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LotusWhite Tenno TopWeapon Weapons

The Burston fires 3-round bursts, which provides a balance between the lethality of automatic rifles and the accuracy of semi-automatic rifles.

The Burston is a burst-fire テンノ assault rifle characteristically known for firing in three-round bursts.

次の値段で売却できるCredits64‍ 7,500。

Manufacturing Requirements
Time: 12 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 25
MarketIcon マーケット Price: Platinum64 120 Blueprint2 設計図 Price:Credits6415,000


This weapon deals equal physical damage.


  • Equal physical damage – 対して有効 all factions, SentientShadow Stalker
  • 良い状態異常確率
  • 良い精度。
  • 低反動。
  • 生得的なMadurai Pol極性を持つ。
  • Can equip the Burston-exclusive Triple TapMod TT 20px Triple Tap mod. (Conclave only)



  • Burston, compared to Burston Prime:
    • Lower base damage (30 vs. 36)
    • Lower critical chance (6% vs. 18%)
    • Lower critical multiplier (2x vs. 2x)
    • Lower status chance (18% vs. 30%)
    • Lower fire rate (8 rounds/sec vs. 14 rounds/sec)
    • Lower Mastery Rank required (0 vs. 12)
    • Higher disposition (2 vs. 2)

Weapon Loadouts[]

  • See Category:Burston Build to see how players mod this weapon.
  • See Category:Burston Guides for guides on how to use this weapon effectively.
  • For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.


  • Be patient and find a rhythm with shooting to fire at a faster rate.
  • There are various means to counteract the Burston's climbing recoil;
    • Move the mouse down during each burst. Doing this can allow all three rounds of a burst to be headshots at medium range and can also be used to keep all bullets on target for long-distance shots.
    • At long distances, aiming the first shot at the torso of enemies will help to guarantee at least one headshot in a burst.
    • StabilizerMod TT 20px Stabilizer can almost negate the recoil generated, making it easier to keep the bullets on target.
  • Use Rifle Ammo MutationMod TT 20px Rifle Ammo Mutation to regain extra ammo if needed.
  • If you can't perform well with this weapon at long ranges, consider equipping the Heavy CaliberMod TT 20px Heavy Caliber mod, as the Burston can do just as well at close range to mid-range combat.


  • Theoretically, it is a powerful weapon, able to kill even the strongest non-heavy enemies in the game (excluding those in Endless Defense) with a single well-aimed burst, once properly modded.


  • The Burston design was a source of much speculation as it did not directly fit the design aesthetic of the main factions. It was speculated that the Burston was an obsolete グリニア weapon; it was fielded by グリニア エリートランサーs prior to the release of the Hind in Update 9.6 (08-16-2013) and it also appeared in グリニア faction art。 However, its redesign teased in Devstream 53 and subsequent release in Update: Specters of the Rail (07-08-2016) shows it to be of テンノ origin.
  • The Burston also appeared in the original Dark Sector video, where it was used by the グリニア. However, the connection between this video concept and Warframe is still unclear.
    • Strangely enough, the Burston used in the video fires in an automatic manner.




Update 24.4 (03-08-2019)
  • Changed Burston building requirements to 600 フェライト instead of 600 ナノ胞子.

Update 22.12 (02-09-2018)

  • 状態異常確率 増加 from 10% to 18%.
  • クリティカル確率 増加 from 5% to 6%.
  • クリティカル倍率 増加 from 1.5x to 1.6x.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 11 (07-19-2016)

  • Recieved a new reload sound and remodel

Update 7.10 (05-03-2013)

  • Burston rifle hip fire accuracy increases.

Update 7.x Weapon Balance (03-22-2013)

  • 増加 damage from 20 to 21.

Vanilla (10-25-2012)

  • Introduced with game release.

See Also[]
