The Fluctus' large projectile hitbox makes it a good mid-ranged crowd-control weapon especially when doing Archwing Interception and Defense missions as enemies come in in waves.
The Fluctus' projectiles also bypass the barriers protecting Shield Dargyns (and their Hellion counterparts) from front attacks, giving the weapon an edge over most Arch-guns when dealing with such units.
This also allows players to safely defeat them from range instead of trying to go into melee, as getting into contact with their shields will cause Electricity damage that can become particularly fatal at higher levels.
Weapon Loadouts[]
See Category:Fluctus Build to see how players mod this weapon.
See Category:Fluctus Guides for guides on how to use this weapon effectively.
For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.
The Fluctus (along with the ファイル:Archswordandshield.pngCentaur and the Itzal) were accidentally leaked in Hotfix 15.6.1 (12-11-2014), where a bundle called the "Itzal Raider Pack" visually replaced the Stealth Pack in the Market. The Stealth Bundle still functioned as normal, however.
Curiously the bundle referred to the Fluctus as a crossbow.
Fluctus is a Latin word, which is most commonly translated to "waves".
The Fluctus fires horizontal projectiles, despite having a vertical shape.
The Fluctus is tied with the Cyngas for the second-highest per-shot damage among Arch-guns, after the Velocitus.
At release, elemental mods didn't work on the Fluctus. This was fixed as of Update 15.10 (01-15-2015).
Removed the dissolve FX when equipping your Atmosphere Arch-Gun.
Update 24.2 (12-18-2018) ‘ATMOSPHERE’ ARCH-GUN WEAPONS
It’s time we equipped some serious floor firepower! All Arch-Guns can be used on the ground - or as we like to call it ‘Atmosphere’ - with the use of a ‘Gravimag’. Gravimag is obtained from Clan Research, or as a one-time reward from the Orb Heist Phase 3 Bounty, and can be installed on any Arch-Gun (with an Orokin Catalyst installed) via the Upgrade Arsenal - similar to installing a Catalyst.
Comparable to the Archwing and K-Drive Launchers, a respective Gear item known as the Archweapon Deployer is required to activate your Atmosphere Arch-Gun. The Archweapon Deployer can be obtained by completing the Orb Heist Phase 3 Bounty.
Atmosphere Arch-Gun General Changes:
Atmosphere Arch-Guns consume Ammo as opposed to unlimited Ammo/Battery in Archwing. Specifically new Heavy Ammo Drops which can be found from Corpus enemies in Orb Heist missions. Heavy Ammo Drops also reset the 10 minute cool-down when picked up, or replenish Ammo if needed.
Atmosphere Arch-Gun can be summoned in normal missions with the Archweapon Deployer, but once Ammo has been depleted there is a 10 minute cool-down until you can summon again. The intent here is to allow you moments of beefy damage output, and not become just another Primary/Secondary weapon.
All stat changes are for Atmosphere Arch-Gun mode, Mastery Rank changes are global:
Baza Prime • Boar Prime • Boltor Prime • Braton Prime • Burston Prime • Cernos Prime • Latron Prime • Paris Prime • Rubico Prime • Soma Prime • Stradavar Prime • Sybaris Prime • Tiberon Prime • Tigris Prime • Vectis Prime
Akbolto Prime • Akbronco Prime • Akjagara Prime • Aklex Prime • Aksomati Prime • Akstiletto Prime • Akvasto Prime • Ballistica Prime • Bronco Prime • Euphona Prime • Hikou Prime • Lato Prime • Lex Prime • Pyrana Prime • Sicarus Prime • Spira Prime • Vasto Prime