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LotusWhite Tenno TopWeapon Weapons
the Capture-mission of the same nameについては、Ceres#Missions をご覧ください。

The Lex is a powerful, accurate pistol that has a lower rate of fire and clip size. Very efficient at long range.

The Lex is a pistol with high damage and very high accuracy. The weapon does not falter in long ranges, and is capable of dispatching most light armored enemies with a well-aimed headshot.

This weapon can be purchased for Credits64‍ 50,000​ from the マーケット。 次の値段で売却できる。Credits64‍ 5,000; it is also a テンプレート:Requisite Weapon for ファイル:DEAklex.png Aklex (x2).


この武器は主にPuncture b 貫通ダメージを与える。


  • 高いPuncture b 貫通ダメージ – 対して有効 armor
  • 高いクリティカル率
  • Very accurate.
  • Very good ammunition efficiency.
  • 生得的なMadurai Pol極性を持つ。


  • 低いImpact b 衝撃Slash b 切断ダメージ –対して有効でない シールドヘルス
  • 遅い状態異常確率
  • 遅い発射速度
  • High recoil.
  • 遅いリロード速度
  • Small magazine size.


  • Lex, compared to Lex Prime:
    • Lower base damage (130 vs. 150)
    • Lower critical chance (20% vs. 26%)
    • Lower status chance (10% vs. 26%)
    • Lower fire rate (2 rounds/sec vs. 2 rounds/sec)
    • Smaller magazine (6 rounds vs. 8 rounds)
    • Lower Mastery Rank required (3 vs. 8)
    • Higher disposition (2 vs. 2)
  • Lex, compared to Aklex:
    • Lower fire rate (2 rounds/sec vs. 2 rounds/sec)
    • Smaller magazine (6 rounds vs. 12 rounds)
    • Faster reload speed (2 s vs. 4 s)
    • More accurate (16 vs. 9.8)
    • Different polarities (Madurai Pol vs. None)
    • Lower Mastery Rank required (3 vs. 4)
    • Higher disposition (2 vs. 2)

Weapon Loadouts[]

  • See Category:Lex Build to see how players mod this weapon.
  • See Category:Lex Guides for guides on how to use this weapon effectively.
  • For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.


  • It is well suited for medium to long range combat, and the Hawk EyeMod TT 20px Hawk Eye mod can increase zoom to effectively use it as a pocket sniper.
  • Recommended to pair this with a close to mid-range primary weapon as its small magazine and longer reload times can be crippling at closer ranges. This weapon is also very useful while playing a support role for its long-range capability and common ammo type.


  • Barrel DiffusionMod TT 20px Barrel Diffusion enables a 120% chance for additional projectiles without ammunition consumption (up to 180% and faster fire rate with Lethal TorrentMod TT 20px Lethal Torrent). This, combined with Hornet StrikeMod TT 20px Hornet Strike will cause damage rivaling most sniper rifles.
  • Using GunslingerMod TT 20px Gunslinger to increase the firing rate of the Lex makes it a viable weapon in almost any circumstance.
  • Combining a max ranked Slip MagazineMod TT 20px Slip MagazineIce StormMod TT 20px Ice Storm can push the Lex up to 10 rounds per magazine, and by adding GunslingerMod TT 20px Gunslinger, QuickdrawMod TT 20px Quickdraw,Steady HandsMod TT 20px Steady HandsStunning SpeedMod TT 20px Stunning Speed , all drawbacks of the weapon will be eliminated.However using all of these mods at once will severely limit your mod space for equipping elemental damage, crit chance and crit damage mods.
  • This weapon is useful alongside automatic rifles or shotguns, as most of those weapons have poor long-range capabilities.
  • This weapon can also be a high-risk-high-reward alternative to pair with a sniper rifle, since it can be used to finish off heavy enemies usually in a few hits, when you need to reload your rifle, or when you're being surrounded by lightly armored enemies.
  • Using Steady HandsMod TT 20px Steady Hands (which reduces the recoil of pistols) can be very beneficial to the Lex, as the high recoil between each shot could lead to you missing your target at times.
  • MesaIcon272 Mesa's passive provides a much needed reload speed.


  • Lex is the Latin word for law.
    • Lex also pronounced similar to เล็ก (Lĕk), a Thai word for "small", which is ironically referred to its tiny size.
    • Lex shares its name with a mission node on Ceres
  • The Lex has a surprisingly conventional appearance compared to most weapons in the game, drawing inspiration from real-world firearms. Its Prime variant continues this trend, complete with a slide that is pulled back during reloading.
    • The underbarrel attachment is a flashlight.
    • The Lex appears to have two バレルs, but the lower "barrel" is in fact a guide rod.
  • The Lex and its akimboPrime variants share similar weapon sounds to the Hammer 1895, a revolver featured in Dark Sector.




Update 25.8 (10-01-2019)
October 2019 Riven Disposition Change
  • Lex: 0.9->1.05

Update 21.7 (09-09-2017)

  • Lex headshot multiplier reduced to 1.5x in Conclave.

Update 21.0 (06-29-2017)

  • 増加 damage from 70 to 130.
  • 増加 Crit Chance from 15% to 20%.
  • 増加 マスタリーランク requirement from 0 to 3.
  • Lex damage 増加 in Conclave.

Hotfix 18.4.10 (02-11-2016)

  • 増加 the damage of the Lex series in Conclave.
  • 増加 the headshot multiplier of the Lex series in Conclave.

Update 18.0 (12-03-2015)

  • Lex Conclave Skin added.

Update 16.4 (04-23-2015)

  • Decreased the Lex's damage in PvP.

Update 9.5 (08-09-2013)

  • Added custom reload animation and sounds for the Lex.

Update 7.11 (05-17-2013)

  • Credit price 増加 from Credits64‍ 35,000 to Credits64‍ 50,000。
  • No longer purchasable for Platinum.

Update 7.x Weapon Balance (03-22-2013)

  • ダメージ増加 from 60 to 80.
  • Fire rate 増加 from 60 to 65.
  • Reload time decreased from 2.5s to 2.35s.
  • Crit Chance 増加 from 5% to 15%.

Update 6.4 (02-22-2013)

  • Lex balancing (less recoil, slightly higher fire rate).

Vanilla (10-25-2012)

  • Item introduced with game release.

Last updated: Hotfix 23.6.2 (08-31-2018)

See also[]
