The Glaive is a three-edged throwing ブレード that can be utilized as both a melee weapon and as a thrown weapon. If thrown, this weapon will bounce three times or travel 30 meters before returning to its owner.
Manufacturing Requirements | |||||
![]() 15,000 |
![]() 10 |
![]() 5,000 |
![]() 6,000 |
![]() 4,500 |
Time: 12 hrs |
Rush: ![]() | |||||
![]() ![]() |
The Glaive blueprint can be acquired from the Nightwave Offerings. It can also be obtained via Daily Tribute if the player hasn't mastered this weapon. Glaive as well as the Glaive Obsidian Skin was formerly obtainable to all PlayStation Plus members as part of the original PlayStation Plus starter pack.
この武器は主に 切断ダメージを与える。
- 高い
切断ダメージ – 対して有効 ヘルス。
- Possesses momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.
- Charge Attack throws the glaive, which can bounce up three times or travels up to 30 meters before returning to the user, damaging anyone in its path.
- Thrown glaive has 生得的な
爆発ダメージ – 対して有効 MachineryとFossilized。
- Thrown glaive has a guaranteed
衝撃 proc.
- Thrown glaive has good クリティカル率と状態異常確率。
- Thrown glaive has above average クリティカル倍率。
- Primary and secondary weapons can be fired and reloaded normally with a thrown glaive, and retrieving the glaive does not interrupt these actions.
- Thrown glaive is サイレント。
- Glaive can explode in a 4.8 meter radius mid-flight by pressing the melee button which also forces a return. Explosion inflicts a guaranteed
爆発 proc.
- Thrown glaive has 生得的な
- Can be wielded in-tandem with a single-handed secondary weapon.
- 生得的な
- Tied with ファイル:Kestrel.png Kestrel for the lowest base melee damage of all glaives.
- Thrown glaive has 生得的な
爆発ダメージ –対して有効でない フェライト ArmorとInfested Sinew。
- Low melee クリティカル率と状態異常確率。
- Cannot use melee attacks while the glaive is in mid-flight.
- Explosion inflicts self-stagger。
- Explosion has linear damage falloff from 100% to 50% from central impact.
- Glaive, compared to Glaive Prime:
- Lower base damage (105 vs. 164)
- Lower critical chance (12% vs. 22%)
- Lower status chance (12% vs. 30%)
- Lower attack speed (2 vs. 2)
- Lower Mastery Rank required (1 vs. 10)
- Higher disposition (2 vs. 2)
Weapon Loadouts[]
- See Category:Glaive Build to see how players mod this weapon.
- See Category:Glaive Guides for guides on how to use this weapon effectively.
- For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.
- Throwing attacks do not benefit from ヘビーアタック mods or the combo multiplier and are not counted as Heavy Attacks. They do not consume the combo meter, and they still add to and extend your combo.
- The user cannot use melee attacks or block until the Glaive has returned.
- However, you can fire and reload whatever weapon you're currently holding during the Glaive's flight.
- Catching the Glaive is considered a one-handed action. As such, it will not interrupt reloads.
- It should be however noted that finisher attacks can still be executed while the weapon is in the air.
- After the throwing animation, the user switches back to their previously used weapon before the Glaive was thrown. If the Glaive returns too fast, the user will not be able to throw it again until the weapon switch animation has completed. This does not apply if the user is very close to the target that the Glaive was thrown at.
- This can be counteracted by simply pressing 'R' for Reload while the Glaive is in flight.
- The flight range is around 30 in-game meters.
Reach will not improve the flight range but instead increase the size of the Glaive's hitbox, allowing it to hit enemies in a wider area while in flight.
- Beware that an airborne Glaive can break reinforced glass even while ricocheting.
- Airborne Glaives will ricochet off Frost's Snow Globe.
- Cannot travel through Volt's Electric Barrier and become electrically buffed.
- If under the effect of Bullet Attractor or similar abilities the Glaive cannot be thrown; it instantly returns to your hand without harming you.
- Attack Speed mods will reduce the windup time of throwing attacks.
- Using a ヘビーアタック (or Quick Melee if the Glaive was thrown while wielding a sidearm) while the Glaive is in-flight will cause it to explode, dealing damage to nearby objects. This will also make the Glaive immediately return, even if it has not hit its bounce limit.
- The explosion is counted as a ヘビーアタック and consumes the combo meter. It benefits from heavy attack mods and the combo multiplier.
Toxic Lash is applied on charge attacks.[1]
- Glaive will always return in a straight path toward the player. It will ignore all obstacles and 貫通距離 anything in its path on return.
- When using the slide attack, it is possible to chain a second slide attack, for even more slide range and speed.
- The Glaive can be thrown under a mining machine so that it ricochets back and forth between ground and the machine for a maximum amount of bounces, sometimes destroying it in a single throw.
- Against tougher enemies, the Glaive can hit more than once on the outward throw by aiming at the inside of their legs so that the first bounce will bounce the Glaive into their other leg. This is particularly useful on Ancients.
- Throw cannot 貫通距離 シールド ランサー's shield even with Power Throw equipped. The invisible shield sometimes left on death also cannot be shot through.
- When used up close with a
Quick Return mod, the Glaive can be quickly thrown again and again.
- When equipping the Glaive, the player can throw it and then press the channeling button to detonate the Glaive, dealing high AoE damage and returns to the player immediately. This is true for all thrown melee weapons.
- With
Power Throw equipped the Glaive will explode on the last bounce, with the explosion knocking the player back if it explodes close enough. This will occur whether or not the Glaive is currently equipped when thrown.
- While the Glaive's slow flight speed is normally a disadvantage when aiming for direct hits, it can be beneficial when using the airburst function, as it allows one to better gauge where the Glaive is in relation to the enemy, allowing for better timing on when to detonate.
- Detonating the Glaive beside or above an enemy that is in cover can be an effective strategy for eliminating them without exposing yourself.
- With
- The Glaive was released on April 26, 2013 with Update 7.9 (04-26-2013).
- The Glaive shares the same sheath style with the other thrown melee weapons, where they retract and attach under the right arm.
- The word "Glaive" historically has referred to many different weapons, however the term has only referred to thrown weapons in fiction.
- In real life the Glaive is a type of polearm that originated from Europe, and is similar to the Guan Dao or the Naginata in both appearance and function.
- In the 1983 film "Krull", "The Glaive" was the name of a weapon of legend which could only be wielded by the "chosen one". It was a five edged throwing weapon whose flight could be controlled by the wielder after being thrown.
- The Glaive having the ability to detonate mid-flight may be a reference to Dark Sector's Glaive mechanics.
- The Glaive's finisher attack is the same as in Dark Sector, where the player kicks the enemy and stabs them while airborne.
- Furthermore, the Glaive weapon itself may refer to Dark Sector, where a glaive nearly identical to the "Proto-Glaive" skin is the main weapon used by protagonist Hayden Tenno.
- This is supported by the codex entry for the Glaive saying that it dated back to the time of the first Tenno, since Hayden Tenno is technically the first Tenno if both Dark Sector and Warframe are considered.
- Furthermore, the Glaive weapon itself may refer to Dark Sector, where a glaive nearly identical to the "Proto-Glaive" skin is the main weapon used by protagonist Hayden Tenno.
Reduced the following AoE weapons Radial Damage Falloff from central impact that were all previously 90%:
- Glaive: 50%
Update 27.2 (03-05-2020)
- Self Damage Changes
We are getting rid of Self Damage and replacing it with something else: instead of Self Damage, it’s now ‘Stagger’. This change completely removes the chance of killing yourself, and instead now creates scenarios where you will interrupt yourself - or ‘Stagger’ - to varying degrees if you aren’t careful.
The degrees of Self-Interrupt start with a small stumble all the way to full knockdown depending on how close you are to the center of explosion. Any Mods referring to Self Damage will be converted to acknowledge Stagger.
With this Self-Interrupt system, we have added dozens of new recovery animations that harness a ninja-like recovery experience. By pressing ‘Jump’ at the correct time, you can execute a ninja-skill-based knockdown recovery to ALL in-game knockdowns. This ninja recovery window is indicated by a glowing FX on your Warframe.
In the original Dev Workshop, we said:
As a result of this overall systemic change, Weapons with Stagger will be getting approximately a 20% buff in Damage, with any weapons with AOE receiving a 50% Radial Damage Falloff from central impact.
This is no longer accurate after continued testing. What we are doing now is:
No damage buffs have been added, but any weapons with AOE are receiving ~20% increase in Radius. Additionally, AOE weapons are receiving a 90% Radial Damage Falloff from central impact. This means on the very outer section of the explosion Radius 10% of the Damage will be dealt. Tactics will be deadly - aim true, Tenno.
Why: Several players brought up the history of the Tonkor and we want to make sure we ship this change in a place that’s conservative in its starting point from a balance perspective. The complete removal of Self Damage does change the pace of destruction with some of the game’s most powerful weapons, so we want to make sure we can iterate upwardly instead of releasing a bonanza of explosions with no other choices.
Update 26.0 (10-31-2019)
As a general note, self damage has been removed from Glaive power throws. As this decision made it through the testing pipeline, some mentioned this impacts a specific Chroma interaction, but positively impacts 41 other Warframes.
- ダメージ増加 from 45 to 105.
- Range 増加 from 0.5 to 1.25.
- 状態異常確率 増加 from 10% to 12%.
- クリティカル確率 増加 from 10% to 12%.
- Slam Attack 増加 from 90 to 315.
- Slide Attack decreased from 225 to 210.
- Parry Angle set to 55.
- Follow Through 増加 from 0.5 to 0.7.
Hotfix 24.5.3 (03-19-2019)
- Changed the Glaive recall to be done with Melee instead of Melee Channel so its consistent again (Channel being a toggle-only messed up this function).
- Fixed an error where, after Dual-Wielding gun and Glaive, throwing the Glaive in the "normal" Melee only mode could result in a turbo throw that is only supposed to apply for Dual-Wield.
Update 22.15 (03-07-2018)
- Fixed getting Oro from killing yourself with the Glaive in Conclave.
Update 22.12 (02-09-2018)
- Updates and sound additions to one handed secondaries when using Glaive type weapons.
Update 22.8 (12-21-2017)
- Fixed the Glaive consistently circling around the player. Sorry we know it was cool but not intended!
Hotfix 22.5.1 (11-30-2017)
- Fixed Glaive Proto skin not showing correctly in Diorama.
Hotfix 22.0.6 (10-18-2017)
- Fixed Dual Wielding a Glaive and Pistol resulting in the weapon fire VFX and SFX will either not be playing or will be incorrect when holding a Datamass.
Hotfix 21.2.1 (08-01-2017)
- Fixed walking on air when throwing a charged Glaive in Dual-Wield mode while walking off an edge.
Update 21.2 (07-26-2017)
- Fixing another instance of missing Glaive name in Dual-Wield mode after reviving.
- Fixed a rare instance of the Glaive not being thrown in Dual-Wield mode.
Hotfix 21.0.2 (06-29-2017)
- Fixed an edge case of crashing when dual-wielding with the Glaive after Aim-Gliding.
Update 21.0 (06-29-2017)
- 増加 critical chance from 5% to 10% for Melee hits and projectiles.
- 増加 damage from 35 to 45.
- 増加 Crit Multiplier from 1.5 to 2.
- マスタリーランク requirement 増加 to 1.
- Fixed issues with Glaive-style weapons being thrown through walls.
Update 20.0 (03-24-2017)
- Fixed the Glaive not unfolding when in 'sword alone' mode.
Hotfix 19.9.2 (02-07-2017)
- Fixed the Proto Glaive Skin not working properly on any thrown Melee weapons and appearing blurry in the Arsenal.
Hotfix (12-20-2016)
- Fixed a crash that could occur when Glaives hit ragdolled enemies.
Hotfix 19.0.7 (11-22-2016)
- Reduced the Channeled explosion damage and radius of all Glaive weapons in Conclave.
Update: The Index Preview (10-20-2016)
- Fixed Glaive type weapons with 増加 flight speed 'orbiting' players when attempting to recall it by channeling.
Hotfix: The Vacuum Within 3 (10-13-2016)
- Fixed Mirage’s clones throwing invisible Glaives.
Hotfix: The Silver Grove 5 (08-26-2016)
- Reduced camera-shake on Glaive throws.
Update: The Silver Grove (08-19-2016)
- New Conclave weapon skin.
Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 12 (07-20-2016)
- Fixed a crash when casting Exalted ブレード/Hysteria/etc while you have an active Glaive thrown out.
Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 1 (07-08-2016)
- Fixed an instance of Glaive weapons causing the game to crash.
Hotfix 18.12.2 (05-20-2016)
- Fixed the Scyth Sugatra rotation on Glaive weapons.
Hotfix 18.10.6 (05-06-2016)
- Fixed Mirage’s Hall of Mirror clones meleeing with numerous Glaives after being thrown and returned.
Update 18.5 (03-04-2016)
- Fixed Glaive holster animations not properly playing if a player uses a terminal after a charged throw.
Hotfix 18.4.10 (02-11-2016)
- Fixed Clients not seeing other Clients Glaive weapon when thrown.
Update 18.3 (01-13-2016)
- Reduced the charge time of the Glaive charge attack animation.
Update 18.0 (12-03-2015)
- Fixed an issue where throwing the Glaive would put players into a free fire mode.
Update 17.12 (11-25-2015)
- Proto-Glaive skin added.
Update 17.9.1 (10-29-2015)
- Fixed Glaive weapons not appearing for melee stealth attacks.
- Fixed an issue preventing colors or attachments on the Glaive disappearing when thrown.
Update 17.5 (10-01-2015)
- Reduced the radius of channeled explosions from Glaive projectiles in PvP.
Hotfix 17.4.1 (09-10-2015)
- Fixed some weapons that expand on use not properly collapsing when use is finished (Glaive, etc).
Hotfix 17.1.4 (08-13-2015)
- 増加 the damage of Glaive in PvP.
Update 17.1 (08-12-2015)
- Fixed the Glaive not properly returning, preventing players from throwing the weapon again.
Hotfix 17.0.3 (08-04-2015)
- Fixed Glaive charge attacks not working if you had a Fury mod equipped.
- Fixed Glaive weapons being unable to do a charge attack when the player had a fast enough attack speed.
Hotfix 16.5.1 (05-12-2015)
- Fixed an issue causing Glaive weapons not to appear as full size when viewed in the Codex.
Update 16.5 (05-12-2015)
- The Glaive is now available for use in Conclave.
Update 16.2 (04-01-2015)
- Improved visuals on the Glaive’s mid-flight explosion effect.
Hotfix 16.1.3 (03-26-2015)
- Fixed Glaive not showing in up Melee 2.0 Codex.
Hotfix 16.1.2 (03-25-2015)
- Proto-Glaive skin now available.
Update 15.13 (02-05-2015)
- Fixed Glaive sound looping forever after performing melee attacks.
Hotfix 15.5.8 (12-05-2014)
- Improved Glaive ricochet targeting.
Update 15.0 (10-24-2014)
- Fixed Mirage's Hall of Mirror clones not throwing Glaives if you're the Client.
- Fixed Mirage's Hall of Mirror clones turning and throwing the Glaive in the wrong direction when you have it equipped as the host.
- Fixed an issue with Glaives, boomerangs staying scaled down, weapon trails off if you attack during the previous attack scaling down.
Update 14.8 (09-24-2014)
- Fixed an issue with thrown melee weapons losing weapon functionality if they perform a ground slam attack when they are already close to the ground while in melee mode.
Update 14.0 (07-18-2014)
- Player's can no longer be staggered when quick Meleeing with the Glaive.
- Fixed an issue with players getting stuck in the Glaive catch pose.
Hotfix 13.9.1 (07-02-2014)
- Fixed edge case of Glaive type weapons not being immediately throwable when holding Melee if you were in a Primary/Secondary weapon grip.
Hotfix 13.6.1 (06-06-2014)
- Fixes self-inflicted death wounds being caused by throwing Glaives through Volt or Nyx's energy shields/bubbles.
Update 13.1 (04-23-2014)
- Fixed an issue with the Glaive not properly scaling when viewed in the Arsenal.
- Fixed an issue with Melee accessories not being properly connected to the Glaive while it is collapsed.
Hotfix 13.0.6 (04-17-2014)
- Tweaked the Glaive sound effects.
- Tweaked the Glaive combo animations.
Hotfix 13.0.4 (04-11-2014)
- Improved the Glaive parry movement animations.
- Fixed an issue with other player's being unable to see Glaive throws properly.
Hotfix 13.0.3 (04-10-2014)
- 増加 the speed of the Glaive charge animation.
Hotfix 13.0.2 (04-10-2014)
- Fixed obsolete "Charge Damage" stat appearing in Arsenal for weapons other than Glaive.
Hotfix 13.0.1 (04-10-2014)
- Fixed issue where Glaive is not reasonably throw-able when equipped.
Hotfix 12.4.6 (03-17-2014)
- Glaive FX optimizations.
Update 12.0 (02-05-2014)
- Made the glaive type weapons shrink when "unfocused" in arsenal.
Update 11.0 (11-20-2013)
- Fixed issue with Glaive animations for holstering.
Update 9.3 (07-26-2013)
- Fixed Stealth Attack animation Glaive on Quadruped.
Update 9.2 (07-19-2013)
- Fixed the Glaive and Kestrels charged attacks so that they take into account any power stored in the weapon from mods such as Melee Channel.
Update 8.3 (07-04-2013)
- Fixed Glaive was not working with Mag Bullet Attractor ability.
Update 7.11 (05-17-2013)
- Glaive is no longer affected by Client vs Host lag. This allows clients to immediately throw the glaive and have normal-looking motion even with a laggy host.
- Fixed Glaive not doing critical hits when thrown.
- Fixed ability to parry when Glaive is in flight. Parrying only works when Glaive is in melee mode.
- Fixed reload animation playing twice when interrupting auto-reload with Glaive.
Update 7.9 (04-26-2013)
- 実装。
Last updated: Update 26.0 (10-31-2019)
See Also[]
Glaive Prime, the Primed version of this weapon.