The Imperator is a heavy Arch-gun fully automatic rifle boasting 高いクリティカル率, 発射速度, and magazine size.
This weapon is given during The Archwing quest, after completion of an Odonata Archwing。
Manufacturing Requirements | |||||
![]() 25,000 |
![]() 2 |
![]() 1,500 |
![]() 150 |
![]() 300 |
Time: 24 hrs |
N/A | |||||
![]() ![]() |
追加の設計図はセファロン・シマリスから次の値段で購入出来る。 100,000。
- 高い
貫通ダメージ – 対して有効 シールドとarmor。
- 非常に高いクリティカル率。
- 平均的な状態異常確率。
- Good ammo efficiency, generating relatively small cooldown for the Archgun Deployer for every second fired.
- 高い発射速度。
- マガジンサイズが大きい、
- 生得的な
- Tied with ファイル:ImperatorVandal.png Imperator Vandal for the lowest base damage of all arch-guns.
- Archwing:
- Has linear damage falloff from 100% to ?% from 100m to 350m target distance (distances are affected by projectile flight speed).
- Extremely slow リロード速度。
- Imperator, compared to Imperator Vandal:
- Lower critical chance (24% vs. 28%)
- Lower critical multiplier (2x vs. 2x)
- Lower fire rate (16 rounds/sec vs. 26 rounds/sec)
- Smaller magazine (250 rounds vs. 300 rounds)
- Slower reload speed (50 rounds/sec vs. 76 rounds/sec)
- Less accurate (25 vs. 50)
- Lower Mastery Rank required (0 vs. 5)
- Higher disposition (2 vs. 0)
Weapon Loadouts[]
- See Category:Imperator Build to see how players mod this weapon.
- See Category:Imperator Guides for guides on how to use this weapon effectively.
- For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.
- ゲーム内の多くの主要武器とは異なり、アークウイングガンは予備の弾薬プールを持たず、リロードの必要もない。Imperatorは、武器が発射されていない時には自動的にマガジンの弾薬が高速で補充される。
- 射程が遅く、弾のドリフトもあると表示されているにも関わらず、Imperatorはヒットスキャン武器であり、距離や発射する弾の見え方に関わらず、レティクル内の敵に即座に命中させることができる。副次的な効果として、Imperatorは2,000m以上の距離のターゲットを狙撃することができる。ただし、2,000m以上離れた場所から敵と交戦しようとした場合、Imperatorのダメージ・フォールオフによって弱体化してしまい、1ショットあたりのダメージがゼロになってしまうので注意が必要である。
- Archwing Gun stats normalized - space combat now uses ground “Heavy Weapon” stats.
Hotfix 27.0.9 (01-09-2020)
- Optimized Imperator projectiles to improve performance.
- Fixed Imperator GPU particles moving towards the camera.
Hotfix 27.0.7 (12-20-2019)
- Fixed Imperator not recharging correctly.
Hotfix 25.0.3 (05-24-2019)
- The following items have been added to Simaris’ Offerings:
- Imperator 設計図
Hotfix 24.2.6 (12-20-2018)
- Shared Affinity gain now applies to Atmosphere Arch-Guns but only while equipped in the main hand.
- Fixed not having a Arch-Gun equipped by default (if they own an Archwing primary weapon with the Gravimag installed) when changing Loadouts.
- Fixed an issue where players with Arch-Guns in their loadout couldn't Wall Latch.
- Fixed Chroma not playing Arch-Gun equip/charged fire animations.
- Fixed the Imperator and Imperator Vandal reload sounds playing non-positional.
Hotfix 24.2.5 (12-20-2018)
- Changed the Arch-Gun Deployer cooldown timer to scale based on remaining Atmosphere Arch-Guns Ammo pool upon unequipping.
- Removed unintentional ability to summon Arch-Gun in Melee Only Sorties.
Hotfix 24.2.4 (12-19-2018)
- Arch-Gun Ammo pool 増加 by 2x for all Arch-Guns in Atmosphere mode.
- Arch-Gun Deployer cooldown has been reduced to 5 minutes instead of 10.
- Fixed Clients not hearing the Atmosphere Arch-Gun equip sound.
Hotfix 24.2.1 (12-18-2018)
- Removed the dissolve FX when equipping your Atmosphere Arch-Gun.
Update 24.2 (12-18-2018)
It’s time we equipped some serious floor firepower! All Arch-Guns can be used on the ground - or as we like to call it ‘Atmosphere’ - with the use of a ‘Gravimag’. Gravimag is obtained from Clan Research, or as a one-time reward from the Orb Heist Phase 3 Bounty, and can be installed on any Arch-Gun (with an Orokin Catalyst installed) via the Upgrade Arsenal - similar to installing a Catalyst.
Comparable to the Archwing and K-Drive Launchers, a respective Gear item known as the Archweapon Deployer is required to activate your Atmosphere Arch-Gun. The Archweapon Deployer can be obtained by completing the Orb Heist Phase 3 Bounty.
Atmosphere Arch-Gun General Changes:
- Atmosphere Arch-Guns consume Ammo as opposed to unlimited Ammo/Battery in Archwing. Specifically new Heavy Ammo Drops which can be found from Corpus enemies in Orb Heist missions. Heavy Ammo Drops also reset the 10 minute cool-down when picked up, or replenish Ammo if needed.
- Atmosphere Arch-Gun can be summoned in normal missions with the Archweapon Deployer, but once Ammo has been depleted there is a 10 minute cool-down until you can summon again. The intent here is to allow you moments of beefy damage output, and not become just another Primary/Secondary weapon.
All stat changes are for Atmosphere Arch-Gun mode, マスタリーランク changes are global:
- ダメージ増加 from 40 to 50.
- クリティカル確率 増加 from 10% to 24%.
- 状態異常確率 増加 from 5% to 12%.
- Magazine size decreased from 250 to 200.
- Ammo Capacity set at 400.
- Reload speed set at 2 seconds.
Update 15.0 (10-24-2014)
- 実装。
See also[]
- ファイル:ImperatorVandal.png Imperator Vandal, the Vandal version.