Warframe日本語 Wiki
TopEnemy Infested TopWeapon Weapons

An instrument of unrelenting harm.

The Lesion is an Infested polearm based on the ファイル:Tipedo.png Tipedo. Upon inflicting a Status Effect on its target, the Lesion gains bonuses to its 攻撃速度 and bonus Toxin b  damage, which coupled with its primary focus on Slash b 切断 damage makes it a dangerous weapon against lightly-armored targets.

この武器は次の値段で売却可能 Credits64‍ 6,000.

Manufacturing Requirements
Time: 12 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 35
MarketIcon マーケット Price: Platinum64 150 Blueprint2 設計図 Price:Credits6425,000


この武器は主にSlash b 切断ダメージを与える。


  • Third highest damage of all polearms, behind GrnHalberd KeshegInfStaff Pupacyst.
    • 高いSlash b 切断ダメージ – 対して有効 ヘルス
  • 良いクリティカル確率
  • 最も高い状態異常確率 of all polearms.
  • Gains 15% 攻撃速度 and 100% Toxin b  damage bonuses for 6 seconds upon landing a successful attack with a status proc.
    • Additional Toxin b damage added will combine with any primary elements (or secondary elements with Toxin b ) on the weapon.
  • スタンススロットはZenurik Pol極性を持ち、Shimmering BlightMod TT 20px Shimmering Blightスタンスに適合する。
  • Has a Madurai Pol極性。


  • 低いImpact b 衝撃Puncture b 貫通ダメージ –対して有効ではない シールドarmor


  • On dealing status procs on an enemy, the Lesion has a unique feature whereby it gains 15% additional attack speed for 6 seconds, as well as 100% Toxin b ダメージを与える。
    • Attack speed buff is additive to attack speed mods on the weapon.
    • This buff does not stack with repeated status procs.
    • This buff duration is not refreshed upon inflicting procs while the buff is still active. The buff must first expire before another instance can be activated.
    • The Toxin b damage is additive to other elemental mods on the weapon.


  • The weapon's Toxin b buff synergizes well with Corrosive b 腐食, Gas b ガス, or Viral b 感染 builds.
  • Synergizes well with SarynIcon272 Saryn: her passive increases the duration of status procs by 25% (adding to their total damage) and ToxicLash130xDark Toxic Lash guarantees procs along with adding even more Toxin b ダメージを与える。
  • The Attack Speed buff along with the weapon's high status chance allows the Lesion to proc multiple statuses quickly, good for limited crowd control and/or Condition OverloadMod TT 20px Condition Overload.


  • Lesion is any abnormal damage or change in an organism's tissue, usually the result of injury or disease. It is derived from the Latin word laesio, which simply means "injury".
  • Though looking quite similar in design and length to the ファイル:Tipedo.png Tipedo,the Lesion's crafting component, the Lesion is labelled as a polearm while the Tipedo is a staff
  • The Lesion has a non-static model; the "jaws" of the weapon close when not actively equipped, will open upon being wielded、そしてwithout a Stance equipped, the jaws will visibly "bite" on the thrusting second and fourth strikes of the combo.




Update 26.0 (10-31-2019)
  • マスタリーランク increased from 7 to 9.
  • ダメージ増加 from 100 to 237.
  • 範囲増加 from 1.5 to 2.7.
  • Status Chance increased from 30% to 37%.
  • Critical Chance increased from 5% to 15%.
  • スラムアタック増加 from 200 to 711.
  • スライドアタック増加 from 222 to 474.
  • Parry Angle set to 55.
  • Follow Through reduced from 0.8 to 0.6.

Update 22.6 (12-07-2017)

  • Fixed polearms clipping on some Warframes when using the standard holster position.

Update 18.5 (03-04-2016)

  • Introduced.

Last updated: Update 26.0 (10-31-2019)
