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Causes the Helios Sentinel to attack enemy targets using pieces of itself.

The Deconstructor is a Sentinel weapon that can only be used by the Helios Sentinel, that throws parts of the Sentinel at enemies in a fashion similar to throwing weapons like the DEGlaive Glaive. The Deconstructor uses melee mods.

この武器は次の値段で売却可能。 Credits64‍ 1,250。


This sentinel weapon is automatically acquired by acquiring Helios。 Note that this weapon also takes up one slot in your sentinel slots.


This weapon inflicts Impact b 衝撃, Slash b 切断, and Puncture b 貫通 in a sequence.


  • Fourth highest base damage of all sentinel weapons, behind SentinelSweeperPrime Sweeper Prime, DeconstructorPrime Deconstructor Prime, and ファイル:SentinelElectricRailgun.png Vulklok.
    • Deals Impact b 衝撃, Slash b 切断, and Puncture b 貫通 in sequence - 対して有効 all factions.
  • 非常に高い状態異常確率
  • Fast projectile speed.



  • Deconstructor, compared to Deconstructor Prime:
    • Lower base damage (50 vs. 75)
    • Lower fire rate (2 rounds/sec vs. 2 rounds/sec)
    • Lower Mastery Rank required (0 vs. 8)

Weapon Loadouts[]

  • See Category:Deconstructor Build to see how players mod this weapon.
  • See Category:Deconstructor Guides for guides on how to use this weapon effectively.
  • For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.


  • The Deconstructor is a glaive type melee weapon and therefore accepts thrown melee weapon exclusive mods like Power ThrowMod TT 20px Power ThrowWhirlwindMod TT 20px Whirlwind.
    • Although listed as having only Impact b 衝撃, each disk thrown is Impact b 衝撃, Slash b 切断, then Puncture b 貫通 in sequence. This is the only weapon with multiple projectile types like this and the in-game stats can not currently show this.
  • The Deconstructor may only be used by the Helios sentinel - an exception applies when using the loadout randomiser, which can combine the Deconstructor with other sentinels.
  • Currently, the ways to increase the damage of the Deconstructor are to increase its overall damage with a Pressure PointMod TT 20px Pressure Point or Spoiled StrikeMod TT 20px Spoiled Strike mod, increase its base physical damage through physical damage mods (such as Heavy TraumaMod TT 20px Heavy Trauma, Jagged EdgeMod TT 20px Jagged Edge, or Sundering StrikeMod TT 20px Sundering Strike), or add elemental mods. ("Smite" faction damage mods need to be tested.)
  • It aims at enemies' heads (if humanoid), and consistently scores headshots.
    • It can miss if an enemy is knocked down by still attempting to shoot where their head should be.
  • Appears to have a significant chance to target and track additional enemies on the initial hit, so long as the enemy is within a 45 degree cone from the initial target. (requires further testing).
  • It is considered a Melee weapon and although the projectile makes sound, it is actually Silent, and therefore does not alert enemies.


  • The Deconstructor is the first Sentinel weapon to be classified as a melee weapon.


  • In some cases Helios's components may continue to orbit around you and will only return if you move to a different location.


Update 12.5 (03-19-2014)
  • Introduced

See Also[]

  • DeconstructorPrime Deconstructor Prime, the primed counterpart.