The Amprex rifle fires a continuous beam of high voltage electricity that arcs among nearby enemies. This weapon excels at crowd control.
The Amprex is a Corpus beam rifle that fires a continuous stream of 電気 arcs that can chain between units, making it a devastating crowd control weapon. It can be researched from the Energy Lab in the dojo。
Manufacturing Requirements | |||||
![]() 25,000 |
![]() 8 |
![]() 600 |
![]() 9,000 |
![]() 3 |
Time: 24 hrs |
Rush: ![]() | |||||
![]() ![]() |
![]() | ||||
Energy Lab Research Invalid 3,000 | |||||
![]() 7,500 |
![]() 15 |
![]() 350 |
![]() 750 |
![]() 350 |
Time: 72 hrs |
Prereq: Dera | |||||
Ghost Clan x1 Shadow Clan x3 Storm Clan x10 Mountain Clan x30 Moon Clan x100 |
- 生得的な
電気ダメージ – 対して有効 MachineryとRobotics。
- Second highest クリティカル率 of all continuous and automatic primaries, behind ファイル:U10InfPrimary.png Synapse.
- 平均値以上のクリティカル倍率。
- 高い状態異常確率。
Heavy Caliber's 精度 penalty is minimal on this weapon.
- Beam can chain up to 3 nearby enemies within 10 meters from the initial target.
- Enemy corpses will still allow the beam to connect to nearby enemies.
- Consumes 0.5 ammo per tick of damage.
- 生得的な
電気ダメージ –対して有効でない アロイアーマー。
衝撃 or
貫通 modsによるダメージの増加ができない。
- Damage ramps up from 30% to 100% over 0.6 seconds when firing. After firing stops for 0.8 seconds, the damage decays back to 30% over 2 seconds.
- 遅いリロード速度。
- メインビームの限界範囲は18m。
- 連鎖ビームの限界範囲は10m。
Weapon Loadouts[]
- See Category:Amprex Build to see how players mod this weapon.
- See Category:Amprex Guides for guides on how to use this weapon effectively.
- For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.
- Resource-heavy to craft, requiring
8 フィールドロン and
3 アルゴンクリスタルs, as well as
9000 フェライト。
- When fired at an enemy, the beam will chain to the closest living enemy within 10 meters of the initial target. From there it will chain again, up to a maximum of 3 chains in total. A chain will do 0.5n(n+1)/2 times the main beam's damage, where n is the chain number. Any enemy caught in the width of the beam will also be damaged.
- Headshotting the original target does not affect the chain damage.
- The beam will not chain to a Nullifier through its shield should it connect with a target outside or partially enclosed by it.
- The beam can also continue to chain to enemies even if targeting a dead enemy or an enemy who is dead but in a dying animation.
- Additional electrical arcs are also emitted, striking randomly around the player. However, these stray arcs are purely visual in effect.
- Compared to the ファイル:U10InfPrimary.png Synapse, the Amprex deals more damage and it continuously arcs to other enemies, making it more 対して有効 crowds. Use the Synapse for single targets and the Amprex for crowd control.
- The fire rate of Amprex is the same as Synapse, and it deals slightly more damage, however it has a 2.6s reload speed, nearly double the 1.5s reload speed of the Synapse.
- This weapon's 高いクリティカル率 and damage make it ideal for critical focused builds using
Point Strikeと
Vital Sense.
- The Amprex's high fire rate and its low base damage make it highly ammo inefficient, consuming ammo at an alarming rate. It is recommended to use
Rifle Ammo Mutation, Carrier's
Ammo Case, or
Rifle Scavenger to ensure a steady supply of ammo. Alternatively, bring Squad Ammo Restores to help replenish lost ammo.
- アロイアーマー is highly resistant to electricity damage. To counteract this, consider pairing it with
火炎 or
毒 damage to respectively create
放射線 or
Critical Delay can be used to reduce ammo consumption, increase time between reloads, and increase damage per hit, but at a cost to the weapon's DPS.
- Although it is preferred to mod the weapon to other damage types, base
電気 damage paired with its 高い状態異常確率 makes for a good stunning weapon among groups, and the added damage through electrical procs that chain to other enemies. 感染体 have no weakness or resistance to electrical damage, making the base electrical damage work well for that faction. Forma is often required to change the damage type to match the amount of damage done by pure electrical damage, however.
Metal Auger will allow the Amprex to hit multiple targets with its main beam. Each target hit with the main beam causes a separate set of chained damage to nearby enemies, causing this weapon to deal significantly more damage the more enemies you are able to hit. Hitting multiple enemies at one time may be difficult in practice due to the Amprex's short range. On the other hand, this mechanic has good synergy with abilities like Vauban's Vortex, which allows the main beam to easily penetrate multiple grouped targets.
- Using with
Mirage gives you two more beams that also chain to other targets, providing much more crowd control.
- Decreasing the accuracy of the Amprex with a mod like Heavy Caliber will not only increase the Amprex's damage but works well for large groups of enemies as it increases the spread of the weapons Fire.
- Firing at a corpse also damages nearby enemies.
- After the clan obtains the Energy Lab, it will take exactly 12 days to research this weapon.
- The Amprex's name is a portmanteau of the words Ampere (the base unit of the International System of Units used to quantify electric current) and the word Rex, which is the Latin word for king.
- The word ampere itself is named after a French mathematician and physicist, André-Marie Ampère, who's also considered to be one of the fathers of classical electromagnetism, most commonly known for Ampère's Circuital Law。
- Like the
Flux Rifleとファイル:DECorpusHandCannon.png Detron, Amprex does not conform to the common Corpus weapon name scheme; two syllables ending in 'a'.
- The weapon shares its similarities on its battery components with ファイル:DETetra.png Tetra.
- This is the third Primary weapon that deals purely
電気 damage, after the
Lanka, and ファイル:U10InfPrimary.png Synapse.
- This is the second clan weapon that does not need a Forma in its construction.
- Hatches on the side of the Amprex slowly open up during firing, spreading vanes underneath. This animation is a visual indicator of the weapon's magazine capacity, with the vanes spreading out more the closer the magazine is to empty. The hatch closes upon reloading.
- This is the first weapon in Energy Lab whose duplication costs 50,000 credits.
- After Update 15.13 (02-05-2015), the chained beams were changed to be affected by
Sinister Reach as well. As of Update 22.14 (03-01-2018), this is no longer the case.
Update 22.14 (03-01-2018)
- Fixed Beam weapons not being able to damage enemies (alive but in a ragdolled state) when being affected by certain ‘crowd control’ Abilities.
- Damage now ramps up over 0.6 seconds and after moving off target there is a delay of 0.8 seconds before it starts to decay over 2 seconds.
- All Beam weapons now start their Damage ramp up at 20% (instead of 10%).
- The Multishot chance should now apply more consistently with Beam weapons.
- Weapon Range Mods (like Sinister Reach) no longer affect the distance of chains for chainable Beam weapons (like the Amprex). Main Beam distance is still affected by them.
- Fixed Beam weapons continuously firing when quick Meleeing.
- Chain Range 増加 from 7.5m to 10m.
- Damage reduced from 24 to 22.
Hotfix 22.13.4 (02-22-2018)
- 増加 the Beam weapon Damage ramp up time from 0.8 to 1 second.
- Fixed Beam weapon Damage ramp up not happening per target.
Hotfix 22.13.3 (02-21-2018)
- Perfect accuracy and high fire rate is balanced by limited range and damage ramping up from 10% to 100% over 0.8 seconds when firing and decays back to 10% over 1 second after stopping.
- マスタリーランク 増加 from 5 to 10.
- ダメージ増加 from 7.5 to 24 .
- Fire Rate decreased from 20 to 12 .
- 状態異常確率の変更 from 20% per sec to 22% per tick of damage.
- クリティカル確率 decreased from 50% to 32%.
- クリティカル倍率 増加 from 2.0x to 2.2x.
- Max ammo capacity 増加 from 540 to 700.
- 0.5 Ammo consumption per tick of damage.
- Aimed Zoom reduced from 2.23x to 1.4x.
Update 19.5 (12-22-2016)
- Magazine size in Conclave reduced from 100 to 40.
Update: The Index Preview (10-20-2016)
- The Amprex can now be used in Conclave.
Hotfix 18.8.2 (04-13-2016)
- Decreased the rumble amount on controllers when continuously firing the Amprex.
Update 17.4 (09-09-2015)
- Fixed some lingering visual FX from Amprex when used with Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors
Hotfix 16.5.3 (05-13-2015)
- PBR material has been added to the Amprex!
Hotfix 16.4.1 (04-23-2015)
- Fixed Amprex not chaining to nearby enemies.
Update 15.13 (02-05-2015)
- Sinister Reach will now extend the Amprex’s chain lightning effect.
Hotfix 14.0.11 (07-30-2014)
- Damage multipliers for the Amprex normalized.
Update 13.3 (05-14-2014)
- Fixed an issue with the reload animation for the Amprex not properly coinciding with when the magazine was refilled.
Hotfix 13.1.2 (04-25-2014)
- Improved the performance of the Amprex on low end machines.
- Fixed the visuals on the battery component of the Amprex rifle.
Update 13.1 (04-23-2014)
- 実装。
See also[]
- ファイル:U10InfPrimary.png Synapse, the 感染体 equivalent of this weapon.
- ファイル:GrnHeatGun.png Atomos, a グリニア particle cannon with a functionally equivalent chaining beam.
- {{Weapon}} "クバ Nukor" not found, a クバリッチ sidearm with a functionally equivalent chaining beam.