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Dread is the calling card of the Stalker. It fires arrows that can decapitate.

Dread is a deadly hunting bow that fires ブレードd arrows, serving as the Stalker's signature weapon. This bow sports a large amount of Slash b 切断 damage, the highest クリティカル率 stat matched only by the Lenz Lenz and クバ Chakkhurr, and 高い状態異常確率, causing many shots to inflict bleed procs.

この武器は次の値段で売却可能。 Credits64‍ 7,500。

Manufacturing Requirements
Time: 12 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 45
MarketIcon マーケット Price: Platinum64 N/A Blueprint2 設計図 Price:N/A


この武器は主にSlash b 切断ダメージを与える。


  • 高いSlash b 切断ダメージ – 対して有効 ヘルス
    • One of the only two bows in the game that primarily focuses on Slash b 切断 damage, another being Nagantaka Nagantaka.
  • Tied with Lenz Lenz for the highest クリティカル率 of all weapons and all bows.
    • Can achieve orange critical hits with a rank 4 Point StrikeMod TT 20px Point Strike.
  • 高い状態異常確率
  • Charged shots have 生得的 2.5 meter 貫通距離
  • Pinpoint 精度 when aiming (RMB).
  • サイレント
  • On kill, bodies will follow the arrow that killed them, damaging enemies in their path and pinning the corpse to walls.
  • Can use the bow-exclusive ThunderboltMod TT 20px Thunderbolt mod.
  • 発射速度 mods apply double their bonuses.


  • 低いImpact b 衝撃Puncture b 貫通ダメージ –対して有効でない シールドarmor
  • Arrows have travel time with slight arcing.
  • Draws from the rare sniper ammo pool.

Weapon Loadouts[]

  • See Category:Dread Build to see how players mod this weapon.
  • See Category:Dread Guides for guides on how to use this weapon effectively.
  • For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.


Dread's 設計図 is dropped by the Stalker。 It is also included in the What Stalker? bundle for Platinum64‍800 in the market.

Drop Chance Expected Nearly Guaranteed
本体設計図 37.94% 2 – 3 kills 14 ± 5 kills

Expected とは、プレイヤーが期待値に関連したドロップのうち少なくとも1つを受け取ることができる実行回数の総数のことである。

Nearly Guaranteed とは、プレイヤーが99%、99.9%、99.99%の確率で各ドロップのうち少なくとも1つを受け取るために必要な実行回数の総数を指す。

For more detailed definitions and information on how these number were obtained visit here.


  • All "charge weapons" (guns) are capable of holding their charge during a sprint。 As long as the user starts the charge, they are able to finish the charge while they are still sprinting. This grants more mobility for the user.  An example of this is charging the weapon from behind cover, then running into a room and firing the bow as soon as an enemy is sighted.
    • Using elevators and opening co-op doors does not cancel the charge; however, hacking consoles and opening lockers will. 
    • Sliding when you are about to hit the ground (from any height) is very useful for keeping your charge instead of losing it by rolling。 
    • While wall running will not cancel the charge, edge grabbing will.
  • A maxed out Point StrikeMod TT 20px Point Strike increases the Dread's クリティカル率 to 125%, guaranteeing normal criticals and as of Update 13.5 (05-28-2014), a 25% chance to proc Orange criticals, approximately doubling the critical damage.
  • In Conclave, Dread will apply a 2-second Slash b 切断 proc to the target, each damage tick dealing 3 to 5 damage, depending on the level of charge when fired. Note that this passive isn't consistent, and can occur on near misses to targets as well as direct hits.


  • Hunter MunitionsMod TT 20px Hunter Munitions excels on this weapon thanks to its very 高いクリティカル率。 It's of questionable value, though, since the weapon will already consistently proc Slash b 切断 with a high status build.
    • The weapon's 高い状態異常確率 allows Viral b 感染 procs via Rime RoundsMod TT 20px Rime RoundsMalignant ForceMod TT 20px Malignant Force to further complement the Slash b 切断 procs.
  • Fire rate increases charge rate, so Speed TriggerMod TT 20px Speed Trigger helps immensely. Alternatives are ShredMod TT 20px Shred or Vile AccelerationMod TT 20px Vile Acceleration, as they all will allow you to charge your bow rapidly.
  • Dread can stagger Ancients on every hit, even with uncharged shots, this is quite helpful on long Infested/Void missions, where high level Ancients become a challenge to deal with.
  • ThunderboltMod TT 20px Thunderbolt and マルチショット can add a devastating (albeit weaker against higher-level enemies) AoE effect for fighting multiple targets.


  • The Dread is unique in that its 'string' glows. Light runs along the string towards the draw point.
    • This light glows reddish when it is drawn.
  • Unlike the other bows, the Dread, utilizing primarily Slash b 切断 damage, uses arrows with a curved ブレード for a tip, as opposed to the pointed head of Puncture b 貫通-based ファイル:Paris.png Paris (Prime), or the blunted mace-like head of the Impact b 衝撃-based ファイル:DECernos.png Cernos (Prime).
    • When drawing the bow, the arrow's ブレード rotates from a horizontal to a vertical position, meaning that fully charged shots are fired with their ブレードs vertically. This clashes with the Codex description, which describes decapitating arrows, as a horizontal ブレード is better suited to decapitation.
  • The Dread has a cylindrical object installed near the grip. While its purpose is unknown, it is possibly a laser sight, rangefinder, or other form of optical assist.
  • Despite the Dread being referred to as the Stalker's calling card, it is strangely available for purchase with Darvo's rotating stock. It is never explained where he obtained this stock of the Stalker's weapons nor where the Dread, ファイル:Despair.png Despairファイル:DEStalkerScythe.png Hate are produced.
  • The Dread's arms don't move when an arrow is pulled back; only the string does.




Update 25.7 (08-29-2019)
  • Normalized quick shots to have the same critical chance/damage and status chance as charged shots.
  • While reviewing Bow stats the team has also refreshed all their FX (including the Lenz)!
  • Quick Shot 増加 from 130 to 168
  • Charged Shot 増加 from 200 to 336

Hotfix 25.0.7 (05-30-2019)

  • Fixed the Dread Energy color persisting as default on the strings.

Update 22.12 (02-09-2018)

  • マスタリーランク 増加 from 0 to 5.
  • Charge speed decreased from 1 to 0.5 seconds.

Update 8.0 (05-23-2013)

  • 実装。

Last updated: Hotfix 23.10.4 (10-16-2018)

See also[]

  • Stalker, the assassin that uses this weapon.
  • Hunhow's Gift, a pack of items used by the Shadow Stalker