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LotusWhite Tenno TopWeapon Weapons

A Bolto equipped in each hand. Twice the clip size and fire rate, but reload time is doubled and accuracy is lowered.

The Akbolto is the dual-wield version of the ファイル:Bolto.png Bolto. They have a doubled magazine capacity and a faster 発射速度 but suffer from a longer reload time.

この武器は次の値段で売却可能。 Credits64‍ 5,000, and it is also a テンプレート:Requisite Weapon for TnoBladedPistols Akjagara.

Manufacturing Requirements
Time: 12 hrs
Rush: Platinum64 25
MarketIcon マーケット Price: Platinum64 225 Blueprint2 設計図 Price:Credits6415,000

The total credit cost of crafting the Akbolto, including the 設計図 and crafting costs of its two constituent Boltos is Credits64‍ 135,000。


この武器は主にPuncture b 貫通ダメージを与える。


  • 高いPuncture b 貫通ダメージ – 対して有効 armor
  • 良いクリティカル率
  • 高いクリティカル倍率
  • Tied with ファイル:AHAkbolto.png Telos Akbolto for the fastest 発射速度 of all semi-auto pistols.
  • マガジンサイズが大きい、
  • No initial spread. Spread increases very slightly on subsequent shots.
  • On kill, bodies will follow the bolt that killed them, damaging anyone in their path and pinning the corpse to walls.


  • 低いImpact b 衝撃 and no Slash b 切断ダメージ –対して有効でない シールドヘルス
  • Extremely low 状態異常確率
  • Projectiles have travel time.
  • 遅いリロード速度


  • Akbolto, compared to Bolto:
    • Higher fire rate (10 rounds/sec vs. 6 rounds/sec)
    • Larger magazine (30 rounds vs. 15 rounds)
    • Slower reload speed (2 s vs. 2 s)
    • Higher Mastery Rank required (9 vs. 7)
    • Lower disposition (2 vs. 2)
  • Akbolto, compared to Telos Akbolto:
    • Lower base damage (40 vs. 47)
    • Higher critical chance (16% vs. 14%)
    • Higher critical multiplier (2x vs. 2x)
    • Lower status chance (2% vs. 28%)
    • Lack of an innate Truth effect
    • Different polarities (Vazarin Pol vs. Vazarin PolNaramon Pol)
    • Lower Mastery Rank required (9 vs. 11)
    • Higher disposition (2 vs. 2)
  • Akbolto, compared to Akbolto Prime:
    • Higher base damage (40 vs. 32)
    • Lower critical chance (16% vs. 36%)
    • Lower critical multiplier (2x vs. 2x)
    • Lower status chance (2% vs. 14%)
    • Higher fire rate (10 rounds/sec vs. 8 rounds/sec)
    • Smaller magazine (30 rounds vs. 40 rounds)
    • Slower reload speed (2 s vs. 2 s)
    • Different polarities (Vazarin Pol vs. Naramon PolMadurai PolMadurai PolMadurai Pol)
    • Lower Mastery Rank required (9 vs. 13)
    • Higher disposition (2 vs. 2)

Weapon Loadouts[]

  • See Category:Akbolto Build to see how players mod this weapon.
  • See Category:Akbolto Guides for guides on how to use this weapon effectively.
  • For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.


  • Since this weapon deals mostly Puncture b 貫通 damage, it is 対して有効 armored enemies, like the グリニア and most Corrupted
  • For effective use of non-hitscan weapons, it is strongly recommended to learn to lead the target. In short, leading means aiming ahead of your enemy so the projectile still hits them.
  • Moderate recoil makes fast subsequent shots more difficult to land when fire rate mods are used.
  • Using the Pistol Ammo MutationMod TT 20px Pistol Ammo Mutation mod can help regain lost ammo when needed.
  • With decently leveled Magnum ForceMod TT 20px Magnum Force and fully leveled マルチショット mods such as Barrel DiffusionMod TT 20px Barrel DiffusionLethal TorrentMod TT 20px Lethal Torrent these pistols visibly fire 2-3 bolts per shot. When used over a longer range this results in the Akbolto having the effective use of "spray and pray" weapons whilst retaining respectable damage out-put and ammo economy.
  • The bolts spawn as physical objects at the muzzle of the Akbolto.
    • If an enemy is standing right in front of you so that the muzzle is inside of it, you will sometimes not be able to hit, because the Akbolto is non-hitscan and pretty long, so the bolts spawn behind the hitbox of that enemy.
    • Also, if taking cover behind a thick object (i.e. door case) you will not be able to shoot anything but the wall in front you if the muzzle is inside of that object.
  • The 生得的なVazarin Pol polarity can somewhat limit elemental modding potential, thus making it a less desirable polarity for elemental modding. If you wish to focus more on elemental damage, then it is recommended to either ignore the polarity or use Forma to turn it into a more suitable polarity.
  • PC users may properly utilize Akbolto's double fire rate if weapon fire is bound to downward mouse scrolling (set it as an alternate bind to still allow fire with mouse button). However, the wheel must be scrolled at just the right speed to avoid oversampling (attempting to fire the weapon when it's not ready, causing an effectively slower fire). This allows the weapon to be fired in rapid bursts.


  • This weapon was introduced on January 30, 2013
  • The bolts pins targets to the walls upon death.
  • Bolts can puncture through containers.
  • Multishot mods have a visible effect on projectiles only when Magnum Force is used in conjunction.
  • The Akbolto, as well as the Bolto and Telos Akbolto, are no longer SILENT due to the bug fixes in Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 2.2 (08-10-2016).




Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 2.2 (08-10-2016)
  • Fixed enemies not being alerted by the AkBolto.

Update 17.5 (10-01-2015)

  • Fixed muzzle flash on the Akbolto using the wrong energy color.

Update 17.4 (09-09-2015)

  • Fixed missing weapon trails from projectiles created by the Akbolto.
  • Fixed muzzle flashes on the Akbolto using the wrong energy color.

Update 16.8 (06-10-2015)

  • Ormolu skin available for Akbolto.

Update 7.x Weapon Balance (03-22-2013)

  • Akbolto: Added Recoil and Accuracy values. Derived a new projectile type for use with Akimbo model since projectile controls accuracy. Solo model is twice more accurate, akimbo model has 2x fire rate (820 vs 410). Projectile speed 増加 from 40 to 65. Added force feedback to their firing sound.

Update 6.0 (01-29-2013)

  • 実装。

Last updated: Hotfix 24.1.5 (12-13-2018)

See also[]
