
- Larger magazine (60 rounds vs. 50 rounds)
- Smaller max ammo capacity (540 rounds vs. 550 rounds)
- Slower reload speed (2 s vs. 2 s)
- More accurate (40 vs. 33.3)
- Different polarities (None vs.
- Lower Mastery Rank required (0 vs. 4)
- Higher disposition (2 vs. 2)
Weapon Loadouts[]
- 主要記事: Category:MK1-Braton Build
See the user build section for builds using this weapon.
- ランク30に達し、
Braton を購入すると良い。火星以降ではBratonの方が有用である。
- Using
Rifle Ammo Mutation can help regain lost ammo due to the weapon's ammo consumption, although much lower than other rifles.
- New players may not have access to this mod.
- Update 14.0 (07-18-2014) buffed the MK1-Braton's damage and rate of fire to make it closer to the Braton in terms of performance.
- Originally, the MK1-Braton was unable to equip skins. This was eventually fixed in Hotfix (04-15-2015)
Update 19.10 (02-09-2017)
- Braton model reworked.
Update 7.7 (04-03-2013)
- Reduced fire rate to 5.9 from 8.3.
Update 7.x Weapon Balance (03-22-2013)
- Decreased damage from 20 to 18.
- Decreased reload time from 2.37 to 2.2.
Vanilla (10-25-2012)
- Introduced with game release.
See Also[]
Braton, an upgraded version of this gun.
Braton Prime, the prime counterpart of Braton.
- ファイル:BratonVandal.png Braton Vandal, an exclusive Lotus counterpart of Braton.