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Combat Disciplineはオーラ装備者がキル時にヘルスを失う代償として、味方がキル時に回復を行うことができるようになるオーラmod


ランク ユーザー ドレイン/キル 味方 回復/キル コスト *
0 -1 +5 -2
1 -2 +8 -3
2 -4 +11 -4
3 -6 +14 -5
4 -8 +17 -6
5 -10 +20 -7

* オーラModはMod容量を増加させる。


  • The aura bearer can die from the health loss of this mod.
    • Losing 1 health from a rank 0 aura will kill the aura bearer on 2 health.
    • Getting killed by this aura will not go into bleedout, preventing revival by teammates. The aura bearer has to revive themselves.
  • If all 4 players in a squad equip this aura, each player will heal +50 health per kill.
  • Companion kills count as user kills.
    • Does not heal Companions.
  • Does not trigger RageMod TT 20px Rage, Hunter AdrenalineMod TT 20px Hunter Adrenaline, or Quick ThinkingMod TT 20px Quick Thinking.
  • Bypasses invincibility granted by passives, abilities, or Augments such as:
    • InarosIcon272 Inaros's Undying passive
    • WukongIcon272 Wukong's Five Levels of Immortality passive
    • Landslide130xDark Landslide
    • Phoenix RenewalMod TT 20px Phoenix Renewal
    • Savior DecoyMod TT 20px Savior Decoy
  • Can trigger VexArmor130xDark Vex Armor's Fury buff, as it bypasses shields.
  • Does not affect Defense Objects


  • Highly inadvisable to equip this aura on any Warframe with high areal damage output, as the health loss can potentially be fatal.
  • Similarly, the health loss can be significant in combination with AoE weapons or when adding punch through.


Hotfix 25.7.6 (09-18-2019)
  • Introduced

See Also[]
