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TopEnemy グリニア TopWeapon Weapons

A powerful mid-range rifle used by グリニア shock troops, the Hind fires in five round bursts.

The Hind is a グリニア burst rifle used by their エリートランサーs. It fires five-round bursts while maintaining a low recoil allowing all rounds fired to land very close to one another, but has poor critical stats. Pressing Alternate Fire shoots single rounds with higher damage per bullet and critical stats but lower status.

この武器は次の値段で売却可能。 Credits64‍ 7,500。

Manufacturing Requirements
Time: 24 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 25
MarketIcon マーケット Price: Platinum64 225 Blueprint2 設計図 Price:Credits6440,000


この武器は主にSlash b 切断ダメージを与える。


  • 高いSlash b 切断ダメージ – 対して有効 ヘルス
  • Semi-auto fire has good クリティカル率
  • Burst-fire has good 状態異常確率
  • 高い精度
  • マガジンサイズが大きい、
  • Highest number of shots per burst out of all burst-fire rifles.
  • Burst-fire has low recoil
  • 生得的なMadurai Pol極性を持つ。


  • 低いImpact b 衝撃Puncture b 貫通 –対して有効でない シールドarmor
  • Burst-fire mode:
    • Tied with ファイル:Burston.png Burston{{Weapon}} "クバ Hind" not found for the lowest base damage per bullet of all burst-fire rifles.
    • とても低いクリティカル率
    • 低いクリティカル倍率
    • Linearly less efficient – sometimes a target may only die with six bullets, which requires an entire second burst to be fired. However, this can be circumvented by using the semi-auto single shot.
  • Semi-auto mode:
    • 遅い状態異常確率
    • Tied with {{Weapon}} "クバ Hind" not foundとNagantaka Nagantaka for the third slowest 発射速度 of all semi-automatic rifles, after DEGrinlok Grinlok/ファイル:PrismaGrinlok.png Prisma Grinlok{{Weapon}} "クバ Chakkhurr" not found.


  • Hind, compared to Kuva Hind:
    • Lower secondary attack damage (60 vs. 90)
    • Lower secondary mode critical chance (16% vs. 38%)
    • Lower secondary mode critical multiplier (2x vs. 2x)
    • Lower secondary mode status chance (10% vs. 22%)
    • Lower primary critical chance (8% vs. 26%)
    • Lower primary critical multiplier (2x vs. 2x)
    • Lower primary status chance (16% vs. 34%)
    • Lower fire rate (6 rounds/sec vs. 10 rounds/sec)
    • Smaller magazine (65 rounds vs. 90 rounds)
    • Faster reload speed (2 s vs. 2 s)
    • Lower Mastery Rank required (0 vs. 15)
    • Higher disposition (2 vs. 2)

Weapon Loadouts[]

  • See Category:Hind Build to see how players mod this weapon.
  • See Category:Hind Guides for guides on how to use this weapon effectively.
  • For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.


  • This weapon was introduced in Update 9.6 (08-16-2013).
  • Mods that affect fire rate will also affect the burst rate, making the Hind very deadly with mods that increase the firerate, and even more so with the addition of 貫通距離.
  • エリートランサーs have the ability to fire the weapon as fast as players can with near maximum firerate mods on. Coupled with decent slash damage and a 10% status, these ランサーs are notorious for constantly inflicting players with slash procs that strip away their health.


  • New players who prefer burst fire but cannot afford this weapon's heavy building cost should stick with the ファイル:Burston.png Burston until they have enough resources.
  • The Hind is made significantly better against enemy groups with the addition of ShredMod TT 20px Shred or Metal AugerMod TT 20px Metal Auger.
  • StabilizerMod TT 20px Stabilizer effectively reduces the recoil on every burst giving it more pin point precision over long distances or for better headshots.
    • If one does not have Stabilizer or does not wish to install the Mod, a better alternative is moving the mouse down to combat the recoil when firing.


  • The Hind is one of the グリニア weapons to be showcased in the Chemical Lab
  • The Hind probably gets its name from the NATO reporting name for the famous Mil Mi-24 helicopter gunship/troop transport. Other probable sources of the weapon's name include:
  • The Hind is one of the few グリニア weapons that are not focused on Impact b 衝撃 damage, and instead focused mostly on Slash b 切断. This makes them the least effective gun unit in the グリニア arsenal at taking down shields and punching through armor, while being better equipped against the 感染体 or Corpus enemies with shields down.



Update 25.7 (08-29-2019)
  • Converted materials to PBR on the Hind

Update 22.12 (02-09-2018)

  • 状態異常確率 増加 from 10% to 15% (Primary Fire)
  • クリティカル確率 増加 from 5 to 7% (Primary Fire)
  • クリティカル確率 増加 from 10% to 15% (Alt Fire)
  • 状態異常確率 decreased from 20% to 10% (Alt Fire)

Hotfix 20.0.8 (03-30-2017)

  • Fixed the Hind’s Alt fire not producing bullet holes when fired at the wall.

Update 20.0 (03-24-2017)

  • We've added a single-shot Semi-Auto Alt Fire to the Hind that has 増加 Damage, Critical, and 状態異常確率

Update: The Silver Grove (08-19-2016) Conclave:

  • 増加 damage of Hind.

Update 18.5 (03-04-2016) Conclave:

  • 増加 the damage of the Hind.

Update 17.0 (07-31-2015)

  • Hind now available in Conclave.

Hotfix 14.0.11 (07-30-2014)

  • Damage multipliers for the Hind normalized (no more arbitrary multipliers).

Update 14.0 (07-18-2014)

  • Tweaked the weapon fire sound effects on the Dera and Hind.

Update 9.6 (08-16-2013)

  • Introduced
Last update: Hotfix (06-07-2018)

See also[]

  • エリートランサーs, the グリニア unit that uses this weapon.
  • {{Weapon}} "クバ Hind" not found, the クバリッチ counterpart of this weapon.