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LotusWhite Tenno TopWeapon Weapons

A shotgun with low accuracy and strong recoil, but able to deliver its payload in full-auto. The Boar is best used at close range.

The Boar is a Tenno automatic shotgun. Compared to other shotguns, the Boar characteristically bears less accuracy and damage per pellet. With the widest shot cone of all available shotguns, the Boar excels at dealing with large groups of lightly armored enemies at close quarters but quickly loses its effectiveness at mid-long ranges. The gun makes up for its shortcomings with its high rate of fire and larger magazine capacity.

次の値段で売却できるCredits64‍ 7,500​​​​​​​.

Manufacturing Requirements
Time: 12 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 25
MarketIcon マーケット Price: Platinum64 225 Blueprint2 設計図 Price:N/A


この武器は主にImpact b 衝撃ダメージを与える。


  • 高いImpact b 衝撃ダメージ – 対して有効 シールド.
  • 高い発射速度
  • マガジンサイズが大きい。
  • 全体的に高い状態異常確率
  • 広範囲攻撃でクラウドコントロールに適している。


  • Fourth lowest base damage of all shotguns, after GlassShotgun Astilla, InfestedLongGunTwo Phage, and CrpSplitRifle Convectrix.
    • 低いPuncture b 貫通ダメージとSlash b 切断ダメージ–対して有効でない armorヘルス
  • Has linear damage falloff from 100% to 50% from 15m to 25m target distance (distances are affected by projectile flight speed).
  • 低いクリティカル率
  • 平均より低い[ クリティカル倍率
  • 非常に遅いリロード速度
  • 弾薬効率が悪い。
  • 制御可能ではあるが強い反動。


  • Boar, compared to Boar Prime:
    • Lower base damage (176 vs. 320)
    • Lower critical chance (10% vs. 16%)
    • Lower critical multiplier (2x vs. 2x)
    • Lower status chance (8% vs. 12%)
    • Lower fire rate (4 rounds/sec vs. 4 rounds/sec)
    • Shorter range before damage falloff starts (16m vs. 18m)
    • Smaller max damage reduction due to falloff (50% vs. 70%)
    • Faster reload speed (2 s vs. 2 s)
    • Lower Mastery Rank required (2 vs. 11)
    • Higher disposition (2 vs. 2)

Weapon Loadouts[]

  • See Category:Boar Build to see how players mod this weapon.
  • See Category:Boar Guides for guides on how to use this weapon effectively.
  • For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.


The 設計図 is dropped directly in missions as a pickup from ドレーカル トルーパーs as of Update 17.7 (10-14-2015). この武器は次の値段で売却可能。 Credits64‍ 7,500。

Drop Chance Expected Nearly Guaranteed
本体設計図 0.5% 200 kills 1,378 ± 459 kills

Expected とは、プレイヤーが期待値に関連したドロップのうち少なくとも1つを受け取ることができる実行回数の総数のことである。

Nearly Guaranteed とは、プレイヤーが99%、99.9%、99.99%の確率で各ドロップのうち少なくとも1つを受け取るために必要な実行回数の総数を指す。

For more detailed definitions and information on how these number were obtained visit here.


  • The Boar was retired from the マーケット as of the Update 10.3 (10-09-2013) patch but is available again as of Update 17.7.
  • The listed damage is actually the total of all the pellets' damage value. The actual damage per pellet is 12.1 Impact b 衝撃, 3.3 Puncture b 貫通, and 6.6 Slash b 切断.
  • The listed Status Chance is the base chance per shot that at least one pellet will proc a status. The actual base Status Chance per pellet is ~2.75%.


  • The Boar suffers from ammunition inefficiency. The amount of ammunition supplied by a shotgun ammo pickup is the same as its base magazine size, which can be emptied quickly if one fires the weapon indiscriminately.
  • It is suggested to use a long range sidearm such as the Lex Lex or AkimboSomaPistols Aksomati due to the fact that the Boar has poor long range capabilities. Or one can simply close the distance between enemies to allow the Boar to continue being effective
  • Using the Shotgun Ammo MutationMod TT 20px Shotgun Ammo Mutation mod can help regain ammo when needed or use Carrier's Ammo Case
  • Due to a higher Slash b 切断 damage compared to the boar prime, the boar can utilize Sweeping SerrationMod TT 20px Sweeping Serration and allow slash to become the highest damage, allowing it to cut corpses into pieces easier.


  • This weapon was removed from the market since Update 10.3 (10-09-2013). Between then and Update 17.7 (10-14-2015) the only way to obtain the Boar was to purchase the Wrecking Rhino Pack bundle for Platinum64‍545.
  • The Boar resembles a riot shotgun in practice, using the same model as the ファイル:Strun.png Strun shotgun for the バレル and stock, but with what can be assumed to be a larger in-line drum magazine in the center.
    • Despite the magazine being fully removable in the updated reload animation after Update 17.7, the magazine still clips through the shooter's hand since it has no unique firing position.
    • The Boar appears to have a turret magazine, as seen in the Turret gun。 The experimental design had a cylinder with radial, outward facing chambers, and was quickly deemed too dangerous, since at least one chamber pointed towards the user.
  • The word Boar is used to define an undomesticated pig. Much to its description, its appearance reveals a large バレル up front, noting its snout.
  • During Syndicate Missions, alongside the ファイル:NLCastanas.png Sancti Castanas the New Loka Operatives will use the Boar, being the only NPC to use this weapon.
  • On the model of the Boar are the words, "Danger" written on the Stock and "Evolution" written on the Drum. These are numerous examples of the Orokin Language or "Tennobet" used on Tenno weapons.


Update 27.2 (03-05-2020)
Greater than 100% Status having meaning

Shotguns have a unique Role here based on a very patch-work history with how they interact with Status Chance. A Shotgun that shoots 99% Status Chance would give you 35% (roughly) status per pellet. 100% Status Gives you 100% Status per pellet. This huge jump in performance happens with just a 1% gain - why? Well, to answer that we have to look at our choice to make what the UI conveys reality. It would feel broken to shoot a Shotgun with 100% Status and not see a perfect spread of Effects. In reality, to make Status consistent we have to treat Shotguns as a special case.

Shotguns as a special case means we have buffed the Status Chance of all Shotguns by x3 or greater. The UI now behaves to show the reality that you are determining Status Chance per pellet.

  • (Undocumented) Status chance per projectile 増加 from 2.5% to 7.5%.

Hotfix 18.4.7 (02-04-2016)

  • 増加 the damage of the Boar series in Conclave.
  • 増加 the ammo pool of the Boar series in Conclave.

Update 17.7 (10-14-2015)

  • Reintroduced with a visual overhaul – ドレーカル トルーパーs now have a chance to drop the Boar 設計図.

Update 16.4 (04-23-2015)

  • 増加 the damage of all Boar weapons in PvP.

Update 10.3 (10-09-2013)

  • Removed from the market.

Update 7.11 (05-17-2013)

  • Removed option to buy with platinum in Market.

Update 7.10 (05-03-2013)

  • Fixed Boar sounds that were not consistent between what the user hears and what the other players hear.
  • All Shotguns get a boost, effective range 増加.

Update 7.7 (04-03-2013)

  • Boar reduced fire rate to 3.6 from 5.0.

Update 7.x Weapon Balance (03-22-2013)

  • Tweaks to Recoil feel and Accuracy, generally sharper Rotation and Translation Springs, added Noise & better spread control when firing while aimed. Added force feedback to all firing sounds.
  • Reload time now 2.3, was 2.37 / Fires 6 iterations, was 5.

Vanilla (10-25-2012)

  • 実装。

Last updated: Hotfix 21.1.1 (07-20-2017)

See also[]

  • FixedPrimeBoar Boar Prime, the Prime counterpart of this shotgun.